Showing posts with label before and after male to female. Show all posts
Showing posts with label before and after male to female. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 15, 2019


Perhaps narcissism in reverse as I finally posted a picture of me on Facebook from 2007...goatee and all.

At last night's cross dresser-transgender support group meeting, one of the attendee's said the picture (of me) represented one of the more remarkable Mtf gender transitions she had seen so far in the wave of before and afters which have been appearing.

I used to have it among other timeline transition pictures on a separate Cyrsti's Condo page, which I recently put back up. It's on the lower right hand side of the blog under a section called "Cyrsti's Condo Rooms".

Never being a big fan of my pictures, I took it down.
So, collapsing to peer pressure of sorts, here is an attempt at a before and after picture.   As I wrote, the top one is from 2007 when I weighed in at close to 280 pounds and was very unhappy. Since that time, I have managed to shed and keep off, close to fifty pounds.

To coin a tern, what a long strange trip it's been!

Friday, June 27, 2014

Cyrsti's Condo "Cover Girl" of the Day

Thalita Zampirolli
Yet another fascinating before and after Mtf transgender transition picture is our feature cover today. The

beautiful Thalita Zampirolli.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

UK Mail

Almost on cue, a day or after so we got mail here in Cyrsti's Condo from our friend Paula across the pond in the UK about a recent story we ran from the UK's Daily Mail:  "Most stories in the Daily Mail are a little odd, it is a paper renowned for it's lack of balance and conservative attitudes (that's me being polite) rather than it's journalistic integrity."

And now there is even more from the Daily Mail:

"A macho father-of-three construction worker who used to secretly wear women's underwear to work has now become a woman. After struggling with his gender his entire life, Sam Bowler finally decided to make the change. Much to the surprise of fellow builders, the lipstick-wearing digger-operator said: 'Call me Samantha.' Thankfully, within a couple of days the construction crew fully accepted their new brunette, bejewelled member of the team."

Truthfully stories such as this give me pause because for all I know, they just may be that-stories. Then again presenting this doesn't make me much different than most of the major news outlets today. On the other hand, this story goes past the sensationalism and into the torment and trouble we all face transitioning as transgender women and men.

Also as ironic. if you follow Paula's link above to her blog, she has reference to her being on a construction job.  For those of you who have or are going through a transition on a job know unless your co-workers are totally clueless, they know something is up.  Hrt is changing your skin, hair and subtle body changes before their eyes.

The Daily Mail just cut to the chase and said Sam walked out one day and Samatha came back.  Probably much of the acceptance happened because the ground work she laid out and many probably weren't surprised.

So if this story is true, way to "Play it Again Sam!"

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

A Trans Girl has to do What a Trans Girl has to do!

Jenny Before
No offense to you British girls who visit Cyrsti's Condo but much of the transgender news coming out of the UK is nothing if not entertaining!

Check this story from the Daily Mail, about transgender woman Jenny who sold her house to pay for facial feminization surgery:

"A transgender woman unhappy with her masculine features has revealed that she sold her house in order to finance a £15,000 surgical makeover. Jenny Bowman, 56, had been left frustrated by the size of her nose and masculine jawline before discovering a procedure called facial feminization surgery after an online search. The operation, which softens and feminizes the features, isn't available on the NHS but fed up with her masculine looks, she took the dramatic step of putting her house on the market to pay for it."
Jenny After

All is fair in the battle for a better male to female transition unless you end up living in a box under a bridge.

How much can I get for my old dog on the open market?

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Benny Hill Never Looked This Good!

Remember Benny Hill the British Comic who was known to don a frock or two? (left)

For some reason the cross dresser on the Cyrsti's Condo big screen used the same theme music. (Must have been the pig tails!)


Monday, September 23, 2013

Wide Wonderful World of Wideo's!

OK, I couldn't come up with enough "V" words for the title so what's the harm in a bit of creative license?  (Very little!)
As I lined up yet another male to female transformation video for the Cyrsti's Condo big screen, I began to think how unfair most of them are to the majority of us.  Here we are, daily scraping by to transition, present and carve out a world in our non birth gender. It's just unfair how "female ready" some of these guys are. But is it really?

A couple indicators I look for in a video is the size of the person's shoulders and an indication of height. With many, I'm simply amazed with how small they are.  Over the years, I have known or seen transgender women, cross dressers and/or drag queens who have been built the same way.  The best example I remember comes from 260 years ago one night when I was at an amateur drag show. One of the performers was absolutely the most petite, effeminate males I have ever seen and obviously a stunner in drag. On the other hand, I had to mentally shudder at the possible bullying and abuse this kid had to take. In fact, he was subjected to it there.  An especially creepy "admirer" in the crowd was scaring the hell out of the kid and rightfully so before he was removed.

So I guess (as with everything) Momma Karma giveth and taketh away. But regardless of how far the video subjects have traveled in their transitions, there are more than a million very entertaining, educational and amazing videos on the subject. Like this one from a drag queen:

Transgender Morphing

I found this interesting video to pass along on the Cyrsti's Condo big screen which features a series of MtF transgender before and afters.  This one is a little different in that the gender images are "morphed" from male to female. Take a look:

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

One of My Favorites

Every now and then I rediscover a video or two I haven't seen for awhile that I felt were special for any number of reasons. It could have been the man before and after, pure drag queen or a wonderful transgender video.  It's fun now since I can pass them on to you here on the Cyrsti's Condo big screen to take a look:

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Some are just Naturals!

I may have passed this video along here in Cyrsti's Condo before but it is worth another look at this beautiful transgender woman's transition:

Sunday, August 25, 2013

It "Ain't" Easy Being Queen Honey!

Ever hear one of those fabulous looking drag queens say "I would never be a woman full time, it's too much work?"

Well it is but again it isn't. I have had Cyrsti's Condo readers ask me how long it takes me to get ready on a regular basis to face the world.  Of course the answer varies as with any woman, on the place or places I'm going. As a rule of thumb, under 20 minutes to shave (yes I still do dammit) apply foundation, do my eyes and lips.

Again as with any woman, public prep work is of the essence.  I've gotten into the habit of having a nail file handy when I'm watching one of my favorite brainless "reality" shows. (My heart was broken when I found out Eustace of Mountain Men had a college degree and his wilderness was close to a fair sized town!)

HRT has done a reasonable job of cutting back my leg hair. With the lack of skirts and/or dresses I wear, I can normally go quite the distance between shaves. I do gain the time back though with the amount of extra time (and expense) now with my hair.

So, there you go.  Toss on my predetermined outfit (I hope), my ear rings and rings and I'm out the door. No big deal unless I'm going to a special event like doing drag at a drag show.

As we know, very few of us can "run with the queens" in appearance and this video illustrates one reason why: **Beware of typical "Drag Queen language ahead!  :

Saturday, August 24, 2013

All the Transition Possiblities

Quoting a great line I heard from another mtf transition video, "It's like learning to walk all over again". Here's another example of more "walking papers" on the Cyrsti's Condo big screen:

Friday, August 23, 2013

Roberta Close

Roberta Close was born in Rio de Janeiro on 7 December 1964 and is a Brazilian model.  she was the first pre-operative transsexual model to have posed for the Brazilian edition of Playboy and  is probably Brazil's most famous transsexual woman. From Wickipedia:

"Roberta Close was born under the name of Luiz Roberto Gambine Moreira, and as an adolescent, began to adopt feminine attire and secretly began taking female hormone injections. By the age of seventeen, Close's career as a model and actress was beginning to take off. Close won the "Miss Gay Brazil" beauty pageant at the age of twenty. That same year, she made headlines and was dubbed "The world's most beautiful model". She has played a cabaret singer on a popular soap opera, starred in the 1986 movie Si tu vas a Rio... tu meurs, hosted a late night talk show, and was the inspiration for a hit song by Roberto and Erasmo Carlos.

In 1989, Close underwent sex reassignment surgery at Charing Cross Clinic in London, England. Afterwards, she appeared in an extensive photo spread in the Brazilian men's magazine Sexy, and was subsequently voted the "Most Beautiful Woman in Brazil."

This Cyrsti's Condo big screen video will give you an idea why!   ** Warning parts of this video have a dose of Brazilian "spice" and get the kids out of the room!

Preparing to Lose

  JJ Hart speaking at a Cincinnati Trans Wellness  Conference. When I first began to explore my transgender womanhood in public, I was rejec...