Thursday, October 9, 2014

"Mo Dot's

Aww right, I was cleaning Cyrsti's Condo and found a few more of those damn dots I was looking for.

In the "of all places" department:

Not that I'm behind the times but I had never seen this from the "Huffington Post"   Beau Bridges' upcoming guest spot on 'The Closer,' airing Mon., Dec. 14, 9PM on TNT, will fascinate fans of the longtime actor. He plays Det. George Andrews, former partner of G.W. Bailey's crusty and hard-edged Lt. Provenza. About a decade has gone by since they last saw each other and much has changed -- including Det. Andrews' sex change. 

Oh, by the way, it's from 2009?

Overall, I was pleasantly surprised at how the episode right away jumped into Bridges transgender sexuality (like my last Doctor visit) and the difference was explained.

I'm not going to ruin the show for you either, except to say it had a happy ending.

Next: First of all,  this is all of ours dirty little secret- I watch Dr. Phil and then blame it on my dog!  At any rate, the "Philster"  was doing some sort of show about keeping relationships together. Truthfully, I wasn't watching closely, but it seemed this one couple's major malfunction was he was still living in his past - style wise.  It bugged her. 

What really got my attention was when the woman said "Well, I put all this time and effort into looking nice. Nails, hair, clothes etc and then look at him?"  I'm thinking at that point "Well DUH! lady!" Then she paused and said "The way I look is not all about him, it's the way I live my life." 

I have been literally waiting for years to hear such a profound statement.  All of the sudden the ancient arguments about women dressing for men or women dressing for women were out the door. It's the way we choose to live our lives from genetics to cross dressers to trans gender women.  

We probably learned more from our Momma's than anyone knew!

I'm seeing dots!


Been out of town for a couple days and even away from Cyrsti's Condo too, although my mind is always churning out "stuff."  Even though I don't think I am particularly good at it, I'm going to try to connect a few dots for you all on a couple thoughts.

First of all, when I went "a surfing" this morning, Stana's post today on Femulate caught my eye, especially the part which said she (Stana)been mentioned  Cassie Powney who did a post about Jodie Lynn a London makeup artist "who has dedicated her career to helping men reveal the woman within..."   To see it all follow the link above over to Femulate and go from there. (Of particular interest is the "channeling" mention of a few of Stana's beauty hints.)

transgender makeovers - there's a makeup artist dedicated to making men look like women -
Jodie Lynn at "The Boudoir (before and after)

After I read it and looked at the pictures, certainly I was impressed by Jodie's work but I was equally "struck" by the words "some transvestites just come in every so often to be cross dressed as women and then go back to their lives as men.  

Of course I lived that same life for years in my own closet and I remembered vividly if everytime I did step out of the closet, would I lose my way and never get back.  More importantly, did I want to.  Well, you all know how that is working out for me!

One way another the post is informative and even more so when you read Stana's (femulating) Halloween ideas for her workplace!

Well, those dots were a little farther apart than I expected.  so we will pick up the dots in a future post!

Cyrsti's Condo "Quote of the Day"

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Top 6 Reasons to Be Careful in the T-Girl Sandbox

It's fairly bad when I encounter others who know just a little about the transgender community but then ask why there are so many mean peeps who love to eat their young.

On one hand I think I know and on the other I'm just as clueless as they are.  I do know way back in the day, I experienced a form of it in the earliest transvestite "mixers" I attended. Those times of course were in the "social media dark ages." Now of course, anyone with the basic knowledge and the equipment can "spread their gospel" or "grind their axes" or just comment on others.  Including me of course.

Fortunately, I am mellowing in my old age and take most of what I see and read from the so called self anointed "experts" in our community with a grain of salt.  Then again, I do have a few old wounds which still haven't healed.

It's a pretty simple deal with me.  If someone lodges a personal attack "just another old guy on hormones" rather than "Cyrsti, I hate your stupid ideas", I react differently.  .Certainly the first person needs to just go away- but the second- sure, they could be right! I always have to be careful though that I attribute the ideas I just pass along and if you and I were chatting over an adult beverage in person, I may say some things I don't totally embrace just to see your reaction and a discussion.  Can't do that with the written word easily!

 "Cyrsti's Condo" may have started life as a rather one dimensional look at many of the crazy things I did as I searched for my identity.  But quickly though, it grew to opinion and news.  More so even, than my trials and errors with style, fashion, make up and hair.

Finally, after all these years, I'm pretty fearless when I do wade into the T-girls sandbox.  The only real reason is I am increasingly secure in my own body and skin. I attempt to constantly remind all of you I write about it as a process- not bragging and if you have read my "Stiletto's on Thin Ice" book, you know why I don't put myself on any pedestals. For most of my 65 years, the ice was damn thin!

But! For "kicks and giggles" here are some of my negative thoughts of why a trans terf (or Nazi) may not like you: 

  1. You haven't lived as long as a transgender person as they have.
  2. You don't have as many operations as they have, or have taken as many HRT meds.
  3. You don't look as good as them.
  4. You haven't carried your male ego with you transitioning like they have
  5. You made the right decision and they didn't.
  6. Finally, NEVER act like you are enjoying your life-they will be jealous.

The Most Dangerous Visitor to the "Girls' Sandbox!"

My candidate would be one of the most feminine trans women I have ever known who went through SRS. She was absolutely smart and nice and beautiful. I just can't imagine how a bitchy genetic could not be sliced and diced by this so called passive aggressive trans woman who experienced the male on male side of aggression for 30+ years of her life.  She would have never had an idea of what hit her!

But as a I think about it, another good bet would be a savvy trans girl who has played the gender game for a time. The genetic who picked the fight thought she knew what she was going up against but in the end (and she gets cornered) she knows she only has one real defense. She was born with a vagina. Now though, even that defense is going away with better SRS and even functional uterus transplants in Sweden. Could birthing as the ultimate domain of the genetics be disappearing too?

Rarely have I been ever verbally attacked in the sandbox, but it has happened and it was not pretty. I wore the scratch marks as learning experiences forever it seemed.  Certainly, there will always be a few girls in the sandbox who want to try to make sure we aren't allowed to play.  Sure, we may be a little different but maybe not as different as they want to think!

In a future post, if I'm feeling bitchy, we will take a look at the trans girls' side of the women s sandbox. Where often the real battle is!

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Cyrsti's Condo "Quote of the Day"

RockaBilly Fashions

I admit I am not the most fashion savvy girl in the world but every once in a while a certain style makes sense to me as something I would wear and all of a sudden I have a place to wear it to.

I had sort of heard of or seen a touch of the "Rockabilly" fashion style and it did/does appeal to me in many ways.  More importantly, I think I can wear various designs and will need an upgrade to my wardrobe beginning a week from Friday when Liz and I go to the huge "Rainbow" Dance near Cincinnati and into the Holiday season.
What really sparked my attention this morning was a request for a Twitter follow from "Blueberry Hill Fashions."  With this bio:
BlueBerry Hill Fashions is a Modern Rockabilly Boutique. I started doodling a few dresses here and there and one day, poof..I decided to have them made :)

Rockabilly clothing, rockabilly dressSo, I followed the link and found several designs I felt would flatter me and I could afford.

Then of course I had to look for anything in my size and did find a few options too! (I know too that all of you girls aren't plus size!)

The link above provides quite the selection of styles and ideas!

If You Live Close!

Cyrsti's Condo "Halloween Ideas"

Seriously (as you will tell kids) I'm not real good at finding or suggesting Halloween costume ideas. But I do have a couple possibilities to pass along which could be inexpensive, fun and even keep the "hey are you a cross dresser?" naysayers off your back if desired.

The first is a "Zombie Prom Queen"
Drop Dead Gorgeous Zombie
 Just "haunt" your local thrift stores for an old inexpensive formal dress-check out all the other closeted CD ers looking for a costume and add the cheap accessories.

It's a "killer costume!"

Just as scary is this idea:

Come as a version of "Flo", the Progressive Insurance spokes person.  Start with a cheap dark wig, old tennis shoes and "fill in with white. Just be abrasive the rest of the night and asks if anyone wants an insurance quote - and you got it!

Transgender Instincts

Image from Atich Bana  on Unspalsh.   First, I need to apologize for missing a post yesterday. I went to my primary provider at the local Ve...