Showing posts with label Lexie Cannes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lexie Cannes. Show all posts

Friday, March 25, 2016

The Devil Stopped in North Carolina on His Way to Georgia

LEXIE CANNES STATE OF TRANS — I (Lexie) put together this list of major NC businesses and organizations for everyone to contact and voice your concern about yesterday’s sneak attack by the North Carolina legislature and governor banning trans people from using bathrooms. Urge them to press the NC state Republicans legislators into repealing their unjust law.
Some companies make it harder to contact them than others.
American Airlines (large presence in NC) 1-877-390-3077 Email:
Bank of America —  1-800-432-1000, 1-888-550-6433 Email:
Carolina Panthers (NFL team) — 704-358-7000 Email:
Carolina Hornets (NBA team owned by Michael Jordan) 1-704-688-8600 FAX: 1-704-973-9411
Charlotte Chamber of Commerce — 1-704-378-1300, Email: Staff directory (click on staff name to email)
Disney (large presence in NC) — 1-818-560-1000, 1-855-553-4763
Dow Chemical (large presence in NC) —  1-989-636-1000, 1-800-636-331-6451 Fax: 1-989-832-1456 Email:
ESPN — (large presence in NC) 1-860-766-2000, Email: (for press media, but may still work)
Food Lion — 1-800-210-9569 Email:
Krispy Kreme — 1-800-457-4779 Email:  or
Lowes — 1-800-445-6937 Email:
NBA (All Star game may be held in Charlotte) — 1-212-407-8000 Fax: 1-212-832-3861 Email:
NCAA — (College basketball tournaments in NC) — 1-317-917-6222, Fax: 1-317-917-6888
PayPal (plans hiring blitz) 1-888-221-1161
Sealy Corp (Mattresses) — 1-800-697-3259 Email:
This is a working document. Please post suggestions in the comments section below so I can update this page.
This method will work in North Carolina: Trans men should invade the ladies room at the capitol building and the governor’s office:
North Carolina hate trans
Read Lexie Cannes in The Huffington Post:

Categories: Discrimination, Equality, Civil RightsEverything elseLegislative

8 replies

Thursday, March 3, 2016

They Have Wolves in South Dakota? Right?

dennis DaugaardThe highly transgender discriminatory South Dakota Bathroom Bill was vetoed yesterday by South Dakota Governor Dennis Daugaard !  

From the Washington Post: “South Dakota Gov. Dennis Daugaard (R) has vetoed a bill that would have been the first in the nation to restrict transgender students’ access to school restrooms and locker rooms.

At least in South Dakota, the wolves have been held off-barely and now it's time to look over our shoulders for the next battle and hard fought victory.

I picked up the statement from Lexie Cannes "State of Trans" site. you can read it here.

It's a HUGE victory! 

Plus, in a rare moment of clear rationale from a politician, here is the governors statement:

 "In a message to state lawmakers announcing his veto, Daugaard said that the bill would have introduced a new statewide mandate that “does not address any pressing issue concerning the school districts of South Dakota.”
“Instead of encouraging local solutions, this bill broadly regulates in a manner that invites conflict and litigation, diverting energy and resources from the education of the children of this state,” Daugaard wrote, emphasizing that local school districts should be able to decide how to handle questions about bathroom use without interference from the state or federal government.”
Good point since after all we just dodged a bullet (literally) around here when a student opened fire in a cafeteria, only wounding four. Makes you want to ask where are the priorities? 

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Giving Credit Where Credit is Due?

brad-dacus- ira hansenOne of the potential problems I see coming out of the HUGE Caitlin Jenner coming out is all of the sudden she will get credit for the transgender advances many people have worked very hard to achieve. Here's a prime example from the LEXIE CANNES STATE OF TRANS — 

UPDATE-3 June 2, 2015. According to blogger Monica Roberts, Texas’ various anti-trans bills, including “bathroom bills” have failed to become law following the end of the Texas legislative session. This means “bathroom bills” in all 5 states have failed. Follow the link above for more.

Another very pleasant departure from the recent Jenner hoopla last night was NOT hearing or seeing any jabbering from Zoey Tur on anything I watched. Instead I saw the very credible and experienced trans woman Eden Lane.

Eden Lane
 The transgender community desperately needs to seize the "Jenner/Gender" moment with quality trans women journalists such as Eden Lane-not one who fell on their head out of a helicopter like Zoey Tur.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

The "Out" Door Opens Again!

From Lexie Cannes :

 THE GUERRILLA ANGEL REPORT — First it was musician Laura Jane Grace in the Spring, followed by film director Lana Wachowski’s debut this Summer. Now Australia’s Lindsay Walker, an artist who has previously drawn a number of covers for The Phantom comic book series, has recently made her transition to female official. While Walker may not be as famous as Grace and Wachowski, the comic book phenomena is nothing to sneeze at. Like her trans peers elsewhere in the art world, Walker becomes a role model for trans people following comic books in general and The Phantom in particular. In addition, the knowledge of a trans artist in the business helps “normalizes” the presence of trans people. Thumbs up to Lindsay Walker, another trans role model.

Preparing to Lose

  JJ Hart speaking at a Cincinnati Trans Wellness  Conference. When I first began to explore my transgender womanhood in public, I was rejec...