Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Nice Picture?

During my last visit to my endocrinologist at the VA, I got a rude awakening-other than the usual's. Much of the Veteran Administration medical records are kept right on line so the Doc can pull them up as soon as I can sit down. I always was impressed until I figured soon my records will be hacked by the Russians or Chinese. Then again, why would they want them?

What I hadn't noticed yet was the fact a very male, over weight and glowering picture was on the VA ID card I have. It's bad-so bad in fact the Doctor nearly recoiled and said "Can't you do something about this picture?" He even showed the resident my "before" picture.

By the way, a VA ID card is not unlike a Drivers License and is used for check in's and automated kiosks in the clinics and hospitals. Keep in mind though, where I am, I am young compared to the other trans vets I see. The older peeps struggle with the new technology.

Of course, with more than a little work, I can take care of the whole problem by changing my VA gender marker ID.  In the meantime though, since I need a new ID (the one I have is falling apart) maybe at least I can get the picture changed.

Monday, June 15, 2015


Ever heard of the GenderMom blog? It's called a "Chronicle of fun and fear or daily life with my transgender daughter." Here are a couple excerpts:
Laverne Cox and M. (courtesy Marlo Mack)
"As the mother of a young transgender child, my response to Caitlyn Jenner’s headline-grabbing announcement is a visceral one. Yes, I’m kind of put off by the hype. No, I’m not a big fan of celebrity culture or reality television. But when I look at the cover of Vanity Fair, and read the news articles that respectfully use Jenner’s new name and female pronouns, I’m overwhelmed by this new state of affairs, and by a world that might just be ready to accept my daughter. And that knocks me off my feet with awe and gratitude."

"I called my friend Alice, a member of our support group whose trans daughter is a few years older than mine. “Did you see it?” I said. She knew what I was talking about.
“Of course,” she said. I could hear her shaking her head over the phone, as overcome as I was. What was there to say? The world seems to be changing, just in time for our beloved children.
Earlier this year, when I heard that Laverne Cox was coming to my home town, I sent Alice an email: “We have to take our girls to see Laverne!”"
Well, as you can see in the picture above-it did work and the girls did have a chance to meet Laverne Cox. 
The blog link for more is above!

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Photo Bombed with Santa

As promised, here in Cyrsti's Condo is a picture from the Ft. Ancient 25th Annual Celebration. Oregonia, Ohio. What would have made this picture soooo much more interesting was a short bearded guy with no shirt. He could have been described as a Santa with dozens of tatoo's. As we started to take pictures he jumped out from behind the tee-pee and yelled "Photo Bomb!"  - and disappeared just as quickly. Either he was a mirage in the heat or I missed a huge photo op!!!!

I may have discovered what Santa does in his spare time but where was his gift for a transgender girl in the heat? How about a large icy Sassafras Tea Santa?

Changes in Attitude, Changes in Latitude

Stilettos on Thin Ice!With all respects to all you Jimmy Buffett "Parrot Head" fans, I couldn't resist using one of his song titles as a lead to this post.

Before I get into it, I feel the need to pass along this disclaimer- none of the posts I ever write here on Cyrsti's Condo are ever intended to imply my progress with HRT or hair or anything I do makes me better than anyone else. To further that point, I provide the pictures I do...so you can make your own decisions on the beautiful critter I am.

On the other hand, there are moments of pure fun and the opposite which the premise of this blog was built on. The "good, the bad and the ugly of Mtf transitioning." In fact my "Stilettos on Thin Ice" book was written about.

So much for my book plug and disclaimer. What this post is really about it is, I have grown quite used to wearing a very loose tank top of sorts around the house since it has been so hot. It's appropriate with Liz but not her 17 year old son. One "slip up" and I have an extremely good chance of suffering a fashion "mishap." Such a difference a year on HRT did make in the magical/mystical breast department. BUT- what is good for me does not make it good for you and the process is not without medical risk.

So, I had to change my shirt and get yet another lecture about not wearing the tank top out in public without something under it.

Damn puberty!

Cyrsti's Condo "Sunday Edition"

Laverne Cox on Entertainment Weekly CoverKer Plunk! There is actually going to be a Sunday Edition this week and here it is. The "Joe" this week is going to be of a chilled nature since literally we are "embroiled" in our first summer heat wave. Let's get started!

Page 1 - The Week  that Was-or Wasn't: For awhile it seemed, Caitlin Jenner was out and Laverne Cox was back in. Laverne was featured this week on the cover of the first Entertainment Weekly's first LGBT issue in 15 years, as she poses as the Statue of Liberty in this striking shot. (Left) Who would ever have"thunk it?" Not in my life time.

Page 2.- More "Pride than Battle": I came across a Facebook post recently and it resonated with me-so I decided  to pass it along. It comes from "Long Island, New York" who in the dark ages of 1991 who was denied the right to celebrate "gay pride" with a parade. Today though, as the gay-rights movement's fight for for equality continues to win court battles locally, statewide and in the U.S. Supreme Court-Huntington won the right to celebrate "gay pride."  However,  it's important to know now, gay pride is not just "gay" anymore. It's transgender too. Tglb!
Page 3.- The Back Page: This is going to wrap up another Sunday Edition here in Cyrsti's Condo. In the next post I am going to pass along yesterday's experience of almost getting "photo bombed" at a local Native American festival! Thanks for stopping by!

Friday, June 12, 2015

Amazon Invasion Ahead for the 'Nati"

The upcoming annual LGBT Cincinnati Pride celebration has literally grown leaps and bounds over the recent years. And, this year Erika Ervin ( transgender woman) will be the 2015 Grand Marshall and what a grand marshall she is!!! You see, Erika Ervin is also known as "Amazon Eve" and is the world's tallest model. She has been featured in 200+ newspapers and magazines and has tens of millions of hits on her websites. 

However, Erika's considerable stature or beauty combined can compare with her message of love and acceptance.

From her website:  

(Amazon) "Eve is a champion for ending child abuse & neglect, and an advocate for LGBT rights and those who suffer from AIDS. In addition, Amazon Eve is exploring the cessation of global economic and environmental skullduggery. Eve walks her talk and lives for personal fitness, maintaining a rigorous program to keep herself in top shape. “Accepting yourself at whatever shape nature has made you is the path to internal peace.”

Oh, by the way, before you start bemoaning how you are tall, Erika is 6'9"!

Tranassic Hair

Good news about hair is you can grow it, the bad news is you have to keep track of it. I have made the comment around here in Cyrsti's Condo about the biggest change from wig to hair was it was the first time in my feminine life I just couldn't swivel a wig stand and see the back of my head.

On a deeper level though, I learned how a woman's hair defines her and why some have  "bad hair" days.

Yesterday, Liz and I had to get up at an incredibly impossible hour to take her 90 year old Dad in for a medical procedure.  I will only say "back in the day" I only saw 4:30 am from the "other side"- I had never been to bed.

Last night though, it was time for my monthly shower which now includes the "shampoo" decision. Lately I have been in love with my "the mousse is loose" hair style.  Basically, I just volumize, condition, apply mousse and air dry.(Instead of a flat iron.) Normally, I think "hey I love this! But yesterday when we got to the surgery center, I went to the restroom, looked in the mirror and said damn!!!! I had a real live bad hair day going on. All this time I thought they were staring at me because I was transgender-not because of my hair!

Not to be discouraged though, today I had a chance to consider my hair decisions. With the 90 degree plus humid heat today, pulling my hair back in a loose ponytail and rock some neat earrings I don't wear much.

Putting the "mousse" away for a day or so is not a bad idea it seems.

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

First You Procrastinate-Then You Shave It

OK, I am an excellent procrastinator. Why work on something ahead of time until you can put it off till later? Right??? And yes, more than a little of leading this transgender woman life takes a little more upkeep, Well, a lot more.

No more procrastination- summer has hit with a passion here in Ohio, with 90 degree heat and humidity to match. I literally and figurally was not ready with my legs. I normally always wear some sort of jeans and getting rowdy for me is putting on a pair of capri's. Plus I never wear hot panty hose. So I kept procrastinating getting my legs in summer condition. Tanned and smooth-with no fuzz of course (plus, I am not going to get into foot care now!

As I was considering the heat waves ahead, I thought I had never really owned a pair of women's shorts. Since now I can wear tank tops, shorts may be a way to go this summer.

I have two big time problems: quite the coat of "fuzz" on my legs and under the fuzz, my skin resembles "Casper the Ghost." Which, presents another problem. My arms have tanned evenly and better than I ever thought possible, I have diligently used a mix of a mild tanning lotion, the sun itself and sun tan lotions.  My legs are going to have to run fast to catch up. Without the fuzz.

Damn procrastination! Feels like I am back in college pulling "all nighters" before exams!

"TransAssic" and the Trans Girl II

Yesterday I wrote a post called "TransAassic Park". I was attempting to point out the extreme differences in how the generations view the basic binaries of gender. In fact more than a few 20 somethings I met and heard from in Columbus a couple weeks ago preferred not to participate in a strict gender binary label at all.

Being one of the dinosaurs I mentioned, I wonder if a term such as transgender which appeared during my life and served a very real need for me may also become less and less relevant as I age further.

Example? Liz and I went to dinner last night.  HRT has given me just enough  precious passing privilege to help make life easier. But labels I'm sure get in someone's way. (To the consternation of many.) I have my own breasts and a semblance of a feminine figure compliments of my diet-but no one is slapping a genetic female label on me. Including me. However, I have become my own woman and she is happy to be here.

So, calling myself transgender anymore may describe may just be a "TransAassic" term of how I arrived at where I am today. Plus, it's a great label to use these days especially after the publicity binge we are going through. 

Truly though, I am not so sure it's accurate any more. Maybe it's time to put it into a closet in the museum?

Staring Down the Transgender Cliff

Image from Jimmy Conover on UnSplash  As I transitioned from my very active male self into an accomplished transgender woman, there were man...