Sunday, July 3, 2016

J.J's Sunday Edition

Kristin Beck

Ker Plunk! A Fourth of July Sunday Edition is hitting your virtual front porch!
Weather: A coolish gray day here in Southwestern Ohio, expecting a rain out tomorrow though for the fourth itself. A great morning for a iced "cup o joe" or Chai Tea. Grab a cup and lets get started.

Page One: The Week that Was-or Wasn't: Last week brought the return of Caitlyn Jenner to the transgender spotlight with a cover on Sports Illustrated and kind comments about the "Make America White" again candidate Donald Trump.  On the other hand there are many other true transgender roll models to celebrate on the birth place of our nation such as Kristin Beck, the retired Navy Seal.

Page Two: Yesterdays' Coffee-Opinion: First of all, we all should never forget that freedom is never free and my thanks go out to all the active and trans vets who gave up to and all of their lives to protect us in places which just seemed crazy-until the world spins into the hot mess it is today. Thanks to all and mostly, the active service transgender members who were finally legalized by the Pentagon.

Page Three: Junk Yard Dawgs? This week, yes I did whine and cry about my trip to a junk yard with Liz. She finally told me to quiet down and at the least I knew a little about cars and not be a pretty, pretty princess again-point taken (dammit). I suggest you go back to the post "Damn Bucket List" and read Connie's totally different spin on a similar subject!

Page Four: The Back Page: Well kids, it's time to go and enjoy the day. Where ever you may be, I hope you enjoy your weekend. Thanks for spending your precious time here at J.J's house. Luv ya all!!!

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