Saturday, May 14, 2016

It's Mine-I Bought It!

I have been bringing back old archived posts from 2013 when my Mtf transition was really taking shape. This one has to do with hair:

As recently as my last post here in Cyrsti's Condo, I am never shy about mentioning my hair.  I am a believer in nature giving and taking away. In my case, nature was in a giving mood with my big bones and torso but just happened to slip in potentially wild big hair. The take away though is the idea of older women not looking stylish in longer hair. Among other things it's called the 16/60 and is used to describe a woman who looks 16 from behind and 60 from in front.  Yikes!!!! I don't look a day over 59!

As luck would have it though, as in everything there are exceptions to every rule. In my case I read the exception in the Fabulous after 40 site:

"If you have thick hair with a natural looking color, and you are not too thin in the face, then you can wear your hair pretty long. How long? The best hairstyles for long hair over 40 are ones that fall no further than mid-back, or your hair will look unkempt. (but I think this is true no matter what your age.) The reason I think you need a little fullness to your face to pull off this look successfully is because long hair will draw the eye down, making your face look longer and thinner.

Although you might think that looking thinner is more desirable, as we age it really isn’t. A long and thin aging face will just look tired and haggard, and length will also draw attention to fine lines and wrinkles. My advice to women over 40 with long hair and a thin face is to a) switch to short hair or b) try a shoulder length style with layers and softness around your face. These two styles will be much more flattering. And remember, showing a little bit of your ear will draw the eye up, lifting everything up and showing off great cheekbones. It’s kind of like having a face lift."

It turns out, I can say yes to all three plus it would break my heart to say "no" after all these years. I guess karma cut me a break for sentencing me to the wait for my own hair. (Have to blame someone)

Plus certainly this information is also good for flattering wig styles we all can wear."

If we all do this right, we can look as good as Courtney Cox in this picture?

Friday, May 13, 2016

You're Such a Boob!

Since summer time is almost here, it's time to take a look at my bra situation again and judge what HRT has or hasn't done. To explain it, I thought I would pass along an old archive post:

"Finally it's becoming evident the hormones are beginning to gain more and more ground in my quest for bigger breasts.
Over the years my bras have been more of a "hit and miss" effort. much was determined by the size "d" breast forms I've owned for years.  Anyway you cut it, I'm a big girl and bigger breasts should come with the package to fill out my figure.
Now though it is time to actually measure my body and find what cup size I have developed to over the last 16 months or so on HRT. Here's a chart I used:

After I used a cloth tape measure and measured around my chest below my breasts and then around the fullest part of them and took the difference, it turned out to be just under 2 inches.

On the chart, the difference in My Standard Cup Size was:

AA.- 0" to 1/2" (1.3cm)
A.- 1/2"- 1" (2.6 cm)
B.- 2" (5.1 cm)
C.- 3"  (7.6 cm)
D.-  4" (10.2 cm)

Naturally (no pun intended) I was happy with the results. I felt I was filling out a full "A" cup but never a "B" yet. As I have mentioned, supposedly my mother's genetics have a lot to do with this process. She was well endowed so I hope I can eventually develop to a full "C" on the hormones alone."

Ironically, I hate to wear a bra, but have to now since I am passing the "perky" stage. It's also becoming evident I am becoming more and more in tune with my hormones. For example last night I began to feel the beginnings of a fairly rare hot flash coming on-on one of the days I change out my estrogen patches. Plus, I am beginning to predict how I will feel afterwards.

I still have a dream of affording a breast job some day, but the way life is going, I may have a much better use for 4,500 dollars!

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Can You Spare a Buck?

Would you donate a dolla to this guy? Looks like he needs it, right?
Phil Robertson of the Duck Dynasty reality television program speaks at a Republican presidential candidate, Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, campaign stop, Friday, Feb. 19, 2016, in Myrtle Beach, S.C. (AP Photo/Matt Rourke)Actually he doesn't. He is Phil Robertson, one of the "stars?" of the reality? television show "Duck Dynasty".

Of course by now you know what side of the ledger good ol' Phil weighed in on in the transgender rest room debate-along with his buddy Ted Cruz.

The problem with  their little noggins is where to place transgender women and men in their neat little system. We are not men in the women's room.

Times change guys and you dinosaurs should wake up to the fact the asteroid has already hit. The new world includes equal rights for ALL of the LGBT community,

By the way, slip Phil a dalla from me-looks like he needs it.

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Spousal Consent?

With all the wonderful backing we (as a transgender group)received from the Federal Government yesterday, I picked up this blinding face of reality from one of my social sites almost at the same time.

The problem this person was having was, she was nearly and figuratively at the end of her rope with her gender issues. She really didn't know how to identify as a cross dresser or a transgender woman and worse yet had a very reticent wife (although I know every story has two sides.) In fact there are blogs dedicated by wives hating on former hubbies who took the 401 and ran to Thailand...and not for a vacation. So I understand to an extent.

When a person though, is reaching out to end it all, I just can't stand it. After all, in the transgender community we know almost half of us will try to commit suicide as I did.

It's tough, of course I recommended therapy for both of them. After all, how reticent is the wife? Many women withstand the so called shock of hubby wanting his own feminine finery-if it is just that. Or, if wifey has a picture of Ted Cruz on the mantle, then there is a real problem.

I have always thought too that how you present (or presented) the fact you were/are a crossdresser has more to do with acceptance than the act itself. You can be the most attractive male acting cross dresser in the world and blow it at home if you come storming in the door some night with a beautiful dress which happens to be yours.

I also believe one of the biggest and overlooked point about cis women is they have ego's too. They married you for a purpose, and it's up to them to decide if they want to explain to their Mom's and girlfriends what foundation looks best on you.

My point here? Save your self the turmoil by covering up what nearly never goes away. If you can get Ted Cruz's picture tossed in the trash-maybe you can open some spousal consent channels.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

A Rebel Tour of North Carolina

From the The Guardian in the UK: How to use a urinal like a lady: a trans woman's rebel tour of North Carolina.  

In defiance of North Carolinas ‘absurd’ new bathroom law, trans actress Shakina Nayfack is staging a piece of renegade performance art in men’s In defiance of North Carolina’toilets.  Nayfack is happily and successfully living her womanly life in New York but her birth certificate says “male”, so according to the new laws in North Carolina she is effectively banned from female public restrooms in that state.

She’s so peeved, she’s mounting a rebel tour. And from the Capitol in Raleigh to the gas stations of Greensboro and cafes of Charlotte, she plans to tinkle in men’s toilets galore, tweeting and taking selfies as she goes.

“Hovering over a urinal is actually very tricky. I’m going to need a lot of
Purell,” she said.


Just to catch up on a few political stories, North Carolina and the Feds are in the courts suing each other in a non problem which was made into one...transgender bathroom rights. North Carolina must be a rich state with plenty of money to lose!

Kristin BeckNow, in case you didn't hear, one of the most positive role models (who has come out recently) Kristin Beck, lost her election bid to win a seat in the US Congress over one of the strongest Democratic long term incumbents. If you don't know her story, Kristin is a former Navy Seal and a trans person I hope we hear a lot from in the future!

Finally, in the Philippines, Geraldine Roman on Tuesday celebrated overcoming "bigotry, hatred and discrimination" as results showed she had become the first transgender politician to win a congressional seat in the predominantly Catholic Philippines.

After her victory in Monday's election, Roman, 49, is being seen by the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community as a source of hope in a country where Church influence means divorce, abortion and same-sex marriage are banned.
See more here.  To coin a term, the more the world tries to keep us in, the more out we have become!

Monday, May 9, 2016

The Principality of Bitchdom (From the Archives)

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

The Principality of "Bitchdom"

Maybe I should have spelled this little "queendom" queendumb. 

No kids, I'm not doing my usual "throwing rocks in glass houses", yes I have been to "Bitchdom".

"Don't make me pull this wig off and bitch slap you with it!"
Where is this place? Well,  I define the location as synthetic. Brought on by synthetic PMS brought on by synthetic hormones.

Allow me to pick up a big rock and heave it here in Cyrsti's Condo/Bitchdom tonight. Very simply I have found recently I'm being patronized on occasion.

I know you have probably seen the "look behind the fake smile" people think they have perfected. It's like they are thinking, first I had to like black people, then gay people and now you?  

No, they really don' t have to like me because I am transgender and worse yet- they think I'm so cool. Has nothing to do with me, it's because they have met a trans woman. They think they are special being  one of the 10% of the population who has met a me or saw a me on television.

Through the years I saw a similar version happen in the restaurants I worked in. All of a sudden it became  so cool to go to a gay dance club for my female crew members.

Truth is I'm not so cool and this doesn't happen to me frequently. Then again anymore,  I'm fortunate to have a nice circle of friends and the same places I go so it shouldn't.   As I have written though, I am starting to expand out into a few "active" organizations, so we will see what the future holds.

Maybe tonight, I just needed something to bitch about and maybe I am cool dammit!

Sunday, May 8, 2016

JJ's Sunday Edition

Ker Plunk! Listen up, another J.J's Mother's Day Edition has hit your virtual front porch.

Weather report: Overcast and a bit chilly here in Southwestern Ohio, cup o joe weather to be certain! Grab a cup and lets get started.

Page One: the Week that Was or Wasn't: As the country continues to focus on North Carolina, I was focused on two trips to the VA and a medical procedure my partner Liz went through. All seem to be doing well, thanks!!!! 
Yesterday I already mentioned being seen by a transgender woman doctor which was different, exciting and inspiring. The other visit was pretty normal as I get.

Then, as I alluded to so briefly in the "Visit with the ' Family" post, (The family are LGBTQ community members,) it seemed the whole world had a need to know more about us or was one of us. My best example, as I was spending a whole day in a hospital waiting room, was the receptionist who finally couldn't stand it any more and asked softly was I trans? I said yes and proud of it, why? She said she had a friend who was in the closet and was considering what most of us go through, coming out and possibly wrecking her life or staying in and struggling.

She was a warm and caring person I wish I could have helped more, but told her what I could.

Page Two: Yesterdays Coffee: Opinion: It's Mother's Day, and regardless of all the cheap shots about being called a Mother in your life, our Mom's hold a significant spot in our hearts.
In my case, I took awhile to "forgive and forget" the mean old days when Mom said she would provide me the cash for "electro shock therapy" to rid myself of my gender confusion. Years after she passed though, I remembered it was probably a decade after that when we transgender women and men were removed from the the psychiatry "sick" lists. So she seriously thought she was doing me a favor. At any rate, I got the last laugh when I legally changed my middle name to hers.
So Mom, here's to you. In all the dark and bright days of my past, you were probably the only one who truly cared.

Page Three: Page One cont. Before I forget, Friday after I talked to the woman about her transgender friend, I ran into a young lesbian woman running a fast food restaurant where I stopped to get food I was sorry I paid for later and Liz's all night nurse was a gay man who used phrases like De-Nile" wasn't just a river in Egypt. I know I'm biased, but what a truly colorful world it is if people just look around.

Page Four: The Back Page: Well kids, it is time to frolic in the park before it rains again during our own personal monsoons. Thanks for joining us here at JJ's! Love you all!!!

Saturday, May 7, 2016

Visits with the "Family"

Perhaps you have heard of the LGBTQ community (individuals) being called "The Family." During my seemingly huge leave of absence around here, I ran directly into my fair share and maybe some of yours too of family.

Beginning Thursday morning (I won't say bright) I had an another appointment with my VA therapist. For what ever reason she couldn't be there so I did a "walk in" which left me to the highest bidder. Or biggest loser. My appointment though was anything close to a loss when I quickly discovered I was talking to a real live transgender doctor at the VA. 

Of course I was geeking and trying to keep my mind on the subject of why I was there to start with-me and I never grow tired of talking on the subject.

Plus, part of the discussion just had to center on coming out stories and the world at large now for transgender women and transgender men.

Maybe I will have to look around a little closer the next time I am seeing a new Doc! 

Vacation Post

  Image from Johannis Keys on UnSplash. The day finally is here before my wife Liz, and I depart for our long-awaited journey to the Florida...