Thursday, September 25, 2014

Trans Guys

I wanted to take a moment here in Cyrsti's Condo to pass along a moment recently which jammed my "trans-dar" completely.

It occurred in the huge sports bar I have been going to (and welcomed in, for years.)  On more than a couple occasions I have noticed this couple who has ended up setting close to me by pure accident.  They both wore wedding rings and he looked as if he was a 50 something laid back bearded guy. His companion though, I just couldn't tell. I am going to call her "she" because I found out she was.

Rarely have I seen a person this androgynous.  From haircut, to clothes to everything- I couldn't tell.  The venue is located very close to an big Air Force research center so it's not uncommon to see couples not married chatting (right or wrong.) Truthfully, the only gender giveaway was when I wasn't paying any attention, I would hear a semi loud feminine voice-where there shouldn't have been one, I turned around and it was her.

Stav Strashko
Stav Strashko

Ironically, I had a chance to take my curiosity to a higher level, one of the bartenders I have known in there for literally years now. Later in the evening, a sharp dressed young guy worked his way into an open spot at the bar and ordered a couple beers.  I thought "damn" I'm getting older than I thought when a fuzzy faced kid who looked liked he was 16 ordered a beer. (I saw her I.D. him.)

So, when my friend had a spare moment, I asked her first about the first couple and she said indeed they were married and as far as she knew the wife was genetic, and loved motorcycles. At the same time, I was beginning to wonder if the "fuzzy faced" guy who ordered a beer- was a guy at all either.  I asked her and with the same smirk she uses with me when I'm "ditzin"- said "No Cyrsti, another girl."

Immediately I felt the world was changing quickly.  Perhaps even more so with the transgender men.  Draco, my trans man friend who I mention here, have talked about the thin line between "super butch" lesbians and transgender men and how difficult often it is to tell. (So I feel better-or he is trying to humor me.)
Marie Claire Itália Setembro 2014 | Tess Hallfeurer por Nagi Sakai [Editorial]

Marie Claire Itália Setembro 2014

Since you all know I'm always trying to over think everything, I may have come across how possibly I can have a better idea of figuring out so so called "other side of the transgender coin".  Get your pens and notebooks out kids, we will get to the grand theory in a future post!

Just Another OhioTrans Woman?

Actually , Marcela Ohio is not from Ohio at all, she is yet another of the stunningly gorgeous transgender women from Brazil!  Here is an encore presentation of her as the Cyrsti's Condo feature cover of the day.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014


As we approach the Halloween costume and party season, the chances for our "trans-dar" senses to emerge will be even more frequent.

The "trans-dar" concept of course is with us 24/7 anyway.  I read about it most recently on Paula's Place but have seen Stana on Femulate pass along her experiences, as well as Mandy. Plus, Pat's comments here on the Cyrsti's Condo blog.  (I'm sure my old addled noggin is missing out on more of you I can't remember at the moment!)

Why "Trans-dar" at all?  I think our excursions into the girl's sandbox, no matter as a cross dresser or transgender woman, make us naturals.The only more natural "trans-dar" folks are genetic women.  Of course they have "lived" what we are attempting to live from day one. If they are true women and not just female baby makers, their "trans-dar" is even better. They know the effort it takes to have pride in your appearance and style while all the time making it look natural and effortless.

Here's a question, how many of us have actually acted when our "trans-dar" went off?  If you have, please tell me!  I can never remember hearing or reading of anyone who actually spoke to a cross dresser or transgender woman in public they didn't know. The chances have been slim for me.

I can't ever remember ever seeing more than ten or so individuals I thought may be a "sister of the cloth." Here are my excuses for not making contact: I wasn't totally sure, I couldn't get close enough to them, or they looked so scared and jumpy, I was afraid they would fall in their heels and hurt themselves running away.  My plan now is simple and one I wish I would have thought of years ago.  Just make eye contact and say "hi". That way I won't have to feel guilty about doing nothing.

Revisiting Halloween, it's the time of year for closeted CD's to get out and "strut their stuff!"  Similar to when I look at womanless pageant contestants- I am on the outlook for the level of "expertise".  I look for shaved legs, the probable expense of the "costume"  and how comfortable the person wearing it is.  Think of it as Cyrsti's version of "he might be a cross dresser-if."

Ironically, (as we will visit a number of times as Halloween approaches) much of the actual "fun" has gone out of the season for me as I have transitioned.  This year though, my partner Liz is working hard to put the fun back in Halloween and more!  She is also keeping her idea extremely secret.  I will tell all of you- when we all make it past the "need to know" basics.  I can only say I think I won't be setting off anyone's "trans-dar" in my female based costume-but a ton of "scare-dar."

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Cyrsti's Condo "Wish List"

To lighten things up around the Condo, I'm passing along a couple of items I found:

The first is a dress I just love (and couldn't even wear) from a site called "Trans and Crossdress Beauty"

The second (from my own imagination)  is the first picture home to a "Duck Dynasty" watching family. From their son who just went away to college!

Hello Mom and Dad! Just loving college- Love, Jim
Hi Mom and Dad! Having a great time at my first dorm party!! Love you!!

HRT-Fact or Fiction?

You regulars around here in Cyrsti's Condo know I am a Huge believer in karma...what goes around- comes around.  During my life as a guy, I never understood several things about women: problems with climate change, losing items in purse and breaking their nails.  After all, how hard could it be to go back to the nail salon and get it fixed - poor babies.Little did I know one of my  hormone replacement therapy effects would be making my fingernails paper thin.

So thin it seems just playing with the dog the wrong way can chip or crack a nail. Even my genetic friends say my nails "break" in a weird way. I'm afraid to ask how that works!

All I know is now, I'm adding a specific vitamin to my diet which says it is good for my nails and coating them with a clear base which is also a strengthener.

My problem also is the physical labor I still do moving items from point "A" to point "B" to sell-not good for a salon inspired "manicure."

Look, I'm not really being a whiny girl here, I'm just giving Momma Karma her due.  When one of the women I worked with "broke a nail" not only did it cost her money-it hurt!

Cyrsti's Condo "Total Non Disclosure?"

Hmmmn, won't he have a big surprise when he goes for my garter?Won't he have a surprise when he goes to remove my garter?

Cyrsti's Condo "Quote of the Day"


Monday, September 22, 2014

Cyrsti's Condo "Star Gazing"

Here we go kids, another chance to gaze at the stars and read what astrology says about the week ahead. We Libra's have another chance to go for something-whatever it may be!:

(September 23-October 22): There is a race to the front of the line now. If there are circumstances that aren’t matching up to your skills, this is the moment to get things straight. There are many options that will appear surreal, but trust they are visions of a near future that is within reach. So, suit up, because the snooze button no longer works and your reputation to say what you can do hangs in the balance.
This week, I skipped the urge to feature Pisces and the mention of a hot oil body treatment after a "L Word" episode about a lesbian bar and hot oil wrestling and went with Leo for all of you who may be in the middle of transitioning:
(July 23-August 22): There will be lots of things to attend to in your backyard, so don’t get all fancy early in the week making plans that require you to go far. If you take the effort to learn about the community you are a part of, you will find a place to belong. Yes, seems the intellectual connection and spiritual understanding you crave is right under your nose.

As always, if I left you out, don't despair and head here for your sign! 

Cyrsti's Condo "Quote of the Day"

work like a boss... #RRHQuotes #RiffraffLove

Out of My Mind, Into the World

Image from the JJ Hart Archives. There were many times during my transgender transition I was thinking I was somehow out of my mind.  I even...