Sunday, February 21, 2016

Cyrsti's Condo "Sunday Edition"

Ker Plunk! Get ready! Another wondrous edition of the "Condo" is hitting your virtual front porch. "Momma Nature" here in Cincinnati is teasing us with one of her early spring weekends before winter returns-for awhile. At any rate grab a "cup-o-joe" and let's get started!

Page One- The Week that Was - or Wasn't: As on the national scene, in South Dakota, HB 1008 one of several anti-LGBT bills conservative groups have been advancing in South Dakota, requires that every restroom, locker room, and shower room in any public school be “designated for and used only by students of the same biological sex.” The language leaves no room for transgender students, defining biological sex as “the physical condition of being male or female as determined by a person’s chromosomes and anatomy as identified at birth.”  The last I read was, the bill was within the governor's veto of passing into infamy. 
Robyn and Andrew
Robyn and Andrew
On the local scene, my new social security card should be arriving sometime this week as I was able to hurdle that wall with relative ease. I may have picked the right Social Security office at the right time with the right clerk (young) who seemingly understood my desire to get the process done.

Page Two- The Small Screen: Actually there is more happening on television these days than the upcoming season two of "I am Cait" with Caitlin Jenner plugging away at her life and (just maybe) her new cosmetic line. There is a show on the Discovery Life Channel if you can pick it up called "New Girls on the Block."
So far the show, as I have seen it, has done a decent job of cutting across transgender lines such as the pain of a transitioning husband and wife, two transgender lesbians in love, and more, including Robyn and Andrew who met when Robyn was Andrew's male co worker. Their friendship continued through Robyn's transition.

Page Three-Yesterday's Coffee-Opinion Jenner's Politics: (From the Advocate)
"Republicans, meet your teammate: Caitlyn Jenner. 
The transgender former Olympian turned reality star is holding firmly onto her GOP card, and from what she told reporters at the Television Critics Association tour in Pasadena, Calif., that’s not likely to change. 
Jenner was asked why she doesn't just "support the party that supports women and women's rights?”
"Well, I really don’t want to heavily get into politics because, certainly, we have enough politics going on in the United States right now. But as I tell the girls, it’s kind of good. If the Republicans haven’t been very good on this issue — which I agree, they haven’t been.”
Well, it does look like "The Donald" (Trump) is going to need a running mate.

Page Four- The Back Page: Well kids, got to get going, we all have another busy day around here and it's time to fix some breakfast "nummers" and get to it! You are the best for coming by!

Friday, February 19, 2016

"Wanna Hook Up?" Was Unhooked!

The last couple of days I have been trying to realign the blogs I am linked to here in Cyrsti's Condo. Most had not had a new post in over three months but I am afraid by mistake I deleted some I shouldn't have. (Imagine that!) If that is you , or you want a link here, please ask!

Miss Twist
However, through the magic of Al Gore's internet today I'm going to do a little blog bouncing. First we are going to stop off at Callie's Blog T-Central and take a look at a post called Girl Meets Boy Dressed as Girl. (By the way if you haven't been there, Callie calls her blog: "Just a mondo but not complete listing of Trans-Related Bloggers and News Sites" It's amazing, but now the bounce. The actual post comes from a blog called "Miss Twist Speaks her brains."
Here's an excerpt from her recent Valentines post: "I’ve already talked about how a number of guys have responded to Twist; what about women? I’m a heterosexual guy in a skirt who happens to be engaged. But as ‘Twist’, I’m both more outgoing and rather more coy; I suppose I’d have to say Twist is flertarosexual – nothing more than a flirt.*
I also asked a number of my female friends for their thoughts and opinions; I’ve been swamped with so many nuggets, gems and useful insights I can probably generate three or four posts out of it all. (My thanks to all of them!)"
I too, have many of "Miss Twist's" experiences with women of which revolve around the concept of gender vs sexuality as it plays out between the binary genders. Probably over the years, I'm like her and did write ,many posts on the subject, because the magic sexuality switch still hasn't been thrown with me and although I dislike binary titles, I still prefer women...mostly. 
With that tease, I promise to pass along a couple stories I found from the archives around the Condo I'm collecting for the book!

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Here We Don't Go Again?

If you have been following any or all of the "rest room battles" around the country, the latest move to restrict use of restrooms on a strict genetic (cis) basis is laying on the desk of the South Dakota governor Dennis Daugaard for his approval or veto.

Admit-tingly for any number of reasons. I'm a little late to this story number of weak reasons, but there is a petition circulating on Change.Org about  Thomas Lewis. I’m a transgender student at a public high school in South Dakota. Last night, South Dakota passed what will be our nation’s first anti-trans law, if the Governor signs it. I need your help to make sure that does not happen.This law – H.B. 1008 – prevents public school students from using restrooms consistent with their gender identity. If made into law, transgender students like me across the state could be forced to use a separate bathroom from everyone else. Worse, we will be forced into bathrooms that don’t correspond to our gender 

Needless to say,with the passing away of super conservative Supreme Court Justice Scalia, it's time to circle our wagons and help protect the rights of all transgender citizens. It certainly doesn't seem like the barrage of attacks against us is lessening and Indiana just might be the model for the future as corporate interests there bitterly complained against a bigoted law being proposed for the state. It was pulled back when the neighboring LGBT friendly cities of Dayton and Cincinnati, Ohio invited all business to relocate here. At latest total, Indiana has lost a purported 60 million dollars. 

Plus, at least now I can do my share at the ballot box, because Ohio is still one of the states denying complete rights to all of it's transgender citizens.

Another One Bites the Dust

Today I packed up my three forms of formal identification and headed to my closest Social Security office.

I needed one form of picture identification (my driver's license). The original filed probate approval form and original Social Security Card. For once in my life I have been organized enough to keep a folder of all the official forms I have filled out and yet to be filled out on my gender marker odyssey. So compiling all of it was easy.

What wasn't so easy was waiting to be called. As I had said in a previous Cyrsti's Condo post, because of need for "original documentation" I didn't see anyway around NOT going in and sitting for two hours. 

Amazingly, I didn't and was out of there within an hour and should have my new Social Security Card within 10 days.

Maybe I am getting jaded to this gender marker process but maybe the biggest thrill today was when I got home and found my new registration to vote in the mail! 

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Cyrsti's Condo "Quote of the Day"

As seen on one of Liz's shampoo bottles: "For hair as hydrated as your boyfriend at an open bar!"

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Earth Guys are Easy?

Earth Girls Are Easy.jpgAs I research topics for my next book, old subject matter comes back on a regular basis. Some of it is fun, other not so much. Some of it depends on when it comes along in my regular three to four in the morning wide awake time. So much can happen which others don't think of. For example, if you know what a CPAP machine is, I wear one and will not go anywhere without mine (if we are going on a vacation.) Very simply, it's the most UN- glamorous (Silence of the Lambs) piece of equipment one can wear on the face, and mine seemingly waits until the 3 o'clock hour to attack. 

Usually though, my CPAP has a companion harasser in the next room called a toilet. You see, I'm on Spironolactone to decrease my testosterone as part of my HRT. Spiro is very good at causing the kidneys to eliminate unneeded water and sodium from the body into the urine, but reduces the loss of potassium from the body. In other words, it makes me pee. Hopefully around the "bewitching" hour of three so I can multitask.

So, last night's topic of thought was thinking of chapter titles. Amazingly,one came to me, "Earth Men are Easy" which of course of I "flipped" from the 1988 movie "epic" I saw called "Earth Girls are Easy" .

The reason I think it is a good title is the way my life has gone during my MTF transition as I weaved my way through the main binary genders of male and female.

For the most part, men and I have left each other alone, mostly I think because of a built in distrust when I went to play for the "opposing team." For some reason they think I can see the games they play?

What  they don't know is, it wouldn't really matter as for the past seven or eight years I have built my life around lesbian identifying women, even though (at times) they are a brutal group to get along with.

Finally, as I have to consider my age and health, I truly don't get as many chances to get out to my old "haunts."  When the Doc's tell you no hormones if I don't, that's a no brainer- even for me.

Monday, February 15, 2016

You Do What???

It seems lately I have happened across more and more non transgender peeps who somehow are on a "need to know" basis with me. Used to bother me a bit, not so much any more. Not hiding what I'm proud of!

Yesterday Liz and I were shopping for a better cell phone deal at a near by mall which I would describe as having a heavy mix of red neckish "Duck Dynasty" fans. Along the way Liz had to stop to potty and I stayed out in the mall since I didn't have to go. There were three young women standing near the rest room hallway. I was bored and when one of them began to play "eye games" with me, I decided to return the favor. I tried to quickly look her way trying to catch her looking at me. It worked, she got a little embarrassed and we went on our way,

Liz was really upset with her current cell phone provider and started shopping the kiosks in the mall for a deal. It didn't take long for a 20 something super salesperson to grab her interest and make a deal. As we were talking, he asked me what I would be using my phone for since a free tablet was part of the deal and he probably thought I didn't even know how to text! I always smirk and say I am a big time blogger and author. Of course at that point, normally the other person asks what do I write about and the last three times I have just come out and  said transgender issues. (No pun intended.)

Also, right then, what I think I need, are the infamous business card I have been writing about (as you Cyrsti's Condo readers know) forever.My problem is, if there is one, is designing a card which gets everything done I want it to do on the front I always have tendency to do too much as lose impact, such as: 

  1. Explain I am a real live transgender veteran woman
  2. I write Cyrsti's Condo
  3. I wrote my first book "Stilettos on Thin Ice" and have another in the works.
  4. Add a picture if I can
Then on the back, mention I do and have done trans seminars. 

So now, being the procrastinator I am, I need a date and goal and the Trans Ohio Seminar early this summer is a great one because I have done a couple senior transgender seminars there already.

Have to "git er done".

The First Transgender President?

Jennifer Finney Boylan © 2007 Photo by James Bowdoin
Jennifer Boylan
It's President's Day and I began to think of any possible transgender closeted president we have had (in relatively modern times.)  

Wouldn't that be cool? Ideally, a candidate who could understand those on both sides of the gender aisle? 

Allegedly though, the closest we have come in recent memory has been FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover's closet full of dresses. These days, as we approach elections, LGBT organizations may continually have to fight tooth and nail for our freedoms. Let alone think about a trans president.

On another subject:

In my constant search around the world wide web, yesterday I did find another wonderful interview with Jennifer Finney Boylan from the New York Times called: "You've gone to a lot of trouble to be a woman-don't be a stupid  one."  Plenty of wonderful quotes for you to take a look at!

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Cyrsti's Condo "Sunday Edition"

KerPlunk and SMOOTCH!  Welcome to another Valentines Sunday Edition of the Condo which has hit your virtual front porch. We are between the bitter cold I wrote of yesterday and snowy weather today a great day to cuddle in my "jammies" with a hot cop o joe or cocoa! Let's get started.
Page One-The Week that Was or Wasn't: The week that was, revolved again around LGBT rights, especially transgender restroom rights in many areas of the country. Do the best you can to get out and support the trans youth in your communities. Here in Ohio, once again, legislators once again are trying to push a LGBT rights bill past a Republican controlled legislature. Not to mention a governor who happens to be a presidential candidate which means he is not above "blowing in the wind" and changing positions for votes. Now he is in South Carolina groveling to the Evangelical conservative right. 
Page Two- Yesterday's Coffee-Opinion: Perhaps you have heard by now U.S.  SupremeCourt Justice Antonin Scalia, the leading conservative voice on the high court, has died at the age of 79, a government source   and a family friend told CNN on Saturday. Perhaps, he was known recently for his "gobbly gook" opinions such as same sex marriage rather than sound conservative opinion. Like him or not, Scalia may have been an example of why Supreme Court justices should not have an automatic seat for life, once approved. Now of course the fight begins on who will replace him and many are saying the Obama administration should not have a choice. All in all, the process should be another increasingly interesting and important look into the American justice system.
Page Three- Rest Rooms and the Alamo? Both have incredible inconsistencies. The story (as told) is mostly fiction as you saw it on the big screen. To the uneducated, the easiest way for the radical right to prey on our rights is to mention imagined horrendous restroom activities by transgender women. The reason I bring it up again is, according to Mara KeislIng:

"The backlash against trans people that we’ve been expecting for years is here. As of today, we’re fighting against 29 pieces of anti-trans legislation in elevenstatesAnd more are coming. And if we lose even one, our opponents will only accelerate their efforts.
Make no mistake, these anti-trans bills are not only attacking trans adults, but they’re attacking trans youth. Our children. They’d make it illegal for transgender students to use the restroom at school and even place a bounty on their heads—rewardingclassmates for turning them in.
NCTE is taking a strong leadership role in these battles. We are helping coordinate messaging and strategy while finding trans people in target states to step up tell their stories. We have spent a year gearing up for this, but NCTE simply doesn’t have the resources to fight these.
Even if you don’t live in Illinois, Indiana, Massachusetts, Missouri, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Virginia, Washington or Wisconsin, where these bills are already up and running, they are threatening all of us and our kids all over the country."
Page Four-The Back Page: Well kids, it's time to go. As always I love you and thanks for stopping by Cyrsti's Condo!

Transgender Instincts

Image from Atich Bana  on Unspalsh.   First, I need to apologize for missing a post yesterday. I went to my primary provider at the local Ve...