Showing posts with label Donald Trump. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Donald Trump. Show all posts

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Tomorow is Here and It Is Ugly


Image from 
Charlesdeluvio on UnSplash

Back before the election and I was voicing my concerns about a tRumpt presidency, I received a comment from a self-professed transgender woman who said she was a conservative and supported the felon. 

Her reasoning was, he had not been that bad during his first term. She also mentioned nothing about all the negatives he spewed about the transgender population. Well, he is here now and in all his glory has shown an indication to destroy the foundation our country was built on. It turns out, the self-professed "king's" attacks on the transgender community were just the beginning. In fact, the attacks on DEI have reached down as far as my association with the local, Cincinnati, Alzheimer's chapter. 

For those of you who did not know, I have been a member of the local Diversity Commitee for the past several months or nearly a year. Very recently, the message came along from the council saying the Diversity Council would be changing its name. They were removing "Diversity" from the title. Naturally, I was shocked to say the least. The long tentacles of hate from the new felon's administration had suddenly become a stark reality to me. 

Since that time, I have decided to resign my spot on the committee in protest. The remainder of the group can pursue their new "health initiative" without me. 

With everything else happening in our country right now, I wonder what all the transgender women or trans men think now. 

As far as I go, I live in fear of my future. Not as far as being attacked is concerned but what potentially is going to happen with my Veteran's Administration health care benefits. I have a potentially key appointment coming up soon because my Estradiol prescription has run out. So, I will see if a problem getting my gender affirming hormones is going to be a problem or not. 

Looking further ahead, I fear after the Musk/tRumpt social security purges, what will happen with my future payments I use to live on. 

Bottom line is, I resent all the challenges I have to deal with at the age of 75. Just because a bunch of billionaires can increase their wealth. To hell with being a conservative or liberal, I just want to live and can't help being deeply resentful to all who support the king felon. Tomorrow arrived for me, and it is ugly.

Thursday, January 7, 2021

Trash in - Trash Out

 By now you all should know how I feel about "Benedict Donald" tRump. From his election day on, I watched in desperation as he tried to destroy at the least the transgender community and at the worst our country as a whole. 

I can only share this screen shot taken from the "Tony Burgess Blog" and CNN which shares my shame and horror. It's what happens when a masterplan to dumb down the country by neglecting it's educational system and then lie continually to it by right wing media outlets. All of a sudden, being conservative in the country became the same as being a tRump supporter. Which isn't fair or good for the health of the political system.  

I'm not here to write another political post but I'm am here to say the shame of yesterday can not happen again.

Sunday, March 11, 2018

Sunday Special?

Rude Paul upside down, just because!
Another week has come and gone, all too fast it seems.

Personally, my week was pretty quiet. I did get my formal acceptance from the Trans Ohio Symposium for my workshop.

Coming up during the week, I will be working through some of my ideas on climbing transitional walls as transgender women.

Last week, a couple of my least favorite critters, "Rude Paul" and Jenner made news. Paul once again stirred up the trans pot by saying trans women had no place on his "Drag Race" show. Supposedly, he had to quickly back off and apologize for his comments, because now he is reaching a wider audience on a different network.
Two more of my least fave people.

Perhaps you have heard too, Caitlyn Jenner announced her "love affair" with t-Rump is over and he (45) has set back the transgender community 20 years. Well..."duh!"

Finally, Saturday turned out to be a very busy day for me. First, I went to Liz's karate class and then we went shopping for groceries. The only thing of note happened when I startled our 40 something bagger. She ended up looking me over from head to toe. It's been awhile since that has happened.

During the afternoon, it happened again with two male employee's in one of the huge big box home improvement stores. As it turned out, I more than doubled my projected walking steps, so I hope I furthered my weight loss gains.

So the week went all too fast! 

Sunday, July 3, 2016

J.J's Sunday Edition

Kristin Beck

Ker Plunk! A Fourth of July Sunday Edition is hitting your virtual front porch!
Weather: A coolish gray day here in Southwestern Ohio, expecting a rain out tomorrow though for the fourth itself. A great morning for a iced "cup o joe" or Chai Tea. Grab a cup and lets get started.

Page One: The Week that Was-or Wasn't: Last week brought the return of Caitlyn Jenner to the transgender spotlight with a cover on Sports Illustrated and kind comments about the "Make America White" again candidate Donald Trump.  On the other hand there are many other true transgender roll models to celebrate on the birth place of our nation such as Kristin Beck, the retired Navy Seal.

Page Two: Yesterdays' Coffee-Opinion: First of all, we all should never forget that freedom is never free and my thanks go out to all the active and trans vets who gave up to and all of their lives to protect us in places which just seemed crazy-until the world spins into the hot mess it is today. Thanks to all and mostly, the active service transgender members who were finally legalized by the Pentagon.

Page Three: Junk Yard Dawgs? This week, yes I did whine and cry about my trip to a junk yard with Liz. She finally told me to quiet down and at the least I knew a little about cars and not be a pretty, pretty princess again-point taken (dammit). I suggest you go back to the post "Damn Bucket List" and read Connie's totally different spin on a similar subject!

Page Four: The Back Page: Well kids, it's time to go and enjoy the day. Where ever you may be, I hope you enjoy your weekend. Thanks for spending your precious time here at J.J's house. Luv ya all!!!

Thursday, June 30, 2016

She's Baaaack!

Perhaps you heard Caitlin Jenner's latest political pro Donald Trump comments. If you haven't heard your girl said the "Donald" seems to be very much behind the LGBT community. I think we are too Jenner,  if we are making him money in one of his hotels.

On the brighter side, in Utah, Misty Snow has made history as the state's first Senate Democratic transgender nominee.

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Orange or White?

As I finally got around to coloring my hair yesterday, (dark auburn) as I was applying it I panicked a bit when it came out orange.

I got to thinking if I had orange hair, I would take a step to the right and take after Donald Trump. Then I thought if the color didn't cover my gray, I would take a step to the left with Bernie Sanders.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

The Long and Winding What?


Yesterday was one of those days when it seems I was trying to catch up with my tail all day long. I'm not going to bore you with all the details except to say it seems I get to keep my HRT estrogen going for another round, which is about three months.

I say seems because yesterday I didn't see my regular endocrinologist, instead seeing his nurse practitioner. If for some reasons my iron levels shoot through the ceiling again, then conceivably the cruel and usual punishment could come and my Doc could reverse his stand on my HRT again. I take nothing for granted, except taking anything for granted at all.

Following the visit, it was off to lunch with daughter for lunch. Always a delightful time and back to Cincinnati.

Perhaps you remember the round trip I go through on "Doc" days spans about 3 1/2 hours of drive time. I have plenty of time to be by myself with the two dogs and ask questions. None quite like this though:

"Your post has led me to think that Trump would make a good Fran-n-Furter too. Would you be willing to face him in a debate, should Donald decide to compete for your role at the Halloween Ball? Donald has been a drag in the Rep. debates; he could be IN drag in yours. 

The dumb blonde in me needs to ask if the Electoral College is the same as Trump University. Does either have a track team? If so, could Caitlyn be on it?"

Connie, while The Donald has looked as if he could keep the Republican Party in the gutter single handily, he has/is dragging the Pub's down to Jenner's level. It's still not low enough to for Jenner to realize what is really going on outside the "glitter bubble" which is Jenner's life.

All those years as Olympic Champ must have cost Caitlyn Jenner brain cells!!!  

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Cyrsti's Condo "Sunday Edition"

Ker Plunk! Get ready! Another wondrous edition of the "Condo" is hitting your virtual front porch. "Momma Nature" here in Cincinnati is teasing us with one of her early spring weekends before winter returns-for awhile. At any rate grab a "cup-o-joe" and let's get started!

Page One- The Week that Was - or Wasn't: As on the national scene, in South Dakota, HB 1008 one of several anti-LGBT bills conservative groups have been advancing in South Dakota, requires that every restroom, locker room, and shower room in any public school be “designated for and used only by students of the same biological sex.” The language leaves no room for transgender students, defining biological sex as “the physical condition of being male or female as determined by a person’s chromosomes and anatomy as identified at birth.”  The last I read was, the bill was within the governor's veto of passing into infamy. 
Robyn and Andrew
Robyn and Andrew
On the local scene, my new social security card should be arriving sometime this week as I was able to hurdle that wall with relative ease. I may have picked the right Social Security office at the right time with the right clerk (young) who seemingly understood my desire to get the process done.

Page Two- The Small Screen: Actually there is more happening on television these days than the upcoming season two of "I am Cait" with Caitlin Jenner plugging away at her life and (just maybe) her new cosmetic line. There is a show on the Discovery Life Channel if you can pick it up called "New Girls on the Block."
So far the show, as I have seen it, has done a decent job of cutting across transgender lines such as the pain of a transitioning husband and wife, two transgender lesbians in love, and more, including Robyn and Andrew who met when Robyn was Andrew's male co worker. Their friendship continued through Robyn's transition.

Page Three-Yesterday's Coffee-Opinion Jenner's Politics: (From the Advocate)
"Republicans, meet your teammate: Caitlyn Jenner. 
The transgender former Olympian turned reality star is holding firmly onto her GOP card, and from what she told reporters at the Television Critics Association tour in Pasadena, Calif., that’s not likely to change. 
Jenner was asked why she doesn't just "support the party that supports women and women's rights?”
"Well, I really don’t want to heavily get into politics because, certainly, we have enough politics going on in the United States right now. But as I tell the girls, it’s kind of good. If the Republicans haven’t been very good on this issue — which I agree, they haven’t been.”
Well, it does look like "The Donald" (Trump) is going to need a running mate.

Page Four- The Back Page: Well kids, got to get going, we all have another busy day around here and it's time to fix some breakfast "nummers" and get to it! You are the best for coming by!

Saturday, December 19, 2015

Dancing Skeletons and Swerving All Over the Road

We chat around here quite a bit on occasion on when someone protests too loudly about a transgender person and their rights-a LGBTQ skeleton of sorts may be dancing loudly in their closet.

Sadly, an overwhelmingly large amount of us over compensate over our lives for the gender dysphoria we suffer. Certainly, I am not covering new ground. You may have recalled Connie and I discussing a few of the reasons we played sports and/or joined the scouts or-or-or---blah, blah blah.

Last night, Liz and I went to another of our meetup group's get together. During the course of the evening, I was amazed to the point of even being shocked that two people out of a group of approx 12 have trans questioning offspring/relation. Both of course are into the struggles we all went through as we were sorting out who we were.

Amidst all of this comes the news that an ignorant, snake worshiping religious right group is fighting Cincinnati's ban on LGBT conversion therapy. I wonder if those are the ones who go home and pull out the gay porn. Plus, the proponents of the "conversion therapy" are quick to point out they should have the right to choose.

Of course I offered any and all support I could come up with - plus this group provides a natural huge welcoming set of arms. I am so happy to be a role model of any sorts. 

Particularly at this point of time (with the political "bantering/bashing" going on) I wonder how it all affects the younger transgender girls and guys like were talked about last night.

I really believe Trump could give a "rat's arse" since he gets more press going after the Muslims. But for any number of reasons (including basic transgender rights) Cruz and Rubio in particular are very dangerous.

I used to be basically a third party person but this election is shaping up to be a no brainer.. Then again, there is a long way to go. 

Hopefully the right skeletons will dance their way out of the right closets!

Preparing to Lose

  JJ Hart speaking at a Cincinnati Trans Wellness  Conference. When I first began to explore my transgender womanhood in public, I was rejec...