I just had to pass along this message which was sent to my email by "D".
It's a reply to the post "
When Do You Stop Being Transgendered?".
" As a man, you have seen War, that most men will not see and
other experiences males will never go through.
Now you have been out as a woman and enjoyed your new feelings. You like
your new look, you like what you see in the world, the feel of the wind in
your new hair and the days to came.
The future-you is what you experienced, learned in the past mixed with the present to make you one.
You're smart and gifted with the art of writing and I think your are teaching too. You have thought me to open my mind.. So that's four good things, intelligence, writer,teacher and good with kids, after all you raised one.
I don't know how much of a people person you are?
Obviously you have watched men and their wives. The wives doing female
things and then joining in with the men in things such as talking about cars, bikes and
so on.
If you are good at these, you would be on on your way to being Third
Gender. ( If you followed any of my "Two Spirit and Third Gender" ideas last week)
Enjoy your female side. Don't feel guilty of identifying as a male
or a female. You are neither,you are both. You are You, You are One!"
First "D" thanks for your comments, I'm deeply flattered and yes I have always been a "people person".
My only final comment is as far as "guy" stuff goes, I know more about things such as cars and things because I had to. Sports I know more about because it's a passion with both of me. So yes, I can converse about these matters with perhaps a little more depth.
The truly wonderful part of it all is having any opportunity to experience it all without society's prejudices.
I think most of transgendered woman or men experience a certain mistrust of our place in life and society.
Some think we trying to pull off some sort of devious deception for "dark/evil" reasons. If by chance I talk to a man about classic cars or a woman about shopping for jeans, I'm not evading their gender. It's not "the jokes on you". I just have a little knowledge of where you have been. Just please don't mistrust or mistreat me for it!
Thanks again "D".