Showing posts with label The Raw Story. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Raw Story. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Cyrsti's Condo OOOOPPPS!

mona"Those who protest the loudest are often the most guilty" when it comes to LGBT haters.

In between all of the pictures of squeaky clean white people gleefully pronouncing they won't serve any of us (cause we got cooties.) They will go to any extent possible not to raise diverse kids.

Out of that mess comes this story passed along by Bobbie:  

34-year-old Steve Wiles is a GOP candidate for the North Carolina Senate. He supports Amendment 1, North Carolina’s ban on same-sex marriage. However, there is another side to Mr. Wiles. According Randy Duggins, former owner of the gay bar Club Odyssey, Wiles was a frequent patron of the club in the 1990’s. Further, circa 2001-2002, Wiles began working for the club as the performance booker and show director for drag shows. Wiles emceed the drag shows as a female impersonator named Miss Mona Sinclair, The Raw Story reports

Of course, Steve is a great politician and is refusing to come up with rational explanations to why he still has heels in the back of his closet. Plus, he still hangs on to the idea marriage is a religious institution.  The last time I checked Steve, here in Ohio you still have to get a marriage license to get married.  At that point you can go to the faith of your choice and get married under the God or Goddess  of your choice. Here in Ohio of course, we have an ancient Republican Attorney General who is against that idea - except if you talked about taking marriage license fees out of the coffers of Ohio municipalities. 

Hey Steve! You could stick with that political career and move to Indiana! Then again, I'm sure Miss Mona can still make a buck!

Friday, May 11, 2012

It's On!

When President Obama endorsed same sex marriage yesterday, the expected backlash did not take long to materialize but as they say in the old country-"we ain't seen nothing yet"!
By the way, I'm writing another companion post on politics.
For what it's worth, here's my take on the situation:
I believe the President caught all the conservatives off guard with his timing and responses started immediately in the House (of course) but I would bet the "Romney" campaign was burning some serious "midnight oil" trying to figure out their next move.
Romney ends up with the chance to get pushed into a conservative corner most feel he was in anyhow.
Now of course here comes rounds of dirty political tricks from both sides. In fact Bobbie Douglas just sent me this story from "The Raw Story"

"Eric Fehrnstrom, a top aide and political strategist to presumptive Republican presidential candidate former Gov. Mitt Romney (MA), made headlines earlier this year with a gaffe comparing Romney in the primary fight to an “Etch a Sketch” that you can flip over and shake and start over with as a blank slate in the general election. Before he was an adviser to Romney, Fehrnstrom was a political columnist for the Boston Herald. According to a profile in GQ, in 1992, he outed recently-elected Massachusetts Rep. Althea Garrison (R) as a transgender woman, effectively ending her political career.
Althea Garrison was a Boston politician and activist who was elected as a Republican to the Massachusetts state House in 1992. Two days after her election victory, Fehrnstrom published an article in the Herald announcing that Garrison had been born male.
“I can remember his glee when he found the birth certificate,” said a former Herald reporter named Robert Connolly.
The outing of Althea Garrison raises serious questions about the culture of the Romney campaign, where Fehrnstrom operates as a privileged member of the command team and as Romney’s longest-serving, most-trusted political strategist. It has been said that if Karl Rove was “Bush’s brain,” then Fehrnstrom is “Romney’s balls.”

I'm not going to say I'm unbiased and I believe there will be more than a few of right wing preachers who will work this theme into Sunday's Mother's Day sermons.

So get ready. All of this should be interesting!

Tomorow is Here and It Is Ugly

  Image from  Charlesdeluvio on UnSplash Back before the election and I was voicing my concerns about a tRumpt presidency, I received a comm...