Thursday, March 3, 2016

They Have Wolves in South Dakota? Right?

dennis DaugaardThe highly transgender discriminatory South Dakota Bathroom Bill was vetoed yesterday by South Dakota Governor Dennis Daugaard !  

From the Washington Post: “South Dakota Gov. Dennis Daugaard (R) has vetoed a bill that would have been the first in the nation to restrict transgender students’ access to school restrooms and locker rooms.

At least in South Dakota, the wolves have been held off-barely and now it's time to look over our shoulders for the next battle and hard fought victory.

I picked up the statement from Lexie Cannes "State of Trans" site. you can read it here.

It's a HUGE victory! 

Plus, in a rare moment of clear rationale from a politician, here is the governors statement:

 "In a message to state lawmakers announcing his veto, Daugaard said that the bill would have introduced a new statewide mandate that “does not address any pressing issue concerning the school districts of South Dakota.”
“Instead of encouraging local solutions, this bill broadly regulates in a manner that invites conflict and litigation, diverting energy and resources from the education of the children of this state,” Daugaard wrote, emphasizing that local school districts should be able to decide how to handle questions about bathroom use without interference from the state or federal government.”
Good point since after all we just dodged a bullet (literally) around here when a student opened fire in a cafeteria, only wounding four. Makes you want to ask where are the priorities? 

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Momma Nature and the Cult of Fashion

Admittedly, I'm not the most "girly-girl" in the world, but this time of year I have some fun and do begin to think ahead to wardrobe issues. I really hate to look into my closet and be attacked so I get a head start on the seasonal changes.

I live in what is called a bi-polar climate. Tomorrow we are supposed to not get about 35 degrees (F) then next week we soar into the upper 60's. So ideally, I have to cross three climate lines with my clothes next week. Winter, spring and summer. The last two make it easier to think about my diet of course. Plus, I am thinking hair cut for the first time since I began to grow my hair long. The look I have added here is a "tweener" when I was doing it and I am thinking close to the length would be good.

Speaking of diet, Paula clued me in on what a "stone" equaled in weight in Great Britain - 14 lbs or so. Thanks Paula!

Shelle also commented the other day about her beauty "regimen" and basically, how it was all about habit aside from the products you use, or can afford to use. I have always saw it as ironic that most transgender or cross dresser women can expect the results they see in all these Pinterest glamour shots without work. One of the only redeeming value I can see about still shaving my old gray beard every day is the exfoliation I'm getting.

I'm looking forward to the warm weather too, because HRT has wrecked my thermostat as I whine about continually. I am freezing most of the time. This year though, I have been forewarned to stay out of the sun because of my iron levels.(Sunshine and UV rays causes them to soar.) They are much better but all in all they look as if I am stuck with them as a hereditary condition. 

Such is life in the fast transgender lane and "Momma" has been good to me I know, and yes I am looking soooooo forward to a sun dress or two this summer. Even if I have to wear it at night!

Tuesday, March 1, 2016


I tried this post earlier this morning and it was deleted by mistake by me-as far as I know, into the far reaches of Al Gores internet.

For those of you who didn't see it. I have been asked to play every gender confused kids dream, Frank n Furter from Rocky Horror Picture Show. That's good, right? Well not so much.

The whole invite comes at a time when I'm more than a bit tender about crossing any borders back into drag queen land.   Then again "Frank" maybe is so far into camp and out of drag queendom it won't matter and I am positively fearless on stage (or crazy.)

Plus, the group I am doing it for needs me to do it because, trans or not I don;t figure there are that many guys ready,willing and able to add a little mustard and take Frank on for the Halloween Ball.

At this point all the dots have not been connected for the evening but Liz has guaranteed me a great look and since the evening's proceeds go to charity, I am sure I can "rock the Sweet Transvestite from Transylvania."  If the dots are all connected - I will take some mustard with my onions. 

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Cyrsti's Condo "Sunday Edition"

Ker Plunk! Listen up! Another Cyrsti's Condo Sunday Edition is hitting your virtual front porch. Here in Southwestern Ohio we are entering our usual "schitzoid" March weather period. Today is sunny and in the 60's but with winds near 50 miles an hour and two inches of snow by Thursday, Maybe I can get a shot of "El nino" in my cup o joe? Let's get started!

Page One: The Week that Was or Wasn't: Perhaps a sign of old age is not remembering last week??? Actually, receiving my new Social Security Card last week from Uncle Sam was huge as was reading Connie's experience at SS and we will pick it up here: 
  1. "The lady at the SS office was not so helpful either, as she was not up to date on the gender change procedure, even asking whether I had the "operation". The only thing she told me that seemed to make sense is that one should be consistent from one agency to the other. In other words, if you're wanting to change both name and gender for one thing (like your driver license), it's important to do both for everything else. I really don't care what gender Social Security thinks I am, and that extends to Medicare and the IRS. I want my doctors to know that I have a prostate gland that needs attention at my age, so an "M" is OK with me. Changing my gender on my passport, however, will be important, and the "M" connected with other federal agencies could cause problems should I even have changed to "F" on my passport. I don't want to find I can't leave (or worse, re-enter) the country because TSA has found the discrepancy or inconsistency. Even if I can't afford to take a trip out of the country right now, I need to make all the changes, starting with SS I think. When I do win that trip to Fiji on Wheel of Fortune, then, I will be ready to go! OK, that possibility seems remote, but changing my gender seemed impossible not that long ago, as well."
  2. Thanks Connie! I really haven't given't a passport much thought although the way it's going, I may have to have one to travel to neighboring states around here!
  3. Page Two: Yesterday's Coffee-Opinion: In February the Ohio Psychological Association confirmed LGBTQ people are just like anyone else! Here it is:
    First, OPA affirmed that modern science recognizes LGBTQ people as existing on a normal spectrum of human identity. That is, LGBTQ people are just like anybody else.  On February 13th, 2016, the Ohio Psychological Association (OPA) released a statement written by the Board of Directors and the OPA LGBT Committee. The statement strongly condemns the use of conversion “therapy” on minors. Follow the link for more. 
  4. And!:Equality Ohio now has a link to follow key pro/con LGBTQ bills in the Ohio Legislature like this one::OH HB389 Sexual orientation/gender identity-prohibit discrimination/religious rights, A great way to see who holding the rights of the LGBTQ community back. 
  5. Page Three: Entertainment: Transgender concert pianist Sarah Davis Buechner is going to be be performing March 6th at Xavier University here in Cincinnati. I mention she is trans at all because she risked her career to restart a as woman - and guess what, she still is as good as she was and undoubtedly happier for the process. 
Page Four: The Back Page: I truly didn't set out to have all this Ohio news in this edition, it just happened that way. (Story of my life!) I will say if your state does have an "Equality" site, you may want to check it out and discover the same info I did. It could get you a head start on where you can use the bathroom before you know it!
As crass as this may sound, I have to go so the dogs can go for their walk! Love you all! Thanks for stopping by Cyrsti's Condo and to Liz for pointing out all the Equality Ohio action!

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Playing Chicken?

Neil deGrasse Tyson
Where is Neil deGrasse Tyson when I need him? Or maybe the other chicken guy, Colonel Sanders?

Seriously, Tyson is the ultra cool/chic astrophysicist not entirely sure what that is :) but you can figure it out by following the link. (Not Tyson chicken!)

Yesterday, through my usual fog, I happened notice after a close shave and a generous application of an Oil of Olay moisturizer, my face looked smooth and pretty good overall. So, I got brave and decided to just apply some contouring blush, light eye make up and lipstick  and see what the world thought of the new? improved ?? me!

As it turned out, I didn't take long to find out. Liz and I went to exchange Jr's (her son's) phones at the slightly redneck mall I write about. Amazingly to me , I received none of the side looks I normally get.

Maybe playing a little chicken and going more natural was good for me as a start to my spring/summer style. At the least I began to go through my closet today to evaluate the clothes I have to begin the season and build from there.

On the way home, we didn't even stop for a bucket of chicken because it's diet-diet-diet now for a month or two!

In the System

It's ironic I have spent my entire life fighting the system (or believing 'it/they' had their collective heads up their arse's.) Now though I am doing my happy dance (look out) waiting for the system to work in my favor.

Yesterday, the giant bureaucracy known as the US government, did a fairly decent job and sent me my new Social Security card. As I see it, the card is the last of my gender marker major changes followed by a myriad of small ones. In fact, some I haven't even thought of yet.

Out of the way is my Ohio Identification/drivers license, Veterans Administration gender and name change, my legal name change in the courts and now Social Security Card. Plus, the one I always forget is the most important, my therapist's approval to do all of this. I'm very fortunate in that she is a free service given to me for my service to our country (Army) and she is qualified to do it. She has made her business to understand not just mine in the LGBTQ community, but others.

What angers me is some think my so called "condition" is not as important as others in the LGBTQ family. Of course it's no secret many think we shouldn't need the "screening" anyhow. It's expensive and repetitive. I agree.

Looking ahead, I have to keep pulling out the eraser to my old self and file name/gender paper work to important places like my bank, insurance and even the dog's vet.

It's quite the process, and as we have discussed here, where you are makes a huge difference. Even the order you decide to do it. I went for the legal name change first but that was me and the VA process was extremely important and one you probably won't have to go through unless of course you are a transgender veteran.

It only took me over 60 years to figure out the system didn't have to be that bad. Then again, there were all those bosses I had...

Friday, February 26, 2016

A Beacon in a Dark LGBTQ Night

More encouraging news from "The Nati" (Cincinnati,Ohio). 
Perhaps it is true! Some are more concerned about the welfare of our LGBTQ youth more than what panty hose they have on!  This comes from the WKRC Channel 12 story:
P-UPZ APP.transfer_frame_1292.png
"CINCINNATI (Angela Ingram) - A high-tech tool for your smartphone is aimed at helping homeless teens who often do not have much support.
The UPZ app helps lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender youth stay safe by getting them off the streets. It's one of the fastest ways to get a teen's attention an app on a smartphone. This app helps lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender teens who are homeless. Melissa Meyer is the Safe & Supported director at Lighthouse Youth Services. She helped create the app.
"It's important to know that the primary reason that LGBT youth become homeless is because of family rejection," Meyer said."
Also, the Cincinnati Police Department has a LGBTQ Liaison Officer, Angela Vance and she sees a need for the app: 
"Officer Vance said, "Once they come out to their parents, a lot of them, the 40% of them, become homeless. With that comes no money, no food, under bridges. They end up coach surfing. They end up homeless. Like I said, we find them in the in the woods."
Leelah Alcorn
Vance also says there is a high rate of suicide for LGBT youth. Officer Vance spoke at a vigil honoring Leelah Alcorn. The transgender teen killed herself in 2014.
 The UPZ app has features to help prevent another tragedy. The app will also connect them to emergency hotlines by phone or text, such as suicide hotlines, self-harm hotlines, and other community services.
People who work with LGBT youth know there is still a lot of work to be done, but but this is a high-tech step in the direction of helping teens who often face a lot of struggles. It may seem that homeless teens would not have access to cell phones, but people who work with them say often times they do have a way to stay connected.
Right now, the app is available at the Android store. Lighthouse is trying to get a grant to get the app on iOS systems as well."
Follow the link for more!

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Pictures of Connie!

1956: Drag celebrity impersonations, like this one of Marilyn Monroe, began to appear in more and more drag acts. Kidding! Bobbie passed along a link to a site which posted 54 "rare historical drag photos."

I got to thinking this couldn't be Connie, no one has ever insulted her by calling her a lady!

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Are You A Veteran?

Yesterday as I was having my fluid levels checked at my local Veterans Administration hospital, another woman in the waiting room came up to me and asked "You're a Vet, Right?" I said yes I was and she said she was passing out invites to the annual Memorial Day Picnic for women veterans and would I like to come?

I thought for the briefest second and said sure! I would love to come and then managed a little extra spring to my step-or was that from missing the extra pint of blood they just took?

Transgender Instincts

Image from Atich Bana  on Unspalsh.   First, I need to apologize for missing a post yesterday. I went to my primary provider at the local Ve...