Showing posts with label transgendered news. Show all posts
Showing posts with label transgendered news. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Fair and Un Biased?

Recently we have seen various documentaries centered around certain transgender youth. The obvious question is are these a positive or negative for our community?
Recently "In the Life" took a look at transgender and non conforming gender children.
Take a look:
On the plus side is "Janet Mock" transsexual female. On the negative side (of course) is Fox news using the word demonic... really?

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

We are Everywhere!

 Coming up Friday in the same week as the National Geographic transgender special aired-there is more coming Friday on ABC.  Here's the promo and yes I did notice how they destroyed Jenna Tackalova's name!

Transgender” — the word and the shifts in sexual identity it encompasses — have become more mainstream. Transgender women have been on the cover of major fashion magazines, and one transgender woman, Donna Tackalova, recently competed in the Miss Universe Canada pageant.
Legal boundaries are being pushed. Nikki Araguz, a transgender widow of a firefighter, is suing the City of Wharton, Texas for workers’ compensation benefits that she was denied because she was born a man.
Perhaps most famously, Chaz Bono, a transgender man, competed on “Dancing With the Stars.”
But Bono received hate mail, an example of the discomfort many feel about this trend.
“What Would You Do?” tested people’s acceptance of transgender with a scenario set at Colonial Diner in Lyndhurst, N.J. Carmen Carrera, a 26-year-old transgender woman who has appeared on “RuPaul’s Drag Race,” played herself as if she were a waitress at the diner. Kevin, an actor, played a longtime customer back from a yearlong trip who deplores that the waiter he knew and liked as “Christopher” is now a woman.
“What the hell is the matter with you? Look at yourself! You’re a freak!” Kevin said.
“I’m not a freak, I’m transgender,” said Carrera. This appearance marks the first time Carrera has revealed that she is transgender.
How would diners react to Kevin’s scorn? Would anyone step in and defend Carrera?
One patron, Mary, tried to calm Kevin.
“Look at Chaz Bono,” she said. “Cher’s son. She used to have a daughter and now she’s a guy.”
Kevin only got angrier. “I don’t think I can even eat here!” he said. “This is disgusting.”
A group of women looked ready to rally behind Carrera, but right then Michael Rizzo, a diner regular, walked across the room to confront Kevin.
“It’s okay to be whoever you want to be. This is America,” Rizzo said.
Believe it or not, things were just getting started.
Watch the whole scenario on “What Would You Do?” Friday at 10 p.m. ET.

Monday, April 30, 2012

France's Transgender Pictures from the 1960's

From ABC News comes a story called: 
Les Amies de Place Blanche: Transvestites of 1960′s Paris Christer Strömholm (1918-2002) is considered one of the great photographers of the 20th century, though he is little known outside of his native Sweden.
Arriving in Paris in the late 1950′s, Strömholm settled in the Place Blanche, home to the Moulin Rouge, in the heart of the city’s red-light district.  There he befriended the “ladies of the night,” transgendered males who were struggling to live as women and raising money for sex-change operations.
At the time in President Charles de Gaulle’s ultra-conservative France, transvestites were outlawed and regularly harassed and arrested by the gendarmes for being “men dressed as women outside the period of carnival.”
Strömholm photographed his subjects, whom he called his “les amies de Place Blanche (girlfriends of Place Blanche) in their hotel rooms, in bars and on the streets of Paris.
There are several photos. I will post one here now and then later move a couple to "The Gallery" here and "Trannsnation.Com".

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Yet Another Transsexual Girl Update

Perhaps you remember the story of Jack/Jackie not so long ago.
"Ohio parents Lynn and Michael pose with their children Jackie, left, and Samantha. Jackie began life 11 years ago as Jack — a boy. After trying for years to modify their son’s effeminate manner, the couple decided to let Jackie live as a girl."
It's fortunately becoming more of a increasingly common story in the media. A family accepting a transgender child in their family. Please note I'm not saying this is an everyday occurrence but it is good our culture is portrayed in a positive nature. Maybe more will react in the same way.
This story hits closer to home for me in a couple ways. First, the family lives within a hundred miles of me in Ohio and Meral Crane, clinical director of the Gender Program of Central Ohio counseled my wife and I years and years ago is quoted as saying:
"No one’s sure how many children wrestle with gender dysphoria, a condition in which people feel uncomfortable because their bodies don’t match their perceived gender. Some studies suggest that 1 in 1,000 individuals has gender dysphoria; others put the rate at closer to 1 in 30,000.
Regardless of the statistics, it’s clear that awareness is growing and attitudes are changing."

You can read the story from the "Columbus Dispatch" here.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Transgender Twin at 14

"Nicole at Glad dinner in Boston 2011"
Do you remember the remarkable story of Wyatt Maines? At four years old, Wyatt Maines asked his mother when he would get to be a girl. Born into a pair of male twins, Maines knew he was living in the wrong body. By the time the twins reached elementary school, Maines told people he was a “girl-boy.” As years progressed, Maines began going by the name Nicole, and living life as a girl. At age 11, Nicole underwent puberty suppression (which blocks male hormones and puberty changes from occurring).
She now is 14 and Nicole family are activists for transgender rights. After a student complained about Nicole using the women’s bathroom, the family took a stand by filing a Maine Human Rights Commission complaint. They also successfully lobbied to defeat a bill introduced in Maine legislature that would have repealed protections for transgender people in public restrooms.
You can read more of the story here. Another wonderful point to make is I found this article in "TeenVoices *Changing the World for Girls through Media". Exactly the exposure our culture needs!!!

Friday, April 27, 2012

Let's Be Careful Out There!

No matter how some of the public news is becoming a little more positive about the transgendered community, hate crime is still a HUGE problem for us as evidenced in this video from San Francisco:
Maybe that little container of pepper spray I've been thinking of adding to my purse isn't such a bad idea!

Oh No They Didn't!

Not long ago Mia Macy, an Army veteran and former police detective, initially applied for the position as a man and was told that she was qualified for the job as a ballistics technician. Then she informed the contractor that she was changing her gender. After that, she was told funding for the job was cut. She later learned someone else was hired for the position.
Macy filed a complaint with the ATF, which told her that federal job discrimination laws did not apply to transgender people. The Transgender Law Center, a legal rights advocacy group in San Francisco, took up her case.
Mia Macy (left) with her wife Trish
As you have been possibly reading, her case was brought up to the EEOC and resulted in a landmark ruling that in part said:  the unanimous ruling from the five-member agency does not create a new cause of action. It clarifies that charges of gender stereotyping are considered claims of sex discrimination under existing law.
Until now, Pizer said, it was common for transgender workers to have their complaints rejected by EEOC regional offices and state civil rights agencies due to confusion about the state of the law.
“This is a confirmation that the courts are correct, so public and private employers coast to coast now have the benefit of the EEOC making this clear,”according to EEOC spokeswoman Justine Lisser.
In case you haven't seen her, I'm putting a brave face to the story!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Branching Out!

Well, it's Spring around here (more or less) and as the plants and trees start to grow I am growing just a bit too! (Not the hormones this time!)
I'm starting a column on"Brianna Austin's  TG"
I will have more for you later!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Asian Transgender News

From "AsiaOne News": 
A beautiful transgender has caused a stir by registering as an election candidate for the Nan Provincial Administration Organisation.
"I'm confident that my experience and ability will be useful in the development of Nan," Yonlada "Kirkkong" Suanyos, 30, said yesterday.
This is the first time a transgender has run for a political post at the provincial level.
Although she is a new face in politics, she is famous as president of the Trans Female Association of Thailand.
For many years, she has campaigned for the rights of trans-females.
The PhD candidate owns a jewellery business and runs a satellite television station.
Last year, she was named by a media organisation as one of the most influential women in Thai society.

Monday, April 23, 2012

You Can't Always Get What You Want

Australia's transgender icon performer "Carlotta" will reportedly be played by a very genetic woman- (pregnant) Jessica Marais in an upcoming telemovie.
"Jessica Marais"
Carlotta, who was born Richard Byron rose to fame as a cabaret performer in the Kings Cross stage show "Les Girls" and was rumored to be the the inspiration for Terrance Stamp's character in "Priscilla Queen of the Dessert."

Obviously a real live transgendered actress would most of our preferences to play the role but certainly "Carlotta" must be flattered by the choice!

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Being Transgender in America

If you haven't seen or heard this yet, MSNBC's Melissa Harris-Perry featured a show last Sunday on being Transgendered in America.
I'm going to post this video here in the condo in our "Home Entertainment Center" .
Here's a quick look from guest "Mara Keisling" who is the Founding Executive Director, National Center for Transgender Equality who said:
"For one of the first times that I can remember, trans people got to outline to the public at least part of the trans political agenda for ourselves. From health care access, to barriers to updating identity documents, to talking about jail and detention reform and raising awareness of CeCe McDonald's story, we finally had a chance to bring trans issues to a national audience as trans people. 
From the first appearance at a trans event by a sitting Cabinet Secretary to the incredible list of policy victories we’ve achieved in the past year, trans policy is now firmly part of the political debate.  Of equal importance is that now, the conversation around the country is moving in our favor, symbolic of  important cultural progress in our movement."

She will join the Melissa-Harris Perry Show on a nationally televised panel discussing the movement for transgender equality. Mara will join other trans advocates Kate Bornstein and N.Y.C Council Candidate Council Candidate Mel Wymore to examine recent trans policy victories and current challenges.
The whole video to me took on a surreal feel to me.  All these years of watching all the other groups explaining their feelings, lifestyles and rights-now I'm watching my group.
It's about time!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

"Glee" Introduces It's First Transgendered Character

Glee raised the bar for diversity on network television again last night, when it introduced a new character named Unique, a transgender African American student and performer in rival glee club Vocal Adrenaline. The character is played by Alex Newell, who finished as a runner up on The Glee Project; the Oxygen reality show in which a group of hopefuls competed for a spot on Fox’s hit show. Audiences first saw Unique as Wade, a shy student from a different high school who gushed with fandom for Kurt and Mercedes and asked for their advice on coping as outsiders. Wade recalled being tormented by other kids at school and even family members, and revealed that “Ever since I was a kid, I would play this game. Where I would pretend I was a different person. The person I dreamed of being. The real me. I even have a different name. Unique.” Kurt offers words of support, saying “I hope one day you have enough courage to be him.” To which Wade responds “Actually, Unique’s a her.” The education of Kurt came later in the episode when, with help from Mercedes, he attempted to deter Unique from performing as a girl. “I’ve worn some flamboyant outfits, but I’ve never dressed up as a woman," he tells Unique. "That’s because you identify yourself as a man," she replies. "I thought you of all people would understand.”

 With shows such as this maybe more people will understand! We need separation from the gay and lesbian cultures to be accepted and understood!!!!

Monday, April 9, 2012

A Chinese Womanless Pageant?

 Read this story from "China Daily":
"Male students dressed up as models perform during an animation show in Wuhan, Central China's Hubei province, April 8, 2012. About 20 male students from several universities in Wuhan formed a group to perform in various animation shows and became popular locally. Each student makes on average 500 yuan for one show, Wuhan Evening News reported. A member, who wanted to be identified as Hao Ge, said he learned to act feminine in speaking and walking from his girlfriend. "This is only a temporary student group and we will not continue this job after graduation," the group has announced."
 (Unless they were asked, got paid or liked it?) 
Then again I might just  be cynical. After all, they are just a bunch of guys working their way through college!
We all should have been that lucky or looked that good!

I also added another picture of one of the performers in the "Den"!

Odds and Ends from the Gender Spectrum

I came across a video from "Genderf*kation" which I'm actually going to going to post over at "Trannsnation".
I believe it follows closely in the "Gender Queer" theme I passed along here in the Condo not long ago. The video is very interesting in the sense it covers a wide spectrum of gender issues. Just not our own inter community binary of transgendered and transsexual. (No I'm not leaving cross dressers out of this-that is more complex and will be a topic in a coming post).
Speaking of the trans binary, I saw "Jenna Talackova" this morning Abc's "The View".
Not only is she drop dead tall, blond and gorgeous, she comes across as a very sweet and real spokesperson for our culture.
Having written all that, everyone of us should be as lucky to have her attorney "Gloria Allred" on our side!
Allred (pictured right with Jenna) is known for representing high-profile clients, such as: English actress Charlotte Lewis, who alleged that director Roman Polanski had sexually abused her as a teen; Nicole Brown Simpson’s family during the O.J. Simpson murder trial; and a number of Tiger Woods’ ex-lovers.
It's no wonder "The Donald" Trump threw in the towel so quickly!

Friday, March 30, 2012

New Video and Transgendered Television

I just posted a new video to our "Entertainment Center" here in the Condo sent along to me by a friend. The video contains a clip by "LoreleiLaneLee" a self proclaimed gay man who enjoys singing as a woman (and looks very good doing it!)
Also today another friend alerted me to the fact that "Doctor Oz" was going to be doing a new show on transgendered women.
This was good news for the transgendered community because "Doctor Oz" is the "Anti Jerry Springer". He could be trusted to provide a positive look at our lives-which he did.
Dr. McGinn at the Glaad Awards.
I'm sure you will be able to follow the link above to see excerpts of the show. Highlights included "Dr. Christine McGinn", another transgendered woman herself who is now a leading surgeon doing SRS.
Throughout the show, she took great pains to point out gender confusion was a correctable medical condition.
The two or three other guests also did their best to tell the world being transgendered was not a decision.
The show did a nice job of balancing the beauty of McGinn and the others who like most of us aren't that fortunate!
Finally, I do think shows like these have a tendency to locate and promote the "feel good" aspect of friends, family and work accepting those who have transitioned.
We all know that is a fantasy many of us struggle to achieve.
Having said that, the world needs to see it can work and don't think it can't happen to them. (with a close family member!)

Friday, March 16, 2012

Miss Universe Update

Actually, in the case of "Jenna Talackova" , there is no update. According to "Missosology" this picture of "Jenna" has been taken down.
Reportively, the last known transsexual contestant in the "Miss Universe" pageant was back in 1994 because:
Jenna official portrait at Miss Universe Canada website.

"Many national pageants lack specifics in their requirements. In many countries, it is legal to change ones sex. That is why in 2004, Chen Lili, a transsexual, decided to join the Miss Universe China pageant. "A sex-change woman registering for the Miss Universe contest is something that has never happened before," Miss Universe selection committee chairman Zhang Ruiling told reporters. Chen Lili's application was denied. The public opinion was divided.
Cao Gang, a beauty contest expert in Shanghai, offered his support to Lili: "She has been granted the status as a woman, and is protected and recognized by law. There is no reason to kick her out." But some see it as a publicity gimmick. "Another media circus."

Chen Lili is the first transsexual who attempted to join the national qualifiers of Miss Universe

Being a bit of a bitch, I can see why the other contestants wouldn't want these women in the pageant for more reasons than being transsexual!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Jaylo's Male Stunt Double!

The American Idol host headed to Mexico to film the vid and instead of hiring a female lookalike, J-Lo opted for a male stunt double who was J-Lo'd up to the hilt - complete with fake boobs and braided hair.
A tough job, but someone had to do it!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

STOP The Presses!

The page where Jenna's profile appeared was withdrawn CLICK HERE!
In just 24 hours after Missosology.Org reported that Miss Universe Canada has accepted a transsexual in the name of Jenna Talackova, as one of their 2012 finalists, reactions, both pros and antis, spread like wildfire. While the comments are in form of healthy debate, something weird happened. The profile of Jenna is no longer available on the official Miss Universe Canada website. She was not also in the official list of finalists! What happened? Missosology is not so sure. Jenna today, contacted Missosology to change her photo in the forum. Meanwhile, we intend to contact the Miss Universe Canada Organization regarding the issue.
So, what do you think happened?
a.) Miss Universe Canada was duped in believing that Jenna is a woman
b.) Miss Universe Canada decided to kick her out because of the controversy that he/she created
c.) Jenna herself decided not to join

Here are some of the photos of Jenna sent to Missosology
Jenna Talackova

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Is J.C. Penny's Transphobic?

Probably not but after you read this isolated story, you should at least wonder if they have policies similar to "Macy's".

Discrimation at Florence, SC JC Penney (Magnola Mall)
                                                                                                                        March 3, 2012
To Whom It May Concern,
Please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Markielynn Rundell. I am a transgendered female. I have been patronizing your stores since I was a young child. I have always visited your stores dressed as a transgendered female. Each time I visited, I enjoyed my shopping experience. Selecting clothing that I wanted to buy, and of course trying on the outfits before buying them was always a must. Of course being a transgendered female, I have always used the woman’s dressing room. Up until today I did so with no problems at all.
Today, Saturday March 3, 2012, my wife Lori, girlfriend Lana, and I visited your Florence, SC Magnolia Mall store for some fun filled shopping. Tonight at approximately 7:00 pm, I picked out 2 dresses that I had planned to purchase from your store. Of course I had to try them on, so I entered the woman’s fitting room. There were 3 stalls located within the dressing room. The first stall was occupied; the second stall was full of clothing, so I used the third stall. I tried on the first dress. When I exited the dressing stall to go show Lori and Lana what the dress looked like on me, one of your employees, a female African-American, who was standing in the second stall, said to me “Sir, you cannot use this dressing room”. I immediately told her politely that I was a woman. When I left the dressing room, I asked Lori to please tell her that I am a woman. Lori told her that I was her girlfriend. I went back into the dressing room and decided not to try on the second dress because I realized it would be too small. When I was redressing, I heard my wife Lori ask me if I was almost done because we are leaving and we are not buying anything from this store. Unbeknown to me, your employee went and got her supervisor, also an African-American woman. We decided to leave your store immediately to avoid any farther confrontation. I did not get the names of either employee. I just want you to know that I was not only embarrassed, I was also hurt by the rude way I was treated by one of your employees. I thought your store was supposed to be LGBT friendly. You portray that image now that you have Ellen DeGeneres as your official spokesperson. I have never felt so discriminated against in my entire life. If this is how your employees are going to treat a member of the LGBT community, I will be sure to tell my entire LGBT friends not to shop at your stores because they will be discriminated against.
On a personal note: I cannot use the men’s fitting room because I have been undergoing transformation to become a fully functioning female. Because I have been on Hormone Replacement Therapy, I have developed breasts. Because I have breasts and am a transgendered female, I would not feel safe or comfortable knowing that I could be seen by a man using the men’s dressing room. Please tell me what dressing room I am supposed to use if your policy to discriminate against transgendered females who are minding their own business and simply using the woman’s fitting room to try on clothing? This also goes for the bathroom in the event a transgendered individual has to relieve themselves.
Markielynn Rundell

To be VERY clear, I am NOT taking the entire JC Penny's company to task over this incident. I AM taking them to task for not having a company policy; if indeed they don't.
If indeed Penny's doesn't have a policy (one way or another) then shame on them!
If indeed they want to exclude transgendered women and men from using their dressing rooms then say so and we can shop elsewhere. On the other hand it is no secret many other women's clothing chains have learned to welcome the patronage (money) of the transgendered public.
Two more points. I picked up this story from the "TG Forum" and I really admire the courage of Markielynn for taking it public!

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Transgendered Vet News

As most of you know, I am a transgendered vet with a transgendered history with the VA.
To make a long story short, my hormone recommendation letter was written by a VA pyschologist. I also have my "meds" filled through the VA but not prescribed yet. What that means is there is no one in my area who feels well enough trained in the transgendered/transsexual treatment field to do it. I'm still awaiting news if the VA will cover my private doctor bills. If they don't I can appeal.
The "Transgender Equality Site" just issued this statement concerning transgendered care and the VA.
Here is an excerpt:
"Building on the June 2011 Directive on the treatment of transgender veterans, the Veterans Health Administration (VHA) has announced a clarification to its records policy that will make significant difference in the lives of trans veterans. Since the Directive has gone into effect, we have received positive reports from trans veterans about receiving more respectful health care. However, one area that the Directive left somewhat unclear was the documentation that was required for veterans to change the gender marker on their health records.
The Directive was very clear that medical records will now reflect an individual’s self-identified gender.  However, the policy also indicated that the individual must provide official documentation as per Veterans Health Administration policies in order to change the gender marker. This was initially interpreted incorrectly by some staff and facilities to require proof of sex reassignment surgery."

The most important and positive part of the post comes at the end:

"This clarification is another important step forward for trans
veterans. At NCTE we’ve been very pleased to provide education and
advocacy to the VA, which continues to be very interested in ensuring
that transgender vets are treated equally. We’re confident that the VA
will continue to move forward and are excited about some great
upcoming programs the VA is planning to provide cultural competency
training to clinical and administrative staff across the country.

In the coming weeks, NCTE will release a user-friendly guide to
changing your VA health records. Until then, we urge trans vets to
read our resources about the June 2011 VHA Directive and the passport
policy and speak with a patient advocate or Social Worker at your VA
facility if you have questions.

VHA Directive:

Passport gender change policy:

If you have difficulties changing you records at your local VA or have
trouble accessing respectful healthcare, please contact NCTE
immediately at or 202-903-0112.

Really good information!!!!!

Knowing the Rules before You Break Them

  Image from Milan de Clercq  on UnSplash I had a very good idea of what it would take me to survive in a male world before I decided to see...