Showing posts with label Power Scope. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Power Scope. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Cyrsti's Condo "Power Scope"

The Great Serpent Mound.jpgThis week's "scope" does sort of fit in with my life again this week as I was finally able to slow it down enough and go with Liz on a one day "recharge" session at the Great Serpent Mound (shown left).  It's credited with being one of the worlds largest prehistoric effigy mounds and is located on a plateau of the Serpent Mound crater in  Adams County, Ohio. (Not far from my home.)

Without going into too much detail, the mound is credited with being a very early Native American worship site as well as a site with great astronomical meanings.  I had never been there and was amazed at the power I felt as a twin or dual spirited gender person.

Not unlike I felt, when I looked at this week's "scope" containing masculine and feminine forces::

Libra (September 23-October 22): You can push and shove, but a wall will appear suddenly. If you want the outcome to work for you, don’t give up or go about trying to knock it down with aggression and anger. To seize victory, you’ll need the precision of a surgeon’s knife in breaking through this obstacle, so you can crawl your way through. With paradise on the other side, it’d be foolish to sit back now.

Of course the aggression and anger speaks to the old side of me and the "precision" of the surgeon's knife to my increasingly aware feminine side.

For your weekly "scope" go here to theFrisky.

Monday, June 30, 2014

Cyrsti's Condo "Power Scope"

"Up Scope!" and let's look to the stars!

Libra.- (September 23-October 22): If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Don’t let logic slip your mind when you want to take an easier way out. There are no shortcuts now and as lucky as you feel, be mindful of what you agree to. Of course, optimism is a beautiful thing, but this week it can make you a sucker. You’re better than that! Just note: If you sweat this week, you’re doing it right.

The problem with this scope is...with the hot humid summer weather around the "Condo"  there is plenty of "glistening" going on with me anyhow!  As far as optimism goes, I rather take my chances with it other than the opposite-negativity!

As always, be positive kids and go here to theFrisky for your scope!

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Cyrsti's Condo "Power Scope"

Let's take a moment out of our busy days to look at our stars!!! Otherwise known as the "Power Scope" here in the Condo:

Libra- (September 23-October 22): There are many ways to misinterpret another’s good deed now, but do believe offers can come without strings and with pure support. Avoid thinking with your ego and see opportunities with an open heart. The future has more options than you want to see, so stop making suspicion your excuse to not make a major leap forward.

Certainly for me, NOT thinking with my ego is going to be a struggle. It is one however I am working with. Replacing a male ego with a feminine one is not an easy process!!!

Don't forget.  You can go here to theFrisky for your own "scope"!

Monday, June 16, 2014

Cyrsti's Condo "Power Scope"

I'm in LOVE! 

Libra (September 23-October 22): Shoot for the moon when it comes to love. No more waiting for that perfect moment to happen. Yes, seize this moment and make a bold declaration to someone you’ve been holding out on. Freeing yourself of secrets is one way to set bigger plans into motion — lucky for you, doing so can have instantaneous results! Claim what is yours!

Three in a row amazing "scopes"?? Think I'm due to crash and burn? Naaah!

Hope your own scope is amazin' too! For your own "scope" go here to theFrisky!

Monday, June 9, 2014

Cyrsti's Condo "Up" Power Scope!

Two weeks in a row the stars have aligned and they have given me a "power" scope I can embrace-even love!

Libra.-  (September 23-October 22): You’re legitimately at a crossroads. You know something in your routine has to change, but you don’t know what. The only thing you do know is that it has to happen, with no clue as to when or how. Thankfully, there will be a call to action that will have you seeing you can still learn lots of new tricks and that new chapters have yet to unfold.

New tricks? New chapters!!!! Yaya!!!

Head here to get your "scope" from theFrisky!

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Cyrsti's Condo " Up! " Power Scope! "

 I dearly love this "power scope" for a couple reasons.  First of all, this weekend (Saturday) my daughter is having a huge get together for my grand daughter and my new androgynous self will be meeting peeps I haven't seen for years and others I have never met.  It will be important to enjoy the moment for the moment and to hell with anyone else.
Then, later in the day, we will be attending a few of the TGLBQ Pride events in Dayton, Ohio.  A few of my friends want to go to a couple gay venues to party, which is cool by me.  Is my scope trying to tell me an "entitled? cis gay guy" is going to push me around and call me a gender slur? (Tra--ny)  Rest assured the slur will be tossed back at him and certainly I would never screw him!

I do look at all the Pride events this year specifically as a time to be proud of being a transgender woman , plus I plan to take advantage of the fun!

Libra-(September 23-October 22): Get crazy happy when you want to. This is a week for indulgence and feeling part of the moment. If you take anything too seriously, especially with relatives, you will just lose it. People are going to try to push you around — don’t take it. Instead, toss it back. Screw people who can’t respect you, as now is when they’ll learn never to underestimate you again.

For your "scope", go here to the theFrisky.

Monday, May 12, 2014

Cyrsti's Condo "Power Scope"

This week kids, according to my scope, I might have to watch where I'm "laying down?"

Libra- (September 23-October 22): Where you lay your body this week won’t bring you the peace of mind you think it will. Just as you think you can leave your worries behind, there will be a weird feeling that could stir up your jealousy in a way you haven’t witnessed in years. Yes, your inner dragon will be blowing green fire and it won’t just char, it can decimate.

All this time,  I thought my "inner dragon" was just a bad case of indigestion!

For all you non Libra's-don't fret and go here to theFrisky for your own scope!

Monday, May 5, 2014

Cyrsti's Condo "Power Scope"

Don't let me catch any of you "jabbering" after you read this scope:

Libra.- (September 23-October 22): Be careful of what you talk about this week and with whom, because words will travel fast and you’ll want to keep certain info to yourself. Not even your boo or your BFF will be reliable now, but their blabbing won’t be out of disloyalty — their boneheaded way of spilling the beans in excitement is just something they can’t help now.

Blah, blah, blah!!!! Here's the gossip: you can go here to theFrisky for your "scope!"

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Cyrsti's Condo "Power Scope"

Finally! A "scope" I can embrace!

Libra: (September 23-October 22): Shake up the system in every way, from the way you dress, what route you take to work, what thoughts you share — even the foods you eat. When you put yourself into this curious mode, it’ll be easier to see that there is a parallel universe that fate is trying to steer you towards, as it’s time to witness these intriguing places and faces of your day-to-day that you never saw before.

This works so well with the rebirth of spring in my world and a chance to pull out, examine and dust off my warm weather wardrobe! Nice!

Hopefully your "scope" will be as much fun too.  Go here to theFrisky
to find out.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Cyrsti's Condo "Power Scope"

My stars aligned themselves in another crazy way this week and left me with this warning:

(September 23-October 22): Everything and everyone will have their place this week, so feel free to compartmentalize your life away. Sometimes you can’t have two parts touching each other on the same plate, as they can have a tendency to bleed unfortunately into each other. So, take heed, as this week will be much like a game of Jenga. Take a few steps back and think before you settle on your next move forward.

I say crazy, because organization is a scary word to me and the idea of "compartmentalization" is even worse. Hope I don't trip on my "few steps back!"

I'm a Libra, as you probably noticed from the dates on the "scope" above, if you aren't, no worry! Go here to theFrisky for your very own sign!

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Cyrsti's Condo "Power Scope"

When your horrorscope starts with the "bitch" word, you just know it'a going to be an interesting one!

Libra:  (September 23-October 22): Trust is a bitch. Only in a perfect world would those you bestow that honor to react fairly to everyone they care for. However, disappointment is not for now or later, so don’t turn a blind eye to anyone who can’t hold up their end of bargain. Otherwise, karma is watching and will be out to make your wrong its right.

Don't mess with "Momma Karma!".

Locate your "power" here.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Cyrsti's Condo "Power Scope"

Well kids, for the most part my power scope is in a boring rut.  I'm a Libra and have been jumping up and down on my scales for weeks!

(September 23-October 22): You’ll need a double dose of patience and your blinders on in order to focus on your journey rather than the destination. While it’s great to think in hypotheticals and look at all the angles, realize that makes it way easier to drift into worst-case scenarios too. Instead, make real choices, because tomorrow is unwritten and this is the week to steer your plot onto solid ground. 

Best Day To Get Lucky: Sunday, March 30

Go to theFrisky to get lucky yourself! My personal favorite this week went to Aries:

(March 21-April 19): Time to spread those legs wider, make your smile brighter and use whatever you’ve got to get what you want. Yes, work your inner femme fatale in a more aggressive and obvious way now. Not that it’s nice to manipulate, but the rules are going to be tricky to define now. So, when you’ve got it, flaunt it, as using anything below the belt is not off limits now.

A REAl power scope!!

Monday, March 17, 2014

Cyrsti's Condo "Power Scope"

The natural need of Libra's to balance will be temporarily set aside this week. Go ahead and jump off the scales fellow Libra's!

(September 23-October 22): You’ll be in a daydreaming mood as your routines put you into a trance. Feel free to let loose, because wherever you jump, the universe will somehow find a way to save you from bad consequences and give you a peaceful resolve. Call it a miracle or a boo that watches your back — just be grateful for whatever breathes life back into you again.

Or, we are looking for a soft landing!  All the rest of you can go here to theFrisky  your own scope.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Cyrsti's Condo "Power Scope"

Well, the stars didn't take long to ground me from last week!

Libra: (September 23-October 22): Forget launching anything new now, because it’ll crash and burn. Not that your ideas or feelings aren’t valid, but timing is going to plague you, as you’ll hardly have any of it in a good way now. Lucky for you, your vivid imagination will be intact and will churn out powerful visions. So, despite the lack of progression, take cues from your creative spirit and flirt with inspiration.

As long as my "vivid imagination" is intact, life is good!
For your "scope" go here to theFrisky.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Cyrsti's Condo "Power Scope"

I guess the stars have been "sand bagging" me the past couple of weeks? Who knows maybe they are stuck in the "polar vortex" too? This week though, the "power scope" has some power!

Libra  September 23-October 22): There’ll be love in numbers, so book a date for every night this week, whether you have to drag your baby out or go at it Tinder-style. Chance happenings can strike-up luck in several areas of your life now. Yes, opportunity and revelations will be your thing this week, so live it up and make everyone want to be you.

Wait a minute? Doesn't everyone already want to be me???? Just kidding! I better book a certain person who I know reads this blog, before she comes "booking" for me!!!

Check out your scope here at theFrisky!

Monday, February 24, 2014

Cyrsti's Condo "Power Scope!"

I believe this the first "fashion orientated" scope I have seen!

Libra: (September 23-October 22): It’ll feel as if you have two left feet, so don’t let your inner fashion victim make your decisions. Otherwise, choosing vanity over safety will have its consequences and it won’t be pretty. So, ground yourself with sensible shoes and text only while you’re sitting, because caution will be your best asset now.

Well, no one has ever accused me of being coordinated and the years of working on hard unforgiving restaurant floors have pretty well diminished my ability to wear heels, I think I will be fine!

Don't get left out!  Go here to theFrisky to get your "scope."

Monday, February 10, 2014

Cyrsti's Condo "Powerscope"

It's power scope time for those of us born under the sign of the Libra.  You regulars may have noticed I changed the regular name of this Condo weekly feature. Same scopes coming from theFrisky and here is this weeks:

(September 23-October 22): Your spastic side will be in control, so beware of slippery floors and slick roads. There are accidents waiting to happen, but they can be avoided if you stay in firm control of your time and focus. Make lists, set goals and stick to timetables. It’s a bit of a robotic way of life, but this week, putting on those blinders is your safest bet.

Best Day To Get Lucky: Friday, February 14

This is a tough scope for me because some would argue my "spastic side" is always in control. Plus, living a robotic way of life has never been easy for me!  Oh well, I will do my best to get by until next week and I should get lucky on Valentine's Day!  For your scope, go here.

Tomorow is Here and It Is Ugly

  Image from  Charlesdeluvio on UnSplash Back before the election and I was voicing my concerns about a tRumpt presidency, I received a comm...