Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Womanless Pageant Hits and "Misses"

I don't find many new womanless pageant pictures floating around the web anymore. I think it's primarily due to the fact that these days, if someone snaps a picture of you in a dress-it can turn up anywhere. (Including Cyrsti's Condo).
Every once in a while I do see one or two which I think are interesting because of the other people shown.  Could be a girlfriend, Mom or fellow student.
Here are a couple: In the first, his girlfriend is wondering if she is ever going to get her pink dress back and how often she will see him in that damned tiara in the mall? I'm the princess dammit!

Her son wins the beauty contest.In the second picture below, Mom is thinking Wow! he does look like me at this age. Plus, this picture gives a whole new meaning to the expression, "Wait till your father gets home!"

Cyrsti's Condo "Quote of the Day"

"If you are going the wrong way, you better do it quickly!"

Cyrsti Hart

Number One Fantasy?

Over the years I have encountered many cross dressers who would have just loved to get all dressed up in a lavish wedding dress for their own big day.  Certainly, it's easy to understand why.  Walking down the aisle as a bride with all eyes on you, on the day you dreamed of since you were a little girl-just has to be one of the pinnacles of femininity.  

Why wouldn't it be?  I would like to take a survey of sorts though to find out which cross dressing fantasy is numero uno?  We could toss in French Maids, Cheerleaders, Sissies and even pregnant women to name a few.

In my not so illustrious past years ago I did get invited by a friend of friend to a bachlorette party, and then univited not so long later.  Sure it would have been fun but with my lack of "experience" back then, I would have been scared to death, plus another problem could have been if one of the other women didn't want me there.  Oh, well, it never happened anyway.
zazzDSC_1169 by mandysmithcd, via Flickr Adrienne Boy just married
Unknown cross dressed bride

I have never done the cheerleader deal but came relatively close with a short white tennis dress I put together which was quite fun.  Of course I had the white panties, tennis shoes and a long white lightweight jacket to wear over my hairy arms. Then, instead of the courts, I hit the mall.  Like I said it was fun and I got away with it.

The pregnant woman thing, never did appeal to me...seems like pain and suffering anyway you look at it and I suppose like most everyone else in the cross dressing community, I did various versions of a French Maid. 

Finally, I found quickly, I was never a good sissy girl.

So there you go.  I'm sure you all have your own special fantasy outfits!  Just save them for Halloween!

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Oh! Carmen

Can't get enough of Carmen Carerra including this latest video from CNN on the  Cyrsti's Condo's big screen:

Are Transgender "Admirer's" Gay?

This is an unintended follow up post to DeAnna's comment about transitioning from a gay man to a transgender woman.
On a different slant, the argument has raged on both sides of the fence about a man's sexuality if indeed he is attracted to you as a trans woman?  Is he indeed gay and if so, who cares?  I guess many do indeed care.
For what it's worth, I have two definitions.  The first is a straight (no pun intended) forward "Yes he is gay, if he is attracted sexually to another man, no matter how he looks."  The second (and the one I believe in), no he is not gay because the transgender women he is with, in no way considers herself male.

Fortunately, for all of you, I have another idea on the matter from this video on the Cyrsti's Condo big screen:

Loss of Innocence

Over the years I have watched several drag shows where the drag queens came out later, out of drag.  I must say I was sort of disappointed when my illusion was shattered.  I'm the last person you would think who wouldn't know the drag queen was an illusion.  I suppose too I was always on the outlook for a trans person in the show who I could identify with later.  I don't watch many drag shows though and it has been years since I have seen a real live transgender woman who obviously was on HRT, get up on the stage and perform.

The video I'm passing along on the Cyrsti's Condo big screen goes into the same category. Perhaps you have seen Heidi Phox on YouTube or other places on the web.  She is and has always been gorgeous.  I always wondered though in some spots she identifies as a cross dresser and a transgender woman in others.  I understand now after watching this transformation video.  I give her all the credit in the world for doing it!

Monday, February 10, 2014

Gender by Default

Not so long ago here in Cyrsti's Condo, we covered the topic of changing your gender markers.  If you didn't know, gender markers are those all important letters "M" or "F" in your legal existence.

Some documents pack a huge impact (such as social security, driver's license, etc.), others, not so much-or do they?

I began to think about it the other day and here is why:  I applied for one of the gas/convenience store discount cards which are so prevalent and popular in my part of the world.  Essentially the more you spend with them, the less you pay for their gas.

For years I have had a card with a well established gas chain in my hometown under my male name, a couple days ago I applied for another chain's card under my female name.  The gender box of course defaulted me to male or female.  To be clear, these cards are not credit or debit cards of any sort, but these days you know all your info sooner or later is going into big data bases.  I have never doubted Big Brother is watching and if I really had anything to hide, I wouldn't be out here writing a blog.

I just wonder if some day I will be cross referenced by address, age and gender on one of these lower level cards and bounced.  It won't happen I know because all these companies want is my money and all the gender markers which really matter are cross referenced by social security numbers.

It's just my little conspiracy theory but I wonder if sometime in the future, more than a couple of my old male gender markers will make a surprise return to my life.

I know at least two visitors to "theCondo" (Shelle and Drake) who have started down the gender marker trail but as of yet, I haven't. Actually, I see the process as important to me as starting HRT. Obviously, the process separates me further from my male past.  I can rationalize not beginning the process on laziness but my deadlines to sign up for Medicare are rapidly approaching this year and obviously if I can register female then I would save myself headaches later.  Plus, I will have to read up (and get some advice) from a few of my Veteran's Administration friends to get an idea of what I have to do to get my markers changed with the VA as it interfaces with Medicare.

Fortunately, I'm not totally clueless about the strides that have been made with changing gender markers.  It seems on occasion, every time you can cross one huge MtF transition threshold-you are looking square at another.

Cyrsti's Condo "Powerscope"

It's power scope time for those of us born under the sign of the Libra.  You regulars may have noticed I changed the regular name of this Condo weekly feature. Same scopes coming from theFrisky and here is this weeks:

(September 23-October 22): Your spastic side will be in control, so beware of slippery floors and slick roads. There are accidents waiting to happen, but they can be avoided if you stay in firm control of your time and focus. Make lists, set goals and stick to timetables. It’s a bit of a robotic way of life, but this week, putting on those blinders is your safest bet.

Best Day To Get Lucky: Friday, February 14

This is a tough scope for me because some would argue my "spastic side" is always in control. Plus, living a robotic way of life has never been easy for me!  Oh well, I will do my best to get by until next week and I should get lucky on Valentine's Day!  For your scope, go here.

Cyrsti's Condo "Cover Girl" of the Day

Our cover girl today is a bit different (no not like that sillies) I found her picture on Pinterest and loved her edgy look.  If you have ever took a look at Pinterest, the site has a tremendous collection of transitioned women from cross dressers, to androgynous models, to transgender and transsexual porn stars.

Poppy Cox Style Me QuirkyThe problem I have is, some of the MtF transition pictures look a little too good and many you can't research to see if they are not genetic.  I do my best to find out the background of the women we feature here in the Condo before I present them.

So, I think, today's feature cover girl is a make over project - and a fun one at that!

Certainly, if you have any more info on this, let me know.  I have a friend who is considering going to a "make over" service!

Transgender Instincts

Image from Atich Bana  on Unspalsh.   First, I need to apologize for missing a post yesterday. I went to my primary provider at the local Ve...