Showing posts with label LGBT Pride. Show all posts
Showing posts with label LGBT Pride. Show all posts

Sunday, June 12, 2022

Out and Proud

 Next week for my partner Liz and I is LGBTQ Pride week, which at this point in time we are keeping our fingers crossed for good weather. So far the forecast looks good for our try at going on the Cincinnati Pride Pub Crawl. Since we can't drink and drive the whole event will one way or another cause an extreme amount of effort and finances. So we want as much as possible, that all intangibles such as weather to be on our side. 

Last night though, we decided to go to our favorite Mexican restaurant which is conveniently located right around the corner from our house.  

Since we have been there several times, I didn't expect any pushback to my presence as a transgender woman in their venue and I didn't get any. 

In some senses I think the picture represents what I ordered the "Plato Loco." I believe in Spanish the translation is "crazy dish." but I flunked Spanish in college.

Actually I wasn't trying to look crazy with my smirk in the picture, Liz took it as I was eating a chip.

Regardless of any of this, I know I am very bad at sharing any pictures of my experiences. Hopefully I will have more to share this week after Pride.

As an aside this week the Veteran's Administration is celebrating the contributions of women veterans over the years. I am proud to say I have been invited to participate. 

Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Back in the Saddle

 The first big holiday and the official kick off for summer has happened and moved on. It was also Memorial Day which I believe is not celebrated for the right reasons by too many people in the United States. They are more concerned with having a good time, rather than remembering all of those who lost their lives in any of the seemingly endless wars we as a country become involved in. None of that matters to all of those who served and paid the ultimate sacrifice.

 Putting all of that behind us, summer is finally here around where I live in Southwest Ohio, Cincinnati, USA. On cue, the temperatures have risen and it's time to pull out all of my tank tops and T shirts out of my wardrobe and wear them again. Seasonal changes around here to me allow me one of the fun things of being a transgender woman. Back in the day when I was a cross dresser before I transitioned, I couldn't wait for certain seasons to roll around. Specifically fall when I could wear my leggings and sweaters. Back then I had considerably more to cover up. Examples would be my hairy arms and legs.

These days of course hormone replacement therapy has reduced my body hair to a fraction of what is was and my breasts are large enough to notice in a tank top or tee shirt. I am so fortunate to finally be able to tie my hair back in a long pony tail wear no makeup and take the dog for a walk. All those years of being so envious of other women are nearly totally in my past. One of first things I noticed about HRT was when my body's thermostat had changed. All of a sudden I felt colder than I ever felt before. Quickly I understood all the women I secretly made fun for being cold weren't kidding. Most certainly my new thermostat does help in the warmer months of summer time.

Yesterday, it all seemingly came together when my partner Liz and I were invited to her son's new apartment for supper. On the way over, we stopped at a convenience store to pick up beverages and ice cream. It was fun and satisfying to be referred to as "ladies" twice when we were in the store. Of course the men who called us "ladies" had no way of knowing how long and hard I had worked to earn that title.

Other than that, the weekend was very uneventful for us. I am still trying to build up my endurance to see if I can attempt the "Cincinnati Pride" pub crawl which returns this year following it's Covid hiatus of two years, It's coming up in approximately three weeks, so I still have a little time to work on it. 

In the meantime, I am attempting to change my walks around to not having to face the hot/humid weather we have right now. 

Sunday, June 6, 2021

More Drag Queens

 It turns out, my posts objecting to the domination of drag queens in more than a few of the LGBT Pride events elicited several wonderful comments on the three platforms I am writing on now (Blogger, WordPress and Medium).

Here is one from Michelle: 

I have to say that you might be a bit wrong about the Queens doing nothing for the community. Connie is right about how most trans women just want to blend in but the Queens help to off set attention so that we can blend in without too much trouble. You have to remember that it was the Queens and gays of the Stonewall riots that brought the subject of trans into the open. That one incident helps so many find that they were not alone in the world.

Yes, Queens are know for looking and acting over the top but one has to remember that they are like that because they are entertainers if nothing else. I also know that many of them don't always dress or act outlandish all the time. Many try to wear "normal" everyday wear most of the time. Unfortunately many still end up wearing the heavy makeup to help hide the male flaws.
I remember when I first met a Queen in the Rittenhouse area of the city. She was both beautiful as well as sometimes outrageous. One thing that she did for me was to help me see what life was like for transgendered individuals back in the 60's. She helped me understand the problems I might encounter through life, many were very accurate, even to this day.
I found a very informative unabridged version of a book chapter from "Trans bodies Trans selves". It's a bit long but well worth the read."

Thanks Michelle.

Monday, May 17, 2021

And Now We Get Busy

 I have written briefly here in Cyrsti's Condo concerning how I seemingly have the tendency to "bundle" up my events together. When you are retired such as I am, almost anything can be called an "event."

Old Summer Photo
For example, this week,  on Tuesday I have the first of my two webinars on aging I have signed up for followed by another therapist's appointment on Wednesday. More than likely too, I have a meeting coming up with the Trans Ohio group on Thursday or Friday. It is about attempting to put together yet another on line event for Pride this year. Personally I think it's all a case of overkill because of the number of separate Pride events which are happening in  the  metro Cincinnati area but I was out voted. As it stands right now, I think I am going to try to involve a couple of the fabulous cis women transgender allies I know to speak on the subject. 

Then, this weekend is basically a chance to really celebrate being slightly free of the pandemic hold we have been under for well over a year. Of course, both Liz and I have been fully vaccinated. Saturday is a concert in a sculpture park we have been invited to by a musician we know who moved away not long ago to New Mexico. If we go, it could turn out into a dinner out afterwards.

Finally, Sunday is my oldest Grandson's high school graduation get together.  At the least I will get to see if anyone notices my new teeth. If they do, it will just reinforce in my mind, how far gone my old ones were. After all, I didn't want to be mistaken for some burn out old crack head.  I just had always figured my teeth would still outlast how long I would live. An idea reminiscent of the dark days of my life. FYI, the only drug abuse I was into was alcohol. 

All the activity will make the week go by in a hurry.

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Among Other Things it's Time for Pride

With the world in agony over so many problems, it is still time to pause and remember June is still Pride Month.  The riots over the senseless death of yet another black man have reached close to home around here in Cincinnati with public curfews in the city over the past several nights. The only positive tie in between the unrest and Pride is as you probably remember the "Stonewall" riots in NYC were the beginning of Pride.

Around here too, all the many Pride celebrations have been cancelled until later in the year due to concerns over the virus. 

I simply ask all of you to join with me in remembering all of those who have gone before to secure the very tentative rights we enjoy.

Tuesday, July 2, 2019


If you haven't seen or heard, Pantene is starring a 41 year old transgender woman as one of it's models:

"When Pooya Mohseni was 19 years old, she was walking around a park in her hometown of Tehran, Iran, wearing a simple black T-shirt and white jeans, when a group of policemen approached her.
The officers took issue with how Mohseni, a transgender woman who was presenting as masculine at the time, wore her hair. To them, it was too long.
Pooya Mohseni
"My hair was down to the middle of my ears," Mohseni, now 41, tells Refinery29. "Not very long at all. If I pulled it all to the front of my face, it would come down to the middle of my nose." 

According to Mohseni, the officers' real problem wasn't her hair. It was what her hair signified.  Almost two decades later, that very same head of hair is making its debut in a new Pantene campaign called "Don’t Hate Me Because I’m #BeautifuLGBTQ," which was born out of the brand's new partnership with GLAAD in honor of Pride Month. In a video for the campaign that can be seen on both YouTube and social media, Mohseni recounts her arrest and declares that "hair is the most visibly transformative part of your body."

I agree and still feel so fortunate I was able to grow my own hair. It forced me into going all out to adopt a stable feminine persona. The drawback of course is making sure I keep up with it at my stylist!

Saturday, June 23, 2018

Pride is Here!

At least in Cincinnati, Ohio that is. Over the years I understand, it has grown into the major event I know and this year they are expecting another record turnout. Like so many cities, LGBT Pride has turned into a week long event. Even the Cincinnati Reds (sometimes accused of being a major league baseball team) got involved.

The weather even is cooperating fairly well. High's will be in the low 80's, with the typical chance of thunderstorms. Due to my inability to stand for long wait times and then walking for over a mile, I get a privileged seat in our Official Cincinnati Witches Ball booth. Last year, I experienced tons of fun and positive interactions with the public...except the guy who thought I was Ozzy Osbourne. Over the duration of the party, we pass out information about the "Ball" which is actually a big Halloween Party and our organization as a whole.

Attire for me will be comfortable and cool, to match the weather. I plan on wearing an embroidered black tank top I have along with a pair of my distressed jeans or maybe even "Jeggings". (Legging's which look like jeans.)

Ironically, the only part of the event I dread is using the rest room. The restrooms are in a free standing building with stainless steel prison style toilets. As the day goes on, the women's room gets really gross. I keep thinking "Suck it up, Buttercup!"

All in all, if you have never been to a Pride, be sure to get to one if one is near enough to you. Times are a changing and they are as inclusive to transgender women and trans men as they once were to only garish drag queens. What I don't understand are those who complain about police being present at the Pride events. I will never forget hearing the Cincinnati Police Officer explain how last year, with the help of the Ohio Highway Patrol, they headed off a possible conflict with a man with stated goals of possible harm. It turns out he was carrying an automatic rifle.

The way I look at it though, these days, there is always a chance for some crazy to try to ruin an event and it isn't going to destroy my life!

Either way, enjoy your chance to be in an inclusive environment and enjoy yourself.

Thursday, June 14, 2018

VA Pride Day

"LGBT Pride Day" at the Cincinnati Veteran's Administration hospital campus, turned out to be a well attended quality affair. I would estimate approximately two hundred peeps wondered through. Only a couple were remotely negative to the three of us who attended to our table. One fool was enjoying call us "you guys" a little too much. Some people shouldn't be allowed to get out much I guess.

On the positive side, we had one person who came up and said he was deeply closeted but was looking for alternatives to come out. He took a ton of the information we were offering. There were also several others who said they had transgender members in their family.

The part of the event which really stood out to me, was a brief performance of "Muse", a woman's a capella chorus. They were wonderful and truly represented the feminine spirit.

Finally, I believe nearly all LGBT Pride events paint a too rosy overall picture of the transgender lifestyle. While (even with the current presidential administration which is dedicated to taking all our gains away), things are getting better for our trans sisters and brothers. On the other hand, I think of the two (out of an approximate twenty) transgender women in one of my support groups who have been fired from their jobs recently.

All in all though, it was a nice event and I received another invitation to yet another monthly support group.

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Courage, Perseverance, Pride

In the wake of the tragedy in Orlando, I am sure LGBTQ people across the country are questioning their security at upcoming Pride events. 

Here in Cincinnati, it is no different to be sure as I watch most of the Facebook action. 

Fortunately, most of the response seems to be for everyone to move cautiously forward and not let acts of hate take away our lives as we know them. To do so is no worse than getting shoved back into closets we have worked so hard to get out of.
As far as I am concerned, I am going forward with a couple of my planned volunteer activities for Pride.

Plus keep a sharp eye out for anything. I have come too far to go back now.

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Cyrsti's Condo "Sunday Edition"

Ker Plunk! Another virtual issue of our Sunday edition is hitting your front porch! It's a damp cool Sunday morning here in Cincinnati, Ohio-but for the first time in days I can see a bit of sun! So the "joe" (coffee) is going to be warm this morning-not iced. Let's get started.

Page One-The Week That Was-or Wasn't: This is as easy as the seismic week when Caitlin Jenner came out. Friday, SCOTUS (Supreme Court of US) approved same sex marriages.
If you listen closely, the rumbling noises you hear in the distance are all the bible thumping ministers pounding away this morning. Of course what you also may hear is all the grumblings from the transgender community. I too understand this decision benefits the gay and lesbians far more than us and many fear they will kick us to the curb again. How I see it is, same sex marriage was simply the right thing to do. To complain about any pro or con effects to the trans community is simply sour grapes. Ultimately our fate lies in our hands.

NOT singing in the rain!
Page Two-Party in the Rain!: Timing is everything after all and Friday night was the kick off of two weekend party days at Cincinnati LGBT Pride.  I thought about labeling the picture of me with a phrase I am using a lot recently: "Rode hard and put away wet!" This was taken waiting for the pub crawl shuttle bus at the end of the evening. Lesson learned to take a "before" picture too! As always, Liz (Liz T Designs) and I always seem to have an innate luck to be at the right time in the right place to to enjoy ourselves. 
The pub crawl actually had three different "legs" of approximately 20 bars. We were able to comfortably get into the ones we wanted (visit some new ones) and get out while the getting was good. Also, at my old age, I do like to talk while I am in an establishment while the entertainment is going on. Did that too!
It was fun!

Page Three- Flying the Flag: One of the nicer parts of the evening was when a young woman came up and said how much she liked my barrette. It was in an earlier part of the evening before the rain had wrecked any semblance of how I wanted my hair to look. You Cyrsti's Condo regulars may remember this hand beaded trans themed barrette Liz made me some time ago. I was proud to be trans this weekend for anyone who noticed at Pride!!

Page Four-The Back Page: Well kids, it's time to get going and wrap this edition up. Thanks for stopping by the Condo and I hope to see you again soon!!!!

Thursday, June 25, 2015

What Does "Pride" REALLY Mean To You?

Rapidly another LGBT Pride month is rushing by. As it does, it's time to pause and ask ourselves what it really means to each of us. In years past, Pride was clearly a time for gays and lesbian's to celebrate their visibility and gains in society. (Well deserved)

We Transgender folk were pretty much along for the ride. We were the younger siblings who were really not invited to the party-but came anyhow.

Then the ultimate hurt came when we did go and were firmly included with the drag queens. 

Now of course 'times are a changin' -rather quickly. 

I began to attend Pride events only three years ago. In addition to the overall party aspects of the events I went to, there were pockets of information. Normally none of which directed to trans women or men. Yes, the "T" was invisible. It seemed I wasn't invisible though with the other attendee's. Many were very visible (to the point of being rude) with their reactions of me. I thought really? Did I have to put up with the "whip-lash" head looks and even a smirk or two? (Mainly from lesbians) I thought this party was mine too???

Back to my point. Pride to me means taking a look at where we as transgender women and transgender men have come. And, more importantly we are we are going. "Going" just could be the most important message for all of you still firmly in the closet and questioning. Regardless of what some say, coming out at any certain age does not determine your transness. What's between your ears does. So Pride is for all of you too.

I'm going to Cincinnati Pride this weekend. Yet other time to gauge how far we have come in what maybe the toughest crowd of all-our own. By the way-Cincinnati's parade marshal this year is not a cis gay man, not a lesbian but a real live out and proud transgender woman! She is  Erika Ervin, known professionally as Amazon Eve,  an American transgender model, fitness trainer, and actress.

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Cyrsti's Condo "Sunday Edition"

Laverne Cox on Entertainment Weekly CoverKer Plunk! There is actually going to be a Sunday Edition this week and here it is. The "Joe" this week is going to be of a chilled nature since literally we are "embroiled" in our first summer heat wave. Let's get started!

Page 1 - The Week  that Was-or Wasn't: For awhile it seemed, Caitlin Jenner was out and Laverne Cox was back in. Laverne was featured this week on the cover of the first Entertainment Weekly's first LGBT issue in 15 years, as she poses as the Statue of Liberty in this striking shot. (Left) Who would ever have"thunk it?" Not in my life time.

Page 2.- More "Pride than Battle": I came across a Facebook post recently and it resonated with me-so I decided  to pass it along. It comes from "Long Island, New York" who in the dark ages of 1991 who was denied the right to celebrate "gay pride" with a parade. Today though, as the gay-rights movement's fight for for equality continues to win court battles locally, statewide and in the U.S. Supreme Court-Huntington won the right to celebrate "gay pride."  However,  it's important to know now, gay pride is not just "gay" anymore. It's transgender too. Tglb!
Page 3.- The Back Page: This is going to wrap up another Sunday Edition here in Cyrsti's Condo. In the next post I am going to pass along yesterday's experience of almost getting "photo bombed" at a local Native American festival! Thanks for stopping by!

Real Life Impostors

JJ Hart at Key Largo.  At various times in my life, I have suffered from impostor's syndrome when I was out with other women celebrating...