Showing posts with label Mary Kay Cosmetics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mary Kay Cosmetics. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Fact or Fantasy?

thefuturewaits4me:  tgirlfantasy:  Transgender Couple, One girl & one boy, can you spot in each picture ? now we can share our sexy lingerie with each other !! follow meh ==> for more fun xx  Im in a relationship like this
Unidentified couple-Pinterest
As we make our way through life as cross dressers or transgender women, we all know there is a tremendous amount of fact, fiction and fantasy mixed in with our lives. So much in fact, it's impossible to even attempt to cover the topic in one post.

So, in this post, lets talk about the fantasy of having a generic actually dress you up as a woman. Earlier in my life, this seemed like a great idea! Who would know more about dressing me up?

Ironically, the only one that did dumped me later before I went into the Army. As I moved forward and became better at the "science and artistry" of makeup, on occasion I would be the one getting the requests for help. I still do from beginning cross dressers. While I'm flattered, I simply don't labor under the idea I'm qualified to do it.

Although I wouldn't trade that one fantasy night of being cross dressed up by a generic, I necessarily wouldn't recommend it. Now, before your spouse or girlfriend wants to seek me out and "bitch slap" me-hear me out. Many women are good at understanding what looks good on them but maybe not so much on you. My deceased wife of 25 years rarely wore makeup at all and asked me for help when she did. Also I will refer you to Maria's blog "A Cross Dresser's Wife." for a different "look" at this topic.

Then, there are the generics who sell the lines of cosmetics such as Mary Kay.  Again, a little research is in order. For example- in the Dayton, Ohio area there is a representative who has experience up to and including drag queens. Two summers ago, I contacted her about a consultation, explaining quickly I was not a drag queen. I simply wanted her to share her makeup expertise with me-woman to woman. She did, I was quite satisfied and if you are in the Dayton, Ohio area, I can share where you can contact her. Be aware though, the product line is not inexpensive.

So, if you want to dress up or be dressed up as a maid that's all good too. Often a fantasy can be better than the real thing.  And, if your dream is to be like the cross dresser at Halloween above-go for it! Just be aware fact and fiction can be mistaken for each other. Often without the best results.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Summer Fun!

Forget the inch of snow we had the other day and the frigid temps which sent me scrambling for my sweaters, I figured it was time to begin my maintenance on summer's number one fashion accessory- skin.

At this time in my life, I have certain "specialized" needs.  As far as fashions go, unfortunately, the flirty short summer skirts and sundresses are not age appropriate for me but the longer ones certainly are.  While I still have the remnants of my upper body biceps, my muscle definition has gone way down and my HRT induced skin tone has gone way up. So sleeveless tops this summer are back for a second season for me.

I do a pretty good job of taking care of my upper body skin and if I don't it tells me. As far as winter and my legs and feet go though, not so much.  I have work to do to shed dry skin, soften and moisturize.  Also, I don't think I have mentioned my dislike of wearing any sort of hot panty hose in the summer. I'm going bare legged under my long skirts and normally do a self summer pedi for sandals.

What I am looking forward to this summer though, is adding a long sun dress or two to my wardrobe for the first time.  I think with the right bra and panty set, I will be able to enjoy my new found femininity this summer to the max and stay cooler. (#1  goal!)

So, we will see what climate change does to us around here in Ohio and my plans. I am notoriously short term though so maybe I will have to come up with plans "B or C" too. First, I have to think about them and I actually have started.  I am subscribed to a local woman's Mary Kay site which recently promoted tons of summer cosmetics.  On the other hand, I also use "home made" products too.  My most recent example was when Liz directed me to her cooking Olive Oil to help my dry facial damaged winter skin. She read the hint from Glamour Magazine and it actually worked better than any of the big name expensive products I was using.  Just check around.

Another hint is my grocery store (Kroger's) has a ton of on line coupons. Several are for cosmetic products
and if you hit a day when they are already on sale, you can do well.

The MaryKay link is above and I'm sure there were and are other places you can go for fun!

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

"Borrowing my Face"

Sunday a friend of mine contacted me and asked if I would be interested in lending my face to a friend of his who recently became a Mary Kay Cosmetic person.

At first I thought "is he trying to tell me something?"  (just kidding) the first thing I thought was "sure why not?" If I ever reach a point with my makeup that I can't improve or look for advice, then I'm doomed to mediocrity...or worse.

When the consultant and I touched base the first phrase she texted was "can I borrow your face?" I said sure for what it's worth and if I can have it back to keep using. It's all I have!

Seriously, I feel I feel as if I'm in a makeup "rut" of sorts and any input is good input.

I'm going tomorrow (Thursday)  so I will let you know how the process goes and if I got my face back!

Real Life Impostors

JJ Hart at Key Largo.  At various times in my life, I have suffered from impostor's syndrome when I was out with other women celebrating...