Showing posts with label transgender military members. Show all posts
Showing posts with label transgender military members. Show all posts

Friday, April 2, 2021

The Battle Continues

 A reminder for a former president outside his Mar--a-Lago  home:

And, on the bright side, reversing Trump, the Pentagon has issued new policies for transgender troops. Policies which largely banned transgender people from serving in the military were reversed and new rules were given which will broaden trans troops access to medical care and gender transition. 

I will be interested to see what if any actions the Veteran's Administration will take now. Currently, the VA mostly covers only hormone replacement therapy and some essentials such as wigs and prosthetic breasts. To my knowledge, still no serious surgery. 

Monday, November 11, 2019

Veterans Day

Most certainly, being a transgender veteran means I pay closer attention to Veteran's Day. And, I appreciate the thanks I get for my service. Vietnam Vets like me didn't get many when we were discharged from the military.

It's ironic though, the person who may have benefited the most from me being in the Army, never thanked me for my service. That would be my daughter. You could connect the dots and determine she may not be around at all if it wasn't for the connection between her mother and I  (who was also in the Army) when we were in Germany. For what ever reason she can't seem to remember.

Thanks to Connie, Liz and others for their thanks!

This is always the time I thank all you other veterans. I know many of you were not forced to serve (the Vietnam draft) but went on your own accord. The ironic part of all of this is, the percentages of transgender military members is probably much higher than anyone has thought. Think of all who paid the ultimate sacrifice and were in the deep closet.

Also I consider too the tragic transgender military ban orchestrated by our "cadet draft dodger" in chief. It shows again how far we haven't come.

On a positive note, thanks to all who took the time and effort to serve!

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Break Down

Connie kindly read the lengthy article I spotlighted here in Cyrsti's Condo about the ridiculous transgender military ban. You can see the post here. Here is her (Connie's) take:

"Let me first make it clear that I think this ban is ridiculous, and unconstitutional, as well. Bravo for these women's efforts!

The part of the story that really intrigues me is this part:

"She’s worried about people who are only just realizing they’re transgender. Hendrick came out at 46 years old and hadn’t known of a trans person other than on television before 2014. She said one of her clients realized they were trans after seeing congressional testimony from a trans military member.
“When I realized what was going on with me, I was like ‘I have to transition now, even if it ruins my career. I’ve been alive for 46 years and I have not experienced life as who I truly am. I need to do this,’” Hendrick said.

I realize that my gender identity and dysphoria are mine, and mine alone. I can't expect that every other trans person has had the same experiences. However, it's difficult for me to believe that one goes through life, especially into middle-age, unaware of their own dysphoria - let alone never seeing some sort of similarity between themselves and trans people they have seen on TV. I also understand denial, but you can't deny something unless you've first recognized it.

I can only take her (Hendrick's) statement as her own truth. When I was 46, I was hiding in the closet, having lived with my dysphoria since early childhood. While she made a complete transition (physically, anyway) in just two years, I was still hiding myself in the closet at 48. In fact, it was another ten years before I could decide that I had to live the rest of my life as a woman. 

I certainly don't advocate following my path to transition, but, even had I not been the procrastinator that I am, I don't think I could have made such a drastic change in only two years' time. Although I don't believe in all the "rapid onset" nonsense, this case seems just about as rapid as it could be.

As I said, intriguing."


Monday, May 6, 2019

The Effects

I fear not many really care about the effects of the senseless transgender military ban instigated by the "liar in chief" in the White House. To spotlight the issue, I found this article from the Annapolis, Maryland Gazette and Selene San Felice 

Alice Ashton and Deidre Hendrick
It concerns two transgender women struggling to fight the ban as it goes into full gear.

The article provides great insight into the timing and struggle around the ban and is worth a good read.

Follow the link above to read it.

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Moving Picture Show

The TransMilitary Project is running a Kickstarter campaign for a documentary on trans troops who have come out despite the armed forces' ban.

From the Advocate:

Transgender soldier

"While the U.S. military moves slowly in reviewing the ban on service by transgender people, some filmmakers hope to put a spotlight on trans troops who are serving honorably and sometimes risking discharge by being open about their status.
Director Gabe Silverman and producers Fiona Dawson and Jamie Coughlin have initiated a Kickstarter campaign seeking to raise $89,500 to produce a documentary about those troops as part of the TransMilitary Project."
Go here for more!

Saturday, May 28, 2016

Memorial Day

Sure, it's a three day weekend for some and a picnic for others, but primarily Memorial Day is time to remember those who served our country and made the ultimate sacrifice. 

I am not going to spend more time mentioning the lag of rights for active duty military members.
Kristin Beck, Transgender Navy Seal

I am not going to do anything but deeply thank all of you active closeted transgender military members who read the blog and the transgender veterans who read it also.

Thanks for your service! Through good or bad times, people can't forget all of you who gave your time and sometimes your life to serve your country.

Thanks again!!!!!

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Cyrsti's Condo "Sunday Edition"

Ker Plunk! Another "Sunday Edition" is hitting your virtual front porch! Weather report? Here in Southwestern Ohio,it's a glorious Sunday, so today lets grab a cup o iced joe or tea and head out to the back deck and get started.

From North Carolina Hotel
Page One: The Week that Was or Wasn't: During the week, the costs to North Carolina's economy continues to mount from all sorts of different directions. Too many in fact to even begin to list here (a good thing) but you can go here to check out a comprehensive look from the Daily Kos. 

Also, if you have been following the "Prez's" visit to Great Britain, he has come out in favor of LGBT causes again, even to the point of saying he has learned from his daughters on the issues.

Now, if he pushes through equal rights for transgender active service women and men before leaving office...

Page Two: Yesterday's Coffee-Opinion:

All week long we have been presenting a series of posts on the different levels of transitioning. One of which briefly touched on the subject of aura. Which Connie followed with this comment:  "To be, aura not to be. That's the question! I would (respectfully) "tighten up" your loose definition by saying ones aura is her or his true self which radiates regardless of any self awareness thereof. I think that the brightness of ones radiance depends first, on the self awareness of the aura, and second, on the acceptance of it. 

Blessed is the person who learns both at an early age. I'm speaking as aura applies to gender identity here, as I also believe in negative auras; Hitler, Charles Manson, Ted Bundy, (and maybe Donald Trump?) fit into this realm. Although these people are (or were) inherently evil, they learned how to manipulate their auras just enough to fool others into believing and following them."

Extremely important when you consider gender is decided in a couple seconds when one human sees another.

Take the time I met Stana from Femulate for the first time. She oozed femininity from the inside out, and if you have read her blog at all, she says she pretty much always has.

Page Three: What's in a Name?: Ironically, Mandy sent in a comment which jogged my noggin into something I haven't brought up in a name and how it relates primarily here and on Facebook/Twitter:

"My male name (which I won't disclose) is now a predominantly female name. All too frequently I hear women yelling "my name" in stores, to locate their daughters. A bit disconcerting, but I'm used to it now. 

The bright side is that I am often gendered as female after I present my credit card with my real name. Folks are used to seeing women named thusly. Used to hate my name in school. But now I can say "Thanks, Mom and Dad!


Well, my name was about as far away as being feminine as it could get and no it wasn't "Chris." So what I did was go with generational names from the family which the grand kids could use to call be. The abbreviation is "J.J"  and it works perfectly as an androgynous name. 

Page Four : The Back Page: Well kids, it's time to get out and enjoy this beautiful day! Monday we will get started again on my stages of transition which in turn will fill a chapter in book number two. 

As always, love you all and thanks for stopping by Cyrsti's Condo. 

Friday, January 15, 2016

Everything Starts With a Dream

Those of you who have been around business management training programs, or even sports to an extent, perhaps you have ran across the idea of visualizing a goal before you can achieve it.

For the briefest moment last night I was swept off to what if land when a commercial for a breast augmentation group of Doc's came on the "Boob Tube" (couldn't help it.) I began to wonder if all my excuses against having the procedure was hurting my dream.

My dream is to have a realistic size of breasts to fill out my fashions. Excuse #1-my HRT "interruptus" has also interrupted my breast growth again. I am nothing if not impatient! Who said that? Dick Nixon??? Sincerely, I don't really know where my breast journey will end up.
Excuse #2-Finances. An upgrade to "the girls" around here is about $4,000 - exactly four grand more than I have to spend. I didn't hit the lottery as you can tell.

Answers to the excuses are actually easy to explain. If the estrogen takes me to a full "c" cup-that's cool and I will be satisfied with no additions to my body. Plus, as far as finances go, if Obama and/or the Pentagon ever does the right thing and formally approves active transgender military service-the approval could filter over to the Veteran's Administration (where I get my health care). At that point, the VA might approve transgender plastic surgery as the natural next step from the HRT they approve now.

Until that time, my dreams are in a fertile setting. One never knows when one will hatch!!!

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Cyrsti's Condo "Sunday Edition"

KerPlunk! Listen closely, another Sunday edition has hit your virtual front porch. Clear and chilly here in Cincinnati and we are fortunate the Ohio River pretty much stayed in it's banks. It seems every week these days, someone is getting hammered by 'Momma Nature'.
Hope you are safe and sound and grab a cup o joe and lets gets started!

Page One-the Week that Was or Wasn't: During the week we 'leaped' into a New Year. Or should I say 'limped'. During the year we saw the glitzy  'out coming' of Caitlin Jenner with mixed feelings in the transgender community. Past Jenner though, the year seemed to be a step forward followed by a step backward. Fortunately, approximately five states have shot down ridiculous potty bills. 

Page Two-Yesterday's Coffee Opinion: As we enter into the last year of Barack Obama's presidency, I very selfishly see a lot he could still do. Primarily, transgender military troops getting the right to serve. As Europe threatens to blow up over it's problems, we Americans continue to grow farther apart on issues such as gun control etc. I guess, just being transgender is a small deal - but it's not. My blood literally runs cold when I hear what most all the Republican candidates would do with any and/or all LGBT women or men. The scary thing is you almost have to go to a 'second tier' Republican candidate such as Governor Kasich from Ohio who takes a moderate stance. If I am missing others, I know our regular visitor Pat will let me know.

Page Three-The Back Page: It's going to be 'see ya!' for this week. Thanks for following Cyrsti's Condo through 2015 and best wishes for 2016!!!

Luv ya all!!!

Monday, November 2, 2015

What IS Possible

Recently I found these two stories of hope from within the transgender world-from very different ends of the age spectrum and the world.  The first comes from the and Canada:For Gabrielle Diana Gladu, 16 is particularly sweet. Two years after a suicide attempt, she is thriving — a transgender teen who beat the odds.

GabrielleTall, blond, sharp-witted, and stylish, she lives in Ottawa, Canada, with her predominantly Catholic family, who immigrated a generation ago from Poland and France. Her family is not fabulously wealthy, but they work hard and organize their resources well to support her. 
But Gladu is all too aware that increasing transgender visibility and fresh legal protections seem to go hand-in-hand with continuing discrimination in almost every sphere of trans people’s lives — be it traveleducationhealth care, or employment.
Top military transgender woman Catherine McGregor named Queensland state Australian of the YearThe second comes from Australia and Gay Star NewsOne of the most prominent transgender Australians has been named as Queensland’s Australian of the Year and as a result is eligible to go on to be named Australian of the Year for 2016.
Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) Group Captain Catherine McGregor is being honored for her work as a diversity champion three years after she transitioned to being a woman and went public as the highest ranking military officer in the world who is transgender.
Follow the links for more!

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Say It IS So Joe!

From the New York Times: 

"Vice President Joe Biden says there is no longer any question that transgender people can serve in the U.S. military.Biden is giving a keynote address to a prominent LGBT rights group, the Human Rights Campaign. He says all Americans are qualified to serve and should be permitted to serve.Biden is calling transgender rights the civil rights issue of our time.

The vice president's statement goes further than what the Obama administration has said before.

Defense Secretary Ash Carter has said the Pentagon's current regulations banning transgender individuals are outdated and has ordered a study aimed at ending the barrier. The White House has said President Barack Obama supports the approach.But neither Carter nor Obama has said unequivocally that transgender people should be able to serve."

Once again, is this more false hope being tossed at transgender military members. Plus, without getting too political here, if a Republican is elected, will we go back to point zero? Or worse yet another set of worthless studies which are only set up to stonewall the issue and provide a chance for coffee vendors to make more money in the Pentagon???

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Cyrsti's Condo "Sunday Edition"

Ker Plunk another Sunday edition is hitting your virtual front porch. Here in Southwestern Ohio, we are back to what traditionally is called "Indian Summer" when much of our traditional summer heat and humidity returns for it's last "hurrah" before fall. Let's grab a cup 'o' joe (coffee) and get started!

Page One-The Week that Was or Wasn't: To me the biggest thing that has happened to me for awhile in the transgender world was the announcement from the Pentagon that an actual timetable has been set for allowing active duty transgender troops to serve openly for the first time in their military careers.

Also, along the way- the news of  Raffi Freedman-Gurspan, (left) a former policy adviser at the National Center for Transgender Equality, will serve as an outreach and recruitment director in the White House Office of Presidential Personnel. Obviously, great news on both!
Page Two- Opinion.- Pronouns and the Trans Person: To me at least, they shouldn't but the use of gender pronouns people use with me define me. Often though, it's not fair to a public who is just getting familiar with trans women and transgender men at all. Plus, we are asking a person to make a split second gender decision on us. I had plenty of examples this weekend alone. There was the clerk girl at the shoe store yesterday who started to call me "sir" (at the check out) and to her I just said "No, thank you sir."  

Then there was the receptionist at the Veteran's Administration a couple weeks ago who changed  pronouns on me seemingly ten times a minute until she was totally frustrated. The list goes on endlessly of course. The woman taking tickets at the amateur boxing match we went to last night (Thanks Kim!) he/she'd me instantly when she took my ticket.
Of course, I'm not alone (with many of you) in the fact "passing privilege" will never be 100% ours, and pronouns may always be a problem or embarrassment of sorts for both parties.  

I do have a solution though. Most of the offenders I encounter aren't doing anything inherently evil. They are just confused and uneducated. I am thinking of printing up a very short list of alleviating the public's questions and when I do encounter a person, I will give them one.

Page Three .-The Back Page: Most of you know, I am not much of a "fashionista" but this weekend I grabbed Liz (she smiled) and we went shoe shopping. I did get "radical" and dipped into my limited funds and bought a pair of "short" boots that come just above my ankles and a pair of green/teal actual women's tennis shoes. (I know neither are very sexy-but both are very functional.) So looking ahead at the tons of fall festivals in the area and later into the winter weather-I m set up fairly well with my three pairs of boots.
Well kids, I have to get going and rustle up another cup o joe As always, thanks for stopping by!!!! 'Luv ya' all!!!

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Another Transgender Barrier Shot Down?

Bobbie just sent this to me to pass along to all of you and it marks the end of one of the most hypocritical transgender episodes since the word was invented!

The Pentagon’s ban on transgender troops would end May 27 under a draft timeline on repeal of the policy that affects about 12,000 troops, according to a document obtained by USA TODAY.
The memo, circulated last week among top personnel and medical officials, lays out the road map for ending the policy and highlights some of the potential issues, including a pilot program that would provide leaves of absences for transgender troops being treated with hormones (HRT) or having surgery. (SRS)
I was beginning to think hell was freezing over when Obama appointed the first transgender employee to the White House recently.  Raffi Freedman-Gurspan, a former policy adviser at the National Center for Transgender Equality, will serve as an outreach and recruitment director in the White House Office of Presidential Personnel.
Now I know why the late summer weather around here has been unseasonably cool!

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Happy Fourth!!!! Boom-BOOM!

The Fourth of July holiday this year does mean more to the transgender population of the LBGT crew. The gays and lesbians of course have just fought a hard fought battle to win the nation wide right to same sex marriage. But, for the most part, we trans types were left out in the cold thinking "well that's the right thing to do-but what's in it for us?" 

Being a transgender U.S. Army veteran one of the heights of hypocrisy in our society comes from the military. Recently there have been some real change in the basic policy concerning active trans troops. Unlike gay or lesbian troops, transgender women and men were out. (Talk about uncertainty!)

Then slowly and ever so uncertainly bits and pieces of change were announced. With my very limited on hands knowledge of the military (three years) I knew the "chain of command" was an all important factor in how trans troops could possibly serve. The problem was, you could have one unit commander who supported your job and service-then get transferred to one who didn't and out you go. Discharged, "see ya!"

Now at least in two branches, (Marines and Navy) they have issued a directive to not follow the chain of command and go all the way to the top:

I'm far from the expert, but I see this as one giant step towards moving the Pentagon bureaucracy towards granting troops who fight for the nation-true equality.

Even another cause for celebration!!! 

Friday, April 10, 2015

What's Wrong with those "Aussie's?"

Catherine McGregor, The World's Highest Ranking Transgender Military Officer, Shares What It Was Like To Come Out

Catherine McGregor transitioned from male to female in 2012. (Photo: Lisa Maree Williams/Getty Images)
"Australian military officer Catherine McGregor, considered the most prominent transgender woman in Australia, functioned as a male until just after her 56th birthday, she shared in a speech at a National Press Club event in Canberra, Australia this week.
“I choose the term ‘functioned’ advisedly, because my relationship to my birth gender was fraught from a very young age,” McGregor, who is a group captain in the RAAF Reserve, said during her speech, reported Buzzfeed.
For people who are transgender, there is a difference between that person’s physical gender and the gender he or she actually identifies with. Gender dysphoria is a diagnosis included in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, which says, “for a person to be diagnosed with gender dysphoria, there must be a marked difference between the individual’s expressed/experienced gender and the gender others would assign him or her, and it must continue for at least six months.” 
It can be hard to describe what it’s like to actually live with gender dysphoria (“Grammar fails to express" what it’s like to live with it, McGregor said). The writer of the Tarnished Sophia blog, who says in her “About Me” section that she has gender dysphoria, explains that it’s like being ready and comfortable with playing Romeo, and then on opening night being told you must play Juliet. “You haven’t played this part before, you don’t know the lines, the costume doesn’t fit at all, and you feel no connection to this character whatsoever. You don’t understand what her motivations are, and the director can’t explain them in a way that makes any sense to you.”
McGregor said in her speech that before she transitioned from male to female in 2012, her inner conflict was unbearable. “I suffered from it acutely and consciously at intervals over the course of my entire life,” she said in her speech. “I now believe my entire life was spent repressing and compensating for my gender variance.” '
Go here for more! 
Don't the Australian's know how damaging an active transgender military person can be? 
Of course you Cyrsti's Condo regulars know I am a trans vet and I feel the continuing discrimination against trans military members is the height of hypocrisy.

WGAL - Lancaster/Harrisburg

What is gender dysphoria?

What is gender dysphoria?

Monday, March 9, 2015

She's Baaaack!

I am back again on my PC and all is well again in my web world.  Recapping a couple of  items from the Sunday Edition this week, the military was in the transgender news with Chelsea Manning and beyond. Chelsea won the approval to be called "she/woman" and  the U.S. Army has taken a step that makes it more difficult to discharge transgender troops, but other branches of the armed forces have yet to follow.
The high fashion model and muse speaks about her career, being able to live her dream and the tragedy of Leelah Alcorn
The Army announced Friday that it was elevating authority to discharge transgender service members from local to the assistant secretary of the Army for manpower and reserve affairs, the highest level to which that authority has ever been assigned.  “In essence, the announcement places a moratorium on dismissals by requiring officers to explain their decision to discharge a transgender soldier to a high-ranking civilian leader, a move many would view as potentially damaging to their careers,” reports USA Today.

We also spotlighted a story on transgender model Andreja Pejic. (above left)  She told Gay Star News about the ten years it has taken her to get to this point in her life. In the article Andreja spoke of knowing the possibility of a MtF gender transition was possible as early as 13, but was hesitant for career reasons and now says there are other trans models in the closet for the same reason.She also mentioned the Leelah Alcorn tragedy. Follow the link above for more.

Finally, a couple of you commented on the addition of a direct link to "Frock Magazine" on the top right hand side of the blog:
  1. Very cool idea putting Frock directly on the front page, hon. What I did was create a page for it within my blog, and then just update the cover image/link on my front page for each issue
  2. It was an excellent article in Frock. I am proud of you for your contributions to the T community. We are a diverse bunch in terms of age, interest, proclivities and needs and you surely fill a spot in the T world.
  3. Thanks to both of you ladies!  In fact Sally, Katie Glover, the editor of Frock mentioned the same idea to me!  And, Pat, Katie and I had actually been "chatting" back and forth for over a year before we could come up with an idea which would possibly work.  Thanks so much for the compliments!!!

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Courage Under Fire/ Words?

I imagine most of you have worked for a company or were in the military and had a chance to ask a superior a question.  I'm not talking about your immediate boss, but one way up the line. Way back in the day when I was in the Army I was a "Spec 4" so I really didn't register on the radar of anyone of the "full bird" colonel rank or above (general.)  So, I never was able to ask any rhetorical questions such as "Why are we fighting this stupid war in Vietnam-Sir?"

So, I was surprised and pleased when I read this story from the
Advocate :Last Sunday, a young Navy officer serving in Afghanistan made history with an act of bravery that’s made headlines around the world.
It took place during a “commander’s call” in Kandahar, Afghanistan, where the new secretary of Defense, Ash Carter, was speaking to troops on his first visit to the country. When he finished his remarks and called for questions, Lt. Cmdr. Jesse Ehrenfeld of the U.S. Navy Medical Corps raised his hand. He thanked Carter for speaking with them, then asked, “Sir, what are your thoughts on transgender service members serving in an austere environment like this?”

There are yet other positive advances on the transgender military front: – A draft memorandum uncovered by USA Today suggests that the U.S. Army may soon make it more difficult to discharge soldiers who consider themselves transgender, a move reminiscent of policy changes made during the lead-up to the repeal of the military’s “don’t ask, don’t tell” (DADT) policy on homosexuality.
Currently, gender dysphoria – more commonly referred to as “transgenderism” – is considered a psychosexual disorder by the U.S. military and is grounds for being dismissed from service.

Check out the links above for more.

Friday, December 12, 2014

"Govnment" Stuff

Thankfully, most of you took my "Transitioning" Post about a CIA job ad which made it's way into my email as nothing political and DEFINITELY not an opinion on the agency or it's current problems.  I just thought it was an interesting play on words.  On the other hand, here is a report I am solidly behind:

USA Today reported:  ARLINGTON, Va. — Now that the U.S. military has opened more jobs to women and allowed gay men and lesbians to serve openly, Air Force Secretary Deborah Lee James says the ban on transgender troops is likely to be reassessed and should be lifted."Times change," she told Capital Download, saying the policy "is likely to come under review in the next year or so." Asked whether dropping the ban would affect military readiness, she replied: "From my point of view, anyone who is capable of accomplishing the job should be able to serve."

I thought I felt the ground here in Ohio was getting unseasonably cold - until I read this and I knew Hell was freezing over!

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Movin' Along!!!!

Fortunately, I was able to move my computer and other bloggin "Stuff" to a new home without incident-so far!!! What's going on is I am moving from my old house into another in route to my partner Liz's house in Cincinnati.  But, I still have to sell my original house in the spring.

At any rate-more than a couple very positive happenings took place.

The first is a landmark protection case concerning transgender school students.  Here is an excerpt from Outword:

On Monday, the U.S. Department of Education released a long-awaited, much-needed guidance document for elementary and secondary schools that offer or want to offer single-sex classes.
Included within the document was an important protection for transgender students that should not be overlooked. The guidance states clearly that transgender students must be allowed to participate in single-sex classes consistent with their gender identity. (In other words, consistent with who they are.) This latest positive breakthrough builds on guidance released earlier this year that made it explicitly clear, for the first time, that Title IX extends to claims of discrimination based on gender identity.
Nicole Maines (from left), 14, her mother Kelly Maines and her twin brother Jonas listen to Wayne Maines (right) as he delivers a stirring speech about their experience in helping Nicole seek justice and acceptance as a transgender youth.
Nicole Maines (from left), 14, her mother Kelly Maines and her twin brother Jonas listen to Wayne Maines (right) as he delivers a stirring speech about their experience in helping Nicole seek justice and acceptance as a transgender youth
Plus, a Maine Transgender student’s (above)  lawsuit ended with a $75K award, a final order telling Orono schools to allow bathroom access  to the girl’s bathroom in grade school and middle school.  The need for this clarifying direction to schools across the country could not have been clearer. For more on the story go here.
As soon as I get caught up, I will connect a few dots to the Laverne Cox presentation I went to plus further positive news concerning active transgender military members and vets.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Cyrsti's Condo "Sunday Edition"

"Ker Plunk!" another Sunday edition of Cyrsti's Condo has just hit your virtual front porch! Let's get started.

Page 1.- The Week That Was- or Wasn't.  My "Merging" post elicited several thoughtful comments, from regulars such as Pat, Alexis Michelle and Mandy. Among other things, several coming out experiences were shared and I urge you to back track on the blog to take a look if you haven't.  My take on it was (or is)  I still have too much baggage I carry with me when I'm dealing with generics.  Often my assumption is, right or wrong, they know I'm a transgender woman-or even care.

Another fun, thought provoking post was called "The Pill" and was based on a question of- if you had access to pills which would erase all maleness or femaleness forever in you, would you take it?

Amanda commented:  It was so many years from the moment I put on my first dress with my sister, That thought that I was a girl has never changed ,,I am Amanda ,being a libra ..most likely the white pill ,but would love to have tried the pink Love

Thanks Amanda!

Page 2.- Same Sex Marriage.  More than likely by now, you have heard of the latest circuit court of appeals decision which upholds the ban on same sex marriages in certain states (including Ohio where I live.) What the decision essentially does is make sure the issue makes it to the "Supreme Court" for a "final" nationwide ruling.

In the meantime, I was able to use the news for a little "discussion"  leverage with a couple of my lesbian friends.  One of which was giving me grief about transgender service member equal rights. I was talking about how incredibly wrong it is to legislate who should marry whom. Somehow, the conversation shifted to how I didn't have to "worry" about it anyway like the transgender Russian Bride (blond) above.  Either of us can still pull out our "male" birth card and dodge the system.  

Of course I said you (my friend) are presuming I still want to use that male card but are forced to and what does that have to do with me supporting same sex marriage?  Forget about the loosely tied together TGLBQ groups, isn't it the right thing to do? Just like extending rights to transgender military members who fight on the front lines for all of our rights?

About that time, the other two members of our party (one trans woman-another lesbian) were expecting the fur to fly but we moved on to important? topics such as motorcycles and football and all was good. 

Page 3.- Veteran's Day and the Radio.  Out of the clear blue sky, my name went bouncing through the equality group in Ohio and Indiana working for same sex marriage laws and Bingo! Yes I am a transgender vet and yes I would speak about it on a local radio show.  I did a phone in interview a couple days ago and since you all know I am not real shy about discussing issues-if they were able to use any of my interview it would be on today.  I will let you know!

Page 4.- The Back Page.  I hope you all had a good week last week and I am sending out vibes for another good one for you this week!  Thanks for stopping by "the Condo".

No Struggle no Progress

  Image from UnSplash. Basically, when it comes to doing anything really important in life, to progress you need to struggle. As far as bein...