Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Move Over Gay Marriage

I just saw this on my Yahoo News Feed:

Transgender movement may not have to wait long for its day in court"Inmate Michelle-Lael Norsworthy smiles after a parole hearing at Mule Creek State Prison in Ione, Calif. She is locked in a legal battle with The California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation over her request for sex reassignment surgery. (Photo: Steve Yeater/AP)
The Supreme Court will announce whether it has found a fundamental right to same-sex marriage any day now, dramatically altering the course of gay rights history. But a much lower-profile case that is currently wending its way up through the federal courts could offer the Supreme Court an opportunity for another potentially transformative decision on LGBT rights as soon as next year."
And, for those of us who think change isn't coming fast enough (it's not) I still am amazed at these numbers -again from Yahoo who questions the reasons behind the little "t" along with the big "G"and "L" in the LGBT grouping: 
The transgender movement has always lagged a bit behind. One reason is that while most Americans now say they know a gay person, the vast majority does not know a trans person. That is beginning to change, according topolling by advocacy group the Human Rights Campaign. Twenty-two percent of likely voters now say they know a transgender person, a five percentage point jump from even just one year earlier. And that’s already affecting public perceptions: 44 percent said in January that they viewed trans people favorably, compared to just 26 percent in 2011."

Caitlin Who?

aubrey middleton
Here comes another very visible trans woman, Audrey Middleton. She is the First (?) ever transgender contestant on CBS's Big Brother television show. I put the question mark in because I seem to remember another several years ago before it was trendy to be trans.

No matter, Audrey grew up in Georgia, was a competitive swimmer and- imagine this-had problems transitioning with her family.

Not a huge fan of the show but I am biased for another trans sister! 

Thanks Bobbie for passing this along!!!! 

Marriage, Children and Cross Dressing?

Of all the various layers in our community, the cross dressers are likely the most silent, closeted and hidden from society. For obvious reasons. Most have families to raise and support. Plus on many levels a cross dresser just hasn't decided to make the much more serious leap into the transgender woman world. But recently, Terri Lee Ross has been blogging about cross dressers! Here is a lead in:
Marriage, Children and Cross-dressingThe cross-dressing community needs role models. So many of them are hiding in the shadows, unable to come forward and share their secret with their wives and families. They remain trapped in their own negative self-perception that leads to a lonely and an unauthentic life. Because of this, the image of cross-dressers remains a perversion, along with being thought of a transsexual woman, further wrongly defining them. Cross-dressers are not necessarily transitioning transgender/transsexual women. Many are comfortable in a dual-gender role, where they choose to remain a man, yet need to express their femme self.
Meet Brian, a cross-dresser who lives in the Seattle area with his wife and two young children.  Brian’s femme self is Alyssa, who is very much part of their life. Brian has found balance in living in his male and femme roles, while raising children. It is a story of hope that our society is moving forward in understanding just who cross-dressers really are, not necessarily the portrayed image of Caitlyn Jenner or other television shows on the transgender community that keep populating, like rabbits.
Here is your link!

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Trans Black?

If you live in the United States at least, Rachel Dolezal is the latest person to dominate the headlines. The story has unfolded something like this from Today:

"Rachel Dolezal, the former NAACP chapter president accused of pretending to be black, tells TODAY's Matt Lauer in an exclusive live interview that she identifies as black — something she started doing at the age of five.
"I was drawing self-portraits with the brown crayon instead of the peach crayon, and black curly hair," she told Lauer. But she insisted she never deceived anyone as numerous critics have suggested."
No, none of Rachel's story has anything to do with being transgender, but that she does identify as black (not pretend) and has forever (since five). It is not surprising some are connecting similar dots with trans women. 
Rachel Dolezal - Trans black? or Black Face?
Example? Rachel wasn't born black and I wasn't born female but we identify that way.
One of my least fave questions is, "How does it feel to be a woman since you were a man?" Well, I can't tell anyone how it feels to be a woman or a man. I am qualified to give insight on how the world has treated me either way. Plus, I am also qualified to comment on what happens when you don't get accepted either way. 
These days, I am fond of saying I am the person I choose to show you-no more no less.
If you are interested, one of the more in depth looks at all of this (of course, she is great!) comes from Helen Boyd here.

Nice Picture?

During my last visit to my endocrinologist at the VA, I got a rude awakening-other than the usual's. Much of the Veteran Administration medical records are kept right on line so the Doc can pull them up as soon as I can sit down. I always was impressed until I figured soon my records will be hacked by the Russians or Chinese. Then again, why would they want them?

What I hadn't noticed yet was the fact a very male, over weight and glowering picture was on the VA ID card I have. It's bad-so bad in fact the Doctor nearly recoiled and said "Can't you do something about this picture?" He even showed the resident my "before" picture.

By the way, a VA ID card is not unlike a Drivers License and is used for check in's and automated kiosks in the clinics and hospitals. Keep in mind though, where I am, I am young compared to the other trans vets I see. The older peeps struggle with the new technology.

Of course, with more than a little work, I can take care of the whole problem by changing my VA gender marker ID.  In the meantime though, since I need a new ID (the one I have is falling apart) maybe at least I can get the picture changed.

Monday, June 15, 2015


Ever heard of the GenderMom blog? It's called a "Chronicle of fun and fear or daily life with my transgender daughter." Here are a couple excerpts:
Laverne Cox and M. (courtesy Marlo Mack)
"As the mother of a young transgender child, my response to Caitlyn Jenner’s headline-grabbing announcement is a visceral one. Yes, I’m kind of put off by the hype. No, I’m not a big fan of celebrity culture or reality television. But when I look at the cover of Vanity Fair, and read the news articles that respectfully use Jenner’s new name and female pronouns, I’m overwhelmed by this new state of affairs, and by a world that might just be ready to accept my daughter. And that knocks me off my feet with awe and gratitude."

"I called my friend Alice, a member of our support group whose trans daughter is a few years older than mine. “Did you see it?” I said. She knew what I was talking about.
“Of course,” she said. I could hear her shaking her head over the phone, as overcome as I was. What was there to say? The world seems to be changing, just in time for our beloved children.
Earlier this year, when I heard that Laverne Cox was coming to my home town, I sent Alice an email: “We have to take our girls to see Laverne!”"
Well, as you can see in the picture above-it did work and the girls did have a chance to meet Laverne Cox. 
The blog link for more is above!

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Photo Bombed with Santa

As promised, here in Cyrsti's Condo is a picture from the Ft. Ancient 25th Annual Celebration. Oregonia, Ohio. What would have made this picture soooo much more interesting was a short bearded guy with no shirt. He could have been described as a Santa with dozens of tatoo's. As we started to take pictures he jumped out from behind the tee-pee and yelled "Photo Bomb!"  - and disappeared just as quickly. Either he was a mirage in the heat or I missed a huge photo op!!!!

I may have discovered what Santa does in his spare time but where was his gift for a transgender girl in the heat? How about a large icy Sassafras Tea Santa?

Changes in Attitude, Changes in Latitude

Stilettos on Thin Ice!With all respects to all you Jimmy Buffett "Parrot Head" fans, I couldn't resist using one of his song titles as a lead to this post.

Before I get into it, I feel the need to pass along this disclaimer- none of the posts I ever write here on Cyrsti's Condo are ever intended to imply my progress with HRT or hair or anything I do makes me better than anyone else. To further that point, I provide the pictures I you can make your own decisions on the beautiful critter I am.

On the other hand, there are moments of pure fun and the opposite which the premise of this blog was built on. The "good, the bad and the ugly of Mtf transitioning." In fact my "Stilettos on Thin Ice" book was written about.

So much for my book plug and disclaimer. What this post is really about it is, I have grown quite used to wearing a very loose tank top of sorts around the house since it has been so hot. It's appropriate with Liz but not her 17 year old son. One "slip up" and I have an extremely good chance of suffering a fashion "mishap." Such a difference a year on HRT did make in the magical/mystical breast department. BUT- what is good for me does not make it good for you and the process is not without medical risk.

So, I had to change my shirt and get yet another lecture about not wearing the tank top out in public without something under it.

Damn puberty!

Cyrsti's Condo "Sunday Edition"

Laverne Cox on Entertainment Weekly CoverKer Plunk! There is actually going to be a Sunday Edition this week and here it is. The "Joe" this week is going to be of a chilled nature since literally we are "embroiled" in our first summer heat wave. Let's get started!

Page 1 - The Week  that Was-or Wasn't: For awhile it seemed, Caitlin Jenner was out and Laverne Cox was back in. Laverne was featured this week on the cover of the first Entertainment Weekly's first LGBT issue in 15 years, as she poses as the Statue of Liberty in this striking shot. (Left) Who would ever have"thunk it?" Not in my life time.

Page 2.- More "Pride than Battle": I came across a Facebook post recently and it resonated with me-so I decided  to pass it along. It comes from "Long Island, New York" who in the dark ages of 1991 who was denied the right to celebrate "gay pride" with a parade. Today though, as the gay-rights movement's fight for for equality continues to win court battles locally, statewide and in the U.S. Supreme Court-Huntington won the right to celebrate "gay pride."  However,  it's important to know now, gay pride is not just "gay" anymore. It's transgender too. Tglb!
Page 3.- The Back Page: This is going to wrap up another Sunday Edition here in Cyrsti's Condo. In the next post I am going to pass along yesterday's experience of almost getting "photo bombed" at a local Native American festival! Thanks for stopping by!

What Would Mom Say

Image from Jenna Norman on UnSplash This week my question to answer on the year long bio I am writing for my daughter and family as well as ...