Tuesday, December 31, 2013

More Sisterhood

I like this comment from Pat:

 In large measure men tend to be calculators. "What is in it for them". When they encounter someone the often think of what that person may be looking for. Women, on the other hand, tend to view things at multiple levels at the same time. You as a TG women present an enigma to men. They do not get it, there is nothing that they want from you, they hope that there is nothing that you want from them and you can be a bit of a threat. 

Women will not see you as a threat. You are interesting. You can interact with women on a woman to woman basis and you can bring along some of your 'guy' experiences. I think that your analogy of changing teams is going in the right direction but perhaps it is more like changing sports. Sort of like going from playing for the Cincy Bengals and not finding yourself on the roster of the Cleveland Indians.

A good question becomes, "When do women see a transgender woman as a threat?"  Over the years, on several discussion sites, I have seen this topic discussed.  The most shallow response is always "a genetic woman may be threatened by a beautiful transgender woman's looks." While I agree a woman may feel a bit insecure when a former team player from the other side enters her world and competes "externally", very quickly the "multiple levels" Pat brought up kick in. No matter how "good" a cross dresser or transgender woman may look, another genetic woman will quickly discover how much of a woman they really are.  From that point, a woman decides which "category" her new trans acquaintance fits in.

Of course the major threat of all to both genders is sex.  Men are wrecked by us.  I will add to Pat's observation "what if there is something a man wants from us?"  At that point, the "gay" word is brought into the situation and confusion reigns.  OMG could I be gay? - is what a man thinks when in fact "gay" is not a term which enters a true transgender woman's mind.  I have had very limited sexual contact with men but when I did, I was doing it as a trans woman.   I came away from the experiences wondering what the men thought of me as a woman.

At the least, the whole gender mix is a potent and interesting discussion topic.  The sad part is seemingly the only non participants are the hardcore femme lesbians these days.  It's no surprise though, a certain amount of the population can't grasp the idea of multiple genders and sexuality outside the binaries.  It's complex!

In the meantime, as my genetic girlfriend told me last night, she really has very little idea of what makes men tick.  She made the comment also "I should be the gender expert."  I could only say, I'm amazed how little each gender knows about the other, when they are so transparent.  It could be, Pat, calling transgender women and men "interesting" could be an understatement.  "Mysterious" may be a better word!

Transitioning Over the Years

Another look at the possibilities of transgender transitioning over the years. Take a look on the Cyrsti's Condo big screen:


Cyrsti's Condo "Transgender Women of the Year."



As awards go for these two women, our humble mention here in "the Condo" doesn't amount to much- except to us.

I chose two from many possibilities.  These transgender women were chosen primarily because of their tremendous in impact on the world at large.  Both have proved to be so much more than just a pretty face and seem to have bright futures ahead of them!

The first is Carmen Carrerra,  
Carmen Carrera a transgender American reality television personality, model, and burlesque performer.

The second is

Jenna Talackova. (right)   Jenna is a Canadian model and television personality, who gained media attention in 2012 when she successfully waged a legal battle to be allowed to compete in the Miss Universe Canada after being initially disqualified for being a trans woman.

As I said, with transgender women such as Carmen and Jenna in the public eye, the future is brighter for all of us in 2014 and beyond.


Transitioning into 2014, Part Two

Following up on my first 2014 "Resolutions" post, here are a couple more.  One easy, one not, both have a definite expiration date.

The last weekend in May this year is the 6th annual "Trans Ohio Symposium".  You Cyrsti's Condo regulars may remember I was a workshop presenter last year on the subject of  transgender transitioning later in life.  Presuming I didn't wear out my welcome in one year, I plan on doing the workshop again and roll out my book there too.

As I have mentioned, I'm a terrible closer or finisher so this time I have given myself a finite date to be finished with the project- one way or another.  My only real problem is organizing the content I have and then having the basic courage to present it. Good or bad!

My final two resolutions I will save for a final post.  Both are extremely complex and may involve extra outside intervention which means "resolution" may be the wrong word.  "Plan" could be a better one.

And, by the way, I do have one item on my "wish" list for 2014- Breast augmentation.   I feel my "biological clock" is running out and even though I love and respect what HRT has done for my "girls", I still want to experience what life would be like for me with a set of breasts which "fit" my build.  At this point in time, financial considerations keep the idea on a "wish list".  One way or another though, I will live with lesser girls in the neighborhood and be lucky if that is all I have to worry about in 2014!

Monday, December 30, 2013

Cyrsti's Condo Final "Horror Scope" for 2013

Saving the best for last, here is the final Libra scope of the year,and I LOVE it!

September 23-October 22): The freedom to live the way you want is out there for the taking, as you will have the power to connect all your dots in a way that puts you ahead. Be on the lookout for ingenious ideas and partners that will cross your path and could make life better. Sure, a few commitments may fall apart, but others will get stronger, and in the end, it’ll all come out in your favor.

By the end of 2014, you’ll find your truest birds of a feather and you’ll be your happiest together. The only worries you will have to concern yourself with this year will be saying when too much of a good thing gets to be too predictable. So, this year, get ready to see all those hopes and dreams you never thought were possible actually come true.

What more can I say than,  you can find your own "scope" here from theFrisky .

Happy New Years!!!

2014 Resolutions

I have put off writing this Cyrsti's Condo post almost as long as I can!  I really haven't believed much in New Year's resolutions ever in my life.  Truthfully, I'm too short term to worry much about what Mother Karma is going to toss at me.  Also, my 30 plus years in an extremely short term industry (restaurant mgt) instilled a short term mentality.

For a couple reasons though, I have decided to put together a list of resolutions for 2104.  A few are simple, a few not so much.  Plus, all of you "purist's" could point out resolutions are merely goals and as such must be achievable.  I hope my first resolution is!

  1. Stay alive and healthy through 2014.  Not a given for a person of my age (64) and on HRT.  I try to walk everyday, see my doc's and on occasion eat right.
  2. Get the hell out of the fashion rut I am in.  My girlfriend has pledged her support in upgrading my fashion and style look next year. It's bad when even she is tired of my look.   She feels I need a color update and more emphasis on my body positives.  Obviously, I'm behind this 100%!
  3. Cross a long ignored "bucket list" item off my list.  I have only performed on the "drag stage" once in my life and I want to do it again but with a totally different idea. I'm a big enough "ham" to put together a character called "Marie La'No!"  - Presser of Palms, Reader of Cards, Teller of Fortunes and all around Quacktress.  The idea is to totally work the crowd and embarrass folks during show breaks.  Below is an example of my stage look, compliments of Liz!

The top three are all very much achievable,  my next three coming up in a future post, not so much!

Cyrsti's Condo "Cover Girl of the Day"

article imageSeason Three of Korea’s Next Top Model features among its cast of aspiring fashionistas Choi Han-bit, who is transgender.

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Transgender and Mormon

From the Big Gay Picture Show

In the last couple of the weeks the fact the courts in Utah have allowed gay couples to marry has thrown the spotlight on gay Mormons. Utah is, after all, the church’s home territory. Indeed over the years there’s been a fair amount of talk about gays and Mormons, due to the fact the church has, until very recently, actively worked against gay rights. However a subject that is hardly ever talked about, are those people brought up Mormon but who are transgender. 

The short documentary, Transmormon, takes on this topic, and it’s well worth a look. Created by OHO Media (aka Torben Bernhard, Marissa Lila and Travis Low), the film follows Eri Hayward, who ‘was born and raised in Utah County, comes from a conservative Mormon background, was raised in the LDS Church and even went to Mormon private school – but something wasn’t adding up. 

Eri was born a boy and it was a slow, painful journey for her to recognize she is transgender.’ The short covers a few months as Eri and her family navigate the transition, and she prepares to go to Thailand for sexual reassignment surgery.


Cyrsti's Condo "Sunday Edition"

Difficult to believe this is our last Sunday get together for 2013.  My Mom was right, "Life is like a roll of toilet paper. The quicker you get to the end, the faster it goes." A true philosopher was Mom!

Here we go:

"Social Media".-  Enough is never enough!  Cyrsti's Condo is now on Pinterest joining my Twitter link, Facebook, Google+ and Linkedin.  It seems "networking" has become part of my life as a blogger.  I know some of you already follow a couple of my other spots but in reality almost all my original offerings are here in "the Condo". Here's why I link to them (which means very little):  Twitter is a great place to retweet very timely and important news quickly to a whole different group and it is soooo easy!  Facebook, I have never really understood the full benefit of being there or how to use it effectively-so I don't.  Plus FB seems to be "time needy". Google+ is simple and is part of this whole platform, so why not?  Linkedin is interesting in that I've been able to say hello to more than a couple very influential transgender people I respect such as "Frock Magazine's" Katie Glover  , transgender veteran activist Autumn Sandeen, top of the line transgender blogger and writer Matt Kailey , Femulate's Stana Stana and many more including the "es-steamed" Bobbie.

"Public Media"- "DuckBoy Phil " of Duck Dynasty managed to "mysteriously" have homophobic and racist comments published in GQ just before a holiday "marathon" presentation of the Louisiana Yuppies television show.  Of course the "Duckster" has now apologized and will be brought back in the Spring. Blah, blah, blah.

"Da Holiday's"  In modern society, it seems the most difficult part of the holidays is to slow down enough to enjoy them, although to all too many of the transgender community, this time of year is excruciatingly painful. Hopefully, you were able to celebrate the true meaning of the season.

"Sports! "  I know better to even mention the Cincinnati Bengals and the NFL playoffs in the same sentence but I did and I was met by a flood of negative feelings.  Almost as the negativity I feel towards The Ohio State University football defense.  As Mom also reminded us, "If you can't say anything good, don't say anything at all."  She reminded us but never came close to following the idea. But I'm going to follow the concept and shut up about sports! Could be worse, I could be a NYC sports fan! (Pat)

Coming up in the final days of 2013:  My much promised New Year's resolution and a final "Horror Scope".
Thanks for finishing the year with us here in Cyrsti's Condo!

Transgender Instincts

Image from Atich Bana  on Unspalsh.   First, I need to apologize for missing a post yesterday. I went to my primary provider at the local Ve...