Showing posts with label Krisin Beck. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Krisin Beck. Show all posts

Sunday, July 3, 2016

J.J's Sunday Edition

Kristin Beck

Ker Plunk! A Fourth of July Sunday Edition is hitting your virtual front porch!
Weather: A coolish gray day here in Southwestern Ohio, expecting a rain out tomorrow though for the fourth itself. A great morning for a iced "cup o joe" or Chai Tea. Grab a cup and lets get started.

Page One: The Week that Was-or Wasn't: Last week brought the return of Caitlyn Jenner to the transgender spotlight with a cover on Sports Illustrated and kind comments about the "Make America White" again candidate Donald Trump.  On the other hand there are many other true transgender roll models to celebrate on the birth place of our nation such as Kristin Beck, the retired Navy Seal.

Page Two: Yesterdays' Coffee-Opinion: First of all, we all should never forget that freedom is never free and my thanks go out to all the active and trans vets who gave up to and all of their lives to protect us in places which just seemed crazy-until the world spins into the hot mess it is today. Thanks to all and mostly, the active service transgender members who were finally legalized by the Pentagon.

Page Three: Junk Yard Dawgs? This week, yes I did whine and cry about my trip to a junk yard with Liz. She finally told me to quiet down and at the least I knew a little about cars and not be a pretty, pretty princess again-point taken (dammit). I suggest you go back to the post "Damn Bucket List" and read Connie's totally different spin on a similar subject!

Page Four: The Back Page: Well kids, it's time to go and enjoy the day. Where ever you may be, I hope you enjoy your weekend. Thanks for spending your precious time here at J.J's house. Luv ya all!!!

Saturday, May 28, 2016

Memorial Day

Sure, it's a three day weekend for some and a picnic for others, but primarily Memorial Day is time to remember those who served our country and made the ultimate sacrifice. 

I am not going to spend more time mentioning the lag of rights for active duty military members.
Kristin Beck, Transgender Navy Seal

I am not going to do anything but deeply thank all of you active closeted transgender military members who read the blog and the transgender veterans who read it also.

Thanks for your service! Through good or bad times, people can't forget all of you who gave your time and sometimes your life to serve your country.

Thanks again!!!!!

Tuesday, May 10, 2016


Just to catch up on a few political stories, North Carolina and the Feds are in the courts suing each other in a non problem which was made into one...transgender bathroom rights. North Carolina must be a rich state with plenty of money to lose!

Kristin BeckNow, in case you didn't hear, one of the most positive role models (who has come out recently) Kristin Beck, lost her election bid to win a seat in the US Congress over one of the strongest Democratic long term incumbents. If you don't know her story, Kristin is a former Navy Seal and a trans person I hope we hear a lot from in the future!

Finally, in the Philippines, Geraldine Roman on Tuesday celebrated overcoming "bigotry, hatred and discrimination" as results showed she had become the first transgender politician to win a congressional seat in the predominantly Catholic Philippines.

After her victory in Monday's election, Roman, 49, is being seen by the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community as a source of hope in a country where Church influence means divorce, abortion and same-sex marriage are banned.
See more here.  To coin a term, the more the world tries to keep us in, the more out we have become!

Friday, April 1, 2016

Kristin Beck III

I can't tell you how passionate I am about certain very visible transgender causes going on right now. So much so, I'm sure you are tired of reading of them. I sincerely hope though Kristin Beck is not one of them.

I believe one of the most hypocritical policies of the American Military is NOT allowing full rights to those who fight on the front lines to protect them.

Kristin Beck (as you may know by now) is the trans former Navy Seal who of course became one of the faces of the active military rights movement (if she wanted to or not) and then (in her spare time) wrote a couple books and even decided to run against one of the most powerful Democrats in Washington.

Recently, Kristin took time out of her busy schedule to drop me a note and a link to pass along to you.

Wow.  I went out to your blog.  Wow is the word that keeps popping up in my head.  And thank you for the shout out and the link to my website and the appeal for the GoFundMe drive.  It's huge.  

Here is another one for you if you want to use it.  Disney/Fusion did a short show about my campaign and you can watch it on the web.

Please check out this link and help if you can and before you think I am being the hypocrite now, I did scratch up a few shekels to help as much as I could. 

This video is so much more than politics, it's about transitioning MTF from the worlds' premier military unit too.

I'll grab the pop corn. 

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Kristin Beck Part II

We received several comments concerning Kristin Beck's run for office in Maryland. One is from our resident Cyrsti's  Condo MODERATE Republican Pat who wrote: "Regardless of your reason for supporting Kristin Beck keep in mind that her positions of the major issues are rock solid and supportable. Also keep in mind that Steny Hoyer has had a strangle hold on that seat for over 3 decades and all he has done is spend and push a socialist agenda. Lets support Kristin and lets hope she can beat Hoyer and finally bring some sense of freedom to the long suffering people of that district.

And: (from Mandy Sherman) : Unfortunately I can't vote for her because I don't live in her Congressional District. But I certainly wish her all the best and hope that she succeeds beyond her wildest dreams! We need some good Congressional representation...

Go Kristin!

Kristin Beck

Thanks to both of you and obviously I don't live close enough to Kristin's district to help (except sending a few shekels her way.) Hopefully you can too!

Pat, you will be happy to know that for once we agree! Politicians (all of them) should have term limits. For all the blather we hear out of Washington, none of them can seem to work together to get anything done.

Finally, I have two thoughts. I know you are thinking only two??

Who would you rather have speaking at all for the rest of the transgender world, goof ball Jenner or Kristin? (Rumors are already swirling of a possible cancellation of "I am Cait," 

And at what point does Kristin get tired (probably already is) of having the trans and Navy Seal tags slapped on her? 

Of course I can't say. I only know it's comforting to have her (Kristin) as an example rather than you know who.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015


We're 8 months out from the Congressional Election and I'm asking for your help.  Your small donation will go a long way to helping me achieve the best improvements in Employment, Education, Energy and the Environment!

Do what you can!!!

And: Sunday here in Cyrsti's Condo, I promised to pass along a link to a film project which involves a transgender character-which if it gets funded will be played by a trans actress:

It's called "Strictly Taboo."

Preparing to Lose

  JJ Hart speaking at a Cincinnati Trans Wellness  Conference. When I first began to explore my transgender womanhood in public, I was rejec...