Showing posts with label womanless beauty contests. Show all posts
Showing posts with label womanless beauty contests. Show all posts

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Cyrsti's Condo - "On the Runway"

PICT5239 | Flickr - Photo Sharing!
Unidentified Pinterest Womanless Pageant Cross Dresser
Should "Sean" try not to look toooo comfortable in his girlfriends boots in this womanless beauty pageant picture. And, did gf (and her girl friends)  really take away his male clothes for the night?

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Cyrsti's Condo-Hey Jill was that your Husband in the Gay Bar?

 The tall blond to the right thought cross dressing up for the Womanless Beauty Pageant in one of his old Halloween Costume would be innocent enough - until some of his wife's friends recognized him from the gay bar he went to that night!!!

Monday, June 8, 2015

Going Womanless for a Great Cause

I have mentioned here in Cyrsti's Condo many times womanless beauty pageants around where I live were almost non existent when I was growing up. Several years ago, when the local benefits for cancer began to come along, many of them added a womanless beauty pageant to raise donations. One year, I actually pushed by another guy I knew to participate. You know, on of those guy things-I will if you will.
For any number of reasons, I didn't. The primary one I was already sort of/kind of out in my town as a cross dresser. Not a good idea at the time for others to connect more dots with me.

As I was skipping through my Pinterest boards this morning-this picture of an unidentified "contestant" and his girlfriend caught my attention.

Right now I'm thinking the girlfriend is thinking how long he is going to put up with the heels he is wearing and if he does why? He is thinking "Damn" I better look like I have never dressed like a woman before.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Cyrsti's Condo "Triple P"

United HS (Laredo TX) 1988Three "P's"-pageant, passing privilege. The real unmentioned award at the end of the womanless beauty pageant.

Here's an example.  Check the guy (Mike Pena) on the right!

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Boys Just Want to be Pretty Too!

Womanless Beauty Pageant 1Just another kid looking too happy in a dress at a womanless beauty pageant! He is probably thinking he has finally found a way to put his arm around her. She is thinking-STOP It!

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Cyrsti's Condo "I 'Doesn't' Know it?

His Mom got her way.After her son won this womanless beauty pageant, this Mom is thinking four things...
1.- So maybe this Isn't a phase?
2.- Is this why he "practiced" every night for a month?
3.- I hope Dad doesn't see these pictures!
4.- Damn! He looks better than his sister in her LBD!

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Womanless Beauty Pageant "Amateurs?"

GurlAmateur, by my definition means a person who does not seriously pursue a certain interest, job or hobby.  Ever sense Cyrsti's Condo hit the internet, the seemingly unlimited pictures we see at times of participants in womanless beauty pageants fall into a couple categories:  those guys who are truly cross dressing for fun  and those who just may have tried it before-or could again. 

Since rarely do we ever have an answer, sweet speculation adds a bit of spice to the process!

Womanless event

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Cyrsti's Condo "First Timer's?"

Holmes community college in Goodman, MississippiClearly this "Holmes Community College" student in Goodman, Mississippi has never shaved all the hair off his body or rocked those heels ever before this womanless pageant?  (wink wink!)

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Attitude Versus Appearance

It's no secret the number of times we have kicked around the idea of "attitude" versus "appearance" here in Cyrsti's Condo.

Your attitude as you begin to explore your femininity in the world in many ways ranks above how you look. My example goes back several years and continues to this day in one of the places I have been stopping at for adult beverages and sports. It's close to a big research air base and normally has it's share of 40 something groups of defense contractor/professional guys.  The bar itself is straight (not gay - no I meant the bar shape!) and seats approx 25.  Tuesday's are the big 2 dolla pint night.  Your choice on any of 30 different drafts-2 dolla, and the place is packed.

I learned years ago the thrill of victory or the agony of defeat of having to walk to the other end of the bar for a seat...through primarily men.  I went from being flat out laughed at at one end of the spectrum to guys just glazed over.  I always wondered what the glazed ones were thinking.  Largely now, I'm ignored except I did have two last night who followed my every move until I found a seat.  Moral to the story is, I learned to always keep my head up, and shoulders back to keep the human sharks in their place. Come hell or high water I just had to let the world know, I wasn't doing anything wrong.

While we are on the subject of attitude. Several posts ago, I re-posted one of my old woman less pageant  pictures of "Spencer".    Spencer was gorgeous to be sure but his attitude was just as amazing to me.

And all this time my sister thought she was the only princess in the family! also think some of these younger woman less  pageant contestants first time in drag was that night and two things, they were impressed on how well the mtf transformation worked and two.- the joke was on everyone else when they saw him.

Example on left.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Cyrsti's Condo Womanless Pageant OOPS!

Get your hand off my butt Jim!!!I just love this picture which obviously comes from a womanless beauty pageant somewhere...
Check out the expression on the guy's face and the slightly pained look on the cross dressed contestant's face.

From the look on "her" face I wonder where his hand is and what is it doing????

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

The "Allure" of a Boy in a Dress

In this sense, the "boy" doesn't have to be chronologically young, some males just never make it to "manhood".  It's just another of my pet peeves when someone on television says a transgender woman was born a man.  She was born male physically.

It's also no secret an easy way to make money for an organization is to find several "willing" participants who will dress as women.  Whatever the individual's motivation, some boys just make great looking girls or women.  Just look around at your local drag shows at the gay venues.
The blond is thinking - Really! Isn't that dress a bit too much!!! Bitch!!
Of course drag queens are one thing, but the allure of you and your male buddies just sitting around drinking beer and being asked to don women's clothes and makeup is a real fantasy.  Sort of like another chance at Halloween.  As attractive as some of the womanless pageant contestants were (or are), I am sure for most it's a "one and out" experience.  But for others, you just have to believe it isn't-and that too is part of the fantasy.

One thing is for sure, if you are attractive at all and there is a picture posted of you on line, it very well could be there for eternity. Cyrsti's Condo is an example. And, of course I have to make an off the comment being the cynical bitch I love to be!

I just found a couple other sites on Pinterest which have womanless pageant "boards" and of course there is the amazing center of womanless pageant pictures on Stana's Femulate site.

Damn Jim, the queen just invited us to amateur night at his gay club. Don't tell the girlfriends! 

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Behind Every Womanless Pageant...There is a Cross Dresser

Back in the day when Halloween was my only real time I could get out in the world and "strut my feminine stuff", the challenge was to come up with other "excuses" to have a costume party.  Of course Mardi Gras comes to mind as well as a few manufactured others which were less than successful.

In school and later in life, I remember exactly no womanless beauty pageant contests where I lived until they became popular with cancer fund raising events.  By then, I was exploring the world as a woman anyhow.  Every so often here in Cyrsti's Condo, we discuss the true dynamics of how some men simply shine in womanless pageants and would those of us who were hidden away in our closets cross dressing been too paranoid to compete?

I know for sure I would have in high school.

Just for kicks and giggles, I'm going to post this picture from a womanless pageant in Dover, Tennessee and ask you to pick the cross dresser out of the crowd. I think he did a pretty good job of not looking too obvious!  Or did he?

Six brave VFW Post 4730 are contestants in a recent Womanless Beauty Pageant to celebrate the retirement of Donuta Jeziorowska, who has served at the Post for over 22 years.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

"Engineering" a Cross Dresser?

Miss Eng Philippines 2013 year in the Philippines, an engineering school has a womanless beauty pageant. Perhaps you have heard of or seen the results of the "Miss Eng" womanless beauty winners. If you have, you know these engineers aren't playing with with designing sexy exotic "women."

Here in Cyrsti's Condo, it's worth the time to go back and take a look!

The first is from 2013, the second from 2007.  This place has been engineering women for awhile! Wonder if they give cross dressing scholarships or if an aspiring transgender student chooses this school with an ulterior motive?

Miss Eng'g 2007

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Cyrsti's Condo "Womanless Wonder"

Awwwwright, here is my disclaimer kids.  I happen upon these untitled pictures which I think are involved with a womanless beauty pageant of sorts. Then, I come up with an off the wall idea of what the person is thinking.

Dammit! They didn't tell me ALL those peeps would be here for the show. Why didn't I wear the blond wig instead of Tom? is my latest:
"Dammit!" First they talked me into shaving my legs, doing my nails and wearing these heels. But what's up with this crummy wig and hell no I'm not leaving like this to go eat beer and wings.  Wait though, I came here like this!   Ooooh how will I pee?

Saturday, February 15, 2014

They Said What???

By now you all have noticed how I love to speculate on what womanless pageant participants are really thinking here in Cyrsti's Condo.
is he going to a prom?? ask his girlfriend
Here are a couple more:

Oh Oh! I came out of this looking a little too good.  DON"T SMILE and act lack you enjoy this!!!!


So what if I got him to shave his legs, those heels will have to get to him sooner or later.  Hmmmn, wait a minute, he is a little too comfortable. Has he done this drag stuff before? Dammit! I'm doomed! Look at him! First I have to compete with my girlfriends, now him?

My Boyfried is a Girlfriend Drag by MalibuKenDoll, via Flickr They look sooo cute together!

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Womanless Pageant Hits and "Misses"

I don't find many new womanless pageant pictures floating around the web anymore. I think it's primarily due to the fact that these days, if someone snaps a picture of you in a dress-it can turn up anywhere. (Including Cyrsti's Condo).
Every once in a while I do see one or two which I think are interesting because of the other people shown.  Could be a girlfriend, Mom or fellow student.
Here are a couple: In the first, his girlfriend is wondering if she is ever going to get her pink dress back and how often she will see him in that damned tiara in the mall? I'm the princess dammit!

Her son wins the beauty contest.In the second picture below, Mom is thinking Wow! he does look like me at this age. Plus, this picture gives a whole new meaning to the expression, "Wait till your father gets home!"

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Archive "Picks"

Kenyon born and raised Biko Beauttah

                                                      Eva Robins (below)

Guys having too much fun at a woman less beauty pageant!!!

Friday, July 19, 2013

Womanless Beauty Pageant

I'm putting this video up on the Cyrsti's Condo big screen from the sheer fact it is one of the best produced womanless pageant videos I have found, not because of the quality of the participants. Speaking of participants, I have determined my own breakdown:

1.- guys who are doing it for fun
2.- guys who started out doing it for fun but just maybe want to see how they look in heels and hose.
3.- guys who saw themselves in heels and hose and liked it.
4.- guys who liked the experience in the past so much they came back for more.
5.-guys who were doing it anyhow and just had the chance to dazzle the world!
6.-guys you are sure to see in a future drag show, or in the mall

Of course, all were "talked into it against their will"!

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Winning Womanless Pageants

Hunter Edwards was named Junior Mr. Miss Ernest Ward Middle School in a womanless beauty pageant Friday night. First runner-up was Jacob Weaver, and second runner-up was Luke Ward. Edwards also received the audience vote People’s Choice Award. For more go here.

Preparing to Lose

  JJ Hart speaking at a Cincinnati Trans Wellness  Conference. When I first began to explore my transgender womanhood in public, I was rejec...