Showing posts with label cyrsti's corner. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cyrsti's corner. Show all posts

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Pre Spring Cleaning of Email Box

Feels like spring in February here so I thought I would go back through some old stories and bundle them up and pass them along.
The first is about "Andy Cass" in the UK who tried a "do it yourself" sex change.
Forunately Andy survived it and is now "Kirsty".

The next story is about a fork lift driver who retired two years early after sex change surgery.
I'll pass along more as the "cleaning" continues!

"Lizzie's Retirement Party"                                                                                                                                                

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Dark and Sexy!

In the winter part of the world, darker hair just seems to fit the seasonal mood.
Your look can begin with those new black boots you just had to have. Tuck those skinny jeans into the boots and slide into that "oh so" soft black sweater that falls over your hips.
Pull that black leather jacket out of the closet and you are sexy and set. right?
Not so fast girl, lets check in with another opinion from Deborah Dunham on "the Frisky".

Oh, by the way girl, good luck with your Christmas shopping in those new boots!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

IS It Just Me?

For some reason I just hate being called a "gurl" or "gurrl".
For starters the names are "grinder words" like Scranton or Yonkers. (no offense to either of these places!)
The words just aren't pretty. They provide a mental picture of a guy in hose and heels smoking a big cigar.
Yes they do reference the fact the person you are seeing isn't a 100% genetic female BUT I for one feel 100% real girl when I am one.  I want my inner girl to shine through!
It is very difficult to come up with a term to use with us because we are so varied. I've seen the word "tranny" called a gender slur like "f__"
In addition some trans girls are so beautiful, you have to have a word to tell you they are trans if they are not in "stealth" mode. Stealth means they are living totally as a woman with no reference whatsoever to their previous life or gender.
I don't have the magic word to replace the "g" words above except "she" of course. I also don't have the answer to those of you who are admirers. Again maybe you are not involved as deeply in the transgendered culture and that's fine.
Please don't call me "gurl" and I'll love you! (For at least a couple seconds!)

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Quick Quote!

Just another quote from an old source! This again comes from a yahoo group I'm still allowed in!
The quote comes from Sue Johanson who was a sex therapist on the radio for many years before the currant crop said "crossdressing is an affection a man has and his wife suffers from." She said the crossdresser is fine, he will find his way but it's the wife who needs treatment".

I'm not so sure this was a real positive quote among TG spouses but regardless, Sue wasn't flashy and could say a lot in a few words! She also sounded like your granny telling you about sex. One of the reasons she didn't make it past Ophra and Jerry?

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Can You Ever Go Home Again?

If I can quote "Bob Seger's Hollywood Nights" tune-"he knew right then he was too far from home. He was too far from home." Then relate it to losing your male identity, I would. Wait! I just did!
The reason I did quote the song (basically about a beautiful California blond and a Midwestern boy lost in her charms) is that I remember defining moments when I didn't want to go back home to my male self.
I know many of you girls have always known you were just that-a girl. Many of us however, did not have that luxury. I went through the first 30 years or so of my life fighting and giving in to my female urges.
I knew I could never go home happened to me when this Midwestern boy moved to the NYC area.
Within two months, I enjoyed two defining moments that would set my life on a female path.
The first was a trans "mixer" of sorts I attended on Long Island . The real lady at the door wouldn't let me in until I proved I was a guy. "No single real women allowed!"
The second was a Halloween party I attended with a couple friends at work. It just so happened that one of them had two other tall female friends that were dressed as sleazy as me! To this day I remember walking across an intersection in a mini dress and heels WITH 3 other real females. What an evening! The girls insisted I dance with them and even a couple of their boyfriends.
I knew then, I could never go home-even if I did move back to the Midwest.
If I was a betting girl (not) I bet you girls have defining moments too!
I welcome any stories you might have, when you knew you could never go home!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

I "Rhoda" in to a Transgender Friendly Place!

To many of you girls who are entrenched in your closet, or those who are tentatively stepping out-here is a story that I hope will help.
Some of it is repeated in the "Handy Dandy" how to post but please be patient with me. I'm more mature and we do things like repeat ourselves!
Number one, when you shop-the great majority of clerks will love you!
Especially "DeeDee" at Charming Charlie's in Dayton. I've plugged the place before. It's just a great spot for accessorizing your wardrobe! Jewelry, bags, earrings and the such!
I was in the store for about 5 minutes or so when she introduced herself and asked if I needed any help.
I said "no" and then she said "are you (me) Rhoda?" Rhoda is "Rhoda Horse" and she is a beautiful blond performer in the Dayton, Ohio area.
I said "I'm flattered, but I'm not and actually Rhoda and I are much different breeds of the same cat."
Quickly, I explained. (I had serious shopping to do!) Rhoda does female to perform. I do female as a lifestyle.
So, if you are ever around the "Greene" off of I-675 outside of Dayton look the store up and definately ask for DeeDee!
Sales people such as DeeDee can offer you some great insight into your look and you offer them a respite from a all too often grumpy female clientele.
Shopping as a girl is truly an occasion when you can use being transgendered to your benefit!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Does Lola Like it Hot?

I'm sure you've heard of the "Kinks" song "Lola" or have seen the "Billy Wilder" comedy classic "Some Like It Hot".
Recently I've been able to combine the two.
First and foremost, I'm very much out on Al Gore's Internet.. I'm on Yahoo, Facebook, Flickr  and a couple main TG sites, not to mention my blog here.If you are any sort of a regular reader here, you know I live an active girl life.
Everyone once in a while the sun, the moon and the stars come together for an interesting time.
Nearly a month ago, I started receiving messages from a self professed 20 year male virgin. I don't know if the virgin part is true but I've seen the kid. He didn't know me and I'm old enough to call him kid! I told him I was flattered but he was so young, I couldn't even be a Cougar!  As most young males do, he grew tired of the game and moved on."Lola" the song relates a very similar story.
It is about a TG girl who hooks up with a presumed young male virgin in a club in Soho, England.
During the same period of time my 80 year old male admirer from a restaurant I go to frequently began to show renewed interest. (I wonder if he has any money?) lol! So here I was with two dramatic age interests at the same time! The major difference is the older guy is a great person and I would not hurt him for the world!
But he does remind me of the character "Osgood" (Joe E. Brown) in the movie "Some Like It Hot". At the very end of the movie "Jack Lemmon's" character (Daphne) reveals to Osgood that she is really a man. The reply? "Well, nobody's perfect!"
I can hear my old friend saying that!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Candis Cayne

I could not resist sharing this photo of the beautiful actress "Candis Cayne".
Great to see a transgendered actress playing transgendered women!

What Came First?

  Image from Alexander Grey on UnSplash.  Today was "patch" day, when I changed out my gender affirming hormonal estradiol patches...