Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Skirting the Issue

Image from Vladimir 
Yelizarov on 

Many years ago, I ran into the sting of being criticized for not wearing a skirt or a dress when I attended my first transvestite mixers. 

Many times I wore a nice pair of women's slacks long with foam hip pads to give me a slimming feminine appearance. Needless to say, it did not take me long to notice I was the only one not wearing a skirt or a dress to the mixer. Plus it did not take long for someone to mention to me why I would choose to dress the way I was. If I wanted to wear pants, I should have just come to the party as my male self. While my answer should have been why do not you mind your own business, instead I said something to the effect of I didn't need a dress to express my inner self.

Years later and armed with much more gender knowledge I knew I was correct on how I answered the person in question. The reason was, except for a brief love of denim mini skirts, I mainly never lost my fondness for wearing women's jeans and/or leggings. Personally, I found pants to be more comfortable as I blended in better with the close circle of cis-women friends I had bonded with. I guess I was fortunate also when women as a whole where I lived began to wear dresses and skirts less and less when they went out. During our recent visit I wrote about to our favorite restaurant which is huge in size, I never saw another woman in a skirt or dress. 

I will say, being a transgender woman who lives fulltime in a woman's world, I still value the flexibility to dress how I want. During the summer month's, if I wanted to wear one of my long and silky maxi dresses, I would. The whole process is part of female privilege and is what I signed up for. If I was getting bored with the same old drab male fashions, I could change my look up anytime I wanted. So skirting the issue was just another benefit. 

Another factor in say wearing leggings is they are warmer in the fall and winter months and benefit the changes hormone replacement therapy has had on my body. One of the first changes I felt under the new hormones was I was much more apt to feel the cool. No longer did I feel the women I felt were making up being cold all the time, were faking it. Along with them, suddenly I was cold also. Ironically, one of the last changes coming along would help me in my decision to acquire and wear leggings from my wardrobe. Slowly but surely after many years on HRT I started to develop my own hips. Leggings helped me to finally accentuate the fact I had a feminine body, not the testosterone damaged one I had to live with for so many years. 

These days, with fall finally setting in, I love my cozy sweaters and leggings. I paid my dues to blend into society and am happy to skirt the issue.  

Monday, October 9, 2023

Cajun Night Out

From the Jessie Hart Archives,
my wife Liz on Left. 

Last night my wife Liz and I celebrated a combined celebratory dinner at our favorite Cajun restaurant which features a chef who worked previously in New Orleans.  Far from our native Ohio.

The weather had turned in our favor with the first night of fall weather arriving.  Which meant I could wear my birthday gift from my daughter which was a nice warm soft outer fleece. Of course, after a close shave, application of eye makeup, blush and lipstick I brushed back my long hair and was ready to go. In order to blend in with the very casual atmosphere of the venue, I wore my favorite jeans and sweater. Now I regret I didn't have Liz take a picture but at the time I felt so good about the both of us going out together, focusing on just me just didn't seem appropriate.

Once we arrived at the venue called the "Swamp Water Grille' the parking lot was packed and we knew we would have to walk which sometimes is a issue for me. However, I gathered my courage and headed into the restaurant. I found out long ago busy places are better for me when it comes to anyone questioning my gender orientation and I was not wrong last night. As we entered, the hostess cheerfully greeted us and said the wait for a table would be approximately one half hour which worked in perfectly with our plans. 

The best and most gender affirming part of the evening was yet to come when our male waiter addressed us as ladies when he brought us water to start out. At the time, I had not ordered yet and wondered if my voice was going to give me away as a transgender woman. It did not as he referred to us as ladies throughout our dinner all the way until we paid and left. During our dinner, the rest of the tables were full nearly the entire time and again no one even gave me a side glance,. Gender freedom is a wonderful thing!

Due to the enormous portions, we bought and brought dessert home with us to splurge since the evening also was reserved to celebrate our first wedding anniversary which is coming up soon. Last year, we decided to "tie the knot" after going together for nearly eleven years. I guess we did not want anything such as being legally married interfere with our happiness. It has not so far. 

Plus, outside of the wonderful companionship and great food, the whole evening did wonders for my gender euphoria. The whole process of acceptance on any level brought back the years of struggle I went through during my early years of cross dressing on the way to my time as a novice transgender woman. Last night made it all worth it.  

Sunday, October 8, 2023

Gender Chaos


Image from the 
Jessie Hart Archives 

Over time, I began to consider the chaos being transgender caused in my life. 

Looking back, I wish I had just a portion of the time back I wasted as I worried about how I was going to deal with all my gender issues. Every time I was able to set aside precious time to cross dress as my feminine self, I was only able to feel better for a short time before reality set back in and I started to resist my same old unwanted male self again. When it happened, I would become a terrible person to be around. Even to the point of losing jobs because of my actions.  Needless to say, this portion of my life was very self destructive. 

What I ended up doing was trying to outrun my gender issues which in my case I describe as gender dysphoria. I tried by changing jobs (which often involved moving) often and drank entirely too much alcohol as I attempted to out macho all my male friends while at the same time dulling my pain. Fortunately, I was able to stop my alcohol abuse in time to lessen any further chance of lasting damage to my body.

Backtracking a bit to all the moves I subjected my second wife to, we picked up and moved from our native Southwestern Ohio to the metro New York City area to run a fast food franchise. Perhaps an ulterior motive was to move to a much more liberal community which would provide more potential possibilities for my cross dressing gender expressions. After surviving almost two years, it was time to move again, as we returned to our native Ohio. As it turned out, yet another move awaited both my wife and I as I accepted a job to open fast food venues in Southern Ohio which turned out to be the exact opposite living situation than we faced in New York. We ended up renting a very rustic house in a rural area where we heated with a wood stove and utilized a cistern for our drinking water. Even still, I found ways to learn more about my gender challenges as I traveled into the nearest town.

Ironically, during this point of my life, I fueled my gender chaos by being successful with my feminine presentation. It was around this time when I started to begin doing the grocery shopping for the family as well as sneaking in quite a bit of shopping for myself. In essence, I leaned I could be on the right track thinking I could follow my secret dream of living as a fulltime transgender woman.  Little did I know how much chaos would lie ahead as my future played out. 

Recently I heard a comment which describes a large portion of the chaos I was to face. As I write about often, my deceased second wife knew and didn't object to my transvestite or cross dressing desires but never approved of me beginning hormones and starting to live more and more as a woman. As I headed down a path to no return with my gender desires. The comment involved the concept of emotional cheating and I immediately applied it to me. During my twenty five year marriage to my wife, I never physically cheated on her with anyone. However, as I became increasing involved with learning to exist in a feminine world, I started to sneak around behind my wife's back to live my new life. I wasn't proud of what I did but my only excuse was my chaos was so severe I could only do what I needed to do to survive. As I emotional cheated. 

All I know for sure, living through gender chaos is no joke and proves once again being a transgender woman or trans man is not a choice. Any transphobe who says it is needs to walk in our shoes for just a short time to see our truth.   

Saturday, October 7, 2023

"Trans-Dar" Activated


Image from Nikki Smith

Yesterday I happened upon two television shows with  LGBTQ friendly hosts. 

During both shows, I was actually late in tuning in and missed the very beginning of the segments. During the first show, my "Trans-dar" didn't really go off at all until the questions started. Of course, once I realized the woman was transgender I began to pay closer attention to what was going on. It turned out the trans woman's sister invited her to be in her wedding. I immediately thought what was the problem? It turns out the trans woman was forced to walk down the aisle by herself because no one in the best man's party would commit to even holding her hand for the walk. Of course, I felt her situation deeply having experienced something similar to that myself.

Years ago, when I began to become close to a small group of people in a venue I became a regular in, I was invited to join in a bachelorette party. To make a long story short, my invitation was revoked for a reason I was never told. Life went on and I was disappointed but I got over it. Maybe one of more of the other invitees objected to me being invited at all. I moved on forever wondering what went wrong.  Joining in with a bachelorette women's party at the time would have done wonders for my overall confidence with my presentation as well as my confidence in my new life.

Since I rarely see any shows on television which cover transgender  women or men at all, I was surprised on the same day, to see yet another program featuring another trans person. This time my "Trans-dar" did go off and I was able to research who I was watching and came up with "Nikki Smith". During the interview, she was able to provide feedback (in a short period of time) on the issues we face as transgender women. Especially in Utah where she grew up and the problem of finding her way in a field such as rock climbing. Both her and the interviewer did an incredible job of providing an insight on our lives.

Even still, both shows plus what I heard on one of the cable news networks I am a fan of, left me deeply troubled on the future of LGBTQ people in an overall sense and trans people in particular will have to face in the future. Texas (of course) was featured in a show I was watching when they pointed out how far right wing companies such as "Patriot Mobile" in Texas are funneling thousands of dollars into winning local school board races. Which in turn force schools into anti-gender and racial systems  of education and book banning. Closer to home, the school board where I live just painted out a diversity mural the middle school students had painted. Amid many protests the board ignored.

Hopefully the whole process back fires on the gender and racial bigots and the younger generation continues on their path to providing a more equitable future for all. 

Friday, October 6, 2023

Looking back...Again

Image from the 
Jessie Hart Archives

Rumor has it October is my birthday month and this year I am coming as close as I can  to being seventy five years old without actually being there.

As I am not really in the habit of celebrating anything but my milestone birthdays, so this year is not really in that category, yet. 

Even still this year for my birthday I find myself looking back at how I lived my life, good and bad. As I reminisce, the first thing I always encounter is how long I waited to let the world in to my true self. In other words was waiting until my early sixties until I came out to the world as a transgender woman. The time just felt right for me for several different reasons. The first being my life as a three days a week cross dresser just wasn't cutting it and I was becoming increasingly frustrated with attempting to live a life between two of the main binary genders. I felt as if I was being completely torn apart when I did it. 

I also felt as if I had taken my unwanted male existence and made the best of it for as long as I could and it was time to let it all go. During my male life I had achieved such milestones as fathering a child, completing an education, serving in the military and holding down a good job. And, maybe most importantly, my body had given me a healthy life to work with. To this day, the only operation I have undergone was having my tonsils removed. Most certainly, good health is the key to a good life. 

Perhaps, as I look back, I was a user when it came to my male life and a taker when I transitioned into a feminine world. When I made it into my sixties, I had used up most all of the male privilege life had to offer and it was time for a change. If you want to fault me for feeling this way, I plead guilty as I played the best I could the gender cards I was played. During my life, on occasion, I did gamble on moving and job changes to advance my male life, what I didn't gamble on was when I decided to complete my male to female gender transition. What I did do was explore every facet of the possibility I could live my dream and exist as my feminine self. I went out into many areas of the world to see how I was accepted and in most cases came back with a positive response.

Also, I know in some circles, waiting so long to trnasition makes me less transgender than others consider themselves to be.  I can only say, the past I lived and survived in was a different world than the one today.  Plus, I can care less what anybody says about me except my wife and daughter. With the outside world bringing all the pressure on the trans community politically, it is time to put petty differences behind us and go forward together. 

Perhaps the benefit of age can give us a better look around and not focus on the red hatted crazies who still support a former president.  But on a positive note, it is always good to put another year behind me and always hope for better in the year to come. 

Thursday, October 5, 2023

Impactful Month


Image from Stories
on UnSplash

The rest of October will be very busy for my wife Liz and I.

Towards the end of the month she has two surgeries coming up which could entail spending a couple of days in the hospital. The operations are so intense we have to go today to go over all the details of the surgeries. Plus, the pre-opt work on Liz's side starts next week. 

As far as I am concerned, I am deeply involved in the process and will accompany her to all the pre-surgical consultations. It means facing a whole new set of people I have never seen before, which sets off my interior shyness. However, I have resolved myself to stay strong primarily because I am so worried about anything going wrong. 

As you regulars know I write often about losing my spouse of twenty five years and I do not want to go through the trauma and pain of doing that again. 

Of course what I am wearing to the pre-surgical visits is a no brainer. I am wearing my good jeans and light green sweater along with a light application of makeup and my hair tied back off of one shoulder. 

Plus, before all of Liz's work happens in the latter part of October, next week I have my twice a year in person appointment with my primary provider at the Veteran's Administration. A primary provider is similar to having a family doctor. Since I was trying to save a trip, I requested my provider approve my pending blood labs for another VA provider and (if they can) set me up for my flu and Covid shots the the same time. Since I put my requests in on the VA online system, I haven't heard back yet if they have been approved. 

All things considered, recently during my last several visits to my local VA clinic, I have been treated with respect, which wasn't always the case so I am pleased. Sadly, the personnel changes so rapidly at the clinic, you never know who you will or won't see again.

One way or another, October will be an impactful month because it also contains our first wedding anniversary after being together for over ten years. Just a lot to keep track of! And I can't forget all the impactful Halloween memories I would love to re-share. Plenty of posts to come. 

Wednesday, October 4, 2023

The Ship has Sailed

Image from Sebastian Bjune
on UnSplash

Very early in life, I learned being a male in any way was going to be a struggle.

In response I went through all the necessary contortions I could find to seek approval in a gender world I wanted no part of. Ironically I found I needed to be proficient as possible at being a male or be bullied. Even though, deep down, I knew I had missed my male ship all together, I kept on trying. I did my best to succeed in all the male-centric activities I tried. Even though I was a dismal failure at playing sports, I tried my best to play football and baseball through high school. It was my attempt at jumping aboard what was left of my male ship before it sailed totally out of sight over some sort of a distant horizon. Through it all, women still remained a mystery to me. As I wrote yesterday, I didn't have my first date with a girl until halfway through my junior year of high school. Deep down I felt girls had all the benefits of life because they could sit back in their pretty clothes and wait to be asked out.

I on the other hand, had to summon all of my courage to ask a girl out, which again, I was a dismal failure at. My first dates with girls were always set up by friends who I thought felt sorry for me. I never understood until much later in life the grass was not always greener on the feminine side of the gender border when my spouses explained to me the torment they felt as they waited to be asked out. 

As it turned out, my gender ship had already sailed no matter what I did. Even though I tried my best to lead a successful male life, I was always haunted and  pushed along by the fact I was always supposed to be feminine or any label you wanted to place on me. There were many such as cross dresser or  transvestite all the way to transsexual and finally transgender. None of them really mattered as I desperately searched for my gender truth. Finally, all the stress and tension my gender dysphoria caused me led me to a very serious suicide attempt. 

After taking all the pills and not dying, I returned to my old male life with a new purpose. I knew my masculine existence I worked so hard to maintain couldn't continue. The ship had sailed and if I was ever going to have a chance at living a meaningful life, it had to be as a transgender woman.

When I did come to my gender conclusion, I never looked back. I started my life all over again in a woman's world by beginning hormone replacement therapy or HRT. At that point I never did miss my old male ship at all. It was as if a huge weight had been lifted from my shoulders and I was allowed to live again. As I was given a second chance at life, I most certainly did not want to destroy it and I set out to become the best person I knew how to be. 

It turned out I wasn't alone in starting over. My inner feminine self was waiting for my male ship to sail also and lend a hand. She did a great job because she waited so long.to have her way. It was good because I needed all the help I could get. 

Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Class Reunion?

Image from UnSplash

Have you ever attended a class reunion as your new transgender self?

I haven't and don't plan on going to one now, so I haven't. In fact, several years ago, I resisted a temptation to accept an invitation to my fiftieth year high school reunion. I had several reasons for hiding out and not attending the reunion. 

The main reason was, I didn't particularly have many friends when I was in school. I just had transferred into the school and had a difficult time making any sort of real friends since I was so shy. I was especially backwards around girls and didn't have my first date until well into my junior year. So I didn't have anyone I really wanted to see after all the time which had went by. I felt if the overwhelmingly majority, of the students I went to school with back in the day didn't want to deal with me in school, why would they want to deal with me now.

Another main factor in me not going to the reunion was I didn't want to be viewed as some sort of a side show since I figured I would be the only transgender participant who attended. Plus my Mom was a very popular teacher at the school I went to, so I was afraid more of the people who attended the reunion would remember me for her and not the other way around. And as far as those who would be possibly wowed at the change in me would be few and far between because (as I said) they didn't remember anyhow. 

I was fortunate the committee which was set up to try and find all of my classmates ended up doing a terrible job locating me. In the smallish medium sized town I lived in, I owned and operated my own restaurant plus managed one of the biggest/most popular chain food locations in town for years. Along the way also, I was president of a well known civic organization which hosted many events and the committee couldn't  even "find" me. They even placed ads in the local newspaper looking for me among the others who hadn't signed up to attend. 

To make a long story short, I didn't see going to a class reunion was worth  outing myself to a group of people I did not really know. The potential transgender day of visibility was not going to happen. Not on that day at least.

Potentially, if I live that long, I will be invited again to other milestone high school class reunions. We will see at the time if my thoughts towards going will change at all. I doubt it because I still carry the grudges with me towards my former classmates, If they did not not want to know me then, why would they want to know me now... Transgender or not. 

Monday, October 2, 2023

The Power of Pain

Image from the 
Jessie Hart Archives

 Perhaps you have heard of the expression "What doesn't kill you will only make you stronger". Most certainly it is easy to equate the quote with being transgender. 

As we go through life as a trans woman or trans man, our upbringing follows us. If you suffer from gender dysphoria as I did, or not, very few of us escape the torment of our lifetime of taking a long gender journey. A journey which presents new challenges at every turn. First of all, we have to deal with the challenge of perfecting our appearance so we can attempt to go out in public at all, As I write about often, I went through severe challenges before I learned the hard way I needed to dress myself to blend rather than excite. 

Once I learned those hard lessons, I was able to move on to even more challenging moments in my male to female gender transition. The pain I was experiencing led me rather quickly to another big fork in the road when it came to living in a woman's world. What I needed to learn to be able to play in the girl's sandbox was to be able to understand how women communicated between themselves. I needed to adjust to living in a largely passive aggressive system in order to survive and even flourish. Also, I needed to learn what women were really trying to say when I was attempting to make it successfully in a system they were good at and I was still a novice trying to learn. 

Many times I didn't escape the pain when I was backstabbed or clawed in the back by another woman I thought accepted me. It wasn't until I found a small group of women friends who accepted me for who I really was and didn't use it against me. At the same time I learned from my friends the basics of learning to validate myself without a man and more precisely accept myself on my own terms. Sadly I still had my own share of pain. Then I experienced even more pain when I entered  the dark time of my life. Somehow it seemed I had to lose nearly everything else to gain my time to emerge as my true self. Truly a time of intense rediscovery and finally I was able to move on regardless of the pain I felt. I needed to take the difficult step to learning to trust myself again as a totally new person in the world.

Looking back at the painful dark portion of my life, I think I very much was able to emerge as a better person.  The biggest positive was I had the opportunity to live as a functioning member of both of the two binary genders. In fact, for awhile I found myself advising other women on communication problems they were having with their men. I was humbled and flattered to be included in their thoughts but still thought there was better advice to be had than mine. 

I guess, in the end result ,pain is what you make of it. Very few humans escape real pain as it is built into our lives anyhow as we all experience death. However it seems, being transgender brings even more pain to lives which don't deserve it. It is one of the reasons our trans selves have molded ourselves into such a resilient tribe.

Transgender Instincts

Image from Atich Bana  on Unspalsh.   First, I need to apologize for missing a post yesterday. I went to my primary provider at the local Ve...