Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Another One Bites the Dust!

In some circles, the well worn shallow and wrong criticism of transgender women has always been  we couldn't be women because we couldn't have children. Now it seems in the very near future, we may able to.

I dearly loved verbally slapping around the fewer and fewer "women?" who came at me with such an ignorant argument. Of course my answer was, how many woman born female did they know who never had kids?

Being the sarcastic mean bitch I sometimes am, sure it was fun.

Now though, I have even more ammunition to trash them with since (according to the NewYork Times  there has been a hopeful start for the first uterine transplant patient in this county.Outstanding news!

You just have to know a transgender woman isn't far behind just so Jenner's name isn't attached. Wait!! If you saw last night's show, Caitlyn seems to be pretty conflicted which gender will claim "most favorite" status?

The Long and Winding What?


Yesterday was one of those days when it seems I was trying to catch up with my tail all day long. I'm not going to bore you with all the details except to say it seems I get to keep my HRT estrogen going for another round, which is about three months.

I say seems because yesterday I didn't see my regular endocrinologist, instead seeing his nurse practitioner. If for some reasons my iron levels shoot through the ceiling again, then conceivably the cruel and usual punishment could come and my Doc could reverse his stand on my HRT again. I take nothing for granted, except taking anything for granted at all.

Following the visit, it was off to lunch with daughter for lunch. Always a delightful time and back to Cincinnati.

Perhaps you remember the round trip I go through on "Doc" days spans about 3 1/2 hours of drive time. I have plenty of time to be by myself with the two dogs and ask questions. None quite like this though:

"Your post has led me to think that Trump would make a good Fran-n-Furter too. Would you be willing to face him in a debate, should Donald decide to compete for your role at the Halloween Ball? Donald has been a drag in the Rep. debates; he could be IN drag in yours. 

The dumb blonde in me needs to ask if the Electoral College is the same as Trump University. Does either have a track team? If so, could Caitlyn be on it?"

Connie, while The Donald has looked as if he could keep the Republican Party in the gutter single handily, he has/is dragging the Pub's down to Jenner's level. It's still not low enough to for Jenner to realize what is really going on outside the "glitter bubble" which is Jenner's life.

All those years as Olympic Champ must have cost Caitlyn Jenner brain cells!!!  

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Cyrsti's Condo "Sunday Edition"

Ker Plunk! Another edition from Cyrsti's Condo is arriving on your virtual front porch. Our "faux spring" is here in Southwestern Ohio, a great time for a cup o joe, or a "brunch beer" from Cincinnati's Bock Fest going on today. 
Page One: The Week that Was or Wasn't: This week, transgender women and men everywhere in this country breathed a sigh of relief when the governor of South Dakota vetoed the latest sweeping attempt to pass what's called a bathroom "genitalia" bill. More precisely, under the bill,you must use the restroom of your birth , not choice of identification.Before we all start doing our happy dance though,beware of a bigoted right wing legislator near you furiously burning the midnight oil  and wasting his constituents happy by wasting their time and money. Of course, I had to pass along an example of how "The Donald" would look in drag.

Page Two: Yesterday's Coffee-Opinion: As we just begin to see our share of the never ending (seemingly) political ads leading up to the Ohio primary, it's important to note my vote is worth more than most of the other states you may hear about in the more un-populated states because of the "U.S. Electoral College" or if the state has a primary or a caucus to elect. If you don't know what that means, don't feel bad, many Americans don't either. Very simply, if "yo girl" Caitlin Jenner lived in Indiana and voted for her guy Ted Cruz and I voted for Clinton in Ohio my vote would mean more.

Page Three: The Sweet Transvestite from? Last week I was approached by a friend to play Frank-n-Furter from Rocky Horror Picture Show. After some serious thoughts, I finally came to the conclusion of why the hell not ? Have some fun. 

I'm sure I will have much more to pass along to you before the Halloween Ball comes about in early October. Which, ideally, gives me another chance to have more fun at a more conventional Halloween party.

Page Four: The Back Page: Well that's it for this Sunday kids. Time to get on with my day. As always thanks for stopping my the Condo!!!!

Love you all!!!

Saturday, March 5, 2016

Just Being Me

This morning Liz and I made our way to one of our fave groups-the Cincinnati Creative Meetup folks. A bunch of them fancy themselves as writers (as I do) but even I have managed to scratch out a bit more work than most.

Momma Karma though normally puts one or both of us close to an interesting person, regardless of their past literary successes. Of course (like it or not) I am sort of an attraction because I am transgender. 

Today, the person who ended up sitting between us for coffee and breakfast was a veteran too and writing about her experiences as a cis woman vet.

Of course we went from where and when did we serve to and what sort of care were we getting from the the VA. It turned out I thought mine was better in Dayton than hers in Cincinnati, which is probably not unusual.

From there came the fun part when I told her I was invited to the women's vets Memorial Day Picnic in Dayton this year and was tearing up as I told her. Not as bad though as when I made the point about Caitlin Jenner backing Ted Cruz, the all time worst choice of the candidates to support any LGBTQ rights.

With that, an exciting day of grocery shopping awaited and no we didn't see our friendly heels and hose cross dresser at the market, this time I really want to talk to her!

Friday, March 4, 2016


Before we get started, I would like to send a big "write out" to Kristina Nicole from the "Big Apple" who reads Cyrsti's Condo and is originally from Queens, New York. 

In it's a "small Facebook world", Kristina is one of two friends adds I just happened into. The other girl is from Seattle, where Connie is from. I asked her if she knew Connie or her man "Mick" but she didn't. 

At other times Facebook is too damn big. I finally have got the inactives from my past and have established a fairly strict set of rules for me to befriend you. Then again, the rules aren't too bad. Don't be some sort of fetish freak, from some country I have never heard of and a troll and there you are. Plus, I tell you the truth, I struggle with understanding what Facebook can or can't do for me, but I'm surviving!

Now, back to Kristina, I don't think I have had the chance to tell her my lead provider's nurse at the Veteran's Administration is from Queens.

At my age, I can't help but marvel how far we have come from the rural party line phone we had. It was no party when Mom or Dad caught us listening in on a neighbor!

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Spring Into Spring?

Couleur Experte<sup>®</sup> 5.3 Chocolate Macaroon - Hair Highlights

Looking head on (no pun intended) on my newest hair color adventure. For once, my timing is fairly decent as the never ending gray color is beginning to slip through.

Trans Vet Pride
I'm considering going with a lighter red color this time around which will give me more options to stay ligher, go dark again or back to the vibrant "violet" which was such a hit last fall. Decisions, decisions,decisions. One thing for sure is I will have to color it again sometime around Memorial Day for my invite to the Veterans Picnic at the VA in Dayton and Trans Ohio Symposium. 

As I look back on it, maybe my violet hair was a bit of a clue that I may be wild enough to take on the "Frank N Furter character from Rocky Horror Show. (How about 'selfies' with Frankie') to make some money for charity?
TransOhio 2015

Also, before I forget again, thanks to all of you who bought my book. All of the sudden I began to get bi-weekly reports from the publishing platform I am on and at one point Stilettos on Thin Ice was in the top 35% of all Kindle/Amazon non fiction books. (Can't make any of that up.) Now I have to get up off my arse and get #2 done!

They Have Wolves in South Dakota? Right?

dennis DaugaardThe highly transgender discriminatory South Dakota Bathroom Bill was vetoed yesterday by South Dakota Governor Dennis Daugaard !  

From the Washington Post: “South Dakota Gov. Dennis Daugaard (R) has vetoed a bill that would have been the first in the nation to restrict transgender students’ access to school restrooms and locker rooms.

At least in South Dakota, the wolves have been held off-barely and now it's time to look over our shoulders for the next battle and hard fought victory.

I picked up the statement from Lexie Cannes "State of Trans" site. you can read it here.

It's a HUGE victory! 

Plus, in a rare moment of clear rationale from a politician, here is the governors statement:

 "In a message to state lawmakers announcing his veto, Daugaard said that the bill would have introduced a new statewide mandate that “does not address any pressing issue concerning the school districts of South Dakota.”
“Instead of encouraging local solutions, this bill broadly regulates in a manner that invites conflict and litigation, diverting energy and resources from the education of the children of this state,” Daugaard wrote, emphasizing that local school districts should be able to decide how to handle questions about bathroom use without interference from the state or federal government.”
Good point since after all we just dodged a bullet (literally) around here when a student opened fire in a cafeteria, only wounding four. Makes you want to ask where are the priorities? 

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Momma Nature and the Cult of Fashion

Admittedly, I'm not the most "girly-girl" in the world, but this time of year I have some fun and do begin to think ahead to wardrobe issues. I really hate to look into my closet and be attacked so I get a head start on the seasonal changes.

I live in what is called a bi-polar climate. Tomorrow we are supposed to not get about 35 degrees (F) then next week we soar into the upper 60's. So ideally, I have to cross three climate lines with my clothes next week. Winter, spring and summer. The last two make it easier to think about my diet of course. Plus, I am thinking hair cut for the first time since I began to grow my hair long. The look I have added here is a "tweener" when I was doing it and I am thinking close to the length would be good.

Speaking of diet, Paula clued me in on what a "stone" equaled in weight in Great Britain - 14 lbs or so. Thanks Paula!

Shelle also commented the other day about her beauty "regimen" and basically, how it was all about habit aside from the products you use, or can afford to use. I have always saw it as ironic that most transgender or cross dresser women can expect the results they see in all these Pinterest glamour shots without work. One of the only redeeming value I can see about still shaving my old gray beard every day is the exfoliation I'm getting.

I'm looking forward to the warm weather too, because HRT has wrecked my thermostat as I whine about continually. I am freezing most of the time. This year though, I have been forewarned to stay out of the sun because of my iron levels.(Sunshine and UV rays causes them to soar.) They are much better but all in all they look as if I am stuck with them as a hereditary condition. 

Such is life in the fast transgender lane and "Momma" has been good to me I know, and yes I am looking soooooo forward to a sun dress or two this summer. Even if I have to wear it at night!

Tuesday, March 1, 2016


I tried this post earlier this morning and it was deleted by mistake by me-as far as I know, into the far reaches of Al Gores internet.

For those of you who didn't see it. I have been asked to play every gender confused kids dream, Frank n Furter from Rocky Horror Picture Show. That's good, right? Well not so much.

The whole invite comes at a time when I'm more than a bit tender about crossing any borders back into drag queen land.   Then again "Frank" maybe is so far into camp and out of drag queendom it won't matter and I am positively fearless on stage (or crazy.)

Plus, the group I am doing it for needs me to do it because, trans or not I don;t figure there are that many guys ready,willing and able to add a little mustard and take Frank on for the Halloween Ball.

At this point all the dots have not been connected for the evening but Liz has guaranteed me a great look and since the evening's proceeds go to charity, I am sure I can "rock the Sweet Transvestite from Transylvania."  If the dots are all connected - I will take some mustard with my onions. 

Finding your Happy Place as a Trans Girl

Image from Trans Outreach, JJ Hart As I negotiated my way through the gender wilderness I was in, I needed to reach out at times to find mom...