Sunday, November 29, 2015

Cyrsti's Condo "Sunday Edition"

Ker Plunk! A Thanksgiving Sunday Edition is hitting your virtual front porch. It's a cold chilly gray day here in Ohio, but actually a little warmer than the norm and perfect for a toasty "Cup O Joe"- grab a cup and let's get started!

Page One-The Week That Was or Wasn't: Nothing jumps out which was radically different. We found out again, Caitlin Jenner peered out from her gilded closet and proclaimed support for all the politicians who want to discriminate the transgender community but then comes out and says "keep it together all-will be OK." No surprises, after all Caitlin has a whole new season of her show coming up. Plenty of time to establish a foundation for in need transgender kids and call for equal trans rights...or not. Jenner has to remember, transgender is not spelled with a "H" -for hypocrite. 

Page Two-Deep Sadness: As Transgender "Days or Remembrance"  have or will still be celebrated around the world. All of us should take the time to never forget our "sisters and brothers" who often have paid the ultimate price for simply being born.  May the elusive peace denied them during life, find them on the "other side." In the meantime, radical conversion therapy still continues to drive kids to suicide.

Page Three-Giving Thanks: Tis now the season to begin looking around at the people that some times form our new families. Take my brother for example. He stuck the turkey knife in my back and said his family would "rather not" have the real me at dinner. Sure I was hurt but Liz and my daughter were both pissed to the point of saying "hell no they won't go if I 'butch it up." I no I am so fortunate to have in essence a whole back up family in that Liz and I were invited to my daughter's in laws and her family's Thanksgiving get togethers. With open arms. Shame on my brother.

For those who aren't so fortunate, it is a desperately lonely and dark time. A season for us who have a little extra love to pass around - to do it!!!!

Page Four-The Back Page: Beginning this week for me is another round of medical "stuff."
Monday, it mammogram time, Wednesday is shrink time and time to drop off the rest of my gender marker paper work at the probate court. In the meantime, remember thanks for stopping by the "Condo" and I love you all!

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Preparing to Lose

  JJ Hart speaking at a Cincinnati Trans Wellness  Conference. When I first began to explore my transgender womanhood in public, I was rejec...