Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Victoria's First?

Andrej Pejic. Yes. A GUY. naturally. NOT surgically enhanced what so ever.

Cyrsti's Condo "Poll Question of the Day"
Carmen Carrera. RuPaul's Drag Race. No boy should be this pretty...
Which transgender model will be "Victoria Secret's" first?

Carmen Carerra  left or....

Andreja Pejic 


Transgender Jewelry

Pewter Transgender LGBT Gay Pride Triangle Pendant (306)In yesterday's Cyrsti's Condo post: Is That All There Is?  I showed this necklace Liz gave to me for Pride (and wherever I wanted to wear it.)

I was asked where she purchased it.

The answer is, she found it on a site called Etsy - no not Ebay.  If you go their home page and type in "transgender"-you will get an option for jewelry.  There are many but this one comes from a place called Beach Side Jewelry Shop.

Liz preferred their work because they use pewter and have different designs for Wiccan's like her!

If it matters, the one I have is about 3/4's of the sample above and inside the inner circle is a stone of some sort. I love it!

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Cyrsti's Condo "Star Gazing."

Kids!!! It's time once again to look to the stars for our weekly "horror" scope from theFrisky:

As always,  here is the one for all of us Libra's : "(September 23-October 22): You’re exhausted, but everyone will be calling with plans to go out. Everything will sound so great and you won’t be able to resist being part of the gang. Too bad you might hit a wall and snap. Of course, your unique animal sexuality makes for the perfect excuse to flop back into bed."
Best Lay Day: Sunday, August 10
Well, what can I even attempt to say after the "unique animal sexuality" comment?
The Capricorn's came close this week:   (December 22-January 19): Staying available and optimistic can be a chore unto itself, but this week, you’ll be opening up wider than a hooker on Bourbon Street during Mardi Gras. Yes, that means leaving procrastinating attitudes behind and leaping ahead with rainbows and magic on the mind.
You have to love the "hooker on Bourbon Street" comment!
Don't worry girls, if you aren't a Libra or a Capricorn, follow the link above!

Buh Bye!

This morning I took another largely symbolic step towards severing my past.

Here in town, my deceased wife both went to and my Mom taught at the same high school.  My wife was younger than I and wasn't there at the same time.  The school actually was built and opened in the early 1960's and my Mom began to "collect" the free yearbooks she received back in 1961.  Between the three of us, I ended up with over a decade of highly saleable yearbooks.

I sold them all-except for 1967 when I graduated.  Somehow it was a remaining tenuous thread to who I was.

Today, I put it up for sale too.  Not a tear was shed.

Is That All There Is?

The last couple of days, Liz and I were busy running errands in my hometown for a change. The mere fact of doing just that puts me in direct conflict of where my androgynous self still goes. In rapid fire order, we went to three places and I received no negative attention-none-nada.  My hair was down, I was wearing minimal makeup, a tank top, flip flops and a pair of my distressed jeans rolled up.  No big deal to get ready and go.

Needless to say though, I still felt trepidation.  The places we were going were the spots where I have received "push-back" in the past when I visited as a cross dresser, androgynous or feminizing transgender woman.  Turns out, I was wasting my energy.

When we got back home, I had a chance to talk about it with Liz.  As I have always written here in Cyrsti's Condo, she has taken me for granted as a trans woman from the first time we went out on a date.  Her only drawback is she expects the rest of the world to do the same. This time they did and she said did I hear what the one guy at the store called us- "Ladies."  I laughed and said, I am deaf but not deaf enough to hear that!

Look, I'm not saying my future as a woman in the world is coming full circle but every once in awhile, I get a glimpse that indeed it is.  Then I wonder do I become a victim of my own words and thoughts?  To put in the terms of our culture-if I do begin to present and or pass as whom I always wanted to be, will I become a hypocrite and go stealth?

Pewter Transgender LGBT Gay Pride Triangle Pendant (306)
I'm thinking yes and no. Yes because I conveniently "neglected" to wear my "transgender symbol" necklace. (left)  In my "pea brain" that is a step towards stealth because I didn't want to explain to anyone what the symbol meant.

No, because in reality, I have a whole lot of life to live and a huge amount of "blind curves" ahead. So the incredible freedom and accomplishment of the other day could be as fleeting as the beautiful summer day we are having.

One way or another though,   I'm sure I can still find plenty of transgender issues to be involved with.

We Are NOT Related...But...

 Referring back to the recent Cyrsti's Condo post I wrote about my interaction with the young gay boy the other night, I received a quick comment from Paula of Paula's Place  concerning her first visit to a local Pride event and thinking almost the same thing. She said: I was in Brighton for the biggest Pride event in the UK at the weekend, and there were an awful lot of boys there (Gay and Straight) who could do with learning that lesson... (left).

As I always do, after my impulsive outbursts die down along with the emotions and passions- my biggest misconception continues to be that in any way I am "related" to the rest of the gay and lesbian community.  I suppose dots could be connected between how I identify as my  gender and my relationship with a lesbian woman but that's it.

"Back in the day" I'm sure, we as the transgender community had to be lumped into a bigger group for identification and political reasons.  We became the "T" in the LGBT which is populated now with lots of other letters.

I suppose what I don't understand about the human critter and groups in particular is why when the groups become successful,  they forget their origins and become inclusive or even enabled

Of course the most "enabled" group of all are the cis gay males.  For the most part they are working the system wonderfully to their advantage (good for them!) but like any cis man- just don't have the empathy to reach out to those they don't understand.  The other night, It did my soul good to watch gay television personality Andy Cohen use the transgender word with Laverne Cox. Perhaps with enough exposure my "little buddy" from the other night will learn - I wasn't cross dressed any more than Laverne Cox was.

I guess I shouldn't be so surprised - of the the town I'm from and unfortunately still live in part time. Yes, it's the same city only 50 some miles from Columbus where I had to introduce myself to the local Equality Group as the only transgender woman  They only use the words gay and lesbian and the newly elected female black city commissioner is now the deciding vote to keep  discriminatory TGBLQ laws on the books in the 6 th largest city in Ohio.

Maybe I'm asking too much?

Monday, August 4, 2014

Curves Ahead!

No real secret the HRT feminization process adds curves and the Ftm transition adds angles.

I have been mentioning my trans man friend who just went through long awaited top surgery (well I understand!!!!) and how dramatically angular he is becoming.

The other day, I happened to find some ancient pictures of me which were actually proofs taken at one of those "specialty" photo places in a mall.    The paper and proofs quite naturally were in less than stellar condition, but the one thing which did stand out to me was how angular my face was then.

Just another example of how you have to look behind you to see how far you have come!

Transgender Transition

Transgender TransitionOur feature cover today is a Mtf gender transition documented in pictures in Cyrsti's Condo:

"Culture Clash"

 "You are dressed."  These are the three simple words uttered by a gay boy in a bar Liz and I were in Saturday night.  "You are dressed."

What a simple passive aggressive ignorant gay cis male statement!  Liz and I actually hadn't seen each other in person for a space in time because of any number of logistical problems.  We just wanted to be left alone in one of few venues I will even considering going to in my home town.

We ordered a pizza and were doing just that until he comes, resplendent in his tight white T-shirt and bright yellow short shorts-literally "flitting" around the room.  The first time he said it, I just glared and said, "So are you."  The second time he said it, I must have made my point and looked so hostile - he floated away in his yellow shorts. Briefly, I regressed into his stupid world and thought, "You need smacked for talking smack, you little bitch."  But you can't cure gay as much as you can't cure stupid.

So-  I found this on Pinterest which describes my feelings exactly!  I need to constantly remind myself that ignorance is not confined to any one segment of humans.  Regardless of race, gender and sexuality.  No one has a corner on it.

Gay, lesbian, cross dresser, transgender, transsexual or straight- no one.

How Far will You Go?

Image from UnSplash. I have always viewed my transgender journey as a series of upward steps. A few of the steps were short and easy to take...