Showing posts with label hair removal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hair removal. Show all posts

Friday, June 13, 2014

Summer Legs

1Tbsp of iodine 2% 1Cup of baby oil Rub your hairy area with the mixture and let set for only 5 minutes. Then gently wipe away with a damp cloth. Viola!!!! NO MORE HAIR!I found this idea on Pinterest and the guys legs reminded me of how mine used to look "back in the day" before age and HRT took over.

To make a long story short, I went through periods of time when I couldn't shave my legs and then when I did-I faced what the guy is facing in the picture.  I was known to clog a few bathtub drains.  The problem I faced also was I hated the smell of the hair removers too.

Here's this recipe:

1Tbsp of iodine 2% 1Cup of baby oil Rub your hairy area with the mixture and let set for only 5 minutes. Then gently wipe away with a damp cloth. Viola!!!! NO MORE HAIR!

As with anything else though-I would test this idea on a small part of your legs!

My problem in summer is my legs have the "snow white" look of the person above.  To give them a little color I use one of the popular tanning moisturizers. I had to really practice to use them correctly to not leave me looking orange or streaked when I go bare legged.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Waxing Romantic

Ever been waxed?  The bit of torture designed to make that pesky body hair go away and leave you with soft smooth skin?

Had my first waxing tonight.  Hey, what could be more fun than staying home on a Saturday night and getting waxed watching tattoo reality shows?  When in pain, watch someone in more pain, right?  Plus, some would argue I got waxed on Abita Turbo Dog Beer last night and I'm way too old to double up on party nights anymore.

If you never have been "waxed" seriously I compare it to a sunburn and I love the results.  It's safe to tell you though, I don't have much body hair anymore and I know "mo hair" equals "mo pain" - a formula I learned sleeping through high school calculus.  Kidding, I barely got through algebra, by barely staying awake.

Not to be outdone by my arms, for some reason, my girls had to get in the act tonight.  For some reason, they are very sensitive tonight.  Almost too sensitive.  Of course I have dealt with sensitivity with the girls since starting HRT but nothing like tonight.  Either, it's my time of the month or I passed some sort of hormonal level again.

All in all though, if I had a choice, Abita is my pick for a good waxing.

Back Up Plans

  JJ Hart visiting Key Largo. Following several near misses as a novice transgender woman out into the world, I began to smarten up and have...