Monday, February 15, 2016

You Do What???

It seems lately I have happened across more and more non transgender peeps who somehow are on a "need to know" basis with me. Used to bother me a bit, not so much any more. Not hiding what I'm proud of!

Yesterday Liz and I were shopping for a better cell phone deal at a near by mall which I would describe as having a heavy mix of red neckish "Duck Dynasty" fans. Along the way Liz had to stop to potty and I stayed out in the mall since I didn't have to go. There were three young women standing near the rest room hallway. I was bored and when one of them began to play "eye games" with me, I decided to return the favor. I tried to quickly look her way trying to catch her looking at me. It worked, she got a little embarrassed and we went on our way,

Liz was really upset with her current cell phone provider and started shopping the kiosks in the mall for a deal. It didn't take long for a 20 something super salesperson to grab her interest and make a deal. As we were talking, he asked me what I would be using my phone for since a free tablet was part of the deal and he probably thought I didn't even know how to text! I always smirk and say I am a big time blogger and author. Of course at that point, normally the other person asks what do I write about and the last three times I have just come out and  said transgender issues. (No pun intended.)

Also, right then, what I think I need, are the infamous business card I have been writing about (as you Cyrsti's Condo readers know) forever.My problem is, if there is one, is designing a card which gets everything done I want it to do on the front I always have tendency to do too much as lose impact, such as: 

  1. Explain I am a real live transgender veteran woman
  2. I write Cyrsti's Condo
  3. I wrote my first book "Stilettos on Thin Ice" and have another in the works.
  4. Add a picture if I can
Then on the back, mention I do and have done trans seminars. 

So now, being the procrastinator I am, I need a date and goal and the Trans Ohio Seminar early this summer is a great one because I have done a couple senior transgender seminars there already.

Have to "git er done".

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