Showing posts with label Pinterest. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pinterest. Show all posts

Monday, March 16, 2015

A Future Option?

A modern male and female [couple-2012-06-14.jpg]Maybe this picture from Pinterest which proclaims to be a modern man and woman obviously cross dressing does predict the future.  Probably not the act itself as much as an increased acceptance in the public's eyes?

I also wonder about the stereotype we have talked about (here in Cyrsti's Condo) that it takes a woman longer to get ready than a man. It's true and often we don't even point out many of the on going things a woman must do to present her best self!

Thursday, September 18, 2014

What the Hell is Pinterest?

As Pinterest pertains to the public as a whole, it is a fun place to literally "scrapbook" your pictures and swap images with like minded folks.

Of course, as in most things involved with our community, if you haven't explored Pinterest, have tons of time to view what seems to be thousands upon thousands of pictures of cross dressers, trans women, fakes and transsexual porn stars.

Along the way, through osmosis, I began to use and think of my Pinterest in a different way.  First of all, I use it for my smart arse comments, and on a serious nature attempt to spotlight transgender women and men in our world who are making a difference.  Then, I began to notice the quotes which show up there. You have seen a few of them here in Cyrsti's Condo.  Then, I began to "pin" any item I list in my Etsy shoppes to my Pinterest boards.  Then, I began to add my other interests (such as vintage pinups) - among other things such as recipes.  In other words, not related at all to the fact I am a transgender woman.

All of the sudden, I have "civilians" repining some of my non trans related pins to their boards...which means at some point, they might look at my whole page which still is heavily accented with transgender activity.

I'm wondering now, if in some way, I have found a different means to educate another person in the world or two that there are many of us who are just regular people- with many different interests other than all the other thousands of pictures they see. They have no way of knowing the differences in our community and it's natural to lump together most of the crazy pictures of the guy down the hall in a dress.

Of course, I will never really know, but at the least I wonder if the person who pinned one of my vintage garden tool posts will think "Hey she's a transgender woman and she has the same interests as me! I love her taste in recipes, vintage art, antiques and even tattoo's!"

It's just a brief moment for me to show them , I'm so much more than just a trans woman.

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Cyrsti's Condo "Sunday Edition"

Difficult to believe this is our last Sunday get together for 2013.  My Mom was right, "Life is like a roll of toilet paper. The quicker you get to the end, the faster it goes." A true philosopher was Mom!

Here we go:

"Social Media".-  Enough is never enough!  Cyrsti's Condo is now on Pinterest joining my Twitter link, Facebook, Google+ and Linkedin.  It seems "networking" has become part of my life as a blogger.  I know some of you already follow a couple of my other spots but in reality almost all my original offerings are here in "the Condo". Here's why I link to them (which means very little):  Twitter is a great place to retweet very timely and important news quickly to a whole different group and it is soooo easy!  Facebook, I have never really understood the full benefit of being there or how to use it effectively-so I don't.  Plus FB seems to be "time needy". Google+ is simple and is part of this whole platform, so why not?  Linkedin is interesting in that I've been able to say hello to more than a couple very influential transgender people I respect such as "Frock Magazine's" Katie Glover  , transgender veteran activist Autumn Sandeen, top of the line transgender blogger and writer Matt Kailey , Femulate's Stana Stana and many more including the "es-steamed" Bobbie.

"Public Media"- "DuckBoy Phil " of Duck Dynasty managed to "mysteriously" have homophobic and racist comments published in GQ just before a holiday "marathon" presentation of the Louisiana Yuppies television show.  Of course the "Duckster" has now apologized and will be brought back in the Spring. Blah, blah, blah.

"Da Holiday's"  In modern society, it seems the most difficult part of the holidays is to slow down enough to enjoy them, although to all too many of the transgender community, this time of year is excruciatingly painful. Hopefully, you were able to celebrate the true meaning of the season.

"Sports! "  I know better to even mention the Cincinnati Bengals and the NFL playoffs in the same sentence but I did and I was met by a flood of negative feelings.  Almost as the negativity I feel towards The Ohio State University football defense.  As Mom also reminded us, "If you can't say anything good, don't say anything at all."  She reminded us but never came close to following the idea. But I'm going to follow the concept and shut up about sports! Could be worse, I could be a NYC sports fan! (Pat)

Coming up in the final days of 2013:  My much promised New Year's resolution and a final "Horror Scope".
Thanks for finishing the year with us here in Cyrsti's Condo!

Monday, August 5, 2013

Trans Universal

It seems we are everywhere these days. If you are familiar with another social media site of sorts called Pinterest, Google it and search transgender!

Thursday, June 20, 2013

You "Aint" Seen "Nothin' Darlin!"

Ivy Winters
Just when you thought one site had more drag queen pix than any other-go to Pinterest kids and search "drag queens"!

What Came First?

  Image from Alexander Grey on UnSplash.  Today was "patch" day, when I changed out my gender affirming hormonal estradiol patches...