Showing posts with label WAIF Radio. Show all posts
Showing posts with label WAIF Radio. Show all posts

Friday, April 15, 2016

What The Hell Just Happened?

Such a day! I was able to sneak in a blog post before lunch, aggravate one of my readers (sorry) and have time to accept a last minute invite on a local radio show here in Cincinnati (WAIF). It's hosted by a guy who is certain the Christian faith (his) is under attack and indirectly, the LGBT movement seemingly has something to do with that.

It's my second stint on his show and I didn't see/hear much progress from a guy who when approached about the extremely high rate of transgender suicide, simply said all teenagers kill themselves. The worst part is this guy is a therapist of sorts.

At any rate, fantasy time was over. The other two panelists and him went on and I had another appointment, which was the photo shoot I have told you all about.

First of all, this was the real deal and I guarantee I have never had that many pictures taken of me in my life-total. The pix are being taken with me and six other women for a gallery showing from the photographer this fall. I have no idea if I was the only trans woman, or if all were. At any rate, it was yet another unique and special day, compliments of being trans (for a change). I do know she will be compiling a book later too. As soon as I can get any ideas of when and how, I will send them along!

Finally, I tagged along with a paranormal team Liz works with, and that my friends is an experience for another day!

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Rockin the Airwaves!

I can't say Thursday brought back many fond memories of my radio disk jockey days which ended in the early 1980's , but it's worthwhile to note the feedback from a couple of you who heard the broadcast.
 First, The "Fabulous Connie Dee":  I listened to the broadcast stream - not sure if it was up or downstream-complete with commercial interruptions. I even tried to call in (after making a search for their number), but they apparently have but one line, and they would wait forever to hang up on each caller. I thought that it could be fun if we were on at the same time. You did just fine by yourself, though. I remember a Cyrsti from not that long ago who would not have been so restrained. I would have shamelessly plugged your book, had I been given the chance/ {:-)
Connie, don't worry, I have not developed a new "laid back" personality, unless by some chance HRT is working some sort of changes on me. And, I haven't developed the "Dr. Phil" mentality yet by trying to plug my "Stilettos on Thin Ice" book , although I should before I get invited to Ophra's house!

As far as the radio station itself- WAIF, it's a local "subscriber" supported radio station and I really don't know if it is not another of the many "faith based" radio stations around here or simply a non commercial one.  Except for the commercials you pick up on line on their "stream". Yes Connie, being on with you would have been a dream come true- or nightmare when we got kicked off!

And, Janet Warner sent in this comment:  Cyrsti,
I caught part of the show today and heard you when you called back in the second time. I thought the show was very positive, it is so wonderful that finally what it means to be TG is being discussed openly on a radio station with a broad audience. It is a rotten shame however that it takes the death of such a young innocent person to shock folks enough to have the discussion in the first place. Hopefully some good will come of all of this, but as one of the callers said, until it is no longer legal to discriminate against a person on the basis of gender identity, it is hard to see how real progress can happen.

Thanks Janet!  Indeed it is sad a young transgender person has to take her own life for this to happen. Didn't you think the program showed the depth of the problems we face?  Mr. teen therapist Moderator Tom, relayed right off the bat how stunned he was when he found about the "Josh Alcorn" he knew and the problems "Josh" was facing.  At the least now, Moderator Tom has heard about the problems of being transgender and how close to home and well hidden it can be.

While the conversation did show the depth of ignorance we face, until we face up to talking about it-no real progress can happen.  I was happy when I got back in to the show for the third time, I was able to have been one of two transgender veterans on the show. I was able to mention the discrimination active military members face IF they chose to come out.
While I doubt if I will be invited back to participate anytime soon on the station (even though I was not a wild woman), I think perhaps I will get a mention or two at "Moderator Tom's (and Leelah's church) on Sunday. I would love to be a fly on that wall-until I got swatted for being a trans fly.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Remembering Leelah on the Radio

Recently, I have made a mention of my invite to join in on a radio discussion of LGBTQ suicide on a radio station close to Leelah Alcorn's hometown.

Thursday (tomorrow) WAIF radio in Cincinnati, will have a diverse set of individuals (including me) along with a local (conservative Christian) minister concerning LGBT issues with the church and families. The discussion will be moderated by a therapist, Thomas Cox, from  NKY. (Northern Kentucky University) The show runs from 12-2 (EST) and you can hear it on the link above.

So, if  I can manage to not get kicked off before I start, maybe I can add a bit of reality to the discussion.We know the reality of being transgender is not a choice it's a need but most religions don't. I simply don't understand why, probably as much as they don't understand me.  But, they need to know I am not their enemy and I deserve the same respect.  If they think I am going to hell-well- I may think I could see them there.

Call me an alarmist but  religion in this country is now following politics into a  highly polarized state, which is not good.  All of the sudden, (it seems more and more) if you are a conservative politically it follows you have to be a socially/religiously conservative person.   And, whatever happened to a loving caring God?

The only thing I do know is tomorrow we won't be able to come up with all the big answers we need. At the least though, it's going to be nice to talk about them.

Preparing for the World

  JJ Hart. Witches Ball Image. Before we get started, I would like to take the time to respond to a comment from an anonymous reader to the ...