Showing posts with label theFrisky. Show all posts
Showing posts with label theFrisky. Show all posts

Friday, January 23, 2015

They Should Have Just Asked!

I saw this post on theFrisky:

 A study by the University of Basel discovered there’s some truth to the cliched belief that men and women process their feelings differently. Maybe John Gray was on to something?  The study, which will be published in the Journal of Neuroscience, “focused on determining the gender-dependent relationship between emotions, memory performance and brain activity.” The results show that women find intense imagery more emotionally stimulating than men, and are more likely to remember those images.
Previous studies have found that people are more likely to remember emotionally charged events than neutral events, and that women consider such events more emotionally stimulating than guys do. Researchers set out to determine whether this is the reason women do better than men on memory tests. 
What a radical idea?  Of course, results may vary but if you identify as a transgender woman or transgender man, you just knew this was true. And, when and if you decide to start HRT (again results will vary) you really will know how true this is.
At some point in time, maybe every research study on differences between the binary genders will at the least include ideas from those of us who have crossed the gender frontiers.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Cyrsti's Condo "Star Grazing"

Here we go kids, a look at our astrological signs, as always beginning with my home sign "Libra"

 (September 23-October 22): You’ll be hearing every excuse in the book, as the flakes will be out in full force this week. Forget trying to set your schedule to any timeline, because there won’t be one that will work out. Avoid the disappointments and be ready to see there are a lot of choices in how you can spend your time, as last minute changes will be your life for the next few weeks — and happily so, if you let it.

My "scope" certainly does reflect how my schedule looks for the next week or so-or how it doesn't look. I'm just rolling with the punches! Also "rolling" in a different way will be all you Pisces: 

(February 20-March 20): Just as your lusts were bordering on irrelevancy, you’ll connect to a new part of yourself that will want to jump into the thick of things, causing you to feel sensations in a more profound way than you have had in ages. Call it a spontaneous rejuvenation and thank those lucky stars for this miracle.

Well, that's it for our look at the stars for this weeks "Star Grazing". If we didn't get to your sign-go here to theFrisky.

Monday, January 5, 2015

Cyrsti's Condo "Star Grazing"

Again my Libra astrology stars are running true to form this week.  I'm going to two vigils for Leelah Alcorn this week and have been approached to help establish a couple transgender outreach programs.

(September 23-October 22): You might not feel as if you want more responsibilities, so when they fall into your lap now, be aware of what your heart is really thinking about the acquisition. As you know, you’re a people pleaser — just talking over you can often be the trick to get you to follow. This week, know your beliefs and stand by them.

Our guest sign this week comes under the sign of Pisces: 

(February 20-March 20): Love is going to feel fresh, rewarding and new. If you’re in a relationship, then expect the romance to get even deeper. If you’re a swinging single, then be open extra winks and chivalrous gestures, because there is a fairytale way about this week and it’ll end with you feeling happily ever after. Of course, next week, some of these bets may be off.

For your own sign go here to the Frisky!!!

Monday, December 29, 2014

Cyrsti's Condo "Star Grazing"

It turns out my stars have saved the best for last in 2014!  Gather around all you Libra's:

(September 23-October 22): It’s going to be good to be you now, when all those quirky things about yourself that you try to hide will be endearing for another to peep at. Forget trying to be perfect, because it’s just a silly game you play in your head. The world outside will feel warmer than ever, as there will be lots of arms outstretched that want to hold you.

And all this time, I thought I was perfect! Quirky? You "betcha!!!" Our guest sign this week  comes from you Leo's! (July 23-August 22): Brace yourself because beauty will seduce you. The fact is, you have a reflex when it comes to hotness and that is to pounce on it. Sometimes you leap too quickly and realize the catch doesn’t live up to its first impression. And then there are other times when you go too fast and eat it up too quickly. This week, change it up. Be the prey and commit to it.

As always, we know where your sign is too!!!  Go here to theFrisky.  

Monday, December 22, 2014

Cyrsti's Condo "Star Grazing"

It's time again kids to take a look at our astrological readings for the week!

As always, we Libra's go first:  (September 23-October 22): Your communication lines are open and people will be dialing back with their complaints, worries, confusions, etc. It’ll seem as if all the floodgates will open and truth will come pouring down on you, soaking you to the bone. Although most of the dramatics don’t involve you personally, it’s never ‘just easy’ being in the front row when Pandora’s Box is opening.

Wow! I can't begin to tell you how accurate this "Graze" is for me! Scary!!!!

This week I went back to you Acquarians for company! (January 20-February 19): You can’t underestimate catty, jealous people. While you have been enjoying the holidays, chances are the haters were working overtime to sabotage your plans or tarnish your rep. Although you should have seen this coming from miles away, be glad you were busy living your life and prefer to see humanity in a better light. Don’t worry. Eventually, you will get the last laugh.

There you go kids!!! If we didn't get to your sign, don't get your panties in a bunch and go to theFrisky!

Monday, December 15, 2014

Cyrsti's Condo "Star Reading"

All of us "Libra-ites" do not have a particularly exciting astrological "smootch" this week:  (September 23-October 22): Mixing of family, friends and your honey will have you short circuiting, as you’ll have to switch faces and be able to pull off a seamless performance. Yes, your charm will be put to good use, but beware of those that always look to step over the line and raise the ire in you. Sorry to say, at the end of the year, this is always part of the crap you’re going to have to put up with.

On the other hand, find a Cancer to hang out with this week:  (June 21-July 22): The mistletoe must be up, because you’ll need to be closer to your baby or any warm body that brings on sweet feelings. Love will be on your mind and commitment is getting more real. The fears you once held will now seem to be outdated. This week, a new age begins for you, one in which there are rainbows and even a few unicorns.

Hop on over to theFrisky for your "star-date"!

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Cyrsti's Condo "Star Reading"

Here we go kids! Another visit to our astrological signs from theFrisky. First, my Libra sign is rather subdued this week:
 (September 23-October 22): It’s all about keeping your word. Building trust is a sport at times and if you want to achieve the level you want, it’s going to take time. Like anything that has true substance, you have to let it settle. Be willing to lay low in the passenger seat and have your actions speak for themselves, as you keep it real with your priorities.

No problem! The way my partner Liz drives, I lay low in the passenger seat anyway!!!  Our guest sign this week comes from the sign of Aries , which seems to be a good match - to sit back and watch from the passenger seat!

(March 21-April 19): When a door opens, step in — like when sexual tension springs up in a platonic place. Yes, go hog wild on all the no strings love you can get now. However, don’t be the aggressor, because clumsiness will plague you from being as smooth as you’d like. Let them ignite the flame and they will!

If you didn't see your sign, don't pout and boo hoo which will run your fancy new mascara! Go here for yours!

Monday, December 1, 2014

Cyrsti's Condo "Star Gazing"

For some reason now my life is like a huge pin ball machine and I am the silver ball. Some how I think my scope follows that theme!

Libra (September 23-October 22): You’ll be making headway now, which means keep up the momentum. If you take your hands off the wheel for even a second, it’ll result in setback. There is only one way to go now and that is full speed absurd. Paint your world in different colors and embrace a multi-dimensional tomorrow. Yes, there is so much to learn and you’ll want to understand it all.

Some days, I just hope I can keep this crazy ride on the road!!!  I think I will spotlight you Acquarians this week for HELP!!!

(January 20-February 19): Whoever ignores you now is a fool. Knowledge will be running about your brain and you will be on point with all you say. Sure, your thoughts are wilder than the general consensus, but if someone craves greatness, they need to be brave enough to jump into it. Free will is yours. Free will is a power. Own yours in spades, like the universe will ask of you now.

Yeppers! Finding your astrological sign is simple! Go here to theFrisky!

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Cyrsti's Condo "Star Gazing!"

After missing a week, we are back to checking what the astrological signs say about about our lives here in the Condo.  First off, my sign- Libra:

(September 23-October 22): It’s amazing how much you do know and how little you give yourself credit for it. Listen to yourself now. This is the time to step out and look at yourself from the outside in. When you embrace certain truths about your patterns, it’ll help you untangle messy connections that are trying to saturate your brain. Stop the madness now, as it can be a slippery slope.

Interesting! I have been accused about giving myself too much credit over the years on occasion!

Our guest sign this week goes to the Capricorns! 

(December 22-January 19): Restlessness can plague you at night, as darkness will bring out a different creature in you now. Instead of trying to fight the insomnia, dive into new obsessions, play new characters and let your inner werewolf howl. Not only are your odds high to discover a new level of genius within yourself, but there’s also a trippy feeling flying around your head now.

Cut it loose girls!!!!

If you didn't see your sign here, don't boo-hoo and go here to theFrisky to find yours!

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Cyrsti's Condo "Star Gazing"

Your Friskyscopes For The Week Of August 25-31, 2014

This week, the star's managed to settle down a bit after last weeks' high energy "Friskyscope" for all of us Libra's everywhere!

(September 23-October 22): If people can’t get your sense of humor, accept it and move on. Forget trying to be friends with everyone now, because that would be impossible. Know where you belong and be willing to stay fluid, as in feeling out the right people to be around. No more being lazy about where you place your energy — forcing a square peg to fit a round hole won’t be worth it.

Humor so dry it was born in the Saharan Desert mixed in an oasis of sarcasm describes my sense of humor-so I guess this scope fits!  Now for our guest sign this week!

Capricorn:  (December 22-January 19): You’ll have nothing to complain about now. Mysteries of the universe will seem to simplify and be much easier to control. Hell, you won’t even care for the flaky people in your life muttering about the garbage they usually do, as you will have a divine attitude about life and there will be nothing that can take you down.

Don't boo hoo if we missed you! Go here for more!

Monday, November 3, 2014

Star Gazing with Cyrsti!

OMG! If there was ever a "Friskyscope" written for me-THIS IS IT!!!:

Libra(September 23-October 22): The best times this week will happen late into the night, as the seediness you crave and the edginess in your style can only shine for those that are hardcore. Live out the life, as your comfort zone turns into a VIP lounge with you sitting court. Let the bottle service flow and dance as late as you want to. As for responsibilities, enjoying yourself will have to come first.

Wait, wasn't that Halloween for me? Took me three or four days to recover! This week I'm not done as my "guest sign feature just has to go to the Gemini's:

(May 21-June 20): Your brain will be buzzing like a jackhammer, breaking you in and out of thoughts. You won’t make sense of anything too easily and will be prone to overthinking the simplest issues. Yes, a naturally dramatic vibe is coming, as you will steep into a psychotic mode, being a victim one minute, the victor a second later. Have your besties and boo pull up a chair to enjoy the show.

If you are a Gemini, call me! I want a front row seat! But if you aren't and your sign's weekly prediction is not here, don't "Boo-Hoo" and get tears all over your keyboard just  follow this link !

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

"Star Gazing" with Cyrsti

At my age it took me a while (as I have said) to shake off the effects of the weekend. When I did, I realized I had missed our weekly astrological sign travels Monday.  Better late than never though- so here we go with the Libras:

(September 23-October 22): Who you will want now and who is right for you will be hard to match up, as the two will seem at opposite ends, making you want to wipe the slate clean and start over. Of course, decisions like that can’t be made overnight, but as you feel the restless tossing and turning, redraw the lines of what you do find acceptable and make that your point now.

Can't say much about any of that except it is wrong in my case! I am always restless and toss and turn all the time mentally, but so does Liz so we match up.  I'm the first to admit our successful style of relationship is most likely to occur  in more mature individuals who have seen a lot and have some sort of idea of where they want to be at this stage of our lives. 

As I read the other signs this week, it seems I may need to find a Virgo to talk to! :
 (August 23-September 22): There will be uncommon vernacular spoken around you and a pretension that will be so thick; it’ll be hard to push your way through. Welcome to a new view, as changes of your social scene will be going down a more intellectual route. Not that you can’t keep up, but why you would want to. After all, what do you really feel you have to prove?

OK kids, that's it again for another week and can you believe the first days of November! As always if we didn't get to your sign, don't crawl under your bed and cry! Go here to theFrisky.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Cyrsti's Condo "Astrological Boogey!"

I positively love the Libra sign astrology for this week! My friends have positively no idea of what they have done for me-no matter how much I try to tell them! Read on fellow Libra's!

(September 23-October 22): Enjoying the good life is more than just being able to access any thrill you need, but being able to express the gratitude in how you got there. After all, as the sign of teamwork, you will have to pay a price to those you have consulted and give credit where it is due. If you really do have what it takes, then acknowledging those that helped perfect it will only give you more.

My guest sign this week goes to all of you under the sign of Pisces: (If for nothing else-the use of the word fantastical!)

A fantastical event is in the works for you, giving you a sense of the divine. However big or small, a miracle is going to strike and a beautiful happening will start to worm its way into you. Chances are you will be seeing a person or situation in a totally different way, as obstacles seem to disappear into thin air.

As always, if we missed you-don't despair kids! Just go here to theFrisky! 

Monday, October 13, 2014

Cyrsti's Condo Monday "Star Gazing"

Already!  Another week has flown by and it's time for another look at our astrological "signage"
First of all, as always,here are my fellow Libra's:

(September 23-October 22): Get to hunting for hearty meat that gives you satisfaction and sustenance. Picking at the bones is no way to live. So, when tables turn this week, exposing someone’s weaknesses, be okay with dropping the ball and letting them roll away into the gutter and out of your way. Not just practical, but sadistically fun to watch happen.

It seems I have a lot of "irony" in my life and my "scope" fits it too as just yesterday I was using the old term from my hippie days - "tasty!" Plus, when I think about it, sadistically fun fits me too!

Well, since I was mentioning my hippie days, it's just fitting we feature the "Age of Aquarius" sign as our guest this week:

(January 20-February 19): Magical mayhem will be in the works, pushing you up the ladder of dreams. While you may have to see the demise of another before getting what you want, know that being witness to this mess is your reminder that you are merely starting another level of challenges. No matter. If this recent win were to make sense easily, you’d find it less intriguing.

There you go for another week kids!  Go here to theFrisky if we missed your sign!  Peace and Love !

Monday, October 6, 2014

Cyrsti's Condo "Star Gazing"

Another week has flown by kids and it's time to take a look at what the astrological signs have to say about our week!

First, we Libra's:   (September 23-October 22): Hold onto your knickers, because this week’s whirlwind energy is going to blow hard and fast. Be extra guarded with what you hold dear, as sadistic strikes come at you in a slow and steady stream from the usual suspect of your distress. Resist the psychological cat and mouse game, though, because getting bit in the ass won’t be your cup of tea.

Wow! I will have to hold on to my knickers because I have always enjoyed a psychological game (even more so in the girl's sandbox!) but I do have a low threshold for pain and would hate to get bit in the ass-again!

This week we are going "slumming" with our Gemini sisters as our featured guests:  

(May 21-June 20): The allure of the rougher types will turn your head. Ogres, misanthropes and all round beasts will hit a certain chord, as you see how people are living out the way you often feel inside. Seems you’re going to be finding your groove in the sketchier side of town, which will be a refreshing break from what you now know as civilization.

If we missed your sign this week, here is the simple solution! Go to theFrisky here.

Monday, September 29, 2014

Cyrsti's Condo "Star Gazin"

Just a big ol "Lord have mercy!" the stars caught me right smack in the middle of my mirror this week! I hope I'm not catching you other Libra's in the same mirror!

Libra: (September 23-October 22): A slip of the tongue happens and if it’s coming from you, you need to warn others. You have a certain love of vagueness that can alarm many when they see how deep it runs in you. In fact, it runs so deep, you sometimes wind up roaming in circles. To help in clearing that fog, at least for others, work harder on your articulation and annunciation.

My only hope is my friends truly know my vagueness does run deep within me and that's because I am roaming in circles mentally! None of it is evil though and after 65 yrs, it's tough to fix!
 I have a very difficult time staying in the present which I sometimes wonder comes from my transgender past.  At any rate, don't worry about those alarms! (We can figure out later whose noggin they were really in!)

Our guest sign today is Aries: (March 21-April 19): No matter how disappointed you feel in someone’s inability to understand you, you will find the way to love them through that shortcoming. It’s the least you can do, as there are things about you that aren’t easy for the average person to grasp.  So, if you’re going to be upset about anything now, it’ll be that and not giving a rat’s ass on who sees your pain.

As always, if we didn't get to your sign, don't sit and "boo-hoo'!  Go here for yours.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Cyrsti's Condo "Star Gazing"

Here we go kids, another chance to gaze at the stars and read what astrology says about the week ahead. We Libra's have another chance to go for something-whatever it may be!:

(September 23-October 22): There is a race to the front of the line now. If there are circumstances that aren’t matching up to your skills, this is the moment to get things straight. There are many options that will appear surreal, but trust they are visions of a near future that is within reach. So, suit up, because the snooze button no longer works and your reputation to say what you can do hangs in the balance.
This week, I skipped the urge to feature Pisces and the mention of a hot oil body treatment after a "L Word" episode about a lesbian bar and hot oil wrestling and went with Leo for all of you who may be in the middle of transitioning:
(July 23-August 22): There will be lots of things to attend to in your backyard, so don’t get all fancy early in the week making plans that require you to go far. If you take the effort to learn about the community you are a part of, you will find a place to belong. Yes, seems the intellectual connection and spiritual understanding you crave is right under your nose.

As always, if I left you out, don't despair and head here for your sign! 

Monday, September 15, 2014

Cyrsti's Condo "Star Gazing!"

Shhh! Don't tell anyone I'm here! Now, read my sign for the week!

Libra: (September 23-October 22): Listen in on conversations and snoop in places when you don’t think anyone is looking. It’s this sort of stealth movement that’ll be necessary to get the real dirt on another’s intention now.Yes, a perverse week is ahead, involving a fight with your morals, but trust that there are times, like now, when playing a sleight of hand is the only way to protect yourself. So, fuck it.

Damn all you fellow Libra's- now that is a scope!!!  I would comment further but that would give away my stealth movement!

Our guest sign this week just has to go to your Scorpio's!  :

(October 23-November 21): Your week will have an erotic and exotic feel to it, making you want to spend a little extra time between the sheets in the morning. Yes, the heat will be on, making time your runway with all eyes on you. Whatever this influence has, expect it to be potent enough to blind your from the usual crap that pisses you off. Yes, that powerful!

Wow! If you need to get into all this celestial action,  go here to theFrisky!

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Cyrsti's Condo - "Star Gazing."

It's time again kids (as we do every week) to look at our Friskyscopes! If you are a Libra, as I am- get ready to NOT be a meek and quiet little baby girl this week:

(September 23-October 22): Stop the complaining and the wondering why, because this is a time when positive ideas and thoughts can propel you ahead. Don’t be shy about using force in how you present yourself, because you can’t be too aggressive now — especially verbally. While you still will be in just-about-arm’s reach of your goal, be proud of the progress you will make this week.

Cool!!!! Now that is my kind of "scope" and now here is my "guest" sign of the week. It was a tough decision this week picking you Capricorns! :

(December 22-January 19): You’re going to hear a lot of sob stories and excuses now. Prepare for the wave of bullshit to come in like a tsunami. However, since you know it is on its way, you will be prepared to view it all as a comedy and be amused at the many ways people try to shock you and wrongly assume you are more naive than you appear.

For more-go here!~

Preparing to Lose

  JJ Hart speaking at a Cincinnati Trans Wellness  Conference. When I first began to explore my transgender womanhood in public, I was rejec...