Thursday, January 8, 2015

While My Blog Quickly Froze!

Damn it's COLD where I live here in Ohio and as bad or worse other places.  It was down to a "balmy" -25 degrees wind chill last night.  Actually, this is my second winter transitioning into the "polar vortex" or whatever else the weather peeps are calling it this year.  It's so cold here-the eggs are freezing inside the chicken!

I have whined forever here in Cyrsti's Condo on how HRT ruined my body's thermostat.  I used to be a "furnace" now I'm a freezer which presents obvious problems.  One of the truest points of transitioning is when you get to the point of choosing a wardrobe for everyday wear.  It was a huge realization for me when all of the sudden I needed clothes for every occasion, everyday and all of the sudden I was wearing them so much, they were wearing out.  "Back in the day" when I was going out a couple days a week as a cross dresser, my fave outfits lasted forever it seemed.

This year I have been farther out in front of the frozen curve.  I am set with fleece lined leggings, boots, sweaters and coats for the winter.  My problem is planning ahead for me involves about a week or so.  It's difficult for me to figure out what I am going to buy at the grocery store to eat tomorrow.  On the other hand, it seems I have an innate sense of style colors for myself, which work well with winter fashion. (Don't ask me to pick colors for your house though!)

Also, I have decided to think a little farther ahead - warmer weather and spring fashions can't be that far away!  Excuse me, I have to head out and see if my car will start!!!

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Remembering Leelah on the Radio

Recently, I have made a mention of my invite to join in on a radio discussion of LGBTQ suicide on a radio station close to Leelah Alcorn's hometown.

Thursday (tomorrow) WAIF radio in Cincinnati, will have a diverse set of individuals (including me) along with a local (conservative Christian) minister concerning LGBT issues with the church and families. The discussion will be moderated by a therapist, Thomas Cox, from  NKY. (Northern Kentucky University) The show runs from 12-2 (EST) and you can hear it on the link above.

So, if  I can manage to not get kicked off before I start, maybe I can add a bit of reality to the discussion.We know the reality of being transgender is not a choice it's a need but most religions don't. I simply don't understand why, probably as much as they don't understand me.  But, they need to know I am not their enemy and I deserve the same respect.  If they think I am going to hell-well- I may think I could see them there.

Call me an alarmist but  religion in this country is now following politics into a  highly polarized state, which is not good.  All of the sudden, (it seems more and more) if you are a conservative politically it follows you have to be a socially/religiously conservative person.   And, whatever happened to a loving caring God?

The only thing I do know is tomorrow we won't be able to come up with all the big answers we need. At the least though, it's going to be nice to talk about them.

Cyrsti's Condo "Thought of the Day"

This was passed along from my long time friend Connie Malone (Oregon Duck fan and all) who originally suggested I write a blog and told me how to spell it.  She also coached me through many of my initial attacks from the trans nazi's on a certain social site we were on. You know, the ones who put themselves farther up the transgender food chain -  "Trans-ness" to them is determined by operations and "time served."

Thanks Connie!

Trans Activist?

Was 2014 the year of the "Transgender Activist?" Just exactly how does one define being an "activist?" Are we talking Laverne Cox, Janet Mock or you and I?  From Pat, Paula, Stana, Mandy and all of you who contribute thoughts here, most certainly you are all activists.

I bring it up here in Cyrsti's Condo because at the age of 65, all of the sudden, it's my chance to talk the talk and "walk the walk." as a transgender woman.  I was proud to do it last night as  Racquel (trans woman friend) and I joined a candlelight vigil for Leelah Alcorn here in my hometown of Springfield, Ohio (60,000 pop). Plus, we will be at the vigil Saturday in nearby Dayton. I have also been approached by groups in both towns to help establish outreach groups.  I feel a real need to help because last night (10 degrees, windy, two blocks from a 5 alarm fire, and approx one week notice)-  35 people braved the conditions to remember Leelah, but only three of us were actually out transgender women.

So just being there last night made us an activists because "ally's" could see Racquel and I , talk to us, and we could again wedge our way into a very much gay/lesbian dominated local equality group.

In my own noggin, I do believe times "are a changing" quickly which makes the Leelah Alcorn suicide all the more frustrating and tragic. If I'm lucky, I can channel all my jabbering into coherent thoughts about why I believe that, intermixed with ideas of why we are not the enemies of fundamental Christians on a Cincinnati radio discussion show Thursday.

Details coming up!

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Just Another Day in Paradise?

344752As you regulars around here in Cyrsti's Condo may know, I have the attention of a seven year old.  Plus, I write tons and read very little.  Recently though, Liz acquired a copy of a book called "Dress Codes-Of Three Girlhoods, My Mother's, My Father's and Mine."    The book was published back in 2002 by Noelle Howey.

Literally, after approximately three months of reading the last 75 pages of a 325 page book, I formed several thoughts: On a pure mechanical basis, I know how hard it was to write my first book "Stilettos on Thin Ice" which wasn't  even close to being as long. I wonder how anyone else does it.

Secondly, the family perspectives from a generic female on her way to becoming a woman was perhaps too much detail for someone like me-but-that's just me.  Also, became quickly apparent too, was how much the overall climate for transgender women and men has changed since she wrote the book.

Finally, as I blissfully waded through my reading of "Dress Codes" I was moderately interested in the fact the whole family is from Ohio.  Cleveland area to be exact.  She began to mention "Christine's" tentative first steps out of the closet came at cross dresser meetings around Cleveland. Christine also mentioned meeting the never charming, self proclaimed transgender pioneer Virginia Prince.

I operate in a tunnel and never really wondered about the timing of Christine's cross dresser meetings, until finally Noelle wrote about her (Christine) winning the Miss Paradise Pageant in 1989. And, with the help of electrolysis and HRT, Christine came fully out of the closet.  Being the brilliant person I am, my noggin finally kicked in and I remembered I attended a few of those " Paradise Club" meetings in Cleveland in the 1980's. I don't remember a Christine.  What I do remember is how diverse some of the meetings were.  Not only was I meeting other professed hetero cross dressers, I was meeting another spectrum of attendees ranging from fetish cross dressers to those who (like Christine) had their sights on SRS later in life.

The biggest drawback was "Paradise" only lasted a very short time and I hope so many years later, Christine has found hers!

Monday, January 5, 2015

Cyrsti's Condo "Star Grazing"

Again my Libra astrology stars are running true to form this week.  I'm going to two vigils for Leelah Alcorn this week and have been approached to help establish a couple transgender outreach programs.

(September 23-October 22): You might not feel as if you want more responsibilities, so when they fall into your lap now, be aware of what your heart is really thinking about the acquisition. As you know, you’re a people pleaser — just talking over you can often be the trick to get you to follow. This week, know your beliefs and stand by them.

Our guest sign this week comes under the sign of Pisces: 

(February 20-March 20): Love is going to feel fresh, rewarding and new. If you’re in a relationship, then expect the romance to get even deeper. If you’re a swinging single, then be open extra winks and chivalrous gestures, because there is a fairytale way about this week and it’ll end with you feeling happily ever after. Of course, next week, some of these bets may be off.

For your own sign go here to the Frisky!!!

Cyrsti's Condo Fashion "Stuff"

Just passing along a couple budget "beauty lessons" I have learned recently.
Image for Mer-Maid for Each Other1.- Use a more expensive finger nail polish.  Liz came up with a "Nicole by O.P.I. " Mer-Made For You" polish for my New Years Eve for lack of a better term is sort of a metallic green.  I learned the hard way number one, how hard it was for me to learn how to take care of my nails-then apply the polish-and how much.  After coats one, two and three then I applied a clear top coat.  Amazingly to me, my nails were almost good as new five days later. Liz found the nail polish at a neighborhood WalGreens for about 70% off it's regular $8.00 price.
2.- Staying at Walgreens, they are also running a sale on their fleece lined leggings. Two for the price of one (about $6.00) Since we are ready to again enter a period of Artic cold, these are very warm and comfortable to wear. Especially with a big oversized sweater and warm boots.  I was overjoyed to find a selection of shades in my size (plus)
3.- Cold heavy rain is good for your hair and reactivates your mousse. For New Years Eve I just shampooed my hair, conditioned, picked and went to party.  Great fun!  Then, yesterday Liz and I went to pick up a bookshelf we wanted and ended spending way too much time out in a sporadic daily rainstorm.  After my hair dried back out, I picked it again and here came the curls and waves again.  Probably the process is not recommended for not getting a cold!

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Boys Just Want to be Pretty Too!

Womanless Beauty Pageant 1Just another kid looking too happy in a dress at a womanless beauty pageant! He is probably thinking he has finally found a way to put his arm around her. She is thinking-STOP It!

Cyrsti's Condo "Sunday Edition"

"Kerplunk!" Good morning kids, the first Condo Sunday Edition of 2015 has hit your virtual front porch!  Get a hot steamy cup o joe, curl up in those new Christmas "jammies" and lets get started.

Page 1.- The Week that Was - or Wasn't.  The new year started on an incredibly sad and tragic note when the ongoing epidemic of transgender suicides hit home.  This time, incredibly close to us in the Condo area.  Unless you are living in a cave or in one of my Facebook groups where sharing stupid pictures of yourself is more important than commenting-you have heard of 17 year old transgender girl Leelah Alcorn's suicide on New Years Eve. Around here in Ohio, her memory is being honored with vigils.  The first was held around here in Cincinnati, then Springfield and Dayton-both just up the road.  Two points.  The first was the number one news station in Cincy had a lengthy story on the vigil this morning with the proper pronouning AND (THANKS!) reported vigils are happening as far away as London, England! It makes a difference Paula and Vicki and all you trans girls across the pond.
And two:  of course Leelah's bigoted parents are still reportedly calling her their son but as a transgender community we are gaining ally's and understanding again from people on the edge. The ones who didn't really know much.  It's tough, a very positive happening from the worst of all circumstances-a young transgender woman offering herself up as a martyr. 
Page 2.-Cha-Cha-Changes.  The end of 2014 marked my third year on HRT-almost.  I say almost because when I started my minimum dosage of HRT, when I wanted to step up my dosage (under medical care) I had to go through six months of bureaucratic B.S. with the Veterans Administration to claim my benefits as a transgender veteran.  Somewhere along the line, I heard it takes around three years for the hormonal effects to really set in. I am a complete believer in the timeline now after November/December of last year, I believe it.  All of the sudden, I went on some sort of fast forward mode mentally and physically.
Page 3.- The Back Page.  Looking ahead, it seems the world as a whole and in my little universe can't move any faster than it has recently.  I think!  Personally, my hopes for growth in 2015 are overwhelmingly in the spiritual area.  I hope what ever dreams you all have for the new year are achievable and come true. Look at it this way though, if you don't have dreams-that's the biggest tragedy of all.  Thanks for visiting Cyrsti's Condo!! Luv ya all!

Staring Down the Transgender Cliff

Image from Jimmy Conover on UnSplash  As I transitioned from my very active male self into an accomplished transgender woman, there were man...