This is an older experience I haven't shared for awhile here in Cyrsti's Condo. In fact it goes back to the 1990's.
In those days, I was spending my life divided between the two binary genders. Along the way, I managed to locate a couple small lesbian bars I liked to drink in. One disliked me totally, the other I was accepted in.
On certain nights, the venue I was accepted in had karaoke. I don't sing at all (except for a David Allan Coe song I knew.) The song was/is "You Never Even Called Me By My Name but I digress.
I was only vaguely aware it was karaoke night when I got there. I didn't really care because of course singing was the last thing on my mind.
I also remember I was wearing my blond wig with jeans, boots and some sort of tight top. Indirectly, I wanted to look nice for the other patrons. It turns out I did I guess!
About half way into my second beer, a big butch lesbian comes up (in a cowboy hat no less) and demanded, not asked, if I would sing with her. Of course I tried to politely decline. Then I learned quickly I was going to choose the song and sing it with her.
As I panicked, I thought there was only one song I knew and mentioned David Allan Coe to her, hoping she wouldn't want to do it. No such luck though, she grabbed my hand and headed to the stage. Fortunately the lights were dim in the place and there weren't many patrons there yet and I did the best I could to sing with her.
After we were done, she looked at me and said my voice was lower than hers and headed another direction. I took that as my time to escape. I paid the bartender who knew the truth about me and took off.
I never saw the butch lesbian in there again and wondered if she ever learned the truth about her duet partner that night so long ago.
Showing posts with label butch lesbians. Show all posts
Showing posts with label butch lesbians. Show all posts
Friday, November 8, 2019
Sunday, September 28, 2014
Cyrsti's Condo - "The Sunday Edition"
Good morning kids, ker plunk! another "fabtabulous" Sunday Edition is hitting your front porch. I like to refer to this type of Sunday morning here in Ohio, USA as a soft Sunday. It's mild, slightly overcast and quiet, except for the hot pot "o joe" brewing away in the coffee maker.
Page1.- The week that was-or wasn't. For no particular reason (like so many other things in my noggin), last week we discussed interactions between transgender women and transgender men and even journeyed into the lesbian culture too. I went into my theories on a very complex subject and received several thoughtful replies from your end. Including this one from Diane Michelle Ryan:
Hi Cyrsti
Love your Blog. I have never had an problem with older lesbians but younger ones can look at us with tuff looks. I live in the Bay Area & see a lot of FTM's out here.
Thanks Diane!!!! You are right and I think the younger butch's or "soft studs" are in a situation where they "out" and "feeling their oats" so to speak. Perhaps the "tuff looks" we see are a reflection of that and the older lesbians have mellowed. Several I know have worked through the "how you identify" stage into the "person you are" stage.
In no order of importance, came this comment which spoke to the possibility of trans guys and trans women interacting and growing with each other. From Shelli Anne Mulka:
I'm a transwoman myself and know three transmen fairly well. One of them and I go out for a dinner and a movie every month or so and really enjoy being a "couple'. It gives us each a chance to "fine-tune" our image to the real world, and we often end up laughing about each of us "running in opposite directions and side-swiping each other". It gives us a feeling of mutuality which might even lead to romance some day, a concept that really doesn't bother me all that much ! We just may have as much in common as most couples, who can say? Peace & Love, Shelli Anne
Peace and love to you Shelli Anne! I find it very interesting when you look into the dynamics of a trans woman/man relationship. I have two friends who went on a very bumpy ride. I think through no fault of their own, both were experiencing natural changes during their transition and will come out of the process as difference people than at the beginning. Difficult to negotiate at the best!
Page 2.- Trans dar! "Oh no she dident"- Go there again! We indeed did go there again here in the Condo. I asked the question, what would you do if you had the chance to speak to another cross dresser or transgender woman you had never met before:
Again, we received several quality responses including Jen Smith: If my trans-dar goes off I do often glance casually her/his way, and if we make eye contact I just give a slight friendly smile as I would to anyone.
I really just make the glance to see what I can learn (good or bad) from how she is presenting.
Page1.- The week that was-or wasn't. For no particular reason (like so many other things in my noggin), last week we discussed interactions between transgender women and transgender men and even journeyed into the lesbian culture too. I went into my theories on a very complex subject and received several thoughtful replies from your end. Including this one from Diane Michelle Ryan:
Susan Herr |
Love your Blog. I have never had an problem with older lesbians but younger ones can look at us with tuff looks. I live in the Bay Area & see a lot of FTM's out here.
Thanks Diane!!!! You are right and I think the younger butch's or "soft studs" are in a situation where they "out" and "feeling their oats" so to speak. Perhaps the "tuff looks" we see are a reflection of that and the older lesbians have mellowed. Several I know have worked through the "how you identify" stage into the "person you are" stage.
In no order of importance, came this comment which spoke to the possibility of trans guys and trans women interacting and growing with each other. From Shelli Anne Mulka:
I'm a transwoman myself and know three transmen fairly well. One of them and I go out for a dinner and a movie every month or so and really enjoy being a "couple'. It gives us each a chance to "fine-tune" our image to the real world, and we often end up laughing about each of us "running in opposite directions and side-swiping each other". It gives us a feeling of mutuality which might even lead to romance some day, a concept that really doesn't bother me all that much ! We just may have as much in common as most couples, who can say? Peace & Love, Shelli Anne
Peace and love to you Shelli Anne! I find it very interesting when you look into the dynamics of a trans woman/man relationship. I have two friends who went on a very bumpy ride. I think through no fault of their own, both were experiencing natural changes during their transition and will come out of the process as difference people than at the beginning. Difficult to negotiate at the best!
Page 2.- Trans dar! "Oh no she dident"- Go there again! We indeed did go there again here in the Condo. I asked the question, what would you do if you had the chance to speak to another cross dresser or transgender woman you had never met before:
Again, we received several quality responses including Jen Smith: If my trans-dar goes off I do often glance casually her/his way, and if we make eye contact I just give a slight friendly smile as I would to anyone.
I really just make the glance to see what I can learn (good or bad) from how she is presenting.
And Pat:
My T-dar is almost always on and I think that the same is true for my wife but I sense her acute sensitivity towards potential T-folk may be due in part to her over all sensitivity to everything in her environment as well as having lived with me for all these years. I tend to think that most people tend to be oblivious to the fact that we live among them.
Of course Pat, my warped sense of humor loved the "we live among them" comment as a Halloween reference to Vampires - where she was going anyhow:
Alexander Bekker |
Last year we were simple spectators at the Asbury Park Zombie walk. While there I gave a pint of blood at the bloodmobile outside the legendary Stone Pony. I just got a mailer from the blood bank about this year's Zombie walk. I think that perhaps my wife and I may do the dual ghoul walk and perhaps she would consent to me doing it in fem. I will be planning to give another pint of blood so it would be interesting to be a guy dressed as a dead woman getting my blood drained in broad daylight.
Thanks Pat!
The Back Page.- As they say in the "old country" (where I live) we are out of space, time and maybe luck! Thanks for stopping by the Condo and especially participating! I get sooo tired of asking my dog!
Thursday, September 25, 2014
It's All in the Eyes?
Continuing on my last post about those pesky lesbians jamming my "trans-dar"- I brought up the question, "How does one know the difference when a lesbian does cross the border into transgender territory. Well, of course, one normally doesn't but of course I have formed a few opinions the hard way.
First of all, I am not the definitive resource on lesbians but have found out a number of factoids over the last few years. First of all, they are very possessive within their culture. I have be invited to several lesbian "mixers" with friends over the years. One of the first lessons I learned was, if my friend's perceived a woman they were interested in had a partner there-that was it. Look but don't touch.
Of course, after I calmed down about being there at all, I became interested about how I was perceived. I took for granted, that for the most part, all of the "mixers" knew I was transgender. Truly, I never had to worry. No one was mean, most ignored me but then again a few did approached me. Once I was even asked if "I belonged to my friend I as with." So I never did really encounter the "Terf" hate from radical lesbians which is so prominently written about-there.
Possibly, I did though on two other occasions from two butch's who jammed my "trans-dar." One came from the eyes of the woman I told you about in the last post with her husband and the other, from a very, very, very, butch in a gay venue I go to. As I was talking to her partner one night. If looks could kill, I would have been a goner-twice!So, I assume even though both looked as if they could be transitioning, they weren't.
Now, if you switch gears to the transgender men I know, and the few I have met-their eyes are softer. So for some reason, I don't threaten them. The ironic part is, if I hadn't been told ahead of time, I wouldn't have known at all they were trans men.
What's happening here? Has the introduction of mean old testosterone into the Ftm men's lives helped to mold a kinder, multi layered man? After all, we are so quick to toot our own horns about being some sort of "hybrid" gender, perhaps the Ftm's are more so? Even the trans men at the symposium I went to said not being raised in similar strict rigid gender boxes the boys were subjected to, helped them later to transition.
At the least, interesting "theories", at the best, I'm just happy I'm still alive to write about it!!!!
Trans Guys
I wanted to take a moment here in Cyrsti's Condo to pass along a moment recently which jammed my "trans-dar" completely.
It occurred in the huge sports bar I have been going to (and welcomed in, for years.) On more than a couple occasions I have noticed this couple who has ended up setting close to me by pure accident. They both wore wedding rings and he looked as if he was a 50 something laid back bearded guy. His companion though, I just couldn't tell. I am going to call her "she" because I found out she was.
Rarely have I seen a person this androgynous. From haircut, to clothes to everything- I couldn't tell. The venue is located very close to an big Air Force research center so it's not uncommon to see couples not married chatting (right or wrong.) Truthfully, the only gender giveaway was when I wasn't paying any attention, I would hear a semi loud feminine voice-where there shouldn't have been one, I turned around and it was her.
Ironically, I had a chance to take my curiosity to a higher level, one of the bartenders I have known in there for literally years now. Later in the evening, a sharp dressed young guy worked his way into an open spot at the bar and ordered a couple beers. I thought "damn" I'm getting older than I thought when a fuzzy faced kid who looked liked he was 16 ordered a beer. (I saw her I.D. him.)
So, when my friend had a spare moment, I asked her first about the first couple and she said indeed they were married and as far as she knew the wife was genetic, and loved motorcycles. At the same time, I was beginning to wonder if the "fuzzy faced" guy who ordered a beer- was a guy at all either. I asked her and with the same smirk she uses with me when I'm "ditzin"- said "No Cyrsti, another girl."
Immediately I felt the world was changing quickly. Perhaps even more so with the transgender men. Draco, my trans man friend who I mention here, have talked about the thin line between "super butch" lesbians and transgender men and how difficult often it is to tell. (So I feel better-or he is trying to humor me.)
Since you all know I'm always trying to over think everything, I may have come across how possibly I can have a better idea of figuring out so so called "other side of the transgender coin". Get your pens and notebooks out kids, we will get to the grand theory in a future post!
It occurred in the huge sports bar I have been going to (and welcomed in, for years.) On more than a couple occasions I have noticed this couple who has ended up setting close to me by pure accident. They both wore wedding rings and he looked as if he was a 50 something laid back bearded guy. His companion though, I just couldn't tell. I am going to call her "she" because I found out she was.
Rarely have I seen a person this androgynous. From haircut, to clothes to everything- I couldn't tell. The venue is located very close to an big Air Force research center so it's not uncommon to see couples not married chatting (right or wrong.) Truthfully, the only gender giveaway was when I wasn't paying any attention, I would hear a semi loud feminine voice-where there shouldn't have been one, I turned around and it was her.
Stav Strashko |
Ironically, I had a chance to take my curiosity to a higher level, one of the bartenders I have known in there for literally years now. Later in the evening, a sharp dressed young guy worked his way into an open spot at the bar and ordered a couple beers. I thought "damn" I'm getting older than I thought when a fuzzy faced kid who looked liked he was 16 ordered a beer. (I saw her I.D. him.)
So, when my friend had a spare moment, I asked her first about the first couple and she said indeed they were married and as far as she knew the wife was genetic, and loved motorcycles. At the same time, I was beginning to wonder if the "fuzzy faced" guy who ordered a beer- was a guy at all either. I asked her and with the same smirk she uses with me when I'm "ditzin"- said "No Cyrsti, another girl."
Immediately I felt the world was changing quickly. Perhaps even more so with the transgender men. Draco, my trans man friend who I mention here, have talked about the thin line between "super butch" lesbians and transgender men and how difficult often it is to tell. (So I feel better-or he is trying to humor me.)
Marie Claire Itália Setembro 2014 |
Since you all know I'm always trying to over think everything, I may have come across how possibly I can have a better idea of figuring out so so called "other side of the transgender coin". Get your pens and notebooks out kids, we will get to the grand theory in a future post!
Thursday, September 19, 2013
Thoughts from Afar
As you all know by now, I'm fairly good at sticking my nose into things I don't know much about here in Cyrsti's Condo.
Every once in a while I do get curious about the transgender man dynamic and how it works. Essentially, I know enough to make me dangerous. Over the years of course I have my own observations, current and past lesbian friends as well as my close trans guy buddy.
Recently, I found a post from the SF Bay Times called "Where have all the Butches gone?" It's an interesting look at where the "jumping off" point from identifying as a "Super Butch" to a transgender man is. Actually, I think the line of demarcation is similar to presenting as a cross dresser versus living as a transgender woman. Over the years, I have known a couple of butches who gave me a run for my money in the masculinity far as I knew they identified female. No different than the super femme gay guy who looks great in drag but never has never had a question with his gender.
What makes the process so much more interesting to me is that the lesbian community takes sex and gender to a different level..Years ago I had a lesbian acquaintance tell me about the inherent complexities with a woman living with a woman. Or worse yet finding one to even date. Two summers ago I was fortunate to go with a lesbian friend of mine to see a female entertainer and the whole room was filled with all the social levels of the lesbian culture. From super butches to femmes and everyone in between, they were there.
So I can't even begin to tell you where have all the butches gone. For all I know, the title itself is maybe becoming a little outmoded. As the entire gender/sexuality picture becomes increasingly fluid these days, labels aren't so important.
Being selfish though, I loved it one night years ago when a butch "parted the waves" to get me served at a gay bar in Columbus, Ohio. They sure know how to treat a girl!
Every once in a while I do get curious about the transgender man dynamic and how it works. Essentially, I know enough to make me dangerous. Over the years of course I have my own observations, current and past lesbian friends as well as my close trans guy buddy.
Recently, I found a post from the SF Bay Times called "Where have all the Butches gone?" It's an interesting look at where the "jumping off" point from identifying as a "Super Butch" to a transgender man is. Actually, I think the line of demarcation is similar to presenting as a cross dresser versus living as a transgender woman. Over the years, I have known a couple of butches who gave me a run for my money in the masculinity far as I knew they identified female. No different than the super femme gay guy who looks great in drag but never has never had a question with his gender.
What makes the process so much more interesting to me is that the lesbian community takes sex and gender to a different level..Years ago I had a lesbian acquaintance tell me about the inherent complexities with a woman living with a woman. Or worse yet finding one to even date. Two summers ago I was fortunate to go with a lesbian friend of mine to see a female entertainer and the whole room was filled with all the social levels of the lesbian culture. From super butches to femmes and everyone in between, they were there.
So I can't even begin to tell you where have all the butches gone. For all I know, the title itself is maybe becoming a little outmoded. As the entire gender/sexuality picture becomes increasingly fluid these days, labels aren't so important.
Being selfish though, I loved it one night years ago when a butch "parted the waves" to get me served at a gay bar in Columbus, Ohio. They sure know how to treat a girl!
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Another Look!
For a very interesting and enlightening look into what our "trans-brothers" face head to "".
A reader writes: “How could one change the current climate for gay trans men in the gay male community?”
A reader writes: “How could one change the current climate for gay trans men in the gay male community?”
My answer: One mind at a time.
This is a continuation of last week’s Ask Matt Monday, which dealt with trans men and lesbian communities. And this is a tough one, because I think there is a different dynamic in gay male communities.When I first started my transition, I identified as a gay man, which did not go over well with one population – gay men. The gay men who heard me speak complained that I was appropriating their identity, that I didn’t share the “gay male experience” that had shaped the lives of gay men, and that I couldn’t compare my experience to theirs.
Being opinionated, impetuous, and newly testosterone-fueled, I was slow to catch on. But I eventually realized that they were right – at least in my case. I do know some gay trans men who have been gay men since they were old enough to formulate an identity, regardless of their body configuration, but the neighborhood Barbra Streisand fan club that I started at eleven and my childhood obsession with The Wizard of Oz really don’t qualify me
It seems our tran gendered brethren face the same problems with the Male Gay community as we do!
While it's true we do not share the male gay experience per se, we do share the many of the same slights. Hopefully we will never share much of the gay male popuations' lack of compassion.
While it's true we do not share the male gay experience per se, we do share the many of the same slights. Hopefully we will never share much of the gay male popuations' lack of compassion.
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Soul Sisters?
I'm applying this definition to a whole different set of sisters we normally never discuss. I'm referring to butch lesbians.
I met a person who is right on the cusp of being a ftm trans and a butch lesbian (his term). He sent me an article he wrote on the subject, but I don't want to betray the trust. Until I get permission, here are some of the absolute highlights.
To begin with he points out the pain a "butch" feels growing up. There is no hiding, no real closet to dive into as most of us have. The femme lesbian has the advantage of dissolving into society or going "stealth" in our terminology. Looking back in my life, I had a close girlfriend (genetic) who had a butch sister. The family forced her into a dress a couple times. I felt her pain of wearing the clothes of a gender she obviously didn't feel comfortable with. I see her every once in a while.Nothing has changed with him.
How ironic that this group could have a kinship with us?
Over the years I've interacted with "butches" to varying degrees. As "guy to guy" the interaction was very smooth normally. As "girl" to guy (them), the time was most interesting. One of my earliest posts describes a "karaoke" experience I had with a "butch" in a cowboy hat in a lesbian bar.
Two overriding ideas emerged from past experience and my new friend. Number one, I didn't realize how trans they are. In fact the butch lesbian is the most visible form of a transgendered person today. Most don't pass you know who they are.
Number two, I didn't realize how possessive they are. In some ways, the butch is a throw back to a male stereotype of the past. Which is not a surprise.
How many of us would jump at the chance to be the submissive female? The butch sits directly on the other side of that fence.
I'm fascinated by this whole segment of our rainbow and with his permission, I will bring you more
I met a person who is right on the cusp of being a ftm trans and a butch lesbian (his term). He sent me an article he wrote on the subject, but I don't want to betray the trust. Until I get permission, here are some of the absolute highlights.
To begin with he points out the pain a "butch" feels growing up. There is no hiding, no real closet to dive into as most of us have. The femme lesbian has the advantage of dissolving into society or going "stealth" in our terminology. Looking back in my life, I had a close girlfriend (genetic) who had a butch sister. The family forced her into a dress a couple times. I felt her pain of wearing the clothes of a gender she obviously didn't feel comfortable with. I see her every once in a while.Nothing has changed with him.
How ironic that this group could have a kinship with us?
Over the years I've interacted with "butches" to varying degrees. As "guy to guy" the interaction was very smooth normally. As "girl" to guy (them), the time was most interesting. One of my earliest posts describes a "karaoke" experience I had with a "butch" in a cowboy hat in a lesbian bar.
Two overriding ideas emerged from past experience and my new friend. Number one, I didn't realize how trans they are. In fact the butch lesbian is the most visible form of a transgendered person today. Most don't pass you know who they are.
Number two, I didn't realize how possessive they are. In some ways, the butch is a throw back to a male stereotype of the past. Which is not a surprise.
How many of us would jump at the chance to be the submissive female? The butch sits directly on the other side of that fence.
I'm fascinated by this whole segment of our rainbow and with his permission, I will bring you more
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