Showing posts with label political. Show all posts
Showing posts with label political. Show all posts

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Tomorow is Here and It Is Ugly


Image from 
Charlesdeluvio on UnSplash

Back before the election and I was voicing my concerns about a tRumpt presidency, I received a comment from a self-professed transgender woman who said she was a conservative and supported the felon. 

Her reasoning was, he had not been that bad during his first term. She also mentioned nothing about all the negatives he spewed about the transgender population. Well, he is here now and in all his glory has shown an indication to destroy the foundation our country was built on. It turns out, the self-professed "king's" attacks on the transgender community were just the beginning. In fact, the attacks on DEI have reached down as far as my association with the local, Cincinnati, Alzheimer's chapter. 

For those of you who did not know, I have been a member of the local Diversity Commitee for the past several months or nearly a year. Very recently, the message came along from the council saying the Diversity Council would be changing its name. They were removing "Diversity" from the title. Naturally, I was shocked to say the least. The long tentacles of hate from the new felon's administration had suddenly become a stark reality to me. 

Since that time, I have decided to resign my spot on the committee in protest. The remainder of the group can pursue their new "health initiative" without me. 

With everything else happening in our country right now, I wonder what all the transgender women or trans men think now. 

As far as I go, I live in fear of my future. Not as far as being attacked is concerned but what potentially is going to happen with my Veteran's Administration health care benefits. I have a potentially key appointment coming up soon because my Estradiol prescription has run out. So, I will see if a problem getting my gender affirming hormones is going to be a problem or not. 

Looking further ahead, I fear after the Musk/tRumpt social security purges, what will happen with my future payments I use to live on. 

Bottom line is, I resent all the challenges I have to deal with at the age of 75. Just because a bunch of billionaires can increase their wealth. To hell with being a conservative or liberal, I just want to live and can't help being deeply resentful to all who support the king felon. Tomorrow arrived for me, and it is ugly.

Monday, January 23, 2023

Transgender Teamwork

"Shawna Wegner" is fighting a proposed bill in Arkansas which would force transgender women and trans men to use the restroom which was originally listed on their birth certificate. Now you can sign a petition to fight back. Every signature counts.

 No matter where you live, legislative bills such as this ultimately threaten our very existence. Please go here to add your name! 


Monday, November 9, 2020

More Election

 Even with all the election angst in Washington which so effects the transgender experience, our representation under the LGBT umbrella in increasing. Even if it does have leaks.  An example was a link Michelle sent into the Cyrsti's Condo blog: 

"At least 843 LGBTQ people currently serve in elected offices across the United States, constituting a 21 percent increase since June 2019, according to the LGBTQ Victory Institute’s “Out for America 2020” census of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer elected officials.

Particularly pronounced increases were seen in the number of LGBTQ mayors, with a 35 percent year-over-year jump; the number of bisexual and queer-identified people, with increases of 53 percent and 71 percent, respectively; and the number of transgender women serving in elected office, with a 40 percent year-over-year rise."

Locally, here in Cincinnati, Ohio an openly lesbian woman convincingly won the county's Sheriff election over a rump supported republican challenger, 

Even with the increases, there is still so far to go. Here is more information from the NBC News post:

"“While LGBTQ people are running for office in historic numbers, we remain severely underrepresented at every level of government — and that must change,” Annise Parker, president and CEO of the LGBTQ Victory Institute, said in a statement.

According to UCLA’s Williams Institute, roughly 5 percent of U.S. adults say they are LGBTQ. According to the Victory Institute, just 0.17 percent of roughly a half million elected officials are known to be LGBTQ. The Victory Institute says that in order for LGBTQ people to achieve “equitable representation,” there would need to be 22,544 more lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer people in elected office."

Thanks for sharing Michelle!

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Celebrity Fun?

Connie's comment about her attention from pro athlete (NBA) Shawn Kemp jogged my memory of a Halloween party when I got asked out by a future Washington D.C. politician and his wife. First, Connie's comment:

"I did join him at his table for a bit, only because there were already two other women there already. I was able to play defense long enough until the shot clock had expired, anyway. I wish I'd been able to get a pic, but this was so long ago that my flip phone didn't have a camera."

There has to be some sort of pun to use here about you or Shawn calling foul somewhere along the line. :)

Plus, the best I can offer was the the night I got all dolled up (cross dressed) for a Halloween party. For some reason I ended up leaving my wife at home and going with a news woman at a radio station I was working at. 

Along the way at the party, I was approached by a couple I vaguely knew as a local politician. The party turned out to be a fun eclectic blend of people in a restored Victorian mansion.  They initially expressed their surprise I wasn't what I appeared to be. Then proceeded to ask me along to another party they were heading too.

Seeing as how I was the news woman's ride, I had to say no. It turned out to be one of those moments my life could have changed if I had been able to say yes.

I often wonder how the politician who went to Washington fared later on when he tried to pick up a cross dresser with his wife.  I can't believe I was the first...or the last.

Of course with a politician, I would never have found out the truth!

As I wrote, I don't have a real celebrity story to share such as Connie's but I do have the experience of being mistaken for a woman during a time in my life when my gender dysphoria was at it's peak. I was constantly  wondering if living full time as a woman was even possible. 

It turns out it was.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Sometimes the Transgender Future is Bright

Every once in a while, I happen upon an extremely positive story which will impact the future of transgender women and men everywhere in this country.

Most of the time it's difficult to realize how much of what we face today comes from the hands of very old and white men in power. They are clinging for dear life (along with a certain base of people) to the archaic idea of making America White and Male Again is the only way to go.

At that point a story or post always comes along to give me hope. Here it is:

Samantha Boucher is on her way — both to Iowa for the 2020 U.S. Senate race there and to becoming the first openly transgender person to manage a U.S. senatorial campaign. Boucher, 24, will head Democratic candidate Kimberly Graham’s Senate campaign in the state against the Republican incumbent, Joni Ernst.

“Just the opportunity to do something so huge, to have a national impact, potentially, that really excites me, and I’m really looking forward to sinking my teeth in,” Boucher told NBC News.
Trans people are entering the political arena during an era when their rights are increasingly under attack — from a recent military ban on trans service members to myriad Republican-backed “bathroom bills.” At least 20 trans candidates have been elected to city and state offices across the country in recent elections. Prominent trans activist Sarah McBride recently launched her 2020 campaign to run for the Delaware senate. 

For more go here, to NBC News.

Sunday, September 30, 2012

I LOVE This!

I love this!!!!! Whatever political leanings you have...have a sense of humor!

Preparing to Lose

  JJ Hart speaking at a Cincinnati Trans Wellness  Conference. When I first began to explore my transgender womanhood in public, I was rejec...