Showing posts with label 2012. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2012. Show all posts

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Cyrsti's Condo "Sunday Edition"

Ker Plunk! Another edition from Cyrsti's Condo is arriving on your virtual front porch. Our "faux spring" is here in Southwestern Ohio, a great time for a cup o joe, or a "brunch beer" from Cincinnati's Bock Fest going on today. 
Page One: The Week that Was or Wasn't: This week, transgender women and men everywhere in this country breathed a sigh of relief when the governor of South Dakota vetoed the latest sweeping attempt to pass what's called a bathroom "genitalia" bill. More precisely, under the bill,you must use the restroom of your birth , not choice of identification.Before we all start doing our happy dance though,beware of a bigoted right wing legislator near you furiously burning the midnight oil  and wasting his constituents happy by wasting their time and money. Of course, I had to pass along an example of how "The Donald" would look in drag.

Page Two: Yesterday's Coffee-Opinion: As we just begin to see our share of the never ending (seemingly) political ads leading up to the Ohio primary, it's important to note my vote is worth more than most of the other states you may hear about in the more un-populated states because of the "U.S. Electoral College" or if the state has a primary or a caucus to elect. If you don't know what that means, don't feel bad, many Americans don't either. Very simply, if "yo girl" Caitlin Jenner lived in Indiana and voted for her guy Ted Cruz and I voted for Clinton in Ohio my vote would mean more.

Page Three: The Sweet Transvestite from? Last week I was approached by a friend to play Frank-n-Furter from Rocky Horror Picture Show. After some serious thoughts, I finally came to the conclusion of why the hell not ? Have some fun. 

I'm sure I will have much more to pass along to you before the Halloween Ball comes about in early October. Which, ideally, gives me another chance to have more fun at a more conventional Halloween party.

Page Four: The Back Page: Well that's it for this Sunday kids. Time to get on with my day. As always thanks for stopping my the Condo!!!!

Love you all!!!

Saturday, December 15, 2012

HRT Month Twelve

December 31st 2011 I took my first "little blue pill" which to the consternation of one pharmacist was estrogen and did I know I was taking it?
Quite the year in review though-regardless of her invading my privacy.

Changes in the breast area came quickly. Changes to my psyche took a couple extra months and as the six month point rolled around I was noticing full scale changes in my face and skin.In addition,  emotional issues began to gain importance as I increasingly was becoming more socialized as a woman.
The summer months were similar to a furnace for me but for the first time I could actually wear sleeveless feminine fashions. Later in the summer, more than the weather heated up when I started my battle with the VA for my second phase of HRT with a real live endoctrinologist .  During a three month period I had to decrease my dosages while the bureaucracy took it's slow time. I hit the wall during that time and didn't really gain momentum again until later in the fall.
I finally made it to an appointment with the "Endo Doc" and he signed off on my status quo until the first of next year.

So here we are.  Changes are occurring now in my hips and rear area, body hair has thinned greatly and the hair on my head has thickened. All were predicted by my first Doc. Of course my facial hair has not been effected.
Emotionally, I think I worry more and I burst into tears when I first saw the elementary school tragedy yesterday plus I think I smell more.  All of these (I know) are highly subjective facts.
All in all it's been a wonderful year which exceeded all my expectations. Luckily,  the fun part of the year was my life outside of the pharmaceuticals.

In the spirit of 2013 coming soon, I will being passing along those experiences too! Thanks for being along for the ride!

A Spectator in my Own Life

  Image from Ryan  Mangino on UnSplash. There were many times during my life as a transgender woman, I felt as if I was a spectator looking ...