Showing posts with label transgendered blog. Show all posts
Showing posts with label transgendered blog. Show all posts

Thursday, May 17, 2012

From the Knife to the Runway

Brazilian model "Lea T" is back on the runway after completing SRS (Sexual Reassignment Surgery).
From the looks of this picture, she is recovering nicely!

Monday, April 9, 2012

A Chinese Womanless Pageant?

 Read this story from "China Daily":
"Male students dressed up as models perform during an animation show in Wuhan, Central China's Hubei province, April 8, 2012. About 20 male students from several universities in Wuhan formed a group to perform in various animation shows and became popular locally. Each student makes on average 500 yuan for one show, Wuhan Evening News reported. A member, who wanted to be identified as Hao Ge, said he learned to act feminine in speaking and walking from his girlfriend. "This is only a temporary student group and we will not continue this job after graduation," the group has announced."
 (Unless they were asked, got paid or liked it?) 
Then again I might just  be cynical. After all, they are just a bunch of guys working their way through college!
We all should have been that lucky or looked that good!

I also added another picture of one of the performers in the "Den"!

Friday, March 30, 2012

Making A Difference!

From Oklahoma, "OK Magazine" comes the news that transgendered woman Brittany M. Novotny has been nominated for their "Best of the Best 2012" Award.
Here's more:
"In 2010, Novotny ran for political office, a House of Representatives seat, against veteran Oklahoma politician Sally Kern. She lost the race, but it hasn’t hindered Novotny’s belief that with big risks come big rewards. “You have to take risks if you want to do big things,” she says. “You will undoubtedly fail and make some mistakes, but it’s learning from those mistakes that will help you reach your dreams.” A private practice attorney, Novotny sees herself as an advocate for Oklahomans whose rights have been violated. “Sometimes my job entails a lot of reading and paperwork, and other times it involves public speaking and convincing jurors to see my case the way I see it,” she says. Novotny serves on the Community Advisory Board for the SKIL program at Youth Services of Oklahoma County, which helps teens who find themselves without a home to stay in school and get their diploma. She also volunteers on local political campaigns and does pro bono legal work for needy individuals or organizations."

Just as an aside, Sally Kern is a rather right wing politician Brittany ran against!
Making a difference-INDEED!

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Quote of the Day!

"As my momma would put it.  Lips, hips, tits, and ass don't come for free nor are they covered by medical insurance." Christina Cracraft, transsexual teacher and burlesque dancer in Sante Fe, New Mexico.
Unfortunately (per norm) she is facing suspension from her teaching job. Read the story and see the news video here.

Just an aside. I saw a real live burlesque show on New Years Eve last December by a touring NYC group and it was tremendous!
If you really are looking for lessons on the sensuality of being a woman, I highly recommend burlesque or belly dancing!

Friday, March 16, 2012

The Real Face of Transgendered Activism?

I'm as guilty as the next blog person about seeking out the most beautiful and dynamic transgendered or transsexuals to picture on the blog.

The trio above do not fit that image but could be more representative of our culture as a whole.
They call themselves the "Queer Avengers" from the UK- "Shelley, Brookllyne and Ashley" recently held a conference to voice concerns over the way transgendered people are treated in the media.

I've heard "trans stealth" described as just a bigger closet. I guess you could describe these trans women as the ultimate "anti-stealth" movement.

Go here to read more!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

A Rose Grows in India

From"IBN" in India comes yet another story about Rose Venkatesan who is:

"India's first transgender television host and radio jockey,. From Chennai,she said she was excited about the launch of her own political party with a dramatic agenda aimed at sensitizing people towards the plight of women and the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community.
Venkatesan said she had big plans for her Sexual Liberation Party of India which she hoped to launch in the next two months. It would be the first party led by a transgender. But the going has been far from smooth. Since 2010, she has been in and out of jobs, faced sexual discrimination at the radio stations she has worked at and her mother refuses to talk to her.
"Not a lot has changed. I look more feminine now, I am more beautiful and I attract a lot more proposals from men, but society is still the same," she said with a laugh. "Of course, none of the men who want to date me would do it in the open and no one ever proposes marriage," (Sound familiar?)
 Venkatesan,  is now a biological  woman after her sex change operation.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

New Transgendered "Mollywood" Starlet.

Have you ever heard of "Mollywood"? For you cynical Americans, no it is not part of "Dollywood" in Tennesee! For those who don't know, "Dollywood" is named after country music star "Dolly Parton" who is known for her big busted figure and big blond hair. She also is known for corrupting a whole generation of crossdressers trying to dress like her at the mall! BUT!
One of the benefits of writing this blog is gaining a world wide perspective on all things transgendered and transsexual.
My latest "learning" experience comes from a publication called "The Deccan" Chronicles:

"It is an exciting phase for the Malayalam film industry, with new experiments on format and theme. One such experiment will see the birth of the first transgender star of Mollywood. Playing the lead will be Kalki, a writer, filmmaker and activist based in Chennai. Earlier, she had played the heroine in the Tamil movie Narthaki, which highlighted the problems of transgenders.
The Malayalam movie, which will also throw light on the problems faced by transgenders, will be made under the banner of Ramkan Productions. While producer Ms Halin confirms that Kalki will play the lead, she says casting for the other actors is still on. “My Malayalam debut is going to be really special because I appear in a very poignant role and the theme is very interesting,” says Kalki, who made a visit in connection with the film."

"Kalki" has some very deep ideas of the way transgendered individuals are treated in her culture. Follow the link for more!

Saturday, March 3, 2012

We've Got Mail!

I just had to pass along this message which was sent to my email by "D".
It's a reply to the post "When Do You Stop Being Transgendered?".

" As a man, you have seen War, that most men will not see and other experiences males will never go through.
 Now you have been out as a woman and enjoyed your new feelings.  You like
 your new look, you like what you see in the world, the feel of the wind in
your new hair and the days to came.
 The future-you is what you experienced, learned in the past mixed with the present to make you one.
You're smart and gifted with the art of writing and I think your are teaching too. You have thought me to open my mind.. So that's four good  things, intelligence, writer,teacher and good with kids, after all you raised one.
 I don't know how much of a people person you are?
Obviously you have watched men and their wives. The wives doing female
things and then joining in with the men in things such as talking about cars, bikes and
so on.
 If you are good at these, you would be on on your way to being Third
Gender. ( If you followed any of my "Two Spirit and Third Gender" ideas last week)
 Enjoy your female side. Don't feel guilty of identifying as a male
or a female. You are neither,you are both. You are You, You are One!"
 First "D" thanks for your comments, I'm deeply flattered and yes I have always been a "people person".
My only final comment is as far as "guy" stuff goes, I know more about things such as cars and things because I had to. Sports I know more about because it's a passion with both of me. So yes, I can converse about these matters with perhaps a little more depth.
The truly wonderful part of it all is having any opportunity to experience it all without society's prejudices.
 I think most of transgendered woman or men experience a certain mistrust of our place in life and society.
Some think we trying to pull off some sort of devious deception for "dark/evil" reasons. If by chance I talk to a man about classic cars or a woman about shopping for jeans, I'm not evading their gender. It's not "the jokes on you". I just have a little knowledge of where you have been. Just please don't mistrust or mistreat me for it!

Thanks again "D".

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Trans Woman Video Hand Off

This YouTube video was passed along to me.
You may remember "Hannah" who is one the young transsexual women from the UK who was in the news recently.
The video is positively beautiful to the point of be even "haunting"!

Monday, January 30, 2012

Transsexual Candidate in Mexico

Saturday was a historic day in Mexico when Diana Barrios Sánchez  (above)  was registered as a candidate for deputy of the Federal District Legislative Assembly. Sanchez is the first transsexual woman to register for that office!

Saturday, January 7, 2012

The Transgender Potential

I know we all feel the pain of any of the transitions we do or are contemplating doing on our transgendered journey.
Of course transsexuals feel the most physical and financial pain due to SRS. That means absolutely nothing to the crossdressers who are hiding in the closet. The constant stress of hiding their feelings to family and friends is huge. I will throw transgendered people into the category between the two. No favors there! Often a transgendered person is making life choices concerning hormones or more.
Whatever category I have pushed you into, we all have the potential to use our transwoman status for the good.
My BFF has told me a number of times I have a unique chance to reinvent myself and she is right. The challenge to the process for me is to take as much of the good from both genders.
This of course is no unique idea. The movie "Tootsie" comes to mind as an example of a man who crosses gender lines and becomes enlightened.
Now, I don't know if enlightened is the right term.
I do know when we do cross the gender barrier it's a huge mistake if we don't bring our positive baggage with us.
I also know a gender change is not a personality change. The change however can be a once in a lifetime opportunity to be a special person. Very few humans have the opportunity to live the lives we do.
Sure, it was painful getting here. Hopefully the journey will be worth the pain!

Friday, January 6, 2012

Top 10 Reasons I Enjoy Being a Transgendered Woman

I wrote this quick post for another site I contribute to and I thought I would share it with you.
It is quite shallow and covers many stereotypes. I know you all know me pretty well so you can fill in the blanks,
Remember also the post went to a group with a majority of genetic women.

1.- My life experiences have become so much more intense
2.-I can enjoy the full spectrum of female fashion
3.-I can feel positively wonderful as a woman
4.-Men open doors for me
5.-I have an understanding of what both genders feel.
6.-I'm allowed to touch and be touched appropriately
7.-Girlfriend relationships are so nice!
8.-I have found being a woman is a mental state of mind. Being female is a birth situation.
9.-I love the attention from both genders. **
10.-Because I Can!

** When it's positive of course!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Mommy, Where Did I Come From?

When I watched you intently put your makeup on, did you notice?
When you fixed your lipstick with a piece of tissue before going out, did you notice?
When you streached your legs and admired your shoes at the doctors office, did you notice?
When I told you who I was, you didn't want to know. Did you notice?
Maybe Mom, you just didn't want to know where I came from.
The shame was I was always there.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

2011 Transgendered Milestones

Lavern Cox
As the the year comes to a close it seems everyone has a year in review.       
In our transgendered world 2011 was a very active year with several positive milestones.
"Laverne Cox"  recently wrote about transgender acting milestones in the "Huffington Post".
From "Chaz Bono" and "Harmony Santana" to her own acting career, she covers many transgendered acting successes in 2011 and the hopes for more in the future.
Here's a short look at the past year.

Yasmin Lee
In an article about transgender performers in the December 8-14, 2011 issue of Backstage, Simi Horwitz writes, "Casting director Sig De Miguel ... looks forward to the time when a character's transgender status is incidental to the script and an actor's trans identity is irrelevant to casting. 'You may be born male, but you're a woman now,' De Miguel says." De Miguel represents a growing number of industry professionals who are open to casting trans actors in roles that aren't necessarily written as trans. He cast three of the films in which I acted in 2011. He also cast Harmony Santana in Gun Hill Road. In 36 Saints, one of those films, I play the effusive party promoter Genesius. Nowhere in the script does it say that she is transgender, nor is it inauthentic to the story that she is.
The highest profile fictional transgender film character of 2011 was the controversial role of Kimmy in the blockbuster The Hangover 2. The role was played by transsexual adult film actress Yasmin Lee. I had the pleasure of briefly meeting Yasmin a few years ago. She seemed very sweet. I hope this high-profile role has opened other doors for Lee.

As always, follow the link for more!

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Transgendered Health News

Another transgendered woman of substance I have met here on the blog is "Sherri Lynne". She is a practicing therapist who works with transgendered patients.
On her blog "Walking in Two Worlds", she recently posted a great article called "To Your Health".
She goes into all the usual areas we think of such as hormones and such and then goes so much farther-including a transgendered girl's increased chances of breast cancer.
I had the very conversation with my BFF recently. She asked if I have had any history of breast cancer in my family. I started to say no and then remembered my maternal grandmother passed away from breast cancer in the mid 50's.
Of course I never had a reason to connect her breast cancer to me although I do know it occurs in males too.
Now of course I do.
Follow the link and take advantage of more of Sherri's extensive knowledge!

Friday, December 16, 2011

Missing the Transgendered Feminine Experience

Sometimes I just want to scream.
I should be more patient when I receive a comment such as this. "I'm glad you get to dress up and go out and party; Ive done it a couple of times."
I replied "I did get dressed as a guy recently and went out and partied."
Then I calmed down and told the person the depth of my transgender experience. I am not playing dress up.  It's nice your wife has participated in your fantasy of being a girl but lifestyle and fantasy are vastly different creatures. If you are into labels, when your fantasy becomes your lifestyle you have moved from crossdresser to transgender.
If nothing else I should be content to be an educator. Hopefully the person I chatted with walked away with a whole new appreciation of transgendered life.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

A successful human rights lawyer who lived as a woman outside work was pushed under a Tube train by a preoperative transsexual whom he had befriended, a court heard.

David Burgess, 63, known as Sonia, died after falling under a Piccadilly Line train at King’s Cross Underground station on Oct 25 last year.
Senthooran Kanagasingham, 35, known as Nina, went on trial yesterday charged with his murder.
Mr Burgess, a divorced father of three, had built “an enviable and brilliant reputation” as a solicitor in human rights and immigration law.
“However, socially, the deceased lived as a woman and was known by friends and family as Sonia,” said Mr Altman.
“I intend to refer to the deceased throughout as of the female gender because that is the wish of her family.”
Mr Burgess was “gender-variant”, the court heard. He had not wished to have surgery to become a woman, but to all intents and purposes outside his professional life, he lived as a woman.
This was “accepted and embraced” by everyone, including his three children, the jury was told.
“A close friend states that physically Sonia presented as a good-looking, very slim, middle-aged woman,” said Mr Altman.
“Sonia was caring and generous with her time. She was tolerant of others and she habitually helped others with their problems.” Kanagasingham, of Cricklewood, north London, had been undergoing sex-change therapy at the time of Mr Burgess’s death. It had been his desire to “pass completely as a woman”, the court heard.
It may be true: "Only the Good Die Young?"

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Out of the Closet

Out of the wrong closet at that! 
I just attended quite possibly the last company Christmas party in guy drag I ever will.
Going through my male closet (neglected) was quick and pain full.
I've never given much attention to my male appearance.  Work attire was easy enough as was the simple casual attire I wore.  You know the story. Fashion limitations everywhere-BORING! Polo shirt, slacks, matching socks and shoes and I'm out the door.
Of course once I got there I was the fashion expert (in my mind).  I passed the time critiquing every woman there.
Why did I go? If you've been following my timeline, I only have another couple weeks to go with this company.
Actually there are a couple of reasons I did go. Let's get the self serving one out of the way. Christmas bonuses were being passed out! Do not quit before you get your bonus!
The other reason is I believe in being a good employee until the end. I live in a relatively medium sized town and I feel more than a few know of my transgender background. If the company gives a party, at least they will have a chance to remember me as a man before my serious gender changes begin.
Of course I've endured the company gossip as well as others for some time now.  I won't lie to you and say that some of it has bothered me over the years.  It's not so much I was bothered by what was said. I was bothered I couldn't say so what?
The Christmas party was so much more than selecting clothes from the wrong closet or ignoring a couple of ignorant comments. The party was yet another huge step towards accept me for who I am or go away.

What Came First?

  Image from Alexander Grey on UnSplash.  Today was "patch" day, when I changed out my gender affirming hormonal estradiol patches...