Showing posts with label JJ Hart. Show all posts
Showing posts with label JJ Hart. Show all posts

Thursday, February 6, 2025

No Struggle no Progress


Image from UnSplash.

Basically, when it comes to doing anything really important in life, to progress you need to struggle.

As far as being transgender, often it seems our struggles are impacted. First of all, most of us are not blessed with any natural feminine characteristics to work with. At least, I did not think I had any except perhaps my legs which often ruined my fashion sense when I tried to focus on my legs and not try to cover up my wide torso and broad shoulders. I struggled with my overall image until I got it right and I began to blend in with the public at large. 

Far more important to me was the mental struggle which went along with my journey to transgender womanhood. For the longest time, it seemed as if every step forward I achieved in the world as a novice transgender woman was met by taking three steps back. Or when I thought I had conquered the world of high heels, I would catch my heel in a sidewalk crack and break it. Who knew you had to put so much work into being a girl and it was only the beginning. 

Along the way, my life became a battle between two genders and for the most part, the battle destroyed me. Especially, my already frail mental health since I was already diagnosed as being Bi-Polar, I did not need any other problems I never asked for. Regardless, life moved on as I tried to roll with the punches. I was cross dressing as much as I could while at the same time, I was trying to live a life as a successful man. I managed to stay married to the same woman for twenty -five years while at the same time making good progression in my employment career. Sadly, I was stubborn, and struggle was all I knew as I lived my life. If I would have ever relaxed and looked around, I would have seen much of my progress came from just running from my problems and not facing them. My wife said it best one day when we were locked in yet another brutal argument. She said, why did not I be man enough to be a woman. The logical answer to the question was, I simply was not ready and still had a lot to learn before I jumped the male gender ship and began to live as a transgender woman. 

Very soon, my struggles reached a critical tipping point where progress was becoming the norm. I was reaching the point where I could be man enough to be a woman out of sheer determination. Sadly, by this point, my wife had passed away, so she never had a chance to meet the woman I had become. Again, I needed to struggle through a new reality of being alone after all of those years. It did not take me long to turn to my feminine self for help. In fact, the last date I had set up with another woman as a man was to an outdoor concert. At the last minute, the woman backed out, so I did the next best thing and took myself. My feminine self-had a great time and I never tried to go out with a woman as a man again.

As I began to see and reach my potential as a transgender woman, my mental health improved as well as my life as a whole. When it did, my struggles went with it.

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

And Then he Was Gone


JJ Hart at Club Diversity
Columbus, Ohio

It took me nearly a half a century to rid myself of my male self and begin living as my authentic feminine self.

Even though much of my progress towards my gender goal was physical, much was mental also. The physical part I am referring to was the portion of my transition which revolved an intense period of time I went through attempting to judge my appearance in my own personal mirror. I was so into myself, my wife began to call me the pretty, pretty princess and told me I was ignoring what a woman really was. She was right and it took me years of research and struggle to learn what she really meant. 

As I learned, the more my male self-fought me as he did not want to give up any of his life and male privileges he had fought so long to earn. It seemed every small gender victory was hard earned until he was gone.

Perhaps the biggest factor against him was I felt so excited and natural in the new world of transgender womanhood I was creating. Surely, I was still having my ups and downs when I tried out the public when I went out, but the downs were becoming fewer and farther between. Plus, my amount of terror I was still experiencing as a transgender woman was decreasing by the day. I think now, the major reason was I finally made the mental decision to go forth in the world as a woman on my own terms rather than the part time cross dresser I had somehow portrayed myself to be. Some may say I was dealing in semantics, but the thought pattern was a revelation for me. 

As he disappeared, my female self-had no problems filling the void in my life. My long-buried woman self-had no problem putting her past behind her as she stepped out into the bright lights of a new world. I think having no resentment made her a better person people could relate to and like. In fact, I found many new people related to me as a woman than ever before as a man. 

Ironically, after a very slow start to the fifty years of gender discovery I endured, once I seriously started my transition. time went very fast. Perhaps, it was because every night I went out, I was learning so much new on not being just the pretty, pretty princess and finally experiencing what my wife told me about being a woman was all about. Or I was finally given the chance to go behind the feminine gender curtain into a world dominated by women. When I did, I found women ran their own world their own way without the help of men. During the girls' nights out, I was invited to I learned what was important to women and not men. Even along the way, I learned the power of non-verbal communication between women when one night I was warned away from an intoxicated man in a venue I was a regular in by a bartender I knew. With one look, I immediately went the other way away from him and was safe.

Finally, after so much learning and experiencing a new life as a transgender woman, I think my male self-saw the writing on the wall and decided he was done. When he did, a huge weight was lifted from my shoulders. It seemed carrying two people all those years took a toll on me, and I wanted out. 

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Staying in your Own Lane


Image from Gabriel
Silverio on UnSplash.

As I transitioned into my own version of transgender womanhood, there were plenty of opportunities to not stay in my own lane.

First of all, I needed to get my presentation house in order so I could even receive a fair chance at starting. Paraphrasing "Stana" of "Femulate Blog" fame, in order to pass properly, I needed to first signal before I accelerated and moved to the outside lane. For me, acceleration was not an immediate or easy thing to do. Before I began to see any progress, I needed to put the mirror behind me and seek approval from the public at large. Once I was able to do that, then I needed to push away any of my ingrained male thoughts I was having on how I should look. He was leading me towards a totally trashy look which was attracting too much negative attention. If I wanted to stay in the feminine lane and be successful at all, I would have to change...quickly.

Once I began to be more comfortable and accepted in the feminine lane I was in, I needed to then learn all the nuances of the new life I had chosen. Immediately, the concept of passive aggression got to me. Too many times, I was fooled by another woman's smiling face or indirect suggestions. Examples included the times when I was complimented on how I looked. I was told how good I looked without the extra statement, for a man dressed as a woman. Regardless, I had too many claw marks down my back from encounters with women who I perceived as harmless. It took me awhile to learn the new lane I was in with other women. Once the scars healed on my back, I developed the knowledge and thick skin I would need to get in the passing lane and survive.

As I cautiously began to live more and more in my new gender lane, the more natural life became. I developed a whole new group of women friends and learned tons of ideas from them on how to stay where I was. The group of us partied into many nights and I discovered I was still messing up by trying to live in both gender worlds. I guess you could say, when the going became rough in the feminine lane I was in, I could always escape back into my male privileged world I knew so well. Finally, with the help of my friends who were primarily lesbians, they taught me my validation did not have to come from men, it could come from within. It was the only signal I needed to switch gender lanes and stay there.

These days, with the current political climate, we transgender women and trans men are trying to be forced back into our original lanes. It is in times such as these when we still have to be as visible as possible and live our lives as authentically as possible. As I have written several times, my own demarcation point of support is coming up in May with the Veterans Administration health care system. In May I have an appointment with my Endocrinologist and the opportunity to get my Estradiol prescription renewed. I naturally don't have total confidence the government won't step in and block my gender affirming hormones. I am sure, I will be writing about my fears as the date gets closer.

I am desperately trying to stay in my own lane which meant years ago I was able to live as the person I was always meant to be. At my current age of seventy-five, there is no way I am going back to my old lane I was unhappily living.     

Monday, February 3, 2025

A Push versus a Dream


JJ Hart

I often describe my journey to transgender womanhood as the impossible dream. 

On the other hand, I cannot ignore all the pushing I needed to do to arrive at my goal. My pushing started at a very young age when I was first cross dressing in front of the mirror. To begin with, I needed to push hard to find hiding places for my exceedingly small, treasured collection of feminine wardrobe selections. I resorted to old boxes in the garage attic, all the way to a hollowed-out tree in the woods next door to our house. In trash bags. Anything to stay safe with my secret. I knew if I was exposed, life as I knew it would be over.

I did push on and survive so my dream was still intact when I went to college and then served out my time in the military. My military time was especially stressful as I needed again to carefully conceal any idea, I was feminine at all. Through it all, I needed to keep my thoughts centered on a far-away dream I had of being able to live as a transgender woman. Sadly, there were too many times when I did not see how I could make it at all. Especially when the Army was strongly reinforcing my manhood. 

As in many other facets of life, the Army came and went leaving me a sense of freedom of what I could do concerning my gender issues. My first marriage came shortly following my discharge from the military and left me still wondering about what was going on. My first wife knew I was a cross dresser and did not really care, so I was left on my own to make any gender decisions I might decide on. This was back in the late 1970's and there was very little information on even being a cross dresser available. Again, I was on my own until the computer became a reality, and I was able to reach out to others. I learned quickly I was not alone and began to push for more clarity in my life. I even was able to dream more frequently of being able to live as my authentic self.

Before I did, I needed to determine what my authentic self really was and push to get there. This meant going down a largely selfish road as I carefully checked my gender boxes. It took me years to figure it out until I was able to merge how hard I was pushing with my ultimate gender dream of a being a transgender woman. My authentic self which was revealing her-self When she did, she left no doubt on why I felt the way I had my entire life. Something was not quite right, and I pushed on to figure out what the problem was. In the meantime, I treaded water cross dressing in front of the mirror until I found the courage and confidence to try going public.

Each and every time I was successful at all in dealing with the world, my dream was re-ignited, and I started to push through or totally ignore any gender warning signs I encountered. Everything I was doing put me completely at odds with my second wife, who again knew I was a cross dresser but never wanted me to leave the house dressed. Not only did I break my promise to her, but I also went as far as beginning a whole new life. My new life rapidly became very important to me mainly because I was happier and the whole life felt so much more natural.

My lifetime full of pushing finally aligned with my ultimate dream of transgender womanhood. Destiny opened my gender doors at the age of sixty and I took complete advantage. 

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Burning Gender Bridges


Image from Adam Wilson
on UnSplash

During my life, I have always excelled in self-destruction. It seemed, whenever I had succeeded in anything positive, I always tried to tear it down. 

I blame the entire process on two basics, one of which on how I was raised. My parents never accentuated the positive at any time. If I received a "B" in any class, invariably I heard, why didn't I earn an "A" and I was not applying myself properly. The other basic was anything I accomplished as my male self; I did my best to reject. I did not in any way want to accept any success I earned as a male. So, I did my best to burn the gender bridge I created. 

Of course, the more I went down my gender path towards transgender womanhood, the more bridges I needed to burn. Everywhere I looked, the stakes were higher in life. All along I was accumulating more and more success as my unwanted male self which made my decision so much more difficult. Still, I forged on with my torch burning brightly. To hell with the results, I was going to attempt to follow my gender dreams anyway. Finally, I arrived at the point where seemingly I was subconsciously trying to sabotage myself. In many ways, I was desperately attempting to hide my deep dark cross-dressing secret while, on the other hand, I secretly wanted everyone to know I had always wanted to live as my authentic feminine self and did not care what they thought. Still, I needed to be careful as I had deep roots to my male past. Spouses, family and jobs were at stake. So, I tried to be sure of what I was doing before I cut the gender tree down.

Perhaps the most substantial bridge I needed to burn was to my job. I was a very successful restaurant manager in a regional/national casual restaurant chain. The management was very male dominated, and I knew there was no way I could ever transition in the same job. 

I decided to try going to other similar food/bar competitors thinking no one would recognize me. Long story short, I found out the hard way I was recognized as a version of my male self. To make matters worse, I tried to frequent my own operation and was close to being immediately recognized. In doing so, I burnt a major bridge which I don't think my wife ever found out about. It was bad enough when she knew I was breaking the agreement we had for me to never leave the house as a transgender woman.

The new bridge I built when I burnt the old one was when I decided to buy my own restaurant. I figured if I was the owner, no one could tell me what to do. That was true to an extent until one night a very evil former acquaintance met me in the parking lot to tell me my lifestyle was keeping the public away where we operated. I don't know how true what he said was but one way or another, I had burnt all my gender bridges and there was no way I could ever go back. 

When I transitioned and began my life as a transgender woman, I was able to build new strong bridges for the first time in my life. It was like my feminine soul was excellent in her building skills and could not wait for a chance to thrive.

The sad part was/is how much destruction I had to go through just to arrive at where my dream could be born. It turned out the birth was the easiest part of it all, as I set out to live a fulltime new life in my transgender womanhood. I finally had the chance to put my fire out. At least the destructive one.   

Saturday, February 1, 2025

Take Nothing for Granted


A night out with JJ Hart.

Last night, my wife Liz, her adult son and I went out to dinner at our favorite Mexican restaurant. When we did, several questions came to mind.

I wondered of course if I would encounter any unapproving vocal fellow patrons who were protesting the mere presence of a transgender woman in the venue. Since we had been there many times in the past, I did not have much fear of that happening. Again, last night, nothing happened as I was treated the same as any other guest in the very busy venue. 

Then, I began to worry further about the influence of our current felon in chief and his attacks on illegals. I wondered what the Hispanic staff thought or worried about future ICE raids in Cincinnati which is considered a sanctuary city which should make it a target from the tRumpt goons. 

I had plenty to think about as we waited our fifteen minutes to be seated. As I people watched, I naturally wondered how many had voted for the felon. How could they? But, on the plus side, I was back out after myself imposed Covid quarantine. It felt great to be out and about and finally free from all the disease's evil effects. 

Everyone around us was minding their own business and we were minding ours. All the way to being addressed to as "ladies." Which is always very affirming. Through the entire evening, I was able somehow to put my election bitterness behind me and have a good time.

Hopefully, I did not overdo it and will have the opportunity to do it again soon. Also, I hope the masses who voted for the administration who is trying to erase all transgender people everywhere in the country will somehow feel the error of their ways. My personal paranoia date is coming up in May with my endo doc. Then, I will need a refill to my Estradiol hormones. Since I am under the Veterans Administration health care system, at any time I fear, the orange felon could reach out and try to cancel my care. We shall see and I will be forced to take it one day at a time.

In the meantime, I can take nothing for granted. It seems as if someone could always be coming for my back simply because I am transgender and I refuse to be erased. 

Friday, January 31, 2025

Set Up for Success


My wife Liz who set me up 
for success. 

As we follow the complex gender path, we are on, there are many ways to set ourselves up for success or failure in the world.

Being the stubborn person I am, I kept making the same mistakes over and over again until I finally righted myself and was able to blend in with the public. Looking back, too many times, I returned home with tears in my eyes after the mirror lied to me about how I looked. I was somehow not setting myself up for success and had to keep going back to my feminine drawing board until I finally began to improve.  

One of the earliest forms of success I discovered was the power of the thrift store. The stores provided me several avenues to improve my novice transgender self. First of all, the stores fit my very limited budget, and I was able to try on or purchase clothes I would normally not. Secondly, I was allowed to shop to my heart's content without any interference from commissioned clerks who were more interested in my money than me. Finally, my third form of success was the entire experience helped me to discover a newfound sense of confidence in myself as a transgender woman. 

Slowly but surely, I was learning how to dress myself properly as a transgender woman without being trashy. When I did so, I stopped all the unwanted attention I was receiving Or, all attention as a woman, was not good attention.

Setting myself up for success in my transgender womanhood meant going to the right venues. I found out the hard way not to go where cis women already knew not to go. I started to stay out of dimly lit streets and parking lots. Even more so, I began to stay out of red-neck venues where I tried to go to for a beer and to watch sports. Sadly, the police were called on me in one of the places and in another, two guys thought it would be cute and necessary to play "Dude Looks Like a Lady" repeatedly on the juke box. I solved the problem by establishing myself in venues which accepted me.  Which did not include the gay bars I did not feel a part of either.

Through it all, as I learned to accept myself as a trans woman, being set up for success was a long process discovered mainly by trial and error. Since I had no real role models to show me the way. Fashion and makeup were only the beginning before I needed to explore communicating with the world as a woman. I discovered very quickly how many women wanted to know what I was doing in their universe. 

Along the way, one thing I needed to learn was to be patient and judge each step carefully since I had so much to lose. Setting myself up for success was so difficult on so many levels. I needed to make sound decisions to make sure I was making the very complex move I was contemplating. I have always viewed a gender transition as one of the most difficult moves a human can undertake.

Sometimes I feel, I took too long to set myself up for success, but I had to be sure I was doing it right.   

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Why Me???


Image from Paige Cody
on UnSplash

Earlier in life, when my journey into transgender womanhood was weighing heavily on me, in despair I would look in the mirror and whisper why me.

During that portion of my life as I was still learning the benefits of being a trans woman, I had not had the opportunity to witness the positives I could achieve. Perhaps, the positives are one reason a certain political group is dead set on erasing us. As always, the group has ignored the times in history when entire societies worshiped dual spirted or transgender members of their civilizations. Since I do have a degree in history, I often took the chance to do extra research on the subject in my spare time.

I also think outside TERF's or transphobic women do not trust us because we have spent time in a male dominated society enjoying male privilege. When in fact, we were not enjoying our experience at all and desperately wanted out.  As far as men go, so many are desperately hanging on to their frail sexuality, they become scared and bitter as they secretly watch their trans porn. Sadly, the men's frustration turns into violence towards the transgender woman the man wanted so badly. 

Perhaps the biggest thing I did not realize until I spent time in the public's eye as a transgender woman was how much both binary genders secretly value our knowledge of the world. I remember vividly the numerous times I was approached by other women dealing with man problems of their own. I found the other women really valued my insight into the male world. Through it all, I began to lighten up on my poor, poor pitiful me idea of life and began to see the benefits of living partially between the two main genders. Once I put being a gender victim behind me, my life brightened considerably.

The entire process went far beyond other women asking me about their men, all the way to me being able to increase my overall confidence in the new life I was living. Rapidly, my life was approaching a point of no return. The pressure was on to make the right decision on how I was going to live the rest of my life. I did not think the rest of the world could understand how badly I was torn by my gender decisions, so I did the male thing and internalized them. My mental health struggled badly until two things happened.

One of which was when my wife Liz came along and told me in no uncertain terms, she had only seen a female in me, and I should stop the remainder of life I was living as a man. The other was when I began HRT or gender affirming hormones. When I finally did begin the new hormones, my body took to the new regiment of meds as if I should have always been on them. 

Between the two, even the very stubborn part of me which was desperately hanging on to what was left of his old male life could not resist any longer. Overall, when I looked for my gender truth I found it. Why me? became my truth and when I accepted it, I knew I had done the right thing. My life became softer, richer and more colorful than ever before.   

To arrive there however I needed to pay my dues and learn many important lessons before I could move forward. 

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Now What?


Image from Kolos Kevie 
on UnSplash

During my long journey to transgender womanhood, I have encountered several "now what" moments. 

The first I can remember came during a Halloween party I was attending. For the party, I was dressed in a very short mini dress which showed off my freshly shaven legs completely. Even though the men mainly stayed away from me, several women took it upon themselves to compliment me on how good my legs looked. Now, I remember vividly telling one of the women thanks but a lot of good my legs will do me. I did not finish the thought by telling her having good legs will not do me much good if I need to wait another year to show them off again at Halloween.

As life flew by, I finally was able to show the public my authentic self, to very mixed reviews. Predictably, I went too far overboard building my wardrobe around my legs which was correct to do during the eighties when short skirts and oversized sweaters and tops were all the fashion vogue along with big hair. It was like the fashion gods were playing right into my hands as a novice transgender woman. 

As we all know, fashion trends change, and I was forced to also if I was to do my best to blend in with the other women around me. Finally, I needed to lengthen my skirts and adopt shorter wigs. I was not happy but had to adopt a new "now what" fashion mode. 

What came along to save me was a new realization about what presenting as my autentic self-meant to me. I began to survive on my new personality as the public began to want to know more about me. When I did, I began to encounter many new "now what" moments on a regular basis. In other words, I was in very deep trying my best to discover if I could or should attempt a gender transition into a new scary, exciting world. 

I discovered I very much did want to be in the new feminine world I was discovering, and I could not under any circumstances turn back to the old male life I was in. "Now what" had passed me by and it was too late. I had passed all my personal tests seeing if I could do it.

It was a long road, but I managed to do it. I just wish I had listened to my inner gender questions years or even decades ago.

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

A Trans Girl's Baggage


Image from UnSplash

Like many women, we trans girls carry a lot of baggage when we travel.

If you remember the old Paris Hilton commercials of her mass amount of luggage she brought along when she traveled, it reminded me of the size and number of bags we trans women have to have to transition from a male life to a feminine one. To the typical outsider, they think all we have to worry about bringing along is fashion and/or wardrobe necessities. When in truth, we know which wardrobe to bring is just the beginning. Examples are many and varied, often determined by when we decide to transition in our life cycle. Needless to say, an older transgender woman may have more aspects in her life to consider with family, friends, spouses and employment to think about.

In my case, I waited so long to enter trans womanhood, nearly everyone I cared about as far as family and friends went, passed away. I would not recommend it, but my method really simplified the process of telling my deepest darkest secret to others was made so much easier. In fact, I only had two family members to tell of my authentic life. My daughter and my brother which went half and half for me. My daughter remains a steadfast ally to this day while my brother and I have not talked in over a decade.

Thus far, we have only discussed the larger baggage items and not any of the smaller yet still important things we have to bring along with us as we enter a scary yet exciting new world. Such as, what would we do about the interests and hobbies we have built our male lives around. As far as I am concerned, what I always bring up is my lifetime love of sports. For years, I considered I would have to give up my interest in sports in order to transition. Because I knew so few women who were into sports.

Fortunately, the world around me began to change or I began to see more clearly what was really going in the world I was in. In other words, I began to see other women in the sports bars I was in as interested in the games as I was. It was around this time also when the National Football League began to market their product to women. It became stylish for me to wear my team's jersey into the sports bars I became a regular in. In addition, the other women I began to be friends with were sports fanatics.

All of this combined to make my path to my transgender womanhood so much easier. I can compare it to just having to bring a carry-on bag with me on a plane instead of a large piece of luggage. I was more secure and did not have to give up any of my interests I so enjoyed. 

Perhaps the only problem I had was when I talked to men. With them, I often had to dumb myself down when I talked about topics, I knew a lot about. One time, with a tow truck driver, I needed to finally act as if I knew nothing about the mechanics of the truck, we were in to satisfy his ego. It was my first interaction one on one with a man, so I was surprised how it went. Basically, I was forced to give in to him to just maintain civility on the short trip. The lesson I learned was one I kept with me every time I was with a man.

It turned out I had unpacked a whole new set of transgender baggage.

Monday, January 27, 2025

I Was Led Kicking and Screaming


Summer Image. JJ Hart

One good question I receive a lot is why it took me so long to finally accept I was a transgender woman and move on. 

The answer is I was literally led kicking and screaming towards my gender dreams of accepting my feminine self. I know it seems like a contradiction in terms, but it is true. Looking back, there were two things I can attribute my problems to. The first one was my male self-put up a real fight every time his territory was encroached on. He always seemed to come up with good reasons why I should not consider going any farther into my increasingly natural feeling feminine world. When I was feeling more and more secure with my decision to live as a transgender woman, a good time as a male would come along and challenge my thought pattern. It was like he was saying, I told you so and I could continue living as a weekend or part-time crossdresser, more or less as a hobby. While other men my age golfed, I wore women's clothes in the secrecy of my house.

Deep down, I knew that would never be the final solution. I knew it from the first days I looked at myself in the mirror cross dressed knowing in a couple of days I would have to do it again because merely dressing in women's clothes just wasn't enough.

The second major problem I had was my twenty-five-year marriage to my second wife. Through all the ups and downs of living together that long, I dearly loved her. Plus, I am always careful to say she knew of my cross dressing before we became married and accepted it. It wasn't until I began to embrace the idea, I was transgender did she begin to put up serious resistance to her ever living with another woman which she equated me with if I started gender affirming hormones. The whole process led to the most shameful period of my life when I began to cheat on my wife, with myself. What I mean was, I would lie to my wife about where I would be and what I would be doing as a man when in truth, I was out testing the public as my new authentic self. I was led kicking and screaming into a new exciting world mainly because it felt so natural to me. 

For once in my life, I began to feel the possibility I could find happiness and just maybe my gender issues were the problem all along. When I reached that point, I ultimately knew deep down what decision I would have to make. It would be selfish of me to give up on our marriage just because I wanted to live as a woman. Ultimately, my decision was made for me when my wife unexpectedly died from a massive heart attack at the age of fifty. Following my tragedy, I decided my resistance to entering transgender womanhood was behind me and the time was now or never to accept my ultimate gender destiny. Start HRT and begin the process to give away all my male clothes, along with all vestiges of his old life.

From then on, my male self was finished.  I went on to find a whole new circle of friends who in turn taught me a deeper meaning of what it meant to be me. There was certainly no more kicking and screaming from my old male self as he had given up to the feminine master of my soul and universe. She had won the battle and never looked back. 


Sunday, January 26, 2025

Trans Tipping Points


Image from Darius Bashar
on UnSplash

Many times, in the quiet of the night, I have the opportunity to look back at my long life.

When I do, I always ultimately come to the conclusion that I was always feminine and just refused to accept it. Even more, there were several times when I realized the many tipping points, I crossed along the way which heavily influenced my life. 

The first I always mention is very early when I cross dressed in front of the mirror at home, deep down I knew just looking like an attractive girl was never going to be enough. Instead, I wanted to be one. Which would become my lifetime goal. In order to arrive at my goal of course, there would be many obstacles to overcome. What would I do about my increasingly complex male life was one good example. Each good thing which happened to me as a man would have to be let go if and when I was able to transition into my preferred transgender womanhood. 

It was then I learned there would be many small tipping points to make it through to achieve my goal. I was finding I had a unique life which just had to be lived if I was to survive at all. The whole experience was at once terrifying and exciting. Here I was on the edge of doing something I had only ever dreamed of. I had arrived at the point where every night I went out as my authentic self, the feedback I received told me I was on the right path. Primarily, for the first time in my life I was feeling natural about what I was exploring with my gender. The main tipping point came when one night I put cross dressing behind me mentally and decided I would join the world of women as an equal, or another woman.

All of a sudden, the slick slope I was on became very slippery and I began to plan ahead for the time when I could begin to live my dream life as a transgender woman. I began to cherish as much as I could, each interaction which was happening in my new exciting world. I was successful in my new life, and I was loving it. Even the mistakes I still was making became fewer and easier to overlook. Through it all, I had no idea I could make it this far.

Perhaps my final and most potent tipping point came when I started gender affirming hormones. I knew when I started them, there would be no turning back. Even though I felt that way, I was not prepared for all the changes I was going to go through. Of course, I knew and hoped for a rapid increase in my breast size and increased growth of my hair. All of that happened as well as a complete softening of my skin. But most unexpected was the quick change I experienced with my emotions. I went through puberty again, even experiencing my first hot flashes. The bottom line was my life just softened, and I could cry tears of joy and anguish over the life I had left behind. Mainly tears of joy over what I had gained.

Tipping points for me became a way of life. Each one I went through brought me closer to my ultimate goal which I never knew was achievable. It was not until then did I understand how deep my gender issues ran. I needed to go through all the transgender tipping points to learn my lesson. 


Saturday, January 25, 2025

Master of Myself

Transgender Flag from Lena Balk
on UnSplash. 

Or would have it been proper to say, Mistress of myself?

Probably so, as one way or another, I really struggled to arrive at where I needed to be to achieve my goal of transgender womanhood. Often, I write about how many nights when I came home in tears following being laughed at by an unfeeling public. Looking back now, I have a difficult time wondering what kept me going along my gender path. 

I suppose the little flashes of gender euphoria I experienced kept me going. Such as when I was accepted in malls and clothing stores before I realized all the clerks were seeing was my money, not my gender. Before long, the more experience I put behind me as a cross dresser or novice transgender woman, slowly the path was smoother and the happier I was becoming.

Then there were the small mixers I went to in nearby Columbus, Ohio. When I attended, I was able to see and meet all levels of the LGBTQ community. From admirers to transsexuals to lesbians, they all were there. It was one of the mixers where I was cornered by a much larger crossdresser admirer who was trying to take advantage of me and could have until I was rescued by my second wife. It was also there when I had my first encounter with a curious lesbian, and we left the mixer to visit a bigger lesbian bar. At that point, I was still heavily questioning which way my life would go. What kind of a path was I on and did I control it at all. 

In order to gain control, the only thing I could do was try to gain more and more experience as a transgender woman to learn if I was headed in the right direction with my life. So much was at stake and the pressure was on to make the right decision. In the meantime, I continued to follow my path and learn if I could indeed flip my gender script and attempt to be truly happy for the first time in my life. Perhaps, discovering the truth about myself, would finally provide me the missing link I was seeking. Of course, just dressing to appear as a woman did not solve the problem. As I gained confidence in the world, the world wanted to know more about me. The whole process opened up a whole new range of life opportunities. Such as how was I going to learn to communicate as a woman, all the way to adjusting to a whole new world of passive aggressive women. 

Again, it took a while for me to regain control of my life. Of course, attempting to change genders into my authentic self was a seismic shift in my life. On one hand, my authentic self-felt so natural but on the other, the entire process was so scary. So, I took my time before I started taking gender affirming hormones, so I burned all my gender bridges behind me. Looking back now, I wish I had done it all sooner and taken better control of my life.

I did not however and ended up not transitioning until I was in my sixties. Once I did, there was no looking back and I became the mistress of myself. Finally.  


Saturday, January 4, 2025

Vacation Post


Image from Johannis Keys
on UnSplash.

The day finally is here before my wife Liz, and I depart for our long-awaited journey to the Florida Keys very early tomorrow morning. So, this will be my last post for approximately ten days. The first time in my history of writing a blog I have missed this much time in over a decade. 

As luck would have it, we are traveling on a charter bus and there are hefty storm warnings for the bus to attempt to out-run when we depart Cincinnati very early Sunday morning. 

Outside of the weather, long term, I have spent quite a bit of time worrying about potential hassles I may receive from a stray transphobe in the group. Magically however, after we packed this morning, my fears began to disappear. As Liz told me, this is not our first trip, and on the other ones, I have had no problems. In addition, I have steeled myself to facing any detractors if I run into them. Confidence in myself is one of my keys to a fun trip. After all, I paid as much as the next person to go on the trip.

After we arrive in the Keys, I am going to do my best to enjoy the brief respite to the Ohio winter and even try swimming for the first time as a transgender woman. Hopefully, this trip will be less physically demanding on me since I have mobility issues. Since the last trip we went on out west to Colorado seemed to leave very little time to relax and enjoy our surroundings before moving on, I was exhausted before we came back. I didn't like it.  Plus, this time, I have made sure I tried to walk as much as I could to build a little stamina. 

I look forward to rechecking back in with you all after we return and hopefully share a few pictures of me with my new short hair cut. 

I'm sure I will go through some sort of withdrawal when I can't write daily but then again, a little break should do me good so I can refocus my efforts. 

Hope to see you then. 

Friday, January 3, 2025

Gender Harmony


My friend Racquel and her dog.

When asked when I first realized I had issues with my gender I began to tell the truth and say I had known forever.

In fact, my statements were only partially true. I knew something was wrong with me, but I did not know exactly what. When I was young, I knew how much pleasure I received when I dressed as a girl. What I was lacking was the knowledge of how much harmony I was missing by learning the aspects of living in two genders.

Over a long space in time of nearly fifty years, my male and female selves battled it out, which naturally created huge disruptions in my life. My already frail mental health was in shambles most of the time. Since I had already been diagnosed as being bi-polar by a therapist before, my gender issues seemed to be a bigger problem. In reality, both issues were working together to make my life miserable before I took action and did something about it.

I started with the easier one, my bi-polar condition. After I tried several medications, I found the right ones which I am still taking to this day. The much more difficult of the two issues destroying my inner harmony was my issue with my gender. Had I listened to my first therapist years ago when she told me there was nothing, she could do with me wanting to be a woman, I would have been better off. Maybe I would have been able to relax more with my issues and realize my transition into transgender womanhood was going to be a scary yet exciting journey I should try to relax and enjoy. Rather than fight and destroy my mental health as I did it. Plus, what made matters worse was all the people around me I attempted to make miserable too. Leading my second wife to even consider telling me to be man enough to be a woman. The problem was, back in those days, I did not have the feminine experience yet to do it. So, my miserable life continued.  Any sort of gender harmony seemed to me an impossibility.

During that time, I really set out to seriously discover what measures I would have to take to restore any sort of harmony to my life. Which essentially saved my life after a failed suicide attempt. I found I had to discover harmony or face losing my life totally. 

Initially, I was obsessing on my feminine appearance over any other aspects of being a transgender woman until my trans friend Racquel told me I passed out of sheer will power. Deep down, I knew what she was talking about. I was not and never would be the most attractive woman in the room, unless I could afford the expensive facial femininization surgery. Which I couldn't. It did not matter anyhow, since I had already decided to move forward in the world with the best possible appearance I could put together. 

Long story short, I found my path to a new life and am very fortunate to live as a full-time transgender woman. Racquel went on to several appearance altering surgeries and moved away so I have not seen her for years. I owe her for the honesty she expressed to me concerning my coming out experience. As my wife said too, there was so much more to a woman than just looking like one. Finding harmony with myself, enabled me to find harmony with others. I made friends in my new life and moved on.

Thursday, January 2, 2025



Image from JJ Hart

As I sat and watched a singer do a wonderful rendition of John Lennon's "Imagine" and watched the ball in New York drop to ring in 2025, I had the chance to look back and think about how amazing my life has been.

As in everybody's life, destiny stepped in and took me in directions I never thought possible. The entire process was how I perceive the supposed death experience people have when they die. In other words, they get to see their life pass in front of their eyes. If indeed that does happen, I may have to ask for a little extra time to view all of mine.

Over a long life, I have been so fortunate to experience so many things. Outside the all-encompassing world of gender for me, was when I managed to land a job in the Army with the American Forces Radio and Television Service in Thailand and Germany as a radio disc jockey. To put it into perspective, there were only sixty other troops in the entire Army who did what I did. Since back in those days, we were basically the only connection our listeners had with home, it was a very serious job. 

Once I had served my time of three years and was released from active duty, I needed to take on again my larger issues of gender identity. To do so, I undertook serious research and development. Any time I could such as Halloween parties, I began to explore public reactions to my femininized self. For the most part, people I knew were astounded and I moved on. Perhaps it was my shaved legs which gave me away. Whatever the case, time flew by, and I started to cross dress more and more in the public's eye. Plus, at the same time, I slowly began to perfect my knowledge of fashion, makeup, and hair. I discovered the more I did, the more natural I felt and the more I wanted to do. In no time at all it seemed I was accomplishing tasks such as doing the family grocery shopping as a woman and it felt amazing.

Imagine my surprise when I then discovered I was going through another major gender transition. All of a sudden, I was losing my desire to just look like a woman and I more and more wanted to explore a path to transgender womanhood. Mainly because I was feeling alive and amazing when I did it. Now we all know how difficult a gender transition is for the average human being, and I was no different. I had very few natural feminine characteristics to work with and I had to struggle completely to survive in the life I wanted to live. Especially when I hit what I call the dark period of my life when I lost nearly everyone close to me to death. 

In order to bounce back, amazingly, I was able to rely on my strong inner feminine soul to survive at all. She helped me find my way. During the bounce back period of my life was the time I found a whole new set of women friends to instruct me on how to live my new life. Included in the trio of new friends, was my new wife Liz who I never expected to meet. At my advanced age of sixty plus, I would never find another person to be close to the rest of my life. Especially since I carried so much gender baggage with me. At the time, I still maintained one tentative foot in the male world, until Liz told me she did not see any male in me at all and what was I waiting for. Go ahead and fully transition. I was amazed and still am since it was over thirteen years ago when our relationship happened and is still going on strong today. 

The end result of watching the ball drop to welcome the scary year of 2025 was I have been so fortunate to have led an amazing life so far. Mainly because destiny has been on my side, and I have lived long enough to accept it.  

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Happy? New Year???


Image from Kateryna 
on UnSplash.

Well, I was preparing in my mind last night to write my usual semi-positive post concerning the new year which is here...but.

When I awoke this morning, all was changed when I heard of and watched the news coverage of the terrible disaster in New Orleans. If you are not familiar, at least ten people were killed and thirty injured when a driver drove around barriers and crashed into a crowded Bourbon Street full of innocent people.  

Needless to say, any ideas I had about making resolutions for the new year such as coming out of a dark closet seemed to be pointless. I have always believed making a new year's resolution to live as your authentic feminine self-more than you ever have before is an honorable choice to begin a new year. I know also, many of you may have thought about pausing your gender transition because of the possibility of problems which might occur with the incoming administration.

Whatever you decide to do, please be safe doing it and do your best to have a happy new year. 


Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Dream On


Image from Darius Bashar
on UnSplash.

Last night I had a dream which may have signaled my subconscious mind has finally caught up with my reality. 

For the longest time, since I transitioned into transgender womanhood over a decade ago, I wondered why my dreams still had me as a man. All the way to people using my dead name with me. I woke up frustrated it was even happening at all. When I was very young, all the way to my teen years, I cherished the nights I could fall asleep and dream of being an attractive girl. Of course, when I woke up, I was very disappointed to learn I was still stuck in my same old male world. 

Years passed by and I proceeded to work very hard to resolve my gender issues but still had the same old male dreams. Who would have thought it would be this difficult to change me completely, including my subconscious dream world. For some reason, last night, the dream switch was flipped. As I said, even to the point of the world using my legal feminine name I changed years ago when I journeyed out of the closet.

Maybe the dream was reflecting all the tension I am feeling on my wife Liz and I's upcoming trip to the Florida Keys. Since it is a bus trip from Ohio, we will be traveling through several states not known for easily providing rest room privileges to transgender women. Not to mention, the possibility of encountering a stray transphobic gender bigot on the bus itself. Liz keeps telling me I am overreacting and just being paranoic. I hope she is right. Maybe last night's dream was a higher power telling me to relax and enjoy the vacation. 

Regardless, I am going to take a ten-day break from writing during our trip. It will be coming up this weekend and will give me a chance to refresh and start all over again when we return back to Ohio. 

During my vacation and beyond, it will be interesting to find out if my dream world has reached the tipping point to my authentic feminine self. Perhaps it is unrealistic of me to think ten plus years of trans womanhood could overcome nearly sixty years of living as a man in my subconscious mind. The whole process isn't the most trying problem I have to conquer. But it would be good if I could. Even in a dream world, I still do not like to be referred to as my old male name or be back living in a male world at all. 

Total erasure of my past is my goal. Although I cannot ignore all work my guy self-put into our life to set me up for success as a transgender woman, it is still a process I feel I need to complete. In the meantime, I know dreaming is a natural part of life. Now I can hopefully relax and look forward to a good night of sleep in my authentic world.  

Monday, December 30, 2024

All Hands on Deck


Image from UnSplash

As I progressed farther along my long and difficult gender journey, there were many times where I wished I had company to aid my path.

Even though I often whine and cry concerning the lack of assistance novice cross dressers or transgender women have early on in their progression, the fact remains we need to work our way through it and do the best we can with our fashion and makeup. Until I began to see positive results, I am sure I looked like a clown in drag. Still, I was alone with my thoughts. I am old enough to remember with "Virginia Prince" and her Transvestia publication first came to my attention. It provided me with the first real look at others who shared the same interest in being femininized and looking like a girl. I was mesmerized with more than a few of the cross dressers I saw in the publication. I so badly wanted to be like them.

For years as I worked alone to look more realistic as a cross dresser, I still yearned for feminine help. I thought any cis woman could help me because of their years of practice and interaction with their peers. When I was engaged in college, the opportunity to be dressed from head to toe as a woman by another woman finally came my way. Somehow, I begged my fiancé to do it even though I don't remember now how I did it or was so persuasive. I went all the way by even renting a motel room for all the pre-prep work such as shaving my body I would have to do. 

Once I shaved and dressed, I was excited to undergo the long-awaited makeup process. Since she wore quite a lot of makeup, I was confident she could do a great job. It was finally time for all hands-on deck in my young cross-dressing life. Back in those days, mini skirts and dresses were in vogue so I brought one I found and purchased along with panty hose, heels, and a long blond wig and started the transformation process. To say I was excited would be an understatement. Time flew by as she finished my makeup, and I headed for the mirror. Instead of the beautiful blond I thought I was going to see, I was actually disappointed. I could not see much difference in her efforts from my own. Even still, I acted as if I was really impressed with her expertise when in fact, I was impressed with how much I had learned on my own over the years. 

It took me a long time working with makeup to learn each of us has a blank face to work with and we need to learn the best way to work with it. My fiancé was doing the best she could with the knowledge she learned from her own face, not mine. She was far from being a professional such as the help I finally received from a true makeup pro at a transvestite, transgender mixer I attended years later after I was discharged from the Army. He taught me lessons about my face I had never even considered such as which features to play down and which ones to build up. To this day, I owe him a huge vote of confidence and thanks.

It turned out the opposite happened with my fiancé. Due to knowing my deepest, darkest secret about being a cross dresser, she said I should use it to dodge the draft and stay out of the Vietnam war. There was no way I was going to do that, so we split up shortly before I was to leave for basic training. Actually, it was the best thing which has ever happened to me in my life. The pain it caused immediately would have been nothing like the suffering we would have gone through if we had stayed together.  

Looking back, at my life's work as a transgender woman, for the most part, it has been a solitary experience. Not having a female peer group to interact with and learn from was a problem to be sure but one I learned to work around. The end result was, I needed to be better than the next woman to make it. 

Sunday, December 29, 2024

I Never Felt so Alive

Image from JJ Hart
One of the main reasons I found my way into transgender womanhood was when I was exploring the lifestyle of a trans woman, I never felt so alive.

It all started when I resolved one night to change my basic mind set from just thinking I was a part time cross dresser all the way to considering changing my mind all-together to I was a woman pretending to be a man, and I was so tired of feeling that way. All of my new thoughts centering on my gender led me to what I came to consider as my second grand gender transition on the night I went out to a venue to blend in with all the other professional women who were getting off of work. The difference was I did not just want to blend in, I wanted to be them. Even though I was petrified of what I was attempting, I made it through and even was accepted by all I encountered. 

The bottom line was I never felt so alive in my life and knew my life had changed forever. The problem was, in those days, I had serious male baggage to deal with. Similar to many of you, I had a spouse, family and good job to think about even though dealing with them as a male was pulling me down. Regardless, I kept on fighting and learning more and more about the femininized life I was considering undertaking. I was naive and thought I had achieved my goal of learning everything I could about living as a woman when I was just starting my path. I put all those years of just thinking my life would be just one of appearance. As my wife kept trying to tell me, I had a long way to go to learn what the life of a woman was all about. She was right, and I resolved myself to find out what she meant. 

Primarily, what I learned was a woman's life was very layered and difficult to experience because finding women who were willing to allow me behind the gender curtain were difficult to find. I was left to learn it all by myself until I reached a certain level of transition. In other words, I needed to pay my gender dues until I earned my path to the girl's sandbox. Often the route was bumpy, rough, and unforgiving but I lived and learned. Even though (as I always mention) I found friends to help me, I needed to basically keep my mouth shut and observe how the world around me was going about their everyday lives behind the gender curtain as women. 

Through it all, I continued to feel more alive than I had ever felt before as a male. I can compare the process to being guided by a searchlight in a gender fog which was my gender dysphoria. Call it gender euphoria or whatever, I could not wait until I could take the next step towards a complete life as a transgender woman. 

No Struggle no Progress

  Image from UnSplash. Basically, when it comes to doing anything really important in life, to progress you need to struggle. As far as bein...