Showing posts with label transgendered movies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label transgendered movies. Show all posts

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Enter the Seductress

Dileep went on a strict diet and even pierced his ears to portray Mohini.
 From the "Deccan Chronicle":

(Film Star) "Dileep has always strived to widen the borders of creativity by taking up “different” roles. Most often than not, his gambles have paid off too; his roles of a hunchback, transvestite and mentally challenged characters have stayed in people’s minds and got him critical acclaim. His latest one is perhaps the most challenging so far; that of a seductress in the upcoming Mayamohini, which is releasing today."
Film lovers who remember his portrayal of the effeminate character Radha in Chandupottu may assume that the role of a woman would be a cakewalk for Dileep but he asserts that the role of Radha was a huge impediment in playing Mohini. He says, “The first two days of the shoot were the toughest; there was this conflict between the characters of Radha and Mohini.
At one point of time, I even wondered whether it was a mistake to have taken on the role. I had to be careful not to let any trait of Radha creep into Mohini, who is completely female in her mannerisms and figure. Ultimately, Mohini triumphed on the third day!”
The inner transformation was as difficult as the outward one. Roshan who did Dileep’s make-up reveals that Dileep was given an option to use fake eyebrows but the actor decided to pluck his eyebrows and pierce his ears. Ask him about that and he says, “I wanted Mohini to be as natural as possible,” before adding, “Parents are normally present at the ear piercing ceremony of their child but here my daughter was there when my ear was pierced.”

We all know a little about the next part of the process:

"To maintain a flat stomach, Dileep went on a strict diet and ended up losing seven kilos. The shoot which lasted for two months made him miss a couple of good offers but Dileep is unfazed. “The entire film rests on Mohini’s shoulders and I wanted to give my complete attention to the role. This is a part of the experimenting process and I hope people accept this.”
The transformation had its moments of mirth, too! Dileep says he was even pinched on his stomach by someone in the crew who could not stop himself! Acquaintances who came to see Dileep took some time before realising that the ravishing woman standing in front of them was the star himself"

And the fun part:

His co-stars Biju Menon and Baburaj often told him that they kept falling in love with him. Dileep cheekily remarks that he now knows the pleasure women derive when the people shower their attention on them.
Talking about his family’s reaction, he says, “Manju wanted to know how I got such beautifully plucked eyebrows and even called up the beautician. My daughter was present from the beginning, so she had this ‘been there, seen all “expression.”


Monday, March 19, 2012

Check this Video!

I have seen still pictures of  "Jai Rodriquez" as Amanda Knott but this video clip is special!

*** No Infringement intended. Made without any profit. Footage is copyright of the owners ****
Uploaded by SpecialGurlFan on Mar 17, 2012

"SpecialGurlFan" is on YouTube and has basically specialized in "classic" media clips of entertainers such as "David Shawn Michaels" and "Christopher Morley".

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Transgender Documentary's "Big Tailia"

We posted the trailer from the "Big Tailia" documentary here a week ago and this "YouTube" cut from the movie itself was passed along to me. In the video the trans woman talks about working in the sex industry.
She was born a boy in Israel and now lives in Northern Thailand.
Unfortunately, her story is familiar to the entire transgendered culture. A life as a prostitute was one of the very few offered.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

"Big Talila Documentary"

This is a biographical documentary about a very unusual person named Talila. She was born as a boy in Israel 51 years ago. For the last 8 years she has been living in Pai, a little tourist town in northern Thailand. Talila talks about her life, past and present, as the audience views images of the beautiful Pai valley and its amazing people. Talila is a celebrity in Pai. Everybody knows her. The film shows her interactions with travelers from all over the world and with the local Thai people. Her physical presence alone asks people to let go of their limited ideas of what it means to be a man or a woman. In addition, Talila is not shy and boldly challenges people with her feedback. After knowing someone for five minutes, she tells them exactly what their problem is and offers her solution. She is very honest. When asked what she did in Israel, she does not hesitate to say she was a prostitute. It is a tribute to her that she has many friends, and has helped so many people. Follow this link for more!

Sunday, December 25, 2011

2011 Transgendered Milestones

Lavern Cox
As the the year comes to a close it seems everyone has a year in review.       
In our transgendered world 2011 was a very active year with several positive milestones.
"Laverne Cox"  recently wrote about transgender acting milestones in the "Huffington Post".
From "Chaz Bono" and "Harmony Santana" to her own acting career, she covers many transgendered acting successes in 2011 and the hopes for more in the future.
Here's a short look at the past year.

Yasmin Lee
In an article about transgender performers in the December 8-14, 2011 issue of Backstage, Simi Horwitz writes, "Casting director Sig De Miguel ... looks forward to the time when a character's transgender status is incidental to the script and an actor's trans identity is irrelevant to casting. 'You may be born male, but you're a woman now,' De Miguel says." De Miguel represents a growing number of industry professionals who are open to casting trans actors in roles that aren't necessarily written as trans. He cast three of the films in which I acted in 2011. He also cast Harmony Santana in Gun Hill Road. In 36 Saints, one of those films, I play the effusive party promoter Genesius. Nowhere in the script does it say that she is transgender, nor is it inauthentic to the story that she is.
The highest profile fictional transgender film character of 2011 was the controversial role of Kimmy in the blockbuster The Hangover 2. The role was played by transsexual adult film actress Yasmin Lee. I had the pleasure of briefly meeting Yasmin a few years ago. She seemed very sweet. I hope this high-profile role has opened other doors for Lee.

As always, follow the link for more!

Monday, November 28, 2011

New Transgender Documentary on the Way

There is a brand new documentary is in the works which could be another plus for the transgender community. From the web site here's the promo. This is my first attempt to upload a video to the blog and it should load for you below. It takes longer to load  than I would like but is worth the wait!
"TRANS is an extraordinary documentary feature about men and women, and all the variations in between. It is about the Transgender Community, perhaps the most misunderstood and mistreated minority in America and around the world.

Inspired by the incredible story of Dr. Christine McGinn and her work as a transgender surgeon, TRANS provides an up-close and very personal vision into the lives, loves, and challenges of a remarkable cast of characters of all ages and from all walks of life.

Stories of confusion and courage, excitement and emotion that have never been told, until now.

To anyone who has ever looked in a mirror and wondered, 'who they really are?'

TRANS ask another question, 'are you brave enough to find out?'"
Trans (Demo Reel) from The Film Collaborative on Vimeo.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

An Interesting Transsexual "Before"

Italian movie star Giuseppe Schisano to change sex and be called 'Vittoria' .

This will be one transition that will be interesting to watch! I'm thinking her eyes and lips will be sexy!


Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Transitioning And The Silver Screen

Some of you may remember the post I wrote some time ago when I became totally immersed in a "chick flick".
The moment was one of the first I can remember. 
As with most of my life these days the moment went by and I gave it very little extra thought.
Since then chick flicks have been an afterthought until this morning.  I was working on my book and catching up on emails and I had the television on in the background.  A classic "40's" movie was on and I don't really know who was in it. 
What did happen was I slowly became drawn in to what the women in the movie were feeling.  I was empathizing  with their relationships and lives without even thinking about it.
All of a sudden my new fascination with characters on the silver screen became clearer than a high definition big screen. I was watching from a female point of view. Not as a man relating to a woman or even wanting to be her. No, I was feeling her emotions towards men, other women and life.
Wow! What a revelation!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Make Up Magic!

This is one of the male stars from the Indian movie "Double Dhamall" If you have never priced the very effective breasts he is wearing, Ive seen them for about 2 grand or so.

I simply love the before and after pix! This is

Paolo Ballesteros aka Precious Paola

The Filipino Answer to Christopher Morley?

Friday, July 29, 2011

Transgendered Actresses Playing Trangendered Roles!

The "New York Times" recently featured several transgendered actresses in an article called "When They Play Women, It's Not Just An Act." Pictured above is Harmony Santana who stars in “Gun Hill Road”
One of the other featured actresses is "Laverne Cox" pictured above who has being living as a female since the late 90's and was a star on VH1's reality show , “Transform Me.”

Friday, March 11, 2011

Let's Chat!

I'm always on the prowl for an interesting person. The true individual who sets themselves out from the group. 
I've mentioned the datng sites I'm on and the connects I run into on Yahoo where I have my main email.
Recently I sent this disclaimer:
Hi ----, Tonight is party nite for me. It's my day to do errands, have some fun shopping and go out. So chatting tonight will be very difficult it would have to be late in the evening! I can't guarantee the condition I will be in! lol
Hey,I'm sorry about your loneliness, no fun...I know!
Chatting with someone new is always such an experience.
I've learned it usually takes this road.
The guy doesn't understand my profile...sometimes I don't either and that's fine.
I'm extremely rare in that area.
We have nothing in common or he won't open up to any of his interests. Why bother?
He is married.
He leaves chats in a hurry when wife comes into room and makes up an excuse.
He is afraid to tell me anything about himself. After all if I'm trans it's possible I could come through the computer and destroy his life.
He flames out! In such a hurry to have such a great time and do this or that and fly me to Paris...for about three days.
So that's where I'm at with all of this!
Please don't find this to be negative. It is just my realistic look at chatting on today's web.
I love fascinating people and have found a few here that I'm proud to call friend.
Being lonely does not rule out being fascinating!
I look forward to chatting soon!

Maybe I can save this and "paste" it in to a chat?

Monday, January 3, 2011

Trans Political?

As trans folk around the planet seem to be more and more in the public eye, acceptance in the gay community does not seem to maintaining the same pace. In one way or another we all have felt shunned. Some of my worst experiences have come in male gay bars where I have been flat out discriminated against. What's worse my story is not an isolated example.
What happened? In June of 1969 in NYC the "Stonewall Riots" happened. When police raided the "Stonewall Inn" the drag queens and butch lesbians fought back for the first time. All of the sudden the gay/lesbian movement in this country had a voice.
I guess it was never really clear what share of the voice trans people had or desired.The obvious was easy. Male and female gay people were easier to categorize into nice little boxes. Trans folk, male or female were not so easy to label. We were and are the round pegs trying to fit into the square holes.
As a group we were "annexed" into the movement, becoming the final letter in the "GLBT" movement. It's easy for me to say let's create this great movement of our own. The truth of the matter is that many of us blend into society and disappear. It is another version of going back into the closet but one I understand and might do myself.
In that sense, we already have succeeded in creating our own movement. Maybe the gay activists have made it easier for lawmakers to add gender equality to society's rules. Those rules then help us to build our new lives.
The bottom line is we are as different to gays as gays are to straight people. The best we can hope for are positive media examples and our own interactions in society to pave the way for understanding on our terms.
Maybe we were all expecting too much to be treated as equals in the gay community?

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Does Lola Like it Hot?

I'm sure you've heard of the "Kinks" song "Lola" or have seen the "Billy Wilder" comedy classic "Some Like It Hot".
Recently I've been able to combine the two.
First and foremost, I'm very much out on Al Gore's Internet.. I'm on Yahoo, Facebook, Flickr  and a couple main TG sites, not to mention my blog here.If you are any sort of a regular reader here, you know I live an active girl life.
Everyone once in a while the sun, the moon and the stars come together for an interesting time.
Nearly a month ago, I started receiving messages from a self professed 20 year male virgin. I don't know if the virgin part is true but I've seen the kid. He didn't know me and I'm old enough to call him kid! I told him I was flattered but he was so young, I couldn't even be a Cougar!  As most young males do, he grew tired of the game and moved on."Lola" the song relates a very similar story.
It is about a TG girl who hooks up with a presumed young male virgin in a club in Soho, England.
During the same period of time my 80 year old male admirer from a restaurant I go to frequently began to show renewed interest. (I wonder if he has any money?) lol! So here I was with two dramatic age interests at the same time! The major difference is the older guy is a great person and I would not hurt him for the world!
But he does remind me of the character "Osgood" (Joe E. Brown) in the movie "Some Like It Hot". At the very end of the movie "Jack Lemmon's" character (Daphne) reveals to Osgood that she is really a man. The reply? "Well, nobody's perfect!"
I can hear my old friend saying that!

Monday, July 19, 2010

"Bella Maddo" Premiers!

'Bella Maddo' is a groundbreaking film that features all transgendered performers playing traditional cisgendered roles.  Skip to the "library" page for a couple of pix!

Friday, July 16, 2010

New Media Transgendered Choices?

Well, at least one this season, as the teen drama ‘Degrassi’ includes a transgender storyline.  The show will mark a decade of teen problems Monday with a new season which includes its first teen  trans character.
The FTM student should aid in the understanding of our transgender culture by an  increasingly open teen age group.
No longer do we have to rely on the "Jerry Springer" sensationalism being our main media focus.
Shows such as "Degrassi" and the "Real World Brooklyn" on MTV a couple of years ago,  have opened our culture to the public in a vastly different way. In Real World,  "Kate" was the first trans person in the series history.
"Oprah Winfrey's" show on the "Prodigal Sons" movie with Kimberly Reed was also a well done look into our culture.
You may remember Kimberly (seen in the picture to your right) as the former high school star quarterback from a small town in Montana who went back to her high school for a reunion and directed a movie about the experience.
Change is slow, but realistic media coverage of our culture could propel us into the future.
Hopefully, quicker than we expected!

Seasons Change

  Image from Jamiethlene Reskspe on UnSplash. It appears that Spring has quit teasing us here in Southern Ohio and is finally here to stay. ...