Tuesday, February 4, 2014

What's In a Name Part 12

We have bounced the idea's of how we "renamed" ourselves here in Cyrsti's Condo more than a couple times and I promise not to bore you again with this post.  (Better said than done!)

Many of you have sent in comments about how you came to choose the feminine moniker you now use. Idea's such as, family names, women you admire or even the sound of the name are equally as relevant.  I have written how I impulsively chose Cyrsti one night (pronounced Krysti) when I was at the very beginning of considering transitioning from a cross dresser to a transgender woman.  The name caught on before I could consider the ramifications of what I was doing because it is simple enough for the public to use ...if they don't have to spell it plus (I never considered) how the unique spelling allows it to be found in internet search engines.

I have also have written here about my desire to choose another name, which comes from a respected family member from my youth. The name is Jessie and ironically was my grandfathers name. The poetic justice is, my long deceased grandfather was a strong well respected man in his community. Leave it to me, right?

Last week, I even brought the subject up of changing gender markers as the next tier of my transition process with my partner Liz.  Having the "steel trap mind" she thinks she has, it took her approximately a day to mention when I was going through the process, it would be a "now or never" moment to do the name thing.  Don't tell her I said this, but she is right, the synergy is there.  Over the years, I have known any number of transgender women who went by one name before SRS and one after.  Just because I'm not going through the physical torment of changing my genetalia, I am taking all the final legal steps to wipe "male" off my records.

Then, the more I thought of it, I'm not the "social butterfly" I used to be and am slowly but surely moving to a new area, so why wouldn't it be a good time for an appropriate name change?  Doesn't matter anyhow, there are more than a couple peeps out there who would love to use less appropriate names with me than the ones I just mentioned.

It's just a new take on the old theme, "you can call me Cyrsti, or you can call me Jessie", just don't call me tranny, she male, dude, it, or a-hole!

Cyrsti's Condo "HorrorScope"

All I can write this week is, zzzzzzzzzzzz:

Libra (September 23-October 22): Sticking to what’s standard is your safest bet this week. Save those sexy acrobatic antics for another time, as even your sex life will be better as straight vanilla, rather than loaded with toppings. If you try to push yourself to achieve a higher standard now, it will only have you landing farther behind. Yes, this week will be as boring as it sounds.

**Best Day To Get Lucky: Saturday, February 8

See, I told you!  Maybe your scope is more exciting! Go here, to theFrisky to find out.

Frisky Q&A: Janet Mock, Author Of Redefining RealnessAnd while you are there, check out this interview with Janet Mock.

Cyrsti's Condo "Cover Girl" of the Day

Our feature transgender woman today is Kalinda Chan

Sunday, February 2, 2014

On the Road to Oz

Brianna Austin, has been one of the most active transgender columnists for some time.

Today here in Cyrsti's Condo, I am passing along one of her recent posts I loved. She wrote it  after watching  the Wizard of Oz movie over the holidays.    Here's an excerpt:

"I was lounging around home this past holiday season and watched yet another classic, the Wizard of Oz, which I hadn't seen in years. I wondered, is Dorothy really so different than us? A girl lost in a far off land, yearning to find her way home. They say that home is where the heart is, so perhaps we are trying to find our internal home as well. She enlists the help of many strangers to assist her get home, only to discover that she alone was the only one that could make it happen. There is always that day when you look in the mirror and realize that regardless of whether your “girl” desires are fashion, passion, or bedroom fantasy, they don’t seem to be going away. You acknowledge – perhaps for the first time -- that this is not a phase that will pass, nor can you pretend it will never happen again. What an exciting and horrifying moment! Has the tornado just plucked you from out of your own dream and dropped you into reality? Well, you’re not in Kansas anymore, that’s for sure! Of course you know you can’t go back the way you came, because you don’t even know how you got here in the first place. So now what? Glenda, good witch of the North, said it best, “it’s always best to start at the beginning.” 

 Go here to read the rest of the post!

Cyrsti's Condo "Sunday Edition"

Welcome in to the "Super Sunday" edition in the "Condo".  If you are passionate about either team, I hope you win!  Looking back a year, I know what I was up to during the big game-or down to.  For some crazy reason I was offered the morning after the game for a colostomy.  So I spent the evening not sampling wings and beer but drinking some brand of system "flushing" liquid and trying to make my toilet as comfortable as possible. Duh!
Dr. Phil Weighs In On Bruce Jenner's Changing Appearance

Section One.- The Week in Review.  Bruce Jenner's refusal to come out of the closet comes to mind as one of the memorable moments of the week.  It's Jenner's business to do as he/she pleases but why not do something positive with his transition.  If he is not transitioning MtF, then his time with the Kardashians' certainly wore off on him.  Check the latest picture of Bruce on the left.  He seems to have a nice little set of HRT induced breasts working.  The negative of course is Jenner sets himself and the transgender community up for ridicule.  Coming out would give us another example of a guy who lived under the cover of an intensely male life such as former Navy Seal Kristin Beck.  If you don't know, Jenner was once considered one of the top male athletes in the world as a decathlon competitor.  The worst case scenario is having Dr. Phil, who struggles to even say transgender, speculate on your transition Bruce, on the Inside Edition television show.  Really Bruce?

Section 2.- Breaking News:  Patricia, a former Ohio Buckeye who now lives in California, was kind enough to send me this information from Planned Parenthood:

Planned Parenthood Mar Monte (California) is offering transgender hormone services at the following health center locations: Fulton Street Health Center – Fresno Mountain View Health Center – Mountain View B Street Health Center – Sacramento Westside Health Center – Santa Cruz 

Our transgender hormone services include: Transgender Female (MTF) Hormone Therapy including estrogen and spironolactone Transgender Male (FTM) Hormone Therapy including testosterone We may be able to start or continue hormone therapy and provide referrals for gender-qualified therapy and resources if needed. 

If you are on hormone therapy, you can utilize the health center for ongoing care and monitoring. In order to receive transgender services you need to be over 18 and capable of providing consent for services. We can provide services for younger patients in Santa Cruz with a parent or guardian’s permission. There are special consents for these services.

For more info, go here.  Thanks Patricia, I have no idea if Planned Parenthood offers these services on a wider basis.  Frankly, it's the first time I've even heard of them and I am impressed!

Well, it's about time to get another hot cup of coffee and the dog is happy the weather is warm and dry enough for a walk.  Here's hoping you all have a great week!  This should be a special one here in Cyrsti's Condo as we pass the one million hits mark!  I wish I could give away a new car but it's not in the budget!

Waxing Romantic

Ever been waxed?  The bit of torture designed to make that pesky body hair go away and leave you with soft smooth skin?

Had my first waxing tonight.  Hey, what could be more fun than staying home on a Saturday night and getting waxed watching tattoo reality shows?  When in pain, watch someone in more pain, right?  Plus, some would argue I got waxed on Abita Turbo Dog Beer last night and I'm way too old to double up on party nights anymore.

If you never have been "waxed" seriously I compare it to a sunburn and I love the results.  It's safe to tell you though, I don't have much body hair anymore and I know "mo hair" equals "mo pain" - a formula I learned sleeping through high school calculus.  Kidding, I barely got through algebra, by barely staying awake.

Not to be outdone by my arms, for some reason, my girls had to get in the act tonight.  For some reason, they are very sensitive tonight.  Almost too sensitive.  Of course I have dealt with sensitivity with the girls since starting HRT but nothing like tonight.  Either, it's my time of the month or I passed some sort of hormonal level again.

All in all though, if I had a choice, Abita is my pick for a good waxing.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Drying Up and Blowing Away

You regulars here in Cyrsti's Condo, have read me whine about this winter's weather. Well, here's more:

It seems now with the effects of HRT, I'm in even a bigger battle with my skin. My standing joke is I need to take a bath in 10w-40 motor oil.  That would be the easy part.  It turns out my very short stints in the sub zero temps were a very good way to defoliate my facial skin, if I wanted it or not.  Of course I didn't and for a couple days (until the peeling stops) make up is no fun and certainly doesn't look it's best on my "transitioning" facial skin. FYI not my first rodeo with the effects of cold weather...but my first rodeo with this much damage.

Also lip balms are my "bestest" friends too.

Some how, I don't think I will dry up and blow away any time soon and brushing my hair out around my face covers my zombie skin!

Running but not Hiding

  Inage from JJ Hart at the Cincinnati Witches Ball. Over the years I considered myself the complete procrastinator. If I could put off anyt...