Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Fact or Fantasy?

thefuturewaits4me:  tgirlfantasy:  Transgender Couple, One girl & one boy, can you spot in each picture ? now we can share our sexy lingerie with each other !! follow meh ==> for more fun xx  Im in a relationship like this
Unidentified couple-Pinterest
As we make our way through life as cross dressers or transgender women, we all know there is a tremendous amount of fact, fiction and fantasy mixed in with our lives. So much in fact, it's impossible to even attempt to cover the topic in one post.

So, in this post, lets talk about the fantasy of having a generic actually dress you up as a woman. Earlier in my life, this seemed like a great idea! Who would know more about dressing me up?

Ironically, the only one that did dumped me later before I went into the Army. As I moved forward and became better at the "science and artistry" of makeup, on occasion I would be the one getting the requests for help. I still do from beginning cross dressers. While I'm flattered, I simply don't labor under the idea I'm qualified to do it.

Although I wouldn't trade that one fantasy night of being cross dressed up by a generic, I necessarily wouldn't recommend it. Now, before your spouse or girlfriend wants to seek me out and "bitch slap" me-hear me out. Many women are good at understanding what looks good on them but maybe not so much on you. My deceased wife of 25 years rarely wore makeup at all and asked me for help when she did. Also I will refer you to Maria's blog "A Cross Dresser's Wife." for a different "look" at this topic.

Then, there are the generics who sell the lines of cosmetics such as Mary Kay.  Again, a little research is in order. For example- in the Dayton, Ohio area there is a representative who has experience up to and including drag queens. Two summers ago, I contacted her about a consultation, explaining quickly I was not a drag queen. I simply wanted her to share her makeup expertise with me-woman to woman. She did, I was quite satisfied and if you are in the Dayton, Ohio area, I can share where you can contact her. Be aware though, the product line is not inexpensive.

So, if you want to dress up or be dressed up as a maid that's all good too. Often a fantasy can be better than the real thing.  And, if your dream is to be like the cross dresser at Halloween above-go for it! Just be aware fact and fiction can be mistaken for each other. Often without the best results.


I write often here in Cyrsti's Condo about my "30 something" daughter. As I transition ever further, it turns out now couple of my friends now have met her-with interesting reactions. If you don't know, she has completely supported me as a Mtf trans woman.

The first was short and sweet-literally. "Your daughter is-well-short!" Yep, her Mom and my Mom worked hard to get to that 5'2" mark. My daughter did not escape the height part of genetics.

On another plane, it seems she did.  The other comment was "Don't take this the wrong way but your daughter is so-normal." And no, the person was not equating being transgender with normal in any way. In fact, the commenter was a transgender woman too!

So it seems my daughter is doing a great job in hiding the fact that once you know her and she is not tied down with three kids, there is no mistaking whose kid she is!

Poor kid, the apple didn't fall so far from the tree and no Connie-not because it was rotten!

Tuesday, April 7, 2015


All kinds of positive things are happening in the transgender community-regardless of what Bruce Jenner's upcoming Diane Sawyer interview turns out to be. Here are a couple to look for:  The first from the Windy City Media Group:

( San Francisco ) - At a time when transgender and gender nonconforming people across the U.S. and around the world have achieved unprecedented visibility in popular culture, but continue to suffer extreme violence, harassment, discrimination, and isolation, Independent Lens presents Kumu Hina,
a moving film from Hawaii that offers a bold new perspective on gender diversity and inclusion through cultural empowerment. Directed and produced by Dean Hamer and Joe Wilson, Kumu Hina premieres on Independent Lens Monday, May 4, 2015, 10:00-11:00 PM ET ( check local listings ) as part of Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month programming on PBS.
Kumu Hina is the inspiring story of Hina Wong-Kalu, a transgender native Hawaiian teacher and cultural icon who brings to life Hawaii's traditional embrace of mahu — those who embody both male and female spirit. The film traces Hina's evolution from a timid high school boy to her position as a married woman and cultural director of a school in one of Honolulu's grittier neighborhoods. As she contemplates who should lead the school's all-male hula troupe in their final performance, a surprising candidate presents herself: Ho'onani, a sixth grader who is proud to be seen as a mixture of boy and girl. As Kumu Hina helps Ho'onani to negotiate the mixed reactions of her classmates and her family, the power of culture to instill a sense of pride and acceptance becomes clear.

Then, there is the Entertainment Weekly piece we mentioned in a previous Cyrsti's Condo post.

And finally, for this post-there is yet another post concerning issues with the Thailand Army draft (left). Check it out here from Rueters. 

Cyrsti's Condo OOOOPPPS!

mona"Those who protest the loudest are often the most guilty" when it comes to LGBT haters.

In between all of the pictures of squeaky clean white people gleefully pronouncing they won't serve any of us (cause we got cooties.) They will go to any extent possible not to raise diverse kids.

Out of that mess comes this story passed along by Bobbie:  

34-year-old Steve Wiles is a GOP candidate for the North Carolina Senate. He supports Amendment 1, North Carolina’s ban on same-sex marriage. However, there is another side to Mr. Wiles. According Randy Duggins, former owner of the gay bar Club Odyssey, Wiles was a frequent patron of the club in the 1990’s. Further, circa 2001-2002, Wiles began working for the club as the performance booker and show director for drag shows. Wiles emceed the drag shows as a female impersonator named Miss Mona Sinclair, The Raw Story reports

Of course, Steve is a great politician and is refusing to come up with rational explanations to why he still has heels in the back of his closet. Plus, he still hangs on to the idea marriage is a religious institution.  The last time I checked Steve, here in Ohio you still have to get a marriage license to get married.  At that point you can go to the faith of your choice and get married under the God or Goddess  of your choice. Here in Ohio of course, we have an ancient Republican Attorney General who is against that idea - except if you talked about taking marriage license fees out of the coffers of Ohio municipalities. 

Hey Steve! You could stick with that political career and move to Indiana! Then again, I'm sure Miss Mona can still make a buck!

Cyrsti's Condo "Cover Girl" of the Day

Elle Bonita. American Mtf transgender model. 

Monday, April 6, 2015

Cyrsti's Condo "From the Hart"

Obsession and the Cross Dresser

Ever hear of the idea, cross dressers simply develop some sort of fetish for women's clothes. The more he pursues the fetish, the more it becomes a full blown obsession. No amount of money is too much for clothes and pictures or whatever. Before his spouse knows it, he drains the family savings and is heading to Thailand for SRS.

Interestingly, years ago one of the people I knew in the 1980's talked about it with me. He wondered if he was "obsessed" with cross dressing or if it meant more.  On top of that he was a fireman and also wondered if his addiction to adrenaline on the job was similar to going out dressed as a woman. Before we lost touch I know she completed SRS years ago, so I hope she had the answer.

In many ways, she was a role model for me as I was obsessed too. My obsession however came though from the chase to discovery.  Quickly my feminine existence in the real world became less and less involved with appearance and more and more with the "feel" of what the world would be like if I transitioned. I wondered to make sure if going full time as a trans woman was right for me-with out a shadow of a doubt. (It was.)

So,  my obsession now is what I call "back filling" - or - finding relevant parts of my previous life and adding them into my current one.  Sometimes, obsessions aren't such a bad thing after all!

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Cyrsti's Condo "Recognize Her?"

Andreja Pejic at the Tiffany & Co. National Designer Award, Virgin Australia Melbourne Fashion Festival, March 16 2015.Credits: Lucas Dawson/ Pejic at the Tiffany & Co. National Designer Award, Virgin Australia Melbourne Fashion Festival, March 16 2015.Credits: Lucas Dawson/...

Cyrsti's Condo "Sunday Edition"


Ker Plunk! Another virtual Easter Sunday edition is hitting your front porch! It's chilly and and sunny around here. So, let's get started with a big "cup o joe!"

Page 1.- The Week that Was: The state of Indiana dominated the week of course and igniting my passion to the point of being called a hater because of my opinions. I'm sure by now, you have heard of Indiana being "persuaded" to rewrite it's potentially discriminating religious freedom law essentially because of two sentences which included a business's right to keep us out. (The others uphold a person's personal right.) OK, an over simplification but enough is enough and Indiana is moving on to attempting to pass complete legal rights for the LGBT community. Of course this morning I just watched a story on the local television news here in Cincinnati, Ohio showing a gay/lesbian group supporting a bill that would include them-but not transgender women and men. I refused to get "passionate" this morning about stupidity!
Page 2.- Movie Reviews: Yesterday, Liz, myself and her 17 year of son went to see the movie "Furious 7".  Because he was peeing down his leg to see it. I used my senior discount and told myself I would not go to sleep during the action film of the year. I most certainly will not give you any "spoiler" alerts-except to say I did stay awake and positively loved Vin Diesel. Other of the lead stars like Dwayne Johnson (The Rock) is just too much of a steroid pumped action hero doll for me, and most of the other actors in it were just too "pretty boy" for me. Vin just struck a cord. Maybe one of many ideas sudden trans "expert"  Zoey Tur  spewed was that sooner of later, estrogen would "overcome" my years of testosterone and I would wake up desiring men sexually was true-with Vin!

Sue Aikens
Page 3.- Arctic Circle Sue.- Don't tell anyone, but I am absolutely addicted to certain "reality TV shows" no matter how much "reality" they really have. Mike on "Dirty Jobs" is another man I love, but then- there is Sue Aikens! Sue operates a camp very close to the Arctic Circle called "Kavik". She is part of a reality show on the "National Geographic Channel" called Life Below Zero.  She is positively one of the top women I am more than fascinated with (and maybe a little scared of) on television! And oh, by the way, I have come to consider why those pesky aliens just can't stay away from our world! Maybe it's because it is we are just so damn cute? Or maybe is it we are so good at discriminating against and killing our own? Often under the guise of religion? Beam me up Scotty-there is no intelligent life down here?

Page 4.- The Back Page.- I believe this is the first time I have ever featured two non transgender or cross dresser pictures in one of my blog posts but I am sure I will make up for it in the future!

Thanks sooooo much for visiting Cyrsti's Condo!

Staying in the Present as a Trans Woman

Outreach Image. JJ Hart, Cincinnati  Trans Wellness Conference  Throughout my life, I  have experienced difficulties with staying in the pre...