Showing posts with label transgender male. Show all posts
Showing posts with label transgender male. Show all posts

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Here We Don't Go Again?

If you have been following any or all of the "rest room battles" around the country, the latest move to restrict use of restrooms on a strict genetic (cis) basis is laying on the desk of the South Dakota governor Dennis Daugaard for his approval or veto.

Admit-tingly for any number of reasons. I'm a little late to this story number of weak reasons, but there is a petition circulating on Change.Org about  Thomas Lewis. I’m a transgender student at a public high school in South Dakota. Last night, South Dakota passed what will be our nation’s first anti-trans law, if the Governor signs it. I need your help to make sure that does not happen.This law – H.B. 1008 – prevents public school students from using restrooms consistent with their gender identity. If made into law, transgender students like me across the state could be forced to use a separate bathroom from everyone else. Worse, we will be forced into bathrooms that don’t correspond to our gender 

Needless to say,with the passing away of super conservative Supreme Court Justice Scalia, it's time to circle our wagons and help protect the rights of all transgender citizens. It certainly doesn't seem like the barrage of attacks against us is lessening and Indiana just might be the model for the future as corporate interests there bitterly complained against a bigoted law being proposed for the state. It was pulled back when the neighboring LGBT friendly cities of Dayton and Cincinnati, Ohio invited all business to relocate here. At latest total, Indiana has lost a purported 60 million dollars. 

Plus, at least now I can do my share at the ballot box, because Ohio is still one of the states denying complete rights to all of it's transgender citizens.

Turning Your Gender Corner

  Image from the JJ Hart Archives. As I made my way towards coming out of my closet and living as a transgender woman, I found I had many co...