Thursday, October 9, 2014


Been out of town for a couple days and even away from Cyrsti's Condo too, although my mind is always churning out "stuff."  Even though I don't think I am particularly good at it, I'm going to try to connect a few dots for you all on a couple thoughts.

First of all, when I went "a surfing" this morning, Stana's post today on Femulate caught my eye, especially the part which said she (Stana)been mentioned  Cassie Powney who did a post about Jodie Lynn a London makeup artist "who has dedicated her career to helping men reveal the woman within..."   To see it all follow the link above over to Femulate and go from there. (Of particular interest is the "channeling" mention of a few of Stana's beauty hints.)

transgender makeovers - there's a makeup artist dedicated to making men look like women -
Jodie Lynn at "The Boudoir (before and after)

After I read it and looked at the pictures, certainly I was impressed by Jodie's work but I was equally "struck" by the words "some transvestites just come in every so often to be cross dressed as women and then go back to their lives as men.  

Of course I lived that same life for years in my own closet and I remembered vividly if everytime I did step out of the closet, would I lose my way and never get back.  More importantly, did I want to.  Well, you all know how that is working out for me!

One way another the post is informative and even more so when you read Stana's (femulating) Halloween ideas for her workplace!

Well, those dots were a little farther apart than I expected.  so we will pick up the dots in a future post!

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What Came First?

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