Showing posts with label Nicole Maines. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nicole Maines. Show all posts

Saturday, March 13, 2021

In the Comics

 Nicole Maines (below) , "Supergirl's" first transgender television  super hero  will now be featured in a  DC Pride  anthology comic. 

 From Wikipedia:

"Nicole Amber Maines (born October 7, 1997) is an American actress and transgender rights activist. She was the anonymous plaintiff, Susan Doe, in the Maine Supreme Judicial Court case Doe v. Regional School Unit 26 regarding gender identity and bathroom use in schools"

As an aside, Nicole and her identical twin brother Jonas were adopted at birth  and grew up in Portland, Maine.

Saturday, May 23, 2020

A Real Transgender Hero

I know from a few of the comments I receive there are several Nicole Maines fans who visit the Cyrsti's Condo blog. For all of you (and more), here is an interview I found on one of my news feeds you may be interested in.

This comes from an interview on the Collider site:  As Nia Nal, a.k.a. Dreamer, on The CW series Supergirl, actress Nicole Maines plays the first transgender superhero on television. Before her time on Supergirl, Maines had already spent years as something of a superhero in real life, fighting for trans rights, equality, and visibility from a very young age. With two Supergirl seasons under her belt, Maines has had the opportunity to highlight both the strides made toward acceptance and how far there is still to go.

For more, go here.

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Nicole Maines

Transgender activist and actor Nicole Maines knew she was a girl around the age of 3 or 4.
“My case is kind of unique because I have a twin brother (Jonas),” she told Ellen Degeneres during an appearance on “Ellen” in 2018. “So, growing up with him, he was identifying with all these male things and feeling very comfortable in his body, and I wasn’t.”

Maines, the subject of this month’s One Book One Valley community read “Becoming Nicole,” slowing began publicly transitioning in the first grade, and officially presented herself as female in the fifth grade, when she changed her name from Wyatt to Nicole.
Nicole Maines stars as Nia Nal/Dreamer, television's first transgender superhero, in The CW's "Supergirl." Season five premieres Sunday, Oct. 6. 

Tuesday, May 14, 2019


Hard fought victories are so hard to come by these days but yet, they keep on coming.

First, a little background on our featured transgender actress Nicole Maines from Cyrsti's Condo reader Leann:
Nicole Maines

"IF one does not know her story, it is an interesting one. She and her twin brother lived in Maine when her school refused to let her use the ladies room. She (her parents) sued and eventually won the right to do so. Her family had to move during the litigation due to harassment. Her case was the first successful case of its type in the USA. One interesting story I heard her father tell was that one night he was having dinner with a group of Generals and Admirals. They started asking about families and Wayne said: "I have a set of IDENTICAL twins, one boy and one girl." Apparently, the big wigs took a moment to think about that one. Rumor has it that there may have been smoke coming off of their heads :).


And , from Indiana: A Dad's campaign forces school to drop policy humiliating transgender son. "Brian Thomas" launched a petition on May 7th when his son's school in Ft. Wayne was refusing to use his new name at graduation.  The petition tallied more than 14,000 signatures and forced the school administration to reverse it policy and not "dead name" Wyatt at graduation. Great!
When I see successes of young transgender women and men such as these, the future becomes brighter!

Monday, May 13, 2019

Sunday, July 22, 2018

Super Trans!

From the "Hollywood Reporter" :

"The CW's Supergirl is making some important TV history.
The DC Comics drama has enlisted transgender activist and actress Nicole Maines to play TV's first transgender superhero.
Maines will join the fourth season of the Warner Bros. TV-produced drama as Nia Nal (aka Dreamer), a character described as a soulful young transgender woman with a fierce drive to protect others. Nia's journey in season four means fulfilling her destiny as the superhero Dreamer, which is similar to Kara's (Melissa Benoist) journey to become Supergirl."

"The role arrives as transgender stories are becoming increasingly common on the small screen. FX's dance musical Pose, already renewed for a second season, set a TV record earlier this year for the largest cast of transgender characters portrayed by transgender series regulars"

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

A Busy Week!

Nicole Maines on Royal Pains
Nicole Maines (from Out Magazine.
Those of you more mature Cyrsti's Condo visitors may remember the days in the "Dark Ages" when the only type of a transgender-cross dresser-transvestite person on TV was either on a sensationalized talk show (like Geraldo Rivera) or a movie in which the character was some sort of an evil murderer.

This week is the exact opposite. Last night (Monday) was another episode of the Ryan Seacrest-produced reality series Becoming Us.  The show explores the relationship between transgender (transitioning) MTF Carly and her son Ben, a teenage photographer with a lot on his mind. As television would have it- Ben’s girlfriend Danielle also has a father who’s transitioning. Doesn't everyone?
Audrey Middleton
Audrey Middleton

Then tonight (Tuesday) is the Royal Pain episode with young transgender woman Nicole Maines.

Last but hopefully not least (this Wednesday and Thursday)  the 2015 Edition of "Big Brother" will begin it's 17th season with a transgender woman Audrey Middleton included. 

As a sidelight, if you have ever seen Julie Chen, the host/moderator of this show speak on transgender issues she seems to be a huge ally of the trans community.

Finally, sometimes it is difficult to get links such as the ones in this post to work for long but you should be able to keep searching to find one.

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Cyrsti's Condo "Sunday Edition"

Kerplunk! Heads up! Another Sunday edition is hitting your virtual front porch. Here in Ohio, we are taking a brief break from a typical steamy summer with torrential rainfalls which are the remnants of Hurricane Bill. Lets get started.

Page One-The Week that Was or Wasn't:  Last week, the remarkable run of transgender orientated media programming continued with the announcement of  another transgender teen, Nicole Maines making her acting debut this Tuesday on national television. She will be on this weeks episode of the USA Network show (Tuesday where I live) Royal Pains. **Note, this link may take you to a video.

If you remember, Maines, a 17-year old high school senior, made headlines when she won a Maine transgender rights case. The ruling saw the Maine Supreme Judicial Court guarantee the right of a transgender child to use the school bathroom designated for the gender with which he or she identifies.
Page Two- Dad's Day.- It's Father's Day again. I have no idea if other countries in the world have an equivalent. Around here, it draws the natural comparison between it and Mother's Day.Of course, the Mom's get the credit. In the transgender community I am going out on on a limb and write most of us for one reason or another worshiped our Mom's while our Father's remained distant. In my case, my Dad was an extraordinary provider while at the same time providing a strong moral compass. But, he was an a distant man...a WWII and Great Depression self made man. So Dad (who passed years ago) - I still wouldn't know what to get you for Father's Day. But, the more I read about the effect of single parent homes today-you were a star. Thanks I owe you a lot.
Page Three.-Summer Solstice.- Today also happens to be the longest day of the year and time to wrap this up and head to a celebration of sorts in a nearby park. Be safe and (as always) thanks for joining me here in Cyrsti's Condo! 

Thursday, June 18, 2015

No Trans Pain From Maine!

Transgender student Nicole Maines (center) with her father, Wayne Maines (left), and brother Jonas, speaks to reporters outside the Penobscot Judicial Center, Wednesday, June 12, 2013, in Bangor. (Robert F. Bukaty | AP/Pool)
Transgender student Nicole Maines (center) with her father, Wayne Maines (left), and brother Jonas, speaks to reporters outside the Penobscot Judicial Center, Wednesday, June 12, 2013, in Bangor. (Robert F. Bukaty | AP/Pool)
From: The Bangor Daily News:
Maine’s most famous transgender teen is making her acting debut next Tuesday on national television.
USA Network announced today that Nicole Maines will star in an upcoming episode of the show “Royal Pains”.
Maines, a 17-year old high school senior, made headlines when she won a Maine transgender rights case. The ruling saw the Maine Supreme Judicial Court guarantee the right of a transgender child to use the school bathroom designated for the gender with which he or she identifies.
The episode titled “The Prince of Nucleotides” — set to air 10 p.m. Tuesday, June 23 —  will feature Nicole as she plays a trans choreographer who discovers that the hormones she’s taking may be putting her health at risk.
Follow all the links for more!!!

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Movin' Along!!!!

Fortunately, I was able to move my computer and other bloggin "Stuff" to a new home without incident-so far!!! What's going on is I am moving from my old house into another in route to my partner Liz's house in Cincinnati.  But, I still have to sell my original house in the spring.

At any rate-more than a couple very positive happenings took place.

The first is a landmark protection case concerning transgender school students.  Here is an excerpt from Outword:

On Monday, the U.S. Department of Education released a long-awaited, much-needed guidance document for elementary and secondary schools that offer or want to offer single-sex classes.
Included within the document was an important protection for transgender students that should not be overlooked. The guidance states clearly that transgender students must be allowed to participate in single-sex classes consistent with their gender identity. (In other words, consistent with who they are.) This latest positive breakthrough builds on guidance released earlier this year that made it explicitly clear, for the first time, that Title IX extends to claims of discrimination based on gender identity.
Nicole Maines (from left), 14, her mother Kelly Maines and her twin brother Jonas listen to Wayne Maines (right) as he delivers a stirring speech about their experience in helping Nicole seek justice and acceptance as a transgender youth.
Nicole Maines (from left), 14, her mother Kelly Maines and her twin brother Jonas listen to Wayne Maines (right) as he delivers a stirring speech about their experience in helping Nicole seek justice and acceptance as a transgender youth
Plus, a Maine Transgender student’s (above)  lawsuit ended with a $75K award, a final order telling Orono schools to allow bathroom access  to the girl’s bathroom in grade school and middle school.  The need for this clarifying direction to schools across the country could not have been clearer. For more on the story go here.
As soon as I get caught up, I will connect a few dots to the Laverne Cox presentation I went to plus further positive news concerning active transgender military members and vets.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Transgender Twin at 14

"Nicole at Glad dinner in Boston 2011"
Do you remember the remarkable story of Wyatt Maines? At four years old, Wyatt Maines asked his mother when he would get to be a girl. Born into a pair of male twins, Maines knew he was living in the wrong body. By the time the twins reached elementary school, Maines told people he was a “girl-boy.” As years progressed, Maines began going by the name Nicole, and living life as a girl. At age 11, Nicole underwent puberty suppression (which blocks male hormones and puberty changes from occurring).
She now is 14 and Nicole family are activists for transgender rights. After a student complained about Nicole using the women’s bathroom, the family took a stand by filing a Maine Human Rights Commission complaint. They also successfully lobbied to defeat a bill introduced in Maine legislature that would have repealed protections for transgender people in public restrooms.
You can read more of the story here. Another wonderful point to make is I found this article in "TeenVoices *Changing the World for Girls through Media". Exactly the exposure our culture needs!!!

Turning Your Gender Corner

  Image from the JJ Hart Archives. As I made my way towards coming out of my closet and living as a transgender woman, I found I had many co...