I could go into great detail about the problems young transgender girls or boys go through in the majority of cases. Of course we all know the instances of increased suicide rates mis-understood trans kids go through.
On the other side of the coin is the teen aged transgender girl who has basically grown up before our eyes...Jazz Jennings. Jazz of course is an example of a white, attractive child who happened to be part of a very accepting family.
If you have a story to share of your upbringing, please comment here on the blog or email me at Cyrstih@yahoo.com.
In the meantime, here is Connie's:
FABULOUS CONNIE DEE February 22, 2019 at 12:58 PM
"I hope to live long enough to see how the current generation of young transgender people will fare as they move into adulthood. There will still be pitfalls for them, but not having to deal with the shame is a definite advantage. For those who have parental acceptance and support, there will be a much more solid foundation.
I didn't have to tell my mother; she figured it out when she discovered some of her clothing was missing when I was about 12-years-old. Beyond a swift beating of my ass and a warning to never do it again, we never discussed it, either - unless you count subsequent reprises of the same interaction as being an on-going discussion. It's almost impossible, as a child, not to feel the shame in yourself when your parents express their own shame for you. It is so much more than, say, a feeling of guilt a child may get from getting caught with stealing a cookie. If my guilt was the cookie, my shame was the whole cookie jar; the cookie my gender expression, the jar my gender identity.
I have forgiven my mother, too. Neither of us knew what was going on, and "transgender" was something years away. It's said that knowledge is power, and there is so much more information that is readily available to both trans kids and their parents these days. I hold hope and prayer that both will avail themselves of that information and learn there is nothing for which to be ashamed - neither for the trans child or the parents of a trans child."
Well written, thanks!
Showing posts with label transgender girls. Show all posts
Showing posts with label transgender girls. Show all posts
Saturday, February 23, 2019
Saturday, December 19, 2015
Dancing Skeletons and Swerving All Over the Road
We chat around here quite a bit on occasion on when someone protests too loudly about a transgender person and their rights-a LGBTQ skeleton of sorts may be dancing loudly in their closet.
Sadly, an overwhelmingly large amount of us over compensate over our lives for the gender dysphoria we suffer. Certainly, I am not covering new ground. You may have recalled Connie and I discussing a few of the reasons we played sports and/or joined the scouts or-or-or---blah, blah blah.
Last night, Liz and I went to another of our meetup group's get together. During the course of the evening, I was amazed to the point of even being shocked that two people out of a group of approx 12 have trans questioning offspring/relation. Both of course are into the struggles we all went through as we were sorting out who we were.
Amidst all of this comes the news that an ignorant, snake worshiping religious right group is fighting Cincinnati's ban on LGBT conversion therapy. I wonder if those are the ones who go home and pull out the gay porn. Plus, the proponents of the "conversion therapy" are quick to point out they should have the right to choose.
Of course I offered any and all support I could come up with - plus this group provides a natural huge welcoming set of arms. I am so happy to be a role model of any sorts.
Particularly at this point of time (with the political "bantering/bashing" going on) I wonder how it all affects the younger transgender girls and guys like were talked about last night.
I really believe Trump could give a "rat's arse" since he gets more press going after the Muslims. But for any number of reasons (including basic transgender rights) Cruz and Rubio in particular are very dangerous.
I used to be basically a third party person but this election is shaping up to be a no brainer.. Then again, there is a long way to go.
Hopefully the right skeletons will dance their way out of the right closets!
Sadly, an overwhelmingly large amount of us over compensate over our lives for the gender dysphoria we suffer. Certainly, I am not covering new ground. You may have recalled Connie and I discussing a few of the reasons we played sports and/or joined the scouts or-or-or---blah, blah blah.
Last night, Liz and I went to another of our meetup group's get together. During the course of the evening, I was amazed to the point of even being shocked that two people out of a group of approx 12 have trans questioning offspring/relation. Both of course are into the struggles we all went through as we were sorting out who we were.
Amidst all of this comes the news that an ignorant, snake worshiping religious right group is fighting Cincinnati's ban on LGBT conversion therapy. I wonder if those are the ones who go home and pull out the gay porn. Plus, the proponents of the "conversion therapy" are quick to point out they should have the right to choose.
Of course I offered any and all support I could come up with - plus this group provides a natural huge welcoming set of arms. I am so happy to be a role model of any sorts.
Particularly at this point of time (with the political "bantering/bashing" going on) I wonder how it all affects the younger transgender girls and guys like were talked about last night.
I really believe Trump could give a "rat's arse" since he gets more press going after the Muslims. But for any number of reasons (including basic transgender rights) Cruz and Rubio in particular are very dangerous.
I used to be basically a third party person but this election is shaping up to be a no brainer.. Then again, there is a long way to go.
Hopefully the right skeletons will dance their way out of the right closets!
Thursday, August 27, 2015
Today I just had to get out and away-been up here with Sis in Law for about a week. Plus, I have been feeling really crummy the entire week. Since the day was another cool sunny day, I packed up the old dog and we headed North into some heavy rural/agricultural areas I used to travel with friends when I was younger.
There are nothing like miles of corn and soybeans on an empty highway to give me time to think. After considering I could see why the white man originally stole this rich heart land from the Shawnee and other Native American tribes-my mind turned to what the life of a young transgender person would be like these days where I was.
Of course I don't know for sure but if you have ever heard of the 4-H Club or the FFA (Future Farmers of America), I don't know if they even formally accept transgender girls and boys. As I passed on of the big 4-H symbols on a barn, I thought that maybe a trans kid could maybe gain a circle of friends.
Then, I thought of the area high school I was driving through and all I thought of was how brutal an experience that could be. All of a sudden I realized I did have a point of LGBTQ reference of sorts on that very school. Years ago, one of the drag queens in the area was actually part of the the school's color guard/flag team. I never had a chance to talk to her about her experiences.
All too soon though, the dog was tired, I was tired (out of gas) so it was time to head back!
There are nothing like miles of corn and soybeans on an empty highway to give me time to think. After considering I could see why the white man originally stole this rich heart land from the Shawnee and other Native American tribes-my mind turned to what the life of a young transgender person would be like these days where I was.
Of course I don't know for sure but if you have ever heard of the 4-H Club or the FFA (Future Farmers of America), I don't know if they even formally accept transgender girls and boys. As I passed on of the big 4-H symbols on a barn, I thought that maybe a trans kid could maybe gain a circle of friends.
Then, I thought of the area high school I was driving through and all I thought of was how brutal an experience that could be. All of a sudden I realized I did have a point of LGBTQ reference of sorts on that very school. Years ago, one of the drag queens in the area was actually part of the the school's color guard/flag team. I never had a chance to talk to her about her experiences.
All too soon though, the dog was tired, I was tired (out of gas) so it was time to head back!
Sunday, July 5, 2015
Cyrsti's Condo "Sunday Edition"
KerPlunk! It's time again for another Sunday Edition hitting your virtual front porch. It's our 4th of July edition. A time to remember all of those again who have paid the ultimate sacrifice for the freedoms we enjoy today. Freedom is never free. It's a beautiful mild day here in O-H-I-O so let's grab a cup o joe and get started.
Page One-the Week that Was or Wasn't- Take this money and shove it!!! From the AP:SEATTLE (AP) -- The Girl Scouts of Western Washington said it has returned a $100,000 donation because it came with the provision that the money couldn't be used to support transgender girls.
The group said it sent back the money in late May after the donor had asked that the gift be returned unless the group guaranteed it would not be used to benefit transgender girls.
"Girl Scouts is for every girl, and that is every girl regardless of race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion. Every girl is every girl," Megan Ferland, CEO of the Girl Scouts of Western Washington, said in an interview Tuesday. "It was a sad decision, but it was not a difficult decision. There was no way I would be put in a situation of refusing a girl participating because of a gift. It was really that quick."
The local council has transgender girls participating in the Girl Scouts, said Kate Dabe, the council's vice president of marketing and communications. To preserve their privacy, Dabe declined to say how many or provide other details about them."
Page One-the Week that Was or Wasn't- Take this money and shove it!!! From the AP:SEATTLE (AP) -- The Girl Scouts of Western Washington said it has returned a $100,000 donation because it came with the provision that the money couldn't be used to support transgender girls.
The group said it sent back the money in late May after the donor had asked that the gift be returned unless the group guaranteed it would not be used to benefit transgender girls.
"Girl Scouts is for every girl, and that is every girl regardless of race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion. Every girl is every girl," Megan Ferland, CEO of the Girl Scouts of Western Washington, said in an interview Tuesday. "It was a sad decision, but it was not a difficult decision. There was no way I would be put in a situation of refusing a girl participating because of a gift. It was really that quick."
The local council has transgender girls participating in the Girl Scouts, said Kate Dabe, the council's vice president of marketing and communications. To preserve their privacy, Dabe declined to say how many or provide other details about them."
I am especially proud of the Girl Scouts and my daughter/grand daughter's participation in the Scouts!
Page Two.- Another Victory: Also recently the transgender community and their supporters celebrated a huge victory in their battle towards equal rights.
Page Three.-Welcome Francine: I would like to take this opportunity to welcome Francine Keller and her In Transition blog...Here is an excerpt from a recent post: 'Not a Trendy Woman'
I’m not an ordinary transgender woman. Since that word would never describe transgender anyway, my statement sounds like a contradiction, doesn’t it? Transgender women usually work hard at looking pretty. They want to blend in with CIS gender women, so presentation usually takes longer.
Many trans women follow trends in fashion, others make their own style. Getting caught, outside without makeup is terrible for them. It’s a little like reverting to the boys they once were. Consequently they primp and worry about image.
Page Two.- Another Victory: Also recently the transgender community and their supporters celebrated a huge victory in their battle towards equal rights.
The U.S. Justice Department announced in a court filing that transgender students must be allowed to use the restroom that corresponds with their gender identity.
The department says in a statement of interest filed Monday that failure to do so amounts to sex discrimination under Title IX of the U.S. Education Amendments of 1972.
Page Three.-Welcome Francine: I would like to take this opportunity to welcome Francine Keller and her In Transition blog...Here is an excerpt from a recent post: 'Not a Trendy Woman'
I’m not an ordinary transgender woman. Since that word would never describe transgender anyway, my statement sounds like a contradiction, doesn’t it? Transgender women usually work hard at looking pretty. They want to blend in with CIS gender women, so presentation usually takes longer.
Many trans women follow trends in fashion, others make their own style. Getting caught, outside without makeup is terrible for them. It’s a little like reverting to the boys they once were. Consequently they primp and worry about image.
I tend to drift the other way, and I’ve come to identify with Cyrsti Hart who, like me, has a non-conforming approach to womanhood. She is one of my heroines. Until recently, her linebacker shoulders prevented her from wearing tanks and camis. Now, she looks great in them. Although I love to wear tanks around the house, I too, have linebacker shoulders.
In my non-traditional approach, I find myself dressing traditionally, like CIS gender women, who are my age. I dress up sometimes, but I lean toward the casual, and primping is not in my nature. Perhaps I would be different if I’d grown up as a girl, but I’m getting old, and most people don’t care how much makeup I wear anyway."
In my non-traditional approach, I find myself dressing traditionally, like CIS gender women, who are my age. I dress up sometimes, but I lean toward the casual, and primping is not in my nature. Perhaps I would be different if I’d grown up as a girl, but I’m getting old, and most people don’t care how much makeup I wear anyway."
(Be careful Francine-I don't know if I identify with me haha!)
Be sure to follow the link above for more and/or go to my "Wanna Hook Up" Link section here on the blog!
Page Four.-The Back Page: Thanks for stopping by Cyrsti's Condo on this Fourth of July weekend!!! Luv ya all!!!!
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
Dragging Out the Trans Girl?
Some time ago here in Cyrsti's Condo I wrote about a surprising, semi enlightening experience when I did drag one night at a gay venue.
I look back at the experience and compare it with what genetic women experience on Halloween. The bewitching parties allow women to sex it up in costumes they don't see as proper any other time. I felt the same way when I was in drag with the big hair, the slit skirt way up my thigh and the low cut top. Needless to say, you wouldn't catch me dressed like that in the real world today!
My problem is I have fought long and hard not to be labeled as a drag queen, so I don't want to ruin my "transgender citizenship" in one evening. On the positive side, I have mentioned many times I don't frequent gay venues often and I'm not a regular in any of them. So it's not like the next time I came not in drag, I would still be labeled as a queen there forever. I wouldn't have to worry that someone would spot me and say Cyrsti isn't transgender at all.
Since we are all friends here in the Condo, I will let you in on a little secret. One of my fondest dreams is getting busted in drag for taking unfair advantage of the queens since I have been on HRT. (Kind of like getting kicked off "Rude Paul's" Drag Race.) Wouldn't that be neat and totally unreachable but I said it was a dream! Hey! No one ever accused me of not having an imagination!
The main problem is if you want to run with the queens, they have a huge attention to detail and know if you aren't wearing four pairs of hose to cover leg hair and/or some of your developing curves are real. Or you don't have any arm hair and your nails are yours. They know you are not going home and take off the makeup and be a guy again. But again, I think it's a fabulous way to break the monotony of life and go play in a situation many of us grew up in.
After all, there is no pressure. we all know the best looking women in a gay venue aren't women at all. Sometimes getting all dressed up in your best drag is a great way to compare yourself with the best and have some fun doing it!
I look back at the experience and compare it with what genetic women experience on Halloween. The bewitching parties allow women to sex it up in costumes they don't see as proper any other time. I felt the same way when I was in drag with the big hair, the slit skirt way up my thigh and the low cut top. Needless to say, you wouldn't catch me dressed like that in the real world today!
My problem is I have fought long and hard not to be labeled as a drag queen, so I don't want to ruin my "transgender citizenship" in one evening. On the positive side, I have mentioned many times I don't frequent gay venues often and I'm not a regular in any of them. So it's not like the next time I came not in drag, I would still be labeled as a queen there forever. I wouldn't have to worry that someone would spot me and say Cyrsti isn't transgender at all.
Since we are all friends here in the Condo, I will let you in on a little secret. One of my fondest dreams is getting busted in drag for taking unfair advantage of the queens since I have been on HRT. (Kind of like getting kicked off "Rude Paul's" Drag Race.) Wouldn't that be neat and totally unreachable but I said it was a dream! Hey! No one ever accused me of not having an imagination!
The main problem is if you want to run with the queens, they have a huge attention to detail and know if you aren't wearing four pairs of hose to cover leg hair and/or some of your developing curves are real. Or you don't have any arm hair and your nails are yours. They know you are not going home and take off the makeup and be a guy again. But again, I think it's a fabulous way to break the monotony of life and go play in a situation many of us grew up in.
After all, there is no pressure. we all know the best looking women in a gay venue aren't women at all. Sometimes getting all dressed up in your best drag is a great way to compare yourself with the best and have some fun doing it!
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Preparing to Lose
JJ Hart speaking at a Cincinnati Trans Wellness Conference. When I first began to explore my transgender womanhood in public, I was rejec...

Amateur, by my definition means a person who does not seriously pursue a certain interest, job or hobby. Ever sense Cyrsti's Condo ...
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