Showing posts with label femme. Show all posts
Showing posts with label femme. Show all posts

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Thoughts from Afar

As you all know by now, I'm fairly good at sticking my nose into things I don't know much about here in Cyrsti's Condo.

Every once in a while I do get curious about the transgender man dynamic and how it works. Essentially,  I know enough to make me dangerous. Over the years of course I have my own observations, current and past lesbian friends as well as my close trans guy buddy.

Recently, I found a post from the SF Bay Times called "Where have all the Butches gone?" It's an interesting look at where the "jumping off" point from identifying as a "Super Butch" to a transgender man is. Actually, I think the line of demarcation is similar to  presenting as a cross dresser versus living as a transgender woman.  Over the years, I have known a couple of butches who gave me a run for my money in the masculinity far as I knew they identified female. No different than the super femme gay guy who looks great in drag but never has never had a question with his gender.

What makes the process so much more interesting to me is that the lesbian community takes sex and gender to a different level..Years ago I had a lesbian acquaintance tell me about the inherent complexities with a woman living with a woman. Or worse yet finding one to even date. Two summers ago I was fortunate to go with a lesbian friend of mine to see a female entertainer and the whole room was filled with all the social levels of the lesbian culture. From super butches to femmes and everyone in between, they were there.

So I can't even begin to tell you where have all the butches gone.  For all I know, the title itself is maybe becoming a little outmoded.  As the entire gender/sexuality picture becomes increasingly fluid these days, labels aren't so important.

Being selfish though, I loved it one night years ago when a butch "parted the waves" to get me served at a gay bar in Columbus, Ohio.  They sure know how to treat a girl!

Thursday, June 14, 2012

"Title of the Day"!

Internalized Transphobia: Butch Worship and the Misogyny of Femme Bashing.

No comment-"I doesn't know it?"

Back Up Plans

  JJ Hart visiting Key Largo. Following several near misses as a novice transgender woman out into the world, I began to smarten up and have...