Showing posts with label Caitlin Jenner. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Caitlin Jenner. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Nashville Cats!

Transgender actress and activist Jen Richards is on the road to Nashville!
Richards (Her Story) has joined the country music drama in a recurring role for season five, it was announced Tuesday.
She will play Allyson Del Lago, a tough but understanding physical therapist who helps one of the series' main characters through one of their most difficult challenges. Richards' casting marks the first transgender character on CMT and the first out transgender actor on the network. 
CMT, along with Hulu, resurrected Nashville in June one month after it was canceled by ABC after four seasons.
Richards recently nabbed an Emmy nomination for co-creating, writing and producing the digital series Her Story. She also starred in the Los Angeles-set romantic as Violet, a trans woman who must confront her attraction to women when she meets a cute reporter named Allie (co-creator Laura Zak) while also worrying that her attraction to women makes her less trans. 
"Richards also appeared as herself on the E! docuseries I Am Cait, which centered on Caitlyn Jenner's post-transition journey. Although I Am Cait was axed last month after two seasons, transgender TV has continued to prove popular. Transparent, which centers on a man's transition to a woman, has won Emmy and Golden Globe awards for star Jeffrey Tambor. Laverne Cox, best known for her breakout role on Orange Is the New Black, will next headline Fox's Rocky Horror Picture Show remake in October, before making history as the first full-time transgender character on a broadcast television with CBS' Doubt. Richards also is slated to appear on the midseason legal drama, in addition to co-producing the forthcoming docuseries More Than T.
In addition, Richards is an activist and advocate who works with national organizations and media projects.
Nashville's fifth season premieres Thursday, Jan. 5, at 9 p.m. ET/PT on CMT."
Go here for more.

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Transgender Mini Series

At times as I seriously begin to slave over my second book again, I get a chance to look back over the half century or so of time which took me to this point in my life.

Like the other day when my new endocrinologist asked me to start at the beginning.  Really? The story would be like a mini series on the history channel. We would have episodes along the way of playing football while wanting to be a cheerleader, raiding my Mom's clothes while they would still fit, and how about the doll I wanted for Christmas I never got?

The problem I had with her was trying to color in the space of time I spent exploring my possible transition from crossdresser to transgender woman-and yes there was a difference. I was so much more than an ex guy with hormone induced breasts and emotions sitting across from her.

Obviously, I was the first "up close and personal" trans woman she had ever met and was fascinated. I even fascinate myself, sometimes not in good ways which could be a another show.

I often wonder if I ever had the chance to be the "flaming star" of transgender women (like Caitlin Jenner), how would I handle it? To be sure better than her because at the least I have more empathy towards the trans community than she seemed to ever show. The again, she didn't have to "come up through the ranks" similar to someone such as Laverne Cox.Image result for laverne cox

Even though I would like to show empathy though, I know it's tough because of the issues all of us have faced to get us here in the transgender tribe. One episode could be centered in how we as a tribe are still terribly cannibalistic. It's like we carry whats left of our male ego, then mix it in with our newly forming feminine ego.  We have talked about it here. Rather than say hello to another trans sister, we desperately hope her trans dar did not go off and read us.

Another interesting episode would take a look at the progression and in some cases digression our fashion senses take. Take me for example, I don't wear mini skirts or sky high heels but my jeans, flip flops and violet hair serve to announce my arrival and P.O. many other women my age. But you have probably figured by now...I don't care.

I could probably come up with two or three more shows without much trouble, like how does one become socialized as a woman etc... but more on that at a later time! Don't panic, I don't have a ton of producers knocking my door down anyway :)

Sunday, August 21, 2016

JJ's Sunday Edition

Ker Plunk! Welcome in to another Sunday Edition which is hitting your virtual front porch!

First the Weather...positively glorious here in Southwestern Ohio. Low humidity and highs around 80. Let's get a "cup o joe" (coffee) and get started.

Page One- The Week That Was-or Wasn't: As restroom battles continue to rage around the country and as transgender women try to figure out the proper etiquette to use an urinal in panties, it turns out our new trans girl Caitlin Jenner's show was cancelled for this season. If there was any true "realism" to Jenner's reality show, Jenner never got the true message about what being transgender is all about.

Page Two- Yesterday's Coffee-Opinion: Yesterday was a bittersweet day for me as I put some sad memories behind me and opened new horizons. On the way back from Columbus, Ohio we stopped at a place called "Thurmans" which is widely regarded as having the best one pound burgers in Columbus. This is a picture of my burger. In the past I could have easily eaten this, but yesterday I had to take half of it home with me. I guess I'm not the person I used to be :).

Page Three: The Back Page: Looking ahead into September it will be time to put together my packing for a vacation trip my partner Liz and I will be taking up to Maine.

I love leggings and big soft sweaters, so I will have to start digging mine out, plus Liz has promised my first trip to get my fingernails done in a salon (already had a pedicure once.)

Of course I may have to eat a Lobster!

Well kids, your violet haired Vixen (the name of the hair color I chose) needs to wrap this up and move along with this beautiful day.

Hope you are well and I love you all!

Friday, August 19, 2016

Street Walkin with Connie Donald, Jenner and Mo

From Connie:

"One of the street-regulars that I talk to often has mentioned to me a few times that he imagines I have trouble with people accepting me or, at the least, giving me stares and strange looks. I've told him that he is incorrect on that assumption, and the last time I did give him the explanation for it (I don't usually do that, but it had gotten to the point where he needed some education). I told him that I have so very few problems because they are not MY problems. I am confident in who I am, and I believe it shows by the way I carry myself. My God, if Donald Trump can convince so many people that he knows who he is and what he's doing (albeit through total ego tripping), why shouldn't I, a trans woman, be able to garner a degree of acceptability?

 Of course, I am not running completely on ego, as I have gone through a lot of shit to get to this point, that of humility and compassion, as well as acceptability and respectability. I don't really care how people might be labeling me, except that I'm sure many of them may change their views after even a brief encounter with me. For the most part, I pass as I pass by (or, at least, pass-able to be walking down the same street as the masses). I do not pass completely upon closer inspection, as I possess too many of the characteristics the testosterone gave me (big hands, broad shoulders, a neck that football training left too large, etc.) My voice could be a give-away many times, but I've been told that it is a low, soothing and feminine voice when talking to people face-to-face (the same sort of thing happens with my singing voice, where an audio recording may make me sound like a man singing, it works just fine when I'm performing live).

So, like Shelle, I have no desire to be noticed as trans - or a tran-ny, for sure. I try to do my best with what I've got, and I've learned to be happy with that. My confidence in who I am is what I want to be noticed for, and I'm happy with that, as well. That may be enough to reinforce someone's favorable opinion of me, or it may do a bit to change a more-bigoted person's mind in a positive way. However, I can't really control what anybody thinks - but I can control how I think... and behave."

Behave...I doubt???? of Trump's big supporters - Caitlin Jenner's show has been cancelled. Another trans fraud back into the shadows.

Tuesday, July 26, 2016


The Democratic Convention is underway and immediately went to the toilets-the transgender ones. Some great quotes are coming from a site called "Politico" Here's one:

It’s clear there’s one thing you don’t understand about business,” said Jesse Lipson, an executive at Raleigh-based Citrix, told Trump from the podium in Philadelphia. “Nothing scares away investment like hate.”


Pointing to businesses and events, including the NBA All-Star Game, that are boycotting North Carolina over the law, Lipson said, “Republicans may think they’re telling people which bathroom to go into, but they’re actually telling people which market to stay out of.”
Trump had initially mocked North Carolina’s law, known as HB2, by inviting Caitlyn Jenner to use her bathroom of choice at Trump Tower, but he later said the matter should be left to the states.

Read more here,

Friday, July 22, 2016

The Gift That Keeps on Giving

Perhaps you have heard the National Basketball Association (NBA) has decided to move the 2017 All Star Game out of Charlotte, North Carolina. The state still persists in holding on to it's LGBTQ law overall and it's anti transgender restroom bill in particular.

The best part is North Carolina's pain over this bigotry isn't close to being over as the AAC Sports Conference is considering the same move.

Salutes to the NBA and may the ACC follow in their footsteps until this craziness is over.

And, speaking of crazy, "The Donald"struggled mightily to work some kind words about the LGBT community into his Republican Presidential acceptance speech last night. At the same time I am sure he knew of his party's completely anti LGBT platform.

I wonder how Caitlin Jenner would spin that-oh I did see her head spinning 360 degrees on her shoulders a couple times.

Monday, July 4, 2016


As much as we don't want to talk (or write) about it, last year from the Fourth of July to this year saw an increase in transgender awareness and how we are treated as we go forward.

Of course the Executive Order on restrooms from the President was huge as was the ruling on same sex marriage. Then there was the long awaited Pentagon's decision to allow open service from transgender members.
KKK Hate From Central Alabama

I knew for sure this morning how far we have come following the announcement from the KKK that they were boycotting transgender women and men. I look good in sheets?

 Then there were Jazz Jennings, Caitlin Jenner and Laverne Cox opening trans doors even further.

Fortunately, I know I have missed so many others just as involved, or as we have written here so often-those of you who help the cause by just going out and being yourself. Which at times is so difficult.

Hopefully by next year being transgender will be so blase I won't have to write about it at all. We will be free to finally join society as full citizens.

Sunday, July 3, 2016

J.J's Sunday Edition

Kristin Beck

Ker Plunk! A Fourth of July Sunday Edition is hitting your virtual front porch!
Weather: A coolish gray day here in Southwestern Ohio, expecting a rain out tomorrow though for the fourth itself. A great morning for a iced "cup o joe" or Chai Tea. Grab a cup and lets get started.

Page One: The Week that Was-or Wasn't: Last week brought the return of Caitlyn Jenner to the transgender spotlight with a cover on Sports Illustrated and kind comments about the "Make America White" again candidate Donald Trump.  On the other hand there are many other true transgender roll models to celebrate on the birth place of our nation such as Kristin Beck, the retired Navy Seal.

Page Two: Yesterdays' Coffee-Opinion: First of all, we all should never forget that freedom is never free and my thanks go out to all the active and trans vets who gave up to and all of their lives to protect us in places which just seemed crazy-until the world spins into the hot mess it is today. Thanks to all and mostly, the active service transgender members who were finally legalized by the Pentagon.

Page Three: Junk Yard Dawgs? This week, yes I did whine and cry about my trip to a junk yard with Liz. She finally told me to quiet down and at the least I knew a little about cars and not be a pretty, pretty princess again-point taken (dammit). I suggest you go back to the post "Damn Bucket List" and read Connie's totally different spin on a similar subject!

Page Four: The Back Page: Well kids, it's time to go and enjoy the day. Where ever you may be, I hope you enjoy your weekend. Thanks for spending your precious time here at J.J's house. Luv ya all!!!

Thursday, June 30, 2016

She's Baaaack!

Perhaps you heard Caitlin Jenner's latest political pro Donald Trump comments. If you haven't heard your girl said the "Donald" seems to be very much behind the LGBT community. I think we are too Jenner,  if we are making him money in one of his hotels.

On the brighter side, in Utah, Misty Snow has made history as the state's first Senate Democratic transgender nominee.

Saturday, April 30, 2016

We Got Mail

Thanks to you all for sending in your input to "JJ's House"! Yes I finally added a new picture and decided to add a new title at the same time. Thanks for your patience!!!

Now on to the input:
First from Paula in Great Britain. For me this puts the USA on a similar footing to Russia and Uganda as travel destinations, it is all so sad.

Sad is correct Paula but this is yet another mini revolution. This one though is fueled by the fact that we transgender people have been tossed under the bus by a group of radical right wingers. Spare me the rant! Plus, what has exasperated the whole situation is the trans population's potential power, exposure and even popularity.

The only thing the right wing has found to fire up a largely backwards group of the country is the restroom non issue. Also it is a proven fact most of the largest religions are losing their memberships slowly.

Finally, you have to keep in mind we are a big nation, so many areas simply are and will be easier to move around in as LGBTQ peeps. An example is I can move around easily where I live on the East side of Cincinnati but a little over 50 miles East of us are where the eight people were killed in the rumored drug cartel murders. Rural and mean.

Then there is Donald Trump, Paula, as far as trans people go, I think we barely show up on his radar. After all, he told Caitlin Jenner to use what ever restroom she wanted in the Trump Tower.

It's going to be a down and dirty time between now and fall elections in America with a lot at stake for all transgender women and trans men.  

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

The Long and Winding What?


Yesterday was one of those days when it seems I was trying to catch up with my tail all day long. I'm not going to bore you with all the details except to say it seems I get to keep my HRT estrogen going for another round, which is about three months.

I say seems because yesterday I didn't see my regular endocrinologist, instead seeing his nurse practitioner. If for some reasons my iron levels shoot through the ceiling again, then conceivably the cruel and usual punishment could come and my Doc could reverse his stand on my HRT again. I take nothing for granted, except taking anything for granted at all.

Following the visit, it was off to lunch with daughter for lunch. Always a delightful time and back to Cincinnati.

Perhaps you remember the round trip I go through on "Doc" days spans about 3 1/2 hours of drive time. I have plenty of time to be by myself with the two dogs and ask questions. None quite like this though:

"Your post has led me to think that Trump would make a good Fran-n-Furter too. Would you be willing to face him in a debate, should Donald decide to compete for your role at the Halloween Ball? Donald has been a drag in the Rep. debates; he could be IN drag in yours. 

The dumb blonde in me needs to ask if the Electoral College is the same as Trump University. Does either have a track team? If so, could Caitlyn be on it?"

Connie, while The Donald has looked as if he could keep the Republican Party in the gutter single handily, he has/is dragging the Pub's down to Jenner's level. It's still not low enough to for Jenner to realize what is really going on outside the "glitter bubble" which is Jenner's life.

All those years as Olympic Champ must have cost Caitlyn Jenner brain cells!!!  

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Cyrsti's Condo "Sunday Edition"

Ker Plunk! Another edition from Cyrsti's Condo is arriving on your virtual front porch. Our "faux spring" is here in Southwestern Ohio, a great time for a cup o joe, or a "brunch beer" from Cincinnati's Bock Fest going on today. 
Page One: The Week that Was or Wasn't: This week, transgender women and men everywhere in this country breathed a sigh of relief when the governor of South Dakota vetoed the latest sweeping attempt to pass what's called a bathroom "genitalia" bill. More precisely, under the bill,you must use the restroom of your birth , not choice of identification.Before we all start doing our happy dance though,beware of a bigoted right wing legislator near you furiously burning the midnight oil  and wasting his constituents happy by wasting their time and money. Of course, I had to pass along an example of how "The Donald" would look in drag.

Page Two: Yesterday's Coffee-Opinion: As we just begin to see our share of the never ending (seemingly) political ads leading up to the Ohio primary, it's important to note my vote is worth more than most of the other states you may hear about in the more un-populated states because of the "U.S. Electoral College" or if the state has a primary or a caucus to elect. If you don't know what that means, don't feel bad, many Americans don't either. Very simply, if "yo girl" Caitlin Jenner lived in Indiana and voted for her guy Ted Cruz and I voted for Clinton in Ohio my vote would mean more.

Page Three: The Sweet Transvestite from? Last week I was approached by a friend to play Frank-n-Furter from Rocky Horror Picture Show. After some serious thoughts, I finally came to the conclusion of why the hell not ? Have some fun. 

I'm sure I will have much more to pass along to you before the Halloween Ball comes about in early October. Which, ideally, gives me another chance to have more fun at a more conventional Halloween party.

Page Four: The Back Page: Well that's it for this Sunday kids. Time to get on with my day. As always thanks for stopping my the Condo!!!!

Love you all!!!

Saturday, March 5, 2016

Just Being Me

This morning Liz and I made our way to one of our fave groups-the Cincinnati Creative Meetup folks. A bunch of them fancy themselves as writers (as I do) but even I have managed to scratch out a bit more work than most.

Momma Karma though normally puts one or both of us close to an interesting person, regardless of their past literary successes. Of course (like it or not) I am sort of an attraction because I am transgender. 

Today, the person who ended up sitting between us for coffee and breakfast was a veteran too and writing about her experiences as a cis woman vet.

Of course we went from where and when did we serve to and what sort of care were we getting from the the VA. It turned out I thought mine was better in Dayton than hers in Cincinnati, which is probably not unusual.

From there came the fun part when I told her I was invited to the women's vets Memorial Day Picnic in Dayton this year and was tearing up as I told her. Not as bad though as when I made the point about Caitlin Jenner backing Ted Cruz, the all time worst choice of the candidates to support any LGBTQ rights.

With that, an exciting day of grocery shopping awaited and no we didn't see our friendly heels and hose cross dresser at the market, this time I really want to talk to her!

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Cyrsti's Condo "Sunday Edition"

Ker Plunk! Get ready! Another wondrous edition of the "Condo" is hitting your virtual front porch. "Momma Nature" here in Cincinnati is teasing us with one of her early spring weekends before winter returns-for awhile. At any rate grab a "cup-o-joe" and let's get started!

Page One- The Week that Was - or Wasn't: As on the national scene, in South Dakota, HB 1008 one of several anti-LGBT bills conservative groups have been advancing in South Dakota, requires that every restroom, locker room, and shower room in any public school be “designated for and used only by students of the same biological sex.” The language leaves no room for transgender students, defining biological sex as “the physical condition of being male or female as determined by a person’s chromosomes and anatomy as identified at birth.”  The last I read was, the bill was within the governor's veto of passing into infamy. 
Robyn and Andrew
Robyn and Andrew
On the local scene, my new social security card should be arriving sometime this week as I was able to hurdle that wall with relative ease. I may have picked the right Social Security office at the right time with the right clerk (young) who seemingly understood my desire to get the process done.

Page Two- The Small Screen: Actually there is more happening on television these days than the upcoming season two of "I am Cait" with Caitlin Jenner plugging away at her life and (just maybe) her new cosmetic line. There is a show on the Discovery Life Channel if you can pick it up called "New Girls on the Block."
So far the show, as I have seen it, has done a decent job of cutting across transgender lines such as the pain of a transitioning husband and wife, two transgender lesbians in love, and more, including Robyn and Andrew who met when Robyn was Andrew's male co worker. Their friendship continued through Robyn's transition.

Page Three-Yesterday's Coffee-Opinion Jenner's Politics: (From the Advocate)
"Republicans, meet your teammate: Caitlyn Jenner. 
The transgender former Olympian turned reality star is holding firmly onto her GOP card, and from what she told reporters at the Television Critics Association tour in Pasadena, Calif., that’s not likely to change. 
Jenner was asked why she doesn't just "support the party that supports women and women's rights?”
"Well, I really don’t want to heavily get into politics because, certainly, we have enough politics going on in the United States right now. But as I tell the girls, it’s kind of good. If the Republicans haven’t been very good on this issue — which I agree, they haven’t been.”
Well, it does look like "The Donald" (Trump) is going to need a running mate.

Page Four- The Back Page: Well kids, got to get going, we all have another busy day around here and it's time to fix some breakfast "nummers" and get to it! You are the best for coming by!

Friday, January 29, 2016

Liz and Elizabeth

Elizabeth Taylor at 44
Perhaps you all have noticed Connie and I "sparring" in the comments section of a recent post. To cut to the chase, our discussions came down to the preparations trans women have to go through (versus cis women) to even face the world.

Interestingly, I have had the same discussions with my therapist and my partner (cis). My point was to all of them, including Connie, that while I and (most of the rest of the feminine population) will never possess the looks of movie star Elizabeth Taylor, I would not prefer to look like "Liz Taylor" of recent "American Horror Story" fame with Lady Gaga.

Of course I know there are parts of my Mtf transition which are entirely out of my control. Financially I can't walk out and schedule Caitlyn Jenner style plastic surgeon rebuilds and I am stuck with my big bones etc. On the other hand, I know if I can do well with my makeup, I will present with less effort. Often in direct proportion to the work put in.

However, my point to Connie (and I can be accused of not making it well) was a woman, cis or trans should not be judged by her looks. But, where does that idealism leave me? 

Liz Taylor
Well, you all have seen my pictures and you know where it leaves me-with a lot of work to do. But, on the other hand, I am completely unapologetic about who I am, and if I am out of time to do much more than tie my hair back, put on some light foundation and mascara for the grocery or gym-so be it.

Let's not forget Cincinnati, even though it's only a couple hours from ultra LGBT diverse Columbus, Ohio-still needs work on our acceptance. It's happening and I would love to help as much as possible!

In the meantime, I won't give you a "spoiler alert" about Liz Taylor, but you maybe will be surprised if and when you watch the show. 

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Cyrsti's Condo "Sunday Edition"

KerPlunk! Listen closely, another Sunday edition has hit your virtual front porch. Clear and chilly here in Cincinnati and we are fortunate the Ohio River pretty much stayed in it's banks. It seems every week these days, someone is getting hammered by 'Momma Nature'.
Hope you are safe and sound and grab a cup o joe and lets gets started!

Page One-the Week that Was or Wasn't: During the week we 'leaped' into a New Year. Or should I say 'limped'. During the year we saw the glitzy  'out coming' of Caitlin Jenner with mixed feelings in the transgender community. Past Jenner though, the year seemed to be a step forward followed by a step backward. Fortunately, approximately five states have shot down ridiculous potty bills. 

Page Two-Yesterday's Coffee Opinion: As we enter into the last year of Barack Obama's presidency, I very selfishly see a lot he could still do. Primarily, transgender military troops getting the right to serve. As Europe threatens to blow up over it's problems, we Americans continue to grow farther apart on issues such as gun control etc. I guess, just being transgender is a small deal - but it's not. My blood literally runs cold when I hear what most all the Republican candidates would do with any and/or all LGBT women or men. The scary thing is you almost have to go to a 'second tier' Republican candidate such as Governor Kasich from Ohio who takes a moderate stance. If I am missing others, I know our regular visitor Pat will let me know.

Page Three-The Back Page: It's going to be 'see ya!' for this week. Thanks for following Cyrsti's Condo through 2015 and best wishes for 2016!!!

Luv ya all!!!

Sunday, December 20, 2015

Cyrsti's Condo "Sunday Morning Edition"

Ker Plunk! Welcome to another Cyrsti's Condo Sunday Edition. Get yourself a hot "Cup o Joe" and lets get started! It's cold here in Cincinnati, Ohio. Which indeed it should be during the Christmas season. Lets get started!

Page One :The Week that Was - or Wasn't:  Much to the chagrin of the anti-transgender movement strides continue to be made in the world from the LGBTQ community: 
Such as this week when Canada’s first transgender judge was been appointed to provincial court in Manitoba.
Kael McKenzie, a Crown attorney from Winnipeg, was designated a judge on Dec. 17 and will begin his new job immediately.With his appointment to provincial court, Mr. McKenzie becomes the third openly trans judge now practicing in North America. The first, Victoria Kolakowski, of Alameda County, Calif., was appointed in 2010.Many are calling Mr. McKenzie’s appointment “a Canadian milestone.” (Thanks Bobbie)
For me, as I have written-this Wednesday is legal name change day!
Page Two: Yesterday's Coffee - Editorial Opinion: One of the blogs I follow is TransGriot which is moderated/written by Monica Roberts. Monica is a transgender woman of color who is never short on opinion - most of which even I agree with. Monica is also from Houston, Texas where the trans- rightist- conservative bigots banded together to shoot down HERO 

Monica wrote: 

"The problem I have with it along with many of our allies is that the taping (of another 'I am Caitlin' show) had no Houston trans representation, and especially Houston trans people of color leaders to discuss on camera an issue that we have been all in about and are the experts at discussing in HERO. In Dee Dee Watters and my cases, we have been fighting to pass our human rights ordinance since January 2014."

Follow the link above for Monica's thoughts on many transgender issues-especially from the point of color!

Page Three: Entertainment: This Holiday Season we have the premier of the "Danish Girl." and the announcement of  Amazon's new kids show co produced by transgender woman Shadi Petosky . The show is called " Danger and Eggs." 

Shadi Petosky
As Variety and Entertainment Weekly reported, Petosky learned Friday that Danger & Eggs, the animated children's show she co-created with animator Mike Owens, has been green lit for 25 episodes by Amazon, along with two other shows aimed at kids. 

Page Four: The Back Page: Doesn't seem possible but this will be the last Sunday Edition before Christmas. I know that so many of you will be traveling to see families and many of you who have families who don't want you in their lives anymore. Either way, take care of yourselves and be safe! You are always loved here and thanks for stopping by Cyrsti's Condo! Merry Christmas and Blessed Yule!!!!

Friday, December 18, 2015

Cyrsti's Condo Remember?

New York Magazine photo of Tracey "Africa" Norman - first black transgender modelFrom CNN:  Before there was Caitlyn Jenner, Laverne Cox or Jazz Jennings, there was Tracey “Africa” Norman.
In the mid-1970s, Norman was the face of Clairol’s Born Beautiful hair color (No. 512, Dark Auburn). She had an exclusive contract with Avon. She did several photo shoots with Essence. She was a house model in Balenciaga’s Paris showroom.
She had also been born male, although almost no one knew her secret, a story she told in the latest New York magazine.
An African-American model already facing discrimination based on her skin color, she knew that any hint that she was also transgender would have ended her career and could have led to her death.
When word did eventually get out, the work dried up.
“I was a model, so males and females were attracted to me, and when they find out that I’m not what they perceive me to be, it freaks them out,” she told the magazine. “That’s what I’ve experienced in my life, what I was getting from straight women and straight men.”
Read more of her story here.

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Cyrsti's Condo "Sunday Edition"

Ker Plunk! A Thanksgiving Sunday Edition is hitting your virtual front porch. It's a cold chilly gray day here in Ohio, but actually a little warmer than the norm and perfect for a toasty "Cup O Joe"- grab a cup and let's get started!

Page One-The Week That Was or Wasn't: Nothing jumps out which was radically different. We found out again, Caitlin Jenner peered out from her gilded closet and proclaimed support for all the politicians who want to discriminate the transgender community but then comes out and says "keep it together all-will be OK." No surprises, after all Caitlin has a whole new season of her show coming up. Plenty of time to establish a foundation for in need transgender kids and call for equal trans rights...or not. Jenner has to remember, transgender is not spelled with a "H" -for hypocrite. 

Page Two-Deep Sadness: As Transgender "Days or Remembrance"  have or will still be celebrated around the world. All of us should take the time to never forget our "sisters and brothers" who often have paid the ultimate price for simply being born.  May the elusive peace denied them during life, find them on the "other side." In the meantime, radical conversion therapy still continues to drive kids to suicide.

Page Three-Giving Thanks: Tis now the season to begin looking around at the people that some times form our new families. Take my brother for example. He stuck the turkey knife in my back and said his family would "rather not" have the real me at dinner. Sure I was hurt but Liz and my daughter were both pissed to the point of saying "hell no they won't go if I 'butch it up." I no I am so fortunate to have in essence a whole back up family in that Liz and I were invited to my daughter's in laws and her family's Thanksgiving get togethers. With open arms. Shame on my brother.

For those who aren't so fortunate, it is a desperately lonely and dark time. A season for us who have a little extra love to pass around - to do it!!!!

Page Four-The Back Page: Beginning this week for me is another round of medical "stuff."
Monday, it mammogram time, Wednesday is shrink time and time to drop off the rest of my gender marker paper work at the probate court. In the meantime, remember thanks for stopping by the "Condo" and I love you all!

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Caitlin Trump?

Already, the "Caitlin Jenner" is a Republican- is becoming an issue-because the "Pub's" are SO opposed to LGBTQ rights. It's a shame because for me at least, a few of the potential Republican candidates I see have ideas I agree with. I have followed Autumn Sandeen (trans veteran) for some time now and I was very interested in her recent post in the LGBT Weekly:

Autumn Sandeen

"Caitlyn Jenner is arguably the most famous transgender woman in the U.S. and has identified herself as a Republican. She represents the transgender community to the general public whether the transgender community likes it or not, and I’m seeing in social media where a lot of the transgender community is falling into the “or not” side of the divide in significant part because of Jenner’s public politics."

I will let you read the in depth version here, but here are a few highlights:

Caitlin Trump

  1. Trump referred to Jenner as "Bruce" then miss-pronouned Jenner.
  2. Carson said we should have transgender restrooms - it's not fair for us to make them uncomfortable? (Kind of like the first years of integrated restrooms Ben?)
  3. Rubio wants to block employment rights for LGBT people saying it's a "special right" not equal right. (Kind of like not hiring Hispanics? Mark?)
  4. And my choice for the candidate most likely to come out of the closet - Ted Cruz, said "We shouldn't use the military as a cauldron for social experiment."

Of course, we have a long way to go until election time. Plenty of time for ALL the candidates to try to squirm out of former positions to gain votes. 

And plenty of time for us to write about it here in Cyrsti's Condo.

Preparing to Lose

  JJ Hart speaking at a Cincinnati Trans Wellness  Conference. When I first began to explore my transgender womanhood in public, I was rejec...