Wednesday, June 10, 2015

"TransAssic" and the Trans Girl II

Yesterday I wrote a post called "TransAassic Park". I was attempting to point out the extreme differences in how the generations view the basic binaries of gender. In fact more than a few 20 somethings I met and heard from in Columbus a couple weeks ago preferred not to participate in a strict gender binary label at all.

Being one of the dinosaurs I mentioned, I wonder if a term such as transgender which appeared during my life and served a very real need for me may also become less and less relevant as I age further.

Example? Liz and I went to dinner last night.  HRT has given me just enough  precious passing privilege to help make life easier. But labels I'm sure get in someone's way. (To the consternation of many.) I have my own breasts and a semblance of a feminine figure compliments of my diet-but no one is slapping a genetic female label on me. Including me. However, I have become my own woman and she is happy to be here.

So, calling myself transgender anymore may describe may just be a "TransAassic" term of how I arrived at where I am today. Plus, it's a great label to use these days especially after the publicity binge we are going through. 

Truly though, I am not so sure it's accurate any more. Maybe it's time to put it into a closet in the museum?

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