This is always a good time of the year to pause and try to reflect on where we "silent T's" sit in the overall scheme of things.

Ancestrally, we do have a tie in of sorts with the Drag Queens who were the original instigators at the Stonewall Bar in 1969. (right)
So many years later, it seems transgender women and men are finally beginning to make a case to be heard.
My own sense of participating in Pride this year is one of liberation. I'm arriving at a point where I can stand alone and be recognized for what I am- a trans woman and for once not be lumped into other categories. Perhaps more importantly now, I can respect my cousins (drag queens and cross dressers) for what they are and feel good about it. As I hope they respect me.
Before I wrap this post up, I thought I would pass along another "historical" video from WigStock in NYC circa 2001.