Tuesday, March 18, 2014

The Shopping Hormone?

I have mentioned here in Cyrsti's Condo of the internal changes which come with HRT.  Last night, or should I say early this morning, I felt the changes in a big way.

I don't know if because I had a long day yesterday and did quite a bit of physical labor, I was extra tired when I went to bed.  I went to bed early, around 11 pm and was up around 3 just depressed as hell.  First of all, depressed may be the wrong word.  I believe the sadness caused with HRT is more of a melancholy feeling.  When I experience it, I have a hard time putting my finger on exactly where it is coming from.  I just know it's so real. I am learning though, crying it out helps.  The problem is, crying is still a conditioned problem with me.  Finally last night, I just let the tears go and along with a glass of milk, I felt better soon enough to go back to bed.

Luckily, I'm retired and work my own schedule, so I slept in a bit.  When I woke up though I started to wonder what could lift my spirits and came up with a little shopping.

I figured if I was going to have to put up with the negative emotions of this MtF transition, I might as well have some of the fun.  Is there a shopping hormone as well?

Cyrsti's Condo "Cover Girl" of the Day

Estelle Asmodelle is from Bowral, New South Wales, Australia, formerly known as Estelle Maria Croot, is an Australian model, belly dancer, musician, activist, inventor, and academic. She is known as Australia’s first legal transsexual with the Births, Deaths and Marriages Department of New South Wales. Asmodelle is an Australian transsexual who was instrumental in gaining recognition for transsexual and transgender people through her solo campaign to gain rights for transsexuals.In 1986, She was labelled “Australia’s First Sex-Change Pin-up Girl”.She is said to be the most photographed transsexual in Australia today.Our feature cover of the day is Australia's Estelle Asmodelle. Asmodelle is an Australian transsexual who was instrumental in gaining recognition for transsexual and transgender people through her solo campaign to gain rights for transsexuals.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Cyrsti's Condo "Quote of the Day"


Cyrsti's Condo "Power Scope"

The natural need of Libra's to balance will be temporarily set aside this week. Go ahead and jump off the scales fellow Libra's!

(September 23-October 22): You’ll be in a daydreaming mood as your routines put you into a trance. Feel free to let loose, because wherever you jump, the universe will somehow find a way to save you from bad consequences and give you a peaceful resolve. Call it a miracle or a boo that watches your back — just be grateful for whatever breathes life back into you again.

Or, we are looking for a soft landing!  All the rest of you can go here to theFrisky  your own scope.

I Don't Get It

"Although my heritage is not Irish (British/German/Hillbilly), as you all have probably figured out, I am not one to shy away from a big party.  Many others aren't either.  What I don't understand is why bigots try to ruin it.

Fortunately, mayors and sponsors of two cities, New York and Boston are coming out against the madness of keeping TGLBQ groups out of the parades.  In fact, both mayors refused to even be in the parades.

As important as that is,as always money is even a more powerful motivator. In response to the bigotry, major sponsors such as Sam Adams and Guinness Beers are pulling their financial support from the parades as well.  Their reason was simple and to the point. It was the right thing to do. Plus, just maybe, we TGLBQ peeps support their products!

William Belli  http://cyrstiscondo-cyrsti.blogspot.com/
"Wearin' o da green with William Belli"
My hope is St. Patrick  would feel the same way. If you are Irish or "faux" Irish, enjoy the day, responsibly!

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Look Behind the Headlines

Cincinnati has an area of it's downtown which used to have the dubious distinction of hosting more murders within a certain area of any place in the country.  Now it's being transformed block by block into a thriving restoration area-almost.
About a week ago, the area was hosting their annual "Bock Beer" Fest and one of the local TV stations was doing a segment of the area and it's recovery.  Of course, as soon as they did, about a half hour later, they reported a person was shot and killed only two blocks away from the festival.

I recently read two stories from Brazil which played out the same way.

The first of which came from the New York Times and featured a look at the rise of transgender models recently on the runways of Brazil. One of which is Melissa Paixao, shown at the left.

Then, not much later I read the story of a slain "transvestite" in Brazil.

Of course I'm not bringing up Brazil for unfair criticism. Especially after I read the story of  Andi Dier. a transgender woman from New York who was roughed up by the employees of The Irish Times Pub and Restaurant in Holbrooke.As she was bruskly removed  from the premise,  Ms Dier says they used transphobic slurs and tried to take her I phone after seeing she had recorded part of the incident.

The moral to the story is, as transgender women or men in any part of the world - many times headlines are just that- only headlines.

Cyrsti's Condo Sunday Edition!

Ker Plunk! Another edition of the Condo has just hit your "in box". Good day to Y'all!  I hope the weather Goddess is beginning to show a bit of kindness in your part of the world as she is here.  However, at this time of the year around here she is rather fickle but then again, being teased is fun.

Page 1.-The Week in Review.-  Transgender service men and women were back in the news this week as a major study concluded what we all knew, trans service members should be granted all the rights of any other person in the military.  Just as important was the fact the "Prez" could make it happen with only his signature.  The classic so near and so far away.  Why would he do such as simple thing as guarantee rights to a neglected segment of the population when so many other key issues in the world go unattended?

Page 2.-Beauty/Fashion.- With the change of seasons, comes a change of fashion-if your season actually changes or not. Your climate could be similar to the year I spent in Thailand where winter was 60 degrees and monsoons were the only other noteworthy seasonal change but it was time for the latest in rain fashion. This winter taught me yet another valuable HRT skin lesson. Exfoliation was easy-  if you want to lose an outside layer or two of skin , just go outside without a ton of moisturizer for the briefest time. (Which I know you girls up North already understood!) Now I  hear we have a 50-50 chance of another El Nino which normally means our summer will produce temperatures just north of Hell.  I'm already checking my wardrobe for sleeveless tops as I'm looking forward to the benefits of less muscle definition in my arms and the overall texture of my skin. As the fashionista's say, in summer the greatest fashion accessory is your skin.

Page 3.- We Got Mail.- Thanks Mandy for the comment on my "Horse's What" post:

At one point a long time ago, I donated my first ponytail to one of those cancer organizations...gives you a good feeling to help! But it grew back, and since then, breakage has taken its toll, shortening some spots to the point that they won't stay in a ponytail. Thus my hair stays loose...bummer. A ponytail would work great in the summer!
A while back I heard "that part of a horse's anatomy" you mentioned, referred to as "the north end of a southbound horse." Took me a minute to figure that out, but - it sounds better than some of the alternative descriptions! Maybe a bit more politically correct?

Mandy, I believe I was born with a "non political correct gene!"  As far as my hair goes, so far my partner is the only person allowed to approach me with scissors and she does trim my bangs and loose ends here and there.

Page 4.- The Back Page.-  This week for me has been one of unrest.  For some reason I feel like I am at a standstill in my transition which I know isn't really true.  As with anything else in life, there are peaks and valleys and HRT is no different of course. If you are making the hormonal transition, it's sometimes easy to forget you can't measure changes by the size of your breasts when so much is internal.

Page 5.- The Calendar.- The next three months or so are going to be exciting with all sorts of activities.  This week, I'm attending a transgender community meeting for the Cincinnati/Dayton, Ohio area as a beginning.  I can't believe after that, March is all but history and then I have committed myself  to finishing my book before the TransOhio Symposium  the end of May.  At the same time, a plethora of TGLB Pride events begin in my area until the end of June.  I'm looking forward to them because I have never been and I'm a great people watcher!  In many ways, I think either I won't notice or meet many other transgender women.  Obviously our goal is to have a good time and not be flashy and draw attention to ourselves.  An interesting dynamic when you put us somewhere in between the gay/drag community and the lesbians.  I know too, many cross dressers use a pride event to strut their "stuff!"

So there you go kids, as always, thanks so much for stopping by "theCondo".  You are my "faves!" and by the way - is St Patrick's Day a big deal in Ireland too?

Saturday, March 15, 2014

A Horse's What?

Yesterday, I was heading through the grocery store and in a rare moment of energy, I had a little "spring to my step" because Spring actually looks as if it may be here. (50 degrees yesterday! Whhoo Hooo!)

As I bounced down the aisles, I noticed the fun feeling of my pony tail flipping around behind me. I entertain easily and started doing it on purpose as my hair is very close to the middle of my back now.  I quickly wondered if the young girls I see with flowing bouncing pony tails feel the same way?  I'm guessing they do and don't. I'm fairly sure the feeling is reassurance of their overall femininity but on the other hand, their hair after awhile just becomes part of their everyday being.

Plus, long hair does take extra maintenance too, so I can see why girls such as my 12 year old grand daughter cut their long hair. She is more of a science and math nerd, so long hair as a boy magnet isn't so important to her...yet. Plus she did donate her hair to a cancer organization - to add to wigs.

Following all this heavy thinking in the store, I became even hungrier and headed for the salad section thinking what the heck, the whole experience was just an extension of the numerous times I have been referred to as a certain part of a horses anatomy. To give you a clue, the pony tail is attached to it!. Mine of course is attached to my head. Some would say, there is a certain symmetry there!

Of Course he IS!

 It was just a matter of time. The androgynous super model Andrej Pejic modeling as a man and a woman for the MCM Spring Line. This photo is almost spooky in a clone sense!

It's Mammogram Day

  JJ Hart, image from Columbus, Ohio. Once a year, my doctor puts in a request for a mammogram screening for me. Mainly because breast cance...