Showing posts with label New Girls on the Block. Show all posts
Showing posts with label New Girls on the Block. Show all posts

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Cyrsti's Condo "Sunday Edition"

Ker Plunk! Get ready! Another wondrous edition of the "Condo" is hitting your virtual front porch. "Momma Nature" here in Cincinnati is teasing us with one of her early spring weekends before winter returns-for awhile. At any rate grab a "cup-o-joe" and let's get started!

Page One- The Week that Was - or Wasn't: As on the national scene, in South Dakota, HB 1008 one of several anti-LGBT bills conservative groups have been advancing in South Dakota, requires that every restroom, locker room, and shower room in any public school be “designated for and used only by students of the same biological sex.” The language leaves no room for transgender students, defining biological sex as “the physical condition of being male or female as determined by a person’s chromosomes and anatomy as identified at birth.”  The last I read was, the bill was within the governor's veto of passing into infamy. 
Robyn and Andrew
Robyn and Andrew
On the local scene, my new social security card should be arriving sometime this week as I was able to hurdle that wall with relative ease. I may have picked the right Social Security office at the right time with the right clerk (young) who seemingly understood my desire to get the process done.

Page Two- The Small Screen: Actually there is more happening on television these days than the upcoming season two of "I am Cait" with Caitlin Jenner plugging away at her life and (just maybe) her new cosmetic line. There is a show on the Discovery Life Channel if you can pick it up called "New Girls on the Block."
So far the show, as I have seen it, has done a decent job of cutting across transgender lines such as the pain of a transitioning husband and wife, two transgender lesbians in love, and more, including Robyn and Andrew who met when Robyn was Andrew's male co worker. Their friendship continued through Robyn's transition.

Page Three-Yesterday's Coffee-Opinion Jenner's Politics: (From the Advocate)
"Republicans, meet your teammate: Caitlyn Jenner. 
The transgender former Olympian turned reality star is holding firmly onto her GOP card, and from what she told reporters at the Television Critics Association tour in Pasadena, Calif., that’s not likely to change. 
Jenner was asked why she doesn't just "support the party that supports women and women's rights?”
"Well, I really don’t want to heavily get into politics because, certainly, we have enough politics going on in the United States right now. But as I tell the girls, it’s kind of good. If the Republicans haven’t been very good on this issue — which I agree, they haven’t been.”
Well, it does look like "The Donald" (Trump) is going to need a running mate.

Page Four- The Back Page: Well kids, got to get going, we all have another busy day around here and it's time to fix some breakfast "nummers" and get to it! You are the best for coming by!

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Trangender In the Heartland?

Yes, we who happen not to live on the right or left coast of the United States, do know there is secretly a rich tapestry of life which happens. Now,  ironically, the flood of reality shows are beginning to shed a bit more light on arguably one of the more bland places in the country-the Midwest. It's our secret and we are sticking to it, except now Kansas City is coming out of the transgender closet: From Discovery:

Kansas City is about to be the setting for a new reality TV show – but it’s not about barbecue, fountains or jazz. The show, called New Girls On the Block, follows a group of transgender women. Shot in 50 locations around town at the end of last year, it debuts on the new Discovery Life Channel on April 2.

Robyn and her boyfriend, Andrew, shared a laugh as they prepared dinner Tuesday evening at their home in the Waldo area. Robyn is a transgender cast member on a new five-part Discovery Life Channel series set to air in April.
Robyn and her boyfriend, Andrew, shared a laugh as they prepared dinner Tuesday evening at their home in the Waldo area. Robyn is a transgender cast member on a new five-part Discovery Life Channel series set to air in April. Keith Myers The Kansas City Star

Read more here:
Another experience line from the show from Discovery Life said New Girls on the Block will be the first reality TV series about a group of friends in the transgender community. It focuses on four couples, all of them from Kansas City. (Including the couple above.)
And, there’s Macy and Sharon, a middle-aged, married couple – Macy used to be a strapping, motorcycle-riding man.
"He was the man all my friends were like, 'Girl don’t you mess this up,'" says Sharon.
Now that Macy has transitioned, viewers will get a glimpse of how her marriage to Sharon is evolving.

Now the question is, will "reality" be more "real" since it is coming from the "Heartland?"

Preparing to Lose

  JJ Hart speaking at a Cincinnati Trans Wellness  Conference. When I first began to explore my transgender womanhood in public, I was rejec...